Telegraph code words

A (one day) comprehensive listing

Last update 4 August 2024

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In the days before widespread telephone use (and even longer before email), the fastest way to send a message across the country was by the electric telegraph (telegram). The public telegraph system was a costly system generally charged on the number of words transmitted, but the railways' internal systems were not constrained in this way. However, for speed and clarity the railway companies devised a set of code words for regularly-used messages, each with a precise meaning. Some codes are proper words in their own right (ALERT) and some an easy shorthand (WARNPASS for 'warn passengers' or EMCAR for 'empty carriage'). Others bear little resemblance to their message (DEBRIS or OHIO). Code words were generally decided early on as simple and/or memorable words and those that remain are largely unchanged since then. Acronyms were not generally used in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, though some codes have since had meaningful terms applied and brought into official use.

Codes changed over the years as requirements came and went, and individual railway companies had their own code systems, often with standard words across the industry. Some of the codes are still used in the industry (such as SPATE for a temporary speed restriction withdrawn before published time) and in enthusiast slang, for example CAPE or FOOTEX.

Codes used to describe particular wagon or carriage types amounted to hundreds and are generally not included here. This page intends to capture operational and infrastructure codes.

Official codes

The bulk of this listing is derived from a 1 July 1939 booklet published by the Great Western Railway, a 1 July 1950 Railway Executive book (catalogue number BR87222) and a 1 July 1958 British Transport Commission book (catalogue number also BR87222) supplemented by a 1980s British Rail code book (catalogue number BR30064) and other information as found. The GWR book showed (and distinguished between) cross-industry terms and those specific to its own operations. Other companies are sure to have had their own equivalents.

The GWR booklet opens thus, with its distinctive capitalisation:

To facilitate the transmission of Telegraph Messages, a Code of Phrases in common use in telegrams sent on the Companies' business has been prepared, each phrase being represented by a distinctive word, and that word only is to be sent instead of the complete phrase which it represents. … In telephoning, all Code words should be spelt out.

It then provided a helpful guide to the phonetic alphabet:

A for Alfred. B " Bertie. C " Charles. D " David. E " Edward. F " Frederick. G " George. H " Harry. I " Isaac. J " Janet. K " King. L " Louisa. M " Mary. N " Nellie. O " Olive. P " Peter. Q " Queen. R " Robert. S " Sarah. T " Thomas. U " Uncle. V " Violet. W " William. X " Xmas. Y " York. Z " Zero.

By 1950 the Railway Executive had standardised on its own similar but not identical phonetic alphabet that was still used by the British Transport Commission eight years later.

A for Andrew. B " Benjamin. C " Charlie. D " David. E " Edward. F " Frederick. G " George. H " Harry. I " Isaac. J " Jack. K " King. L " Lucy. M " Mary. N " Nellie. O " Oliver. P " Peter. Q " Queenie. R " Robert. S " Sugar. T " Tommy. U " Uncle. V " Victor. W " Will. X " Xmas. Y " Yellow. Z " Zebra.

Neither bears any resemblance to the standard one used today.

Approaching 40 years later, BR's book was prefaced thus:

The code words for phrases in regular use contained in this booklet must be used, where applicable in message transmitted via National Teleprinter Network, Telex or TOPS, but not in messages to members of the public.

In 1939 most codes covered different passenger and train operating scenarios, plus train maintenance. There was very little about infrastructure maintenance. By BR-days, the greater proportion of codes concerned signalling-related issues.

Codes are presented alphabetically with known spelling mistakes in the source information corrected. Minor definition changes (e.g. locomotive or engine) are ignored, the more important ones are given as separate entries. The 'In use' column has entries thus:

= cross industry term used in 1939 = cross industry term used in 1939 and still used by BR in the 1980s (company, year) = company specific term used in the year stated

It will be seen that as well as many cross-industry terms, BR later adopted some GWR-specific codes. It will also be seen that many terms introduced by the Railway Executive are particularly wordy.

It is interesting to note that the code word RESPOND does not demand an answer from the recipient. Code word SERENE also looks far from peaceful.

Code Description In use
ABACK How many of the following vehicles have you on hand and when and where are they loading?
ABASE Quantity of timber now lying at your station belonging to the following party requires loading at once. How many timber trucks do you require? Do you want travelling crane? GWR, 1939
ABREAST When and for what traffic is the following stock applied for on truck report wanted? GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
ABREAST Following stock applied for on truck report. Say when required and for what traffic. British Transport Commission, 1958
ABSENT Insert the following omitted from our invoice. give marks or any other particulars GWR, 1939
ACACIA Special train as under left (or leaving) at ..........
ACK Acknowledge receipt
ACKRO Your acknowledgement of following notice not received, if still missing instruct all concerned as follows. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ACORN Provide .......... type of train or unit and driver for .......... ACK. British Transport Commission, 1958
ACOST Your 'agreed charges' invoice. Railway Executive, 1950
ACTER Our 'agreed charges' invoice. Railway Executive, 1950
ADCA Covered truck conveying motor car, accompanied by passengers. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ADEX Advertised day excursion
ADLINE Trains to be signalled by special 'is line clear' signal 4-4-5 and be dealt with as shown in supplement to the block signalling pamphlets. Railway Executive, 1950
ADON Advise me when this has been done. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ADOUR Wire if following now in order. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ADPENSE If no additional expense incurred. GWR, 1939
AFLOW Traffic loaded and waiting. GWR, 1939
AGILE If traffic mentioned handed you at station and time named, wire best arrivals your route.
AJAX Nothing out-of-gauge must be allowed on the opposite or adjacent line or sidings. Railway Executive, 1950
AJAX Nothing out-of-gauge must be allowed on running lines or sidings on both sides of load. To be signalled by the special 'is line clear' signal 2-6-2. British Transport Commission, 1958
AJAX No train signalled 2-6-2 or 2-6-3 must be allowed on running lines or sidings on both sides of load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear?' signal 2-6-2. BR, 1980s
ALASKA Arrange for the necessary boxes to be open to pass following train ..........
ALBANY Wire time and date and where following were handed to undermentioned company.
ALBANY Wire time and date and where following were handed to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ALERT Provide pilotman between points named for guard of .......... to .......... GWR, 1939
ALERT Provide conductor between points named for guard of .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
ALMOND Complaint is made by following of difficulty in passing .......... Note, arrange and report. GWR, 1939
ALOP May the following work be allowed to proceed? GWR, 1939
AMAR Excess width to be maintained to the 6ft side throughout. GWR, 1939
AMBER Cancel my communication respecting ..........
AMBPASS Withdraw notice intimating that restricted train service is in operation, but continue to exhibit WARNPASS notice. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
ANCHOVY Collect fare from passenger without ticket in undermentioned train hence state class. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ANKLE Can you accept the following? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ANTINOR Arrange to change engines at .......... GWR, 1939
APE Following on our invoice or waybill should have been entered 'paid'. Deliver free; clearance authority will be sent. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
APOLLO Can you arrange to load firm's name timber on date ..........? State whether fixed or travelling crane GWR, 1939
APPLE Send the following engine here. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
APRICOT See undermentioned firm and press for payment of following account.
AQUA Barge (or boat) with undermentioned tons on board left following for .......... Arrange all water you can spare to enable easy passage. GWR, 1939
ARAB Wire how many passengers for following in undermentioned train. GWR, 1939
ARAMIS Send me full report of repairs required to following engine. GWR, 1939
ARCAD Note and advise all concerned that passengers must, until further notice, be informed that they book at their own risk to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ARCHER Reply at once to my communication of under-mentioned date and wire when sending. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ARDEF Wire me early if traffic passing by service quoted. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ARGOT Wire if consignees advised or recognised.
ARGUS Barge (or boat) proceeding with difficulty. Let down all water you can spare and make good your own length, reporting to me what you can do. GWR, 1939
ARMADA Freight train alterations. GWR, 1939
ARNO Undermentioned notice received.
AROMA Not on hand. Tranships not recorded. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ARPASS Reply by wire stating number of passengers or percentage loading in the following train/s leaving your station .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
ARROW Reply on following subject.
ARROWROOT Train alterations. Send times today. GWR, 1939
ARTICHOKE Wire whether undermentioned account is paid, and if not, why? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ASH Arrange for special delivery of. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ASPEC Arrange treat as special. GWR, 1939
ASTER Exceeding one wagon daily from any one station.
ATHOS The following engineman and fireman belonging to your station leaving here with through train at .......... Arrange to meet them with food. GWR, 1939
ATLAS Joint enquiry at following place and time. Arrange attendance your men concerned and acknowledge receipt. GWR, 1939
AUTOMATIC Auto engine will work in place of motor on .......... Arrange trailer. GWR, 1939
AVABIL Wire me particulars of availability of following engine/s on date/s given or assist me to trace. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
AVAIL Following engine here for .......... at .......... time. Can you provide loading? GWR, 1939
AVDEM Senders have given usual indemnity and request goods be delivered to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
AVON Following traffic for undermentioned station will travel as under. Arrange forward first means. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
AXIS Reserve following accommodation.
BABOON Your wire for undermentioned live stock; following licences are necessary. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BACKMO Road motors left at time shown below with the following consignments. Arrange return load and wire when leaving and particulars of load.
BADGER Usual precautions and careful handling. Railway Executive, 1950
BAFFLE Nothing to indicate sender or consignee. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BALL Arrange for time bill clerk come to .......... place .......... time .......... date .......... in connection with .......... train service. GWR, 1939
BALLOON Time guard came on duty. GWR, 1939
BANDON Return bank engine immediately upon its arrival at your station. GWR, 1939
BANTAM Return special goods train hence at ..........
BANYAN List not to hand. The following stations told to wire you particulars. GWR, 1939
BARLEY What is being done for undermentioned place or places, which have no empties to load the following? GWR, 1939
BARN No passengers in undermentioned train for .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BASS Say if you have any corrections for .......... GWR, 1939
BAST See undermentioned local authority, ascertain whether place named is within its jurisdiction and reply. GWR, 1939
BASTION Your wire, no licence is necessary for the following animals. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BASUTO Engine (or other vehicle) on line and line clear at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BAT Return time table extracts today certain or must go to press without your particulars.
BAY Passengers in undermentioned train for ..........
BEACH The following entered on 'goods on hand without account' return, week ending ..........; if still on hand wire weight, marks and full description. GWR, 1939
BEAKER the following from you detained here. Wire train licence is coming by. GWR, 1939
BEAR Referring to consignment, as under, to your station, collect the following 'paid on' omitted, and advise when done. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BEDOUBLE Reserve double bedroom for ..........
BELFRY Undermentioned horse hence by passenger train as follows. Wire when you are returning your sick or lame horse. GWR, 1939
BENIN Consignee and charges are as follow.
BEPPO Following engines sent you today at .......... Return men and tools and advise time leaving. GWR, 1939
BERSEC Reserve second class sleeping berth in two berth compartment for .......... ACK. Railway Executive, 1950 BR, 1980s
BERSEC A Reserve second class sleeping berth in single compartment for .......... ACK. If for lady travelling alone indicate specially British Transport Commission, 1958
BERSEC B Reserve second class sleeping berth in two-berth compartment for .......... ACK. If for lady travelling alone indicate specially British Transport Commission, 1958
BERSEC C Reserve second class sleeping berth in four-berth compartment for .......... ACK. If for lady travelling alone indicate specially British Transport Commission, 1958
BESINGEN Reserve gent's single bedroom for ..........
BESINLA Reserve lady's single bedroom for ..........
BICHET Special .......... train left (or will leave) at .......... with following trucks for .......... GWR, 1939
BIGEND Big end bearing, inside diameter. GWR, 1939
BILADE Traffic as under, entered as shown, can now be released. Shippers hold bills of lading. GWR, 1939
BILBERRY Alterations for next month. GWR, 1939
BILDAT Wire me build date/s of following .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BILTONG Arrange special collection today on account of Woodley and Co. of Cardiff and despatch by first train in refrigerator cars consigned to Woodley and Co. at the places named, the following consignment of meat. GWR, 1939
BIRCH Wire time and date following wagons arrived at and/or left at your station. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BITTERN How many of the following have you sent to ..........? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BLACKBIRD The goods are not entered upon tranship or road van list given. GWR, 1939
BLOCKADE All lines being blocked at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BLOCSID The adjoining lines to be blocked when working from running line to siding and vice versa. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
BLOX All adjoining lines to be blocked when using crossovers, junctions and running connections. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s NR, 2016
BOA How many of the following can you send to ..........? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BOG Bank engine not required for undermentioned train. Only single engine load on. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
BOG Assistance not required for undermentioned train. British Transport Commission, 1958
BONAR Consignment hence .......... give date under our bond, ensure prompt delivery intact to .......... give name of warehouse enable cancellation bond. If damaged call in Customs or Excise officer immediately. ACK.
BONDAGE Customs papers not received ex bonded warehouse. See senders and advise them goods detained here.
BONDMAN Time engineman came on duty. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
BONDMAN Motive power train staff commenced duty at .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
BONN Engine and guard leave at the undermentioned time to work special from .......... GWR, 1939
BORAX Arrange following alterations in opening and closing signal cabins.
BORNEO May travel loaded as described, both lines required between .......... and .......... Railway Executive, 1950
BOUGH Has undermentioned a credit account with you and may I transfer? Holding traffic, wire instanter. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BOVINE Empties waiting power at undermentioned station. Arrange to clear at once. Special if necessary. Wire what done. GWR, 1939
BOWL Wire departure time. GWR, 1939
BOXALL Please supply containers of the type mentioned below for loading at the station named on the date given. GWR, 1939
BOXER The following telegram must be telegraphed box to box to .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BOYNE There is no water at the following station. Instruct drivers. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BRAG Wire me route following traffic travelled. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BRANCH The undermentioned has no account but considered good for credit Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BRAVA Breakdown van leaving at .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BREAM Following in hand for want of better address. Send full particulars at once, to enable delivery to be effected. Now addressed .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BREKDON Following wagons said stopped for repairs at your station. Wire date repaired and reforwarded, or if still on hand, state when repairs likely to be effected. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BRILL No alterations affecting you. GWR, 1939
BROKER Wire if since repaired, when released and forwarded, or what is position. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BROMIDE Wire full details of despatch. LNER Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BROOM If an excursion is arranged in connection with the undermentioned, how many passengers do you estimate would take advantage of it from your station? GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BUCK Following entered as shown should have been invoiced to address given. Dispose of accordingly and reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BUD The undermentioned has a ledger account at this station. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
BUD The undermentioned has a ledger account at .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
BUFFO Following which we entered 'paid' should be carriage 'to pay'. Collect charges and advise by letter when done.
BUGLE Wide loads for undermentioned. Wire between what distances from rail level excess width occurs and, if width increased by binding chains or other fastenings, say to what extent. Railway Executive, 1950
BULGE Wide loads for undermentioned. Wire between what distances from rail level excess width occurs and if width increased by binding chains or other fastenings, say to what extent. British Transport Commission, 1958
BULL After supplying previous orders. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BULLET Bullion by following train for .......... insert consignee's name and destination station consisting of .......... insert number and description of packages. Watch specially during transfer at your station/arrival and delivery. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
BUNKER Class of engine. Home depot .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BUSCOM Reserve .......... seats on omnibus connecting with undermentioned train ex-Paddington. GWR, 1939
BUSH No trace goods mentioned on hand. GWR, 1939
BYRAG The following traffic may be accepted by arrangement only. Applications to be made to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
BYRAG The following traffic may be accepted by arrangement only. BR, 1980s
CABBAGE Do you agree to following?
CABDO Reserve twin-berth cabin and wire number. GWR, 1939
CABO Reserve single-berth cabin and wire number. GWR, 1939
CABOB Wire stations to which following being loaded, number to each place and how many empty left on hand.
CABOR Reserve four-berth cabin and wire number. GWR, 1939
CABRO The load to travel on orfinary freight services under the supervision of the guard of the train. Railway Executive, 1950
CABUS Cab apparatus, double line. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CAD I can supply the following materials. GWR, 1939
CALPIN Train(s) as under start(ed) short of origin. Combination of CALVIN and PINE BR, 1980s
CALVIN Following train will run as under. Advise all concerned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CALVIN Train(s) as under start(ed) short of origin and terminate(d) short of destination. Code sometimes given as KELVIN BR, 1980s
CAMEL Arrange to provide stock for the undermentioned train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CAMEO Senders pressing for definite reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CANARY Following received from your station unentered. Wire instructions and particulars of charges and send invoice (or waybill) or copy by next train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CAPE Undermentioned train(s) will not run. Advise all concerned. Believed originally a convenient word for which later a 'backronym' cancelled at point of entry was developed
CAPON Send train times today for ..........
CAPRA Certificate of date named holds good. GWR, 1939
CAPSTAN Work stopped for want of the following. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CARATE Am asked to quote cartage rate on .......... GWR, 1939
CARBON Can the following travel safely between points named?
CARMINE Have all ready for timber loaders coming .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CARP Wire particulars of actual payments, value of forwarded 'to pay' and received 'paid' traffic of the following firm for twelve months ending .......... Also state general policy with company. GWR, 1939
CARSEV Provide truck load ..........'s owner's name car through tunnel, on .......... trains .......... date. GWR, 1939
CARSID Subject to careful working when passing from main lines to sidings and vice versa; usual precautions. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CASTEN I have paid the following amount to your credit through daily cash account 110 .......... date. Form 8103 following. GWR, 1939
CASTEN I have paid the following amount to your credit. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CASTER Down main line blocked. British Transport Commission, 1958
CASTOR Down main line blocked. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
CATMARK Following consignment landed today ex Ireland. Detained on account of market not being authorised. Contact local authorities and request them wire Ministry of Agriculture representative here date of market. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CATSUP Cattle disease circular. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CATWAG Provide cattle wagon for .......... to load as follows .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CAWCROS Extreme caution must be exercised when passing from main line to loops and sidings and vice versa and when in loops and sidings. BR, 1980s
CAWSTAB Should the load require to be recessed, great care must be taken to ensure that the load will clear structures and traffic on adjacent tracks. BR, 1980s
CEDAR Instruct driver and guard of undermentioned train as follows. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CENEND Loaded centrally, equally ended and suitably checked. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CENEND Loaded centrally, equally ended and suitably under-run. BR, 1980s
CENSOR Secure by our route on return journey the following.
CENTIPEDE Can you send .......... class saloon to place named for use on given date? GWR, 1939
CERTO Send certificate of origin or customs sale form no .......... Goods held pending receipt. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHAD Relying on your concurrence I have agreed to convey the following party between the stations and on the date named at the fares quoted below. GWR, 1939
CHALOC Arrange to change locomotive/s. British Transport Commission, 1958
CHARCOAL It has been agreed to stop the following train at the station named to take up or set down the undernoted party. Advise all concerned.
CHARIOT Following train will stop at your station to take up or set down undernoted party. See that no avoidable delay occurs.
CHARIOT Following train will stop at .......... to take up or set down undernoted party. Advise all concerned and see that no avoidable delay occurs. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHARTER Guaranteed excursion. BR, 1980s
CHAUCER Following wagons have arrived without labels. Wire consignee and destination. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHENG Arrange to change engine/s. Railway Executive, 1950
CHESS You may debit this station giving particulars. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHETA Your enquiry re undermentioned. Following is address of .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHICORY Cannot trace delivery. Wire full description, marks and contents and say who complains. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHIK Following missing, urgently wanted. Have special enquiries made and if with you forward immediately and reply.
CHINA Wire time special will leave and how many on. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHOPPER Weather foggy here. Instruct drivers and guards of following trains to light their head and tail lamps respectively state whether up or down trains. GWR, 1939
CHROME Load will pass over this region, division or district. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHROME May travel as described subject to following restrictions. BR, 1980s
CHUTE Proceed to the following station for relief duty. Wire acknowledgement. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CHUTNEY if any trace, wire reply. If no trace, reply by urgent train message. GWR, 1939
CICERO Special train(s) will run as under. Advise all concerned.
CIGAR Send man here at once to attend to following. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CIRC Water circulating pump. GWR, 1939
CIRCLE Individual numbers as yesterday. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CIRCUMA Trains must be diverted in accordance with instructions shown in notice of diversion of trains to alternative routes. GWR, 1939
CIRCUMA Trains must be diverted to alternative route(s). Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR
CISTERN Repeating my wire (or letter) the following still not to hand; wire result of your tracing. GWR, 1939
CLATO Wire third-class fare for circular tour as follows. GWR, 1939
CLAYMO When and where are you loading ..........? ♠ British Transport Commission, 1958
CLEARO My advice re block at the undermentioned place. Lines now clear. Advise staff. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CLEEK Following charges entered 'to pay' per your invoice - refused by consignee in consequence. Wire whether correctly invoiced, if not send credit transfer voucher or apply to sender for payment. Reply fully. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CLIFF Wire service and route between points named for .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CLIMB Be prepared to detach undermentioned in middle of following train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CLOTH Be prepared to detach undermentioned leaving here next to engine on following train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CLOVE Following will resume duty .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CLYDE There is now a supply of water at the following station. Instruct drivers. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
COALIO Release given for undermentioned coal traffic. Send forward all speed. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950
COALIO Release given for undermentioned coal traffic. British Transport Commission, 1958
COBALT Submit proof bills excursions. GWR, 1939
COBLE Ascertain when the following will resume duty. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
COBRA We require the following. Have supply sent at once. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950
COG Accommodation has been reserved.
COLOC Private locomotive, cold, weight .......... tonnes travelling on own wheels from .......... to .......... per .......... Arrange forward working. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
COLORADO Have pilot engine in readiness to attach to following train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
COLTICK Owing to shortage of time, request passenger to call at ........... for tickets. British Transport Commission, 1958
COLUMBIA No extra engine power required. GWR, 1939
COLUN Have cold luncheon basket ready for ........... GWR, 1939
COMEX Following commercial explosives. BR, 1980s
COMO Your communication re accommodation in following name. Wire class travelling on steamer and if accommodation required for ladies or gents giving number of each. GWR, 1939
CONAC I have .......... type container load of .......... for delivery to .......... name and address, gross weight .......... Wire station best suited for cranage and cartage. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CONDAM Following goods being received at station named damaged, due to reasons given. Arrange supervision of loading, sheeting, etc., and wire forward next consignments for special examination on arrival. British Transport Commission, 1958
CONDLOAN Forward by first means the undermentioned condemned sheets on loan and wire when sent or sending. GWR, 1939
CONDOR Following waiting order. Obtain instructions for disposal. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CONEY Following which you enter 'to pay' said 'carriage paid' and refused in consequence. Wire whether correctly entered and, if not, send re-charge authority or apply to sender and reply.
CONFLICT The undermentioned train conveys out-of-gauge traffic and must not meet or pass any train conveying passengers. Railway Executive, 1950
CONFLICT No train conveying passengers or anything out-of-gauge must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings mentioned on either side of the load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. British Transport Commission, 1958
CONFLICT No train conveying passengers or signalled 2-6-2 or 2-6-3 must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings mentioned on either side of the load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. BR, 1980s
CONFLICT A Load to travel in accordance with restrictions on wide loads contained in the 1932 schedules. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. Loads 10ft excl. to 10ft 3in incl. wide. British Transport Commission, 1958
CONFLICT B Load to travel in accordance with restrictions on wide loads contained in the 1932 schedules. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. Loads 10ft 3in excl. to 10ft 6in incl. wide. British Transport Commission, 1958
CONFLICT C Load to travel in accordance with restrictions on wide loads contained in the 1932 schedules. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. Loads 10ft 6in excl. to 10ft 9in incl. wide. British Transport Commission, 1958
CONGO The following not to hand. Send by next train, and write explaining delay, or, if sent, forward copy. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CONNIE Connecting rod complete with big end bearing, inside diameter. GWR, 1939
CONREC Following containers received today. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CONSEN Following containers despatched by us today with traffic shown as per particulars below. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CONTAG Following accommodation reserved for infectious patient travelling between stations by trains and on date stated quote nature of disease. Arrange disinfection or advise forward.. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CONTON Weight to be calculated on a basis of 1,000 kilos to the ton. GWR, 1939
CONVEX Undermentioned men .......... on duty .......... relieving following train. Trainmen as passengers hence. Wire time reliefmen returning. GWR, 1939
COOT Following wanted for shipment. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CORBEX Can you provide train of third class corridor stock for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CORMOR Your enquiry respecting following not being to hand. Forwarded from here, as under. I trace; wire me immediately received. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
COTAN Does my certificate of date named hold good? GWR, 1939
COTTON Following military explosives. BR, 1980s
COVCOUNT Wire me per return the number of sheets on hand for repairs in and out of trucks. GWR, 1939
COVCROWD Overcrowded with sheets for repairs. Can you arrange for acceptance elsewhere following loads. GWR, 1939
COVFALL Falling short of sheets for repairs. Urge forward supplies. GWR, 1939
COVLOADS Wagons loaded with sheets on hand your shop excessive. Take special steps to unload, amalgamate all small loads possible and wire me what you are able to do. GWR, 1939
COVMAND Heavy demand for sheets. Urge output giving light repairs preference and place all possible at disposal of Rolling Stock Department. Wire what you are able to do. GWR, 1939
COW Be prepared to detach undermentioned leaving here in the rear of following train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
COWARD May I attach the following to under-mentioned train? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CRANBERRY We send you the following, which you must transfer at your station and forward per .......... GWR, 1939
CRANE All charges should be paid through to destination. Wire if any debit to you. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CREDAC Your credit transfer voucher received and accepted for last month. Railway Executive, 1950
CREDIT Our credit transfer voucher as below portion not received. Send it by first train and wire now whether accepted. GWR, 1939
CREDIT A Your credit transfer voucher received and accepted for last month. GWR, 1939
CREDO Has the undermentioned an account with you? If not, do you consider him/them good for credit? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CRENOT Our credit transfer voucher as below portion not received. Send it by first train and wire now whether accepted. Railway Executive, 1950
CREOLE Arrange to work forward. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
CREST The numbers and receipts (adults and children and to each destination separately) by excursion to .......... on date named - were as follows. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CRETE Following vehicle hence to you. Return next train.
CRIMSON How many empties are there at undernoted place?
CROCUS Your reliefman undermentioned and mate returning as passengers hence. GWR, 1939
CROW Undermentioned on hand refused for following reason. Send instructions for disposal and give sender notice as to risk and expense. In the event of instructions being given to re-tender or deliver elsewhere, say who pays carriage and extra charges, if any. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CRYPT The following goods consigned by senders to your station in error. Send on at once to undermentioned station, sending me copy of the invoice. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CUB The undermentioned hence .......... deliver promptly. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CUCKOO You will receive the following from ..........
CUDEB Following held by Customs for duty. Collect and wire authority to debit you.
CURRANT Your enquiry respecting following. I agree.
CUSAG Wagon number .......... hence under Customs seals. Not to be opened except in presence of Customs officer.
CUSHY Invoice no connection. Wire me instanter. GWR, 1939
CUSPRO Following traffic hence .......... must be produced to Customs before shipment. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CUSTEX Following traffic consigned to .......... not to be opened except in the presence of an officer of Customs and Excise. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CUSTOM Wire value, net weight and description of the following traffic for customs purposes. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CUTOS Following detained by HM Customs, contents dutiable. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CUTTLE Unable to reserve accommodation as requested.
CYDER I agree to train running if you can provide stock locally. GWR, 1939
CYGNET Following invoiced from you not to hand. Wire date, train, truck, and to what point sent and trace forward. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CYNIC Can only offer ordinary service. Wire what decided. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
CYRUS Have matter put right at once. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
DAGGER Until the assent of the goods agent is obtained.
DAGGER Until the assent of .......... is obtained. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
DAGONET Engine of following train partially failed. Be prepared with another engine to work train forward. Give nature of failure briefly ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DALE Arrange to adopt ordinary working. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DAMRE Showing on labels original consignee and from what station returned. GWR, 1939
DARG No advice from you re ..........
DATUM The undermentioned not received. Wire date and train sent. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DAUNT Following sender will load undermentioned wagons live stock at your station on .......... for .......... Arrange. GWR, 1939
DAUNTLESS Following sender will load undermentioned wagons livestock at .......... on .......... for .......... Arrange service and advise all concerned. GWR, 1939
DAWN You may forward the undermentioned traffic. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEBRIS I will advise you further. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEBUT We have received application. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DECAM Following still unable to resume. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DECKO Following consignment unentered. Send first train copies of declaration and invoice. Senders are .......... Meantime wire full particulars charges payable by consignee. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEDIMUS Have you communicated with us in error?
DEE Make careful search and enquiry at your station for ..........
DEE Make careful search and enquiry for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEEPDENE Royal train (lowest security: 2 headlamps, bell code 4-4-4 accepted under standard block, shunt other trains 5 minutes before passage, public crossings 10 minutes, fewer other precautions than GROVE). BR, from 1949
DEEPLUS Royal train (intermediate security: as DEEPDENE but double block). by 1961
DELAWARE Wire me rates (or fares) for undermentioned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DELOD Divisional engineers should be advised in ample time of arrangements made for passage of loads. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DELTA It is reported that the undermentioned is in financial difficulties: make confidential enquiry and, if confirmed, stop all further credit, advising me particulars of any outstandings, credits due or goods on hand, which latter must be held pending my instructions. State at what other stations firm does business. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEMOS Line will be clear in about .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEPAR Wire time of departure from point mentioned and arrival time at destination.
DERAIL Send quickly breakdown van, crane and gang; following derailed at .......... give place and time. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR
DERWENT Your communication upon following subject received and has attention.
DESBITS Diesel engine spares/stores. British Transport Commission, 1958
DESCAR Diesel train vehicle. British Transport Commission, 1958
DESCON Following consignment sent to station named for transfer. Arrange examination and report condition on arrival and delivery to consignee's premises. Transfer station advised to wire you forwarding details. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DESCRIPT If still missing supply full description of marks, brand or illustration and dimensions, also say when and where last checked. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DESERT You may quote standard rates in accordance with live stock scale on the following distance .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DESLOC Diesel locomotive. British Transport Commission, 1958
DESTRA Diesel multiple unit train. British Transport Commission, 1958
DETEX Wire me details actual advance bookings for following excursions. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DETLAB Remove all labels before delivery. Origin not to be divulged to consignee. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DETNON Please send next passenger train .......... detonators without clips. GWR, 1939
DETO Please send next passenger train .......... detonators with clips. GWR, 1939
DEXFIRST First class one day excursion fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DEXSEC Second class one day excursion fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
DEXTHIRD Third class one day excursion fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950
DIAMOND Arrange for extra engine to work ..........
DIANA Have engine no. .......... ready to change for engine .......... hence .......... time to work in its place. GWR, 1939
DIBRAK Diagram no. .......... broken. Engine no. .......... cause .......... A substitute engine no. .......... has been provided to work your diagram no. .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DINEDOR Following train will run in two parts, first part starting punctually and the second part running late, as under .......... GWR, 1939
DINGO Requisitions have been received for the following vehicles since despatch of stock report today. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DISBEL Bell with distant not properly off. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DISPIN We have disposal instructions for following traffic which may send on here.
DISTOCK Distribution of freight rolling stock. GWR, 1939
DISTRO Wire distance and type of road. GWR, 1939
DIVA Undermentioned train diverted via .......... Wire if driver knows road. GWR, 1939
DIXTON Cartage motor vehicle 10 tons carrying capacity. GWR, 1939
DOBA Men on duty. Double home basket. GWR, 1939
DOCON The undermentioned is on hand and cannot be shipped until declarations are received. Please forward the documents in duplicate immediately. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DOLE No work tomorrow for timber loader .......... Arrange as necessary. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DONKEY We are now asked to deliver following traffic to firm named. Wire if we may do so. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DOPE Wire me rate. Road transport competition involved. Their charge is .......... GWR, 1939
DOTAL Return the undermentioned here. Reply when done. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DOURO The following rates (or fares) may be quoted. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DOVE Wagon, number given below, from station named, sent away as an empty, contains the following. If with you, dispose of as follows and reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DOXY Special caution to be exercised when passing or loading or unloading at landings and loading docks, not to be taken past high landings or high loading docks. British Transport Commission, 1958
DRAB .......... may resume duty if his own doctor gives him a certificate to the effect that he is fit to do so. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DRAGON Following wanted for tomorrow's use. Reply when will be sent. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DRAKE Can you arrange cartage to address given of following traffic, carried at S to S rate? If so, wire charge for that service. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DRASTIC Send on at once, invoice carriage paid and debit me, giving particulars. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DRAWBON Following consignment for Irish Free State marked duty paid. Advise senders duty will again be demanded on landing in Ireland. Ascertain whether under drawback or ex bonded warehouse. Wire reply. GWR, 1939
DRENCH Owing to an outbreak of foot and mouth disease near station named, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs or deer must not be moved into, out of, or within an area of 15 miles around that place unless the animals are accompanied by an up-to-date licence of the local authority at destination point, duly countersigned by the local authority at forwarding point. Names of stations affected to follow. Arrange and advise all concerned.
DRENCH Owing to outbreak of foot and mouth disease near station named, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs or deer must not be moved out of an area of 15 miles radius around that station. Movement into or within the same area is prohibited unless the animals are accompanied by up-to-date foot and mouth disease licence counter-signed where necessary. Names of stations affected to follow in livestock circular. Arrange and advise all concerned. In the event of difficulties wire me for instructions. Railway Executive, 1950
DRENCH Owing to outbreak of foot and mouth disease near station named, cattle, sheep, goats, pigs or deer must not be moved out of an area of 10 miles radius around that station. Movement into or within the same area is prohibited unless the animals are accompanied by up-to-date foot and mouth disease licence. Names of stations affected to follow in livestock circular. Arrange and advise all concerned. In the event of difficulties wire me for instructions. British Transport Commission, 1958
DROSS Wire particulars following firm's account. Also estimated value of their traffic received paid for period shown. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DROT Instruct guard of the following train to stop at station named to take up or set down undernoted party. GWR, 1939
DRY The speed of the train conveying the load must not exceed 25mph on straight lines, 10mph on moderate curves and 5mph on sharp curves and when crossing from one line to another. Railway Executive, 1950
DRY Speed not to exceed 5mph through crossovers and connections and when passing from one running line to another and through junctions. Elsewhere speed not to exceed 25mph and the usual service speed restriction to be observed. British Transport Commission, 1958
DUB May travel as described without restriction. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
DUEDEST Referring to your application for a service for .......... from .......... to .......... I will arrange for this to arrive destination at .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
DUEDEST Arrival time at destination will be .......... BR, 1980s
DUTET Undermentioned consignment said held pending payment of duty by consignee. My invoice authorises debit of duty to senders' deposit here. Arrange immediate clearance and furnish explanation.
DUTURN Wire turn of duty of undermentioned staff this week and next. 'companies', 1930s
DUTURN Wire turn of duty of undermentioned for period named.
DYKE Put .......... train in .......... loop or yard. BR, 1980s
EAGLE If unable to deliver the following, dispose of to best advantage. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EARWIG Following urgently required.
EBB Press consignee to accept. If he still refuses give him written notice of immediate sale in the interests of all concerned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EBONY Can you send the following to station named for temporary relief. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EBRO Look out for important letter by .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EDNA Goods traffic of all descriptions except the following must not be accepted for conveyance until further notice. Note and advise all concerned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EFT See yesterday's report for information as to other stock. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EGER Provide pilotman between points named for driver of ..........
EGER Provide conductor between points named for driver of .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
EIDER Following said handed you by the undermentioned not reached destination. Trace forward by wire, and advise me result, with full particulars. If necessary see senders.
EKE In the event of the load not maintaining the service laid down, it must not be forwarded by any other service without first obtaining the authority of the appropriate operating superintendent. Railway Executive, 1950
EKE In the event of the load not maintaining the service laid down, it must not be forwarded by any other service without first obtaining the authority of the appropriate operating officer at regional headquarters. British Transport Commission, 1958
ELAND Your advice received too late Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ELASTIC Neither up nor down line blocked. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ELFANT Can you trace receiving the following on or about the date given? If so, say how disposed of. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ELK We sent you in error on date named the following. Forward with all speed to the following station. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ELM Send man to attend to water supply at .......... No water in tank. GWR, 1939
ELOC Electric locomotive. British Transport Commission, 1958
ELTRA Electric multiple unit train. British Transport Commission, 1958
EMCAR Special empty carriages. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
EMERALD Provide engine and men to work undermentioned train and wire that you will do so.
EMIGRANT The following spare cattle wagons are on hand .......... today. GWR, 1939
EMRET Early morning return fare. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EMU Wire when following handed you and train by which sent forward. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ENBAT Engine battery. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ENO Undermentioned consignment invoiced duty payable by consignee, should have been invoiced 'recharge duty to sender's deposit account at this station'. Arrange clearance immediately and debit us.
ENOC Owing to engineering occupation. GWR, 1939
ENPARTS Engine material being despatched today by schedule service/s for undermentioned depots/s. Railway Executive, 1950
ENWHEELS Locomotive wheels being despatched today by scheduled service/s for undermentioned depot/s. Railway Executive, 1950
ERAD Refused, not equal to sample.
ERASMUS Can you return engine and men to work ..........? GWR, 1939
ERMIN Following not wanted here. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ERN Weigh, charge and advise.
ETCH Weigh, charge and advise. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EVERGREEN Please wire me instructions. Following complaints of difficulty in passing. GWR, 1939
EVEX Evening excursion. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EVIDO Public enquiry by licencing authority will be held on .......... GWR, 1939
EVSEC Evening second class fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
EVTHIRD Evening third class fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950
EXACON Examine contents of truck named and report condition of load, details if damaged and recommendations for better security. British Transport Commission, 1958
EXCOL Loaded centrally within gauge except extreme width secured. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
EXLO Exceptional load with speed or route restrictions only. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear?' signal 2-1-6. BR, 1980s
EXMO Expect road motors with goods for ..........
EXPAM Recommended expert examination of following. Will you arrange? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EXPED .......... are most urgently in need of power: secure and return home at once that station's engines, light or attached. Give matter personal attention and wire reply. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
EXREP The following locomotive/s required here for 'X' repairs on .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
EXTENSO Cannot send relief. Make best possible arrangements for present. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FABEL Electric bells at .......... failed. Attend at once. GWR, 1939
FABRIC Must be run at slow caution speed at .......... Railway Executive, 1950
FABRIC Must not exceed speed of .......... mph at/between .......... British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s NR, 2016
FACTO Despatch engine quoted to factory specified to reach there on day specified. Railway Executive, 1950
FAKIR Wire number of passengers expected. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FALCON No trace of receiving the following.
FENCE This load must be run on the following conditions. Railway Executive, 1950
FARET Third class return fare .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FARO Third class single fare .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FAUST The undermentioned goods train conveys out-of-gauge traffic and must not meet or pass any train in the following tunnels. Railway Executive, 1950
FERLO Sailors (or soldiers) on leave travel as under on date named. Make all necessary arrangements as far as you are concerned and acknowledge receipt by wire.
FERN Other stock as wanted. GWR, 1939
FESTON Consignees cannot produce bill of lading: can we release? GWR, 1939
FINCH Following received different from invoice. Wire if we may deliver.
FIR The train conveying the load to travel on the fast or through lines where provided. Railway Executive, 1950
FIRBERTH Reserve first class berth on open saloon and wire number. GWR, 1939
FIRSIN First class single fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FIRSLEEP A first class sleeping berth has been reserved on the following train to join at your station ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FITRUCK Send suitable fitted truck(s) all speed to convey following article between points named. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FLAMINGO Following wanted for market. Urge forward all speed. GWR, 1939
FLANDERS Engine and men working .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FLASH Give good advance notice of despatch to .......... GWR, 1939
FLEA Wire how you stand or what you are doing respecting .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FLEET Following traffic on hand. Arrange to work forward all speed.
FLIGHT Weather unfavourable for liberation of pigeons received from your station. Instruct. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FLINT Examine all spare stock and ordinary train sets daily until further notice for following vehicles; if found send to .......... and wire me when they will be despatched. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FLORA How many more of the following do you require?
FLOTSAM Heavy bookings recorded by undermentioned train. Wire particulars of any duplicate train and if not for throughout journeys points between which duplication was made. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FOAM Have you any enquiry for ..........? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FOCAL Wire reply instanter. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FOCUS Arrange to strengthen the undermentioned train or trains as shown. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
FOLIAGE The following additional amount will be charged for special haulage between the undermentioned points. GWR, 1939
FONET Referring to your telephonic communication. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FONET My/your telephone communication of .......... give date. BR, 1980s
FOOTEX BR sponsored football train. BR, 1980s
FORLOAD Following vehicles loaded you yesterday. When empty, send forward by first available train to destination shown on nightly wagon orders. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FORMAY Wire formation of .......... train commencing from engine. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FORPEN Dispose of LNE and LMS vacuum fitted open wagons up to 12 tons capacity as follows; GWR, 1939
FORTON Cartage motor vehicle 4/5 tons carrying capacity. GWR, 1939
FOX Following said to have been sent you on or about undermentioned date by station named. Wire particulars of receipt and proof of delivery if effected. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FOYLE Referring to us for account. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FRANK Provide guard to work undermentioned train. ACK. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FREEDOM Vehicles buffer locked in following siding. Send man to free. GWR, 1939
FRESME Fresh meat hence tonight; deliver early. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FRET Have all charges been collected? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FROG Following wagons detained at your station under load. Get them discharged at once and send today full written explanation of detention. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FUJIT If required to refuge en route I will look into the matter on hearing where this is required to be done. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
FUNCO Vehicle with funeral party and corpse.
FUNGUS No trace of forwarding the following.
FURNO Until further notice.
GAITER Contents of wagon .......... transhipped into wagon .......... and sent forward .......... GWR, 1939
GAMA Your wire regarding .......... to hand and contents noted: letter follows per .......... train. Add 'Report confirmed' or otherwise. GWR, 1939
GANGES See undermentioned and secure traffic named.
GANGWAY Make careful search for gangway boards and send to .......... next train advising me by wire and station named the number sent. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GAREX Guaranteed excursion. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GARNET Following engine now ready. Wire when and how you propose to exchange for engine .......... GWR, 1939
GARON Undermentioned may travel loaded as described. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GARON Undermentioned may travel as described. BR, 1980s
GASCON Wire full dimensions and weight of traffic for which undernamed is applied for and say when actually required to load. GWR, 1939
GASSO Arrange for the undermentioned to be gassed at .......... GWR, 1939
GATER Contents of wagon .......... transhipped into wagon .......... and sent forward .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GAZEL Your enquiry respecting following. Correct as received. You may deliver. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GENDIX Instructions regarding special express passenger trains shown in general appendix will apply. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GETAMOV The following proposal has been submitted to me. Have special enquiries made. Write me fully giving your views saying if anything is known of the traffic and if it can be secured to our route, but it must be distinctly understood that you are not to quote the figure, or indicate what it is, to the public, until further advised. GWR, 1939
GIBE Important consignment for shipment. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GLEN Short coal at undermentioned station. Send the following and wire me. GWR, 1939
GLIM No trace passing on or about date given. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GLOSSY Wire if you can send .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GOBI The following routing must be observed. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
GOLO Your wire of yesterday; or Exchanged wires of yesterday; or Your wire of .......... give date ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GOLO My/your teleprint of .......... give date BR, 1980s
GOODOUT Following goods found on hand without account. If from you wire instructions. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GOOSE Stop accepting following until further advised. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
GORIL Following not received. Say if any trace passing your station and how disposed of, or trace forward. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GOSLING Stop sending following until I wire you further.
GOSLING Hold back following until further advised. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GOSLING Cease forwarding the following until further notice. BR, 1980s
GRAB Arrange following witnesses to attend court to give evidence at time, date and place stated and acknowledge receipt by wire.
GRAZE The undermentioned will be exhibitors. Ascertain quickly their requirements i.e. number and class of vehicles, particulars of traffic, date and train traffic will be loaded.
GRIST Wire particulars of vehicles sent. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GROIN Particulars of load not sufficient, wire further information in regard to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GROVE Royal train carrying monarch (maximum security: 4 headlamps, bell code 4-4-4, double block, shunt other trains 10 minutes before passage, close public level crossings 15 minutes before, secure all horses, water columns, barrows, etc. and numerous other precautions). SR, from 1942 BR
GRUFF See that no avoidable delay occurs. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GRUNT Forwarding licence is only necessary if swine are from a market or licenced pig dealers' premises. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GUITAR Wire particulars and confirm by letter. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
GULL Your wire asking me to stop delivery of the following consignment received too late. GWR, 1939
GUM Refer to my wire of today; or Exchanged wires of today.
GWIN Travel main line only. GWR, 1939
HAGUE Do you agree to train named stopping at ..........? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HAKE Wire how many of undermentioned since received.
HALFEX Halfday excursion.
HALIBUT Fish expected to leave here today about following time. Will wire particulars on departure of train.
HALSEC Half day second class fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
HALTHIRD Half day third class fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950
HANOVER The following train will be divided as under. Advise all concerned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HARRIER Not received. Same remark from transfer station. Trace forward. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HAVEN Following ready for inspection. Send inspector. GWR, 1939
HAWK Following delivered on date named, and signed for by ..........
HAZARD The undermentioned train must not pass, nor be passed by any train on opposite or adjoining running lines between .......... Railway Executive, 1950
HAZARD Running lines and/or sidings mentioned on both sides of the load to be clear. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
HAZEL The undermentioned materials ordered from firm and on inspection notice quoted, which are urgently required, stated to be ready for inspection. Attend to this immediately and reply. GWR, 1939
HEBREW Following train is leaving here with assistant engine give no. or name of assistant engine and no. of vehicles on train. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HEN Consignee resides outside delivery limits. Duly advised.
HERO The following stock shown on your return yesterday not recorded today. GWR, 1939
HERON Ascertain from guard of undermentioned train the destination of vehicles of the description and numbers given below, put off here without label on date named. GWR, 1939
HEXFIRST First class half day excursion fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HEXSEC Second class half day excursion fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
HEXTHIRD Third class half day excursion fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950
HOLLY Following now in order.
HOOK Reserve first class compartment/s in undermentioned train. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
HOPPING Engineers' .......... type train will be ready to leave .......... at .......... for .......... All concerned should arrange to give this train prompt working. Railway Executive, 1950
HORN Wire how many tickets issued by undermentioned train.
HOST Enquiry made by .......... for the undermentioned accommodation from .......... Wire number of room or rooms you can reserve and terms.
HOSTA Can offer the following room or rooms for .......... terms.......... Wire if accepted.
HOTLUN Have hot luncheon basket ready for ........... GWR, 1939
HUDSON Following since to hand. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HUMBER Put special train tail signal on following train for .......... GWR, 1939
HUMPEX Wagons or loads not to pass over shunting humps. BR, 1980s
HUX Send timber loaders to station named below. Timber waiting. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
HYENA Look out for the following insured goods (or parcels) sent you by train named. Watch specially, until delivered to consignee, and wire proof of delivery. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
IDES When will you be prepared for timber loaders? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
IMAGE Wire instanter number wagons loco coal on hand. GWR, 1939
IMPCON Impact recorder placed in wagon named hence today. Arrange special examination of load, returning impact recorder to me by passenger train and the used roll, as 'value' parcel, with your report. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
INCH Have invalid chair meet undermentioned train hence.
INCRA Including current authorised increase. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
INDEM Have you obtained indemnity? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
INDIA following traffic left for want of .......... GWR, 1939
INDUS The following horse or horses ill. Wire instructions. GWR, 1939
INFECTO The traffic hence per details below is infected with insect pests. Do not store in the company's warehouse. Wagon and sheets will require to be cleansed before being put into traffic again. ♠ British Transport Commission, 1958
INSPEC Expert coming to examine ..........
INSEA .......... and addition of current sea surcharge. Railway Executive, 1950
INSEA Inclusive of current sea surcharge. British Transport Commission, 1958
INSUL Advise me by wire the place or places where insufficient clearance exists. GWR, 1939
INVAL Have invalid chair meet undermentioned train hence. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
INVICTA Ascertain if sufficient traffic to warrant excursion (or excursion facilities) and wire recommendation. GWR, 1939
IVY Special care during transit to be taken when starting or stopping the train on which this load is being conveyed. Railway Executive, 1950
JAB Wire distance for livestock to .......... GWR, 1939
JACKAL Following entered as under must not be delivered but held for further instructions. Wire whether consignee advised; if not, do not advise. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JAPAN Send on coal at once for .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JAY Expedite unloading of following traffic; empties urgently wanted. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JAYGO Expedite unloading the following wagon/s and send empty all speed to place or region named wiring me date forwarded and route. If already disposed of, wire how and when. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JEM My wire of .......... give date GWR, 1939
JERM Cannot reply definitely. Will do so later. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JET Work to be proceeded with at once.
JETSAM Wire if undermentioned train shown in programme to run if required, actually ran. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JIB Important consignment for shipment.
JIRAF Following sent you in wagon named said not to hand at destination. Say how disposed of by you and trace forward. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JOAN Adjoining line (also) required from .......... to .......... Railway Executive, 1950
JOAN Running lines and/or sidings mentioned on left-hand side of load looking in direction of travel must be clear and nothing out-of-gauge must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on the right hand side of the load. To be signalled by the special 'is line clear' signal 2-6-3. British Transport Commission, 1958
JOAN Running lines and/or sidings mentioned on the left-hand side of the load looking in the direction of travel must be clear, and no train signalled 2-6-2 or 2-6-3 must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on the right-hand side of the load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear?' signal 2-6-3. BR, 1980s NR, 2016
JOB Special care during transit to be taken when starting or stopping with the train on which this load is being conveyed. Before shunting operations necessitating splitting of the train are commenced the load must be carefully set aside and the person in charge must satisfy himself that there is adequate clearance both to structures and to traffic passing on adjacent lines at the place at which the load is to be set aside. Railway Executive, 1950
JOB Special care during transit to be taken when starting or stopping with the train on which this load is being conveyed. Before shunting operations necessitating splitting of the train are commenced the load must be carefully set aside and the person in charge must satisfy himself that there is adequate clearance both to structures and to traffic passing on adjacent lines at the place at which the load is to be set aside. Also to draw the attention of the foreman to the load at the yard where he detaches it. British Transport Commission, 1958
JOCK Write me fully today. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JORDAN The undermentioned colliery is without empty wagons. Send supply at once.
JUG Reserve the following accommodation for prisoner/s and escort/s. Railway Executive, 1950 BR
JUG Reserve second class accommodation for prison party consisting of .......... prisoner/s and .......... escort/s. British Transport Commission, 1958
JULIA How many of the following have you on hand?
JUMPING Engineers' empty .......... type train for .......... released and put into traffic at .......... at .......... time. All concerned to arrange prompt return working of train. Railway Executive, 1950
JUNIPER In serious difficulty for want of .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
JURY County Court summons has been issued by the undermentioned to recover amount stated for alleged .......... Report fully and send all papers and original documents immediately. GWR, 1939
KALE Your communication of date named respecting .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
KALE My/your letter of .......... give date. BR, 1980s
KELT Instruct driver and guard of following train to stop at station named to take up or set down undernoted party.
KERN Board of Agriculture prohibit movement of swine in district in which your station is situated. See none accepted or unloaded thereat for forwarding or delivery during operation of order which takes immediate effect. GWR, 1939
KESTREL Following stopped for reason named; wire instructions for disposal. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
KID The distance between the inner wheels of the rail vehicle is such that the locking and fouling bars may not be operated and signalmen en route must be warned accordingly. Railway Executive, 1950
KIMBO Excess must be kept to .......... side throughout. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
KIPPER I have advised all concerned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
KISH Undermentioned out for delivery today. Proof later. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
KITKAT Send full report on claims form, with all papers and original documents by next train respecting the following. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
KOREA Have consignees at following address waited upon to inspect undermentioned, letting me have your report by return. GWR, 1939
KOSTIC Instruct driver of undermentioned train as follows.
KOSTO Senders cannot give any instructions. Get consignees to accept and make best of goods. Question of responsibility to be dealt with afterwards.
KUBAN Arrange to examine private locomotive at .......... GWR, 1939
LABIN Label and invoice. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LACER Must not use cross-overs between platforms. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
LAGGARD Send following engine/s to works for repairs. Railway Executive, 1950
LAGGARD Send following locomotive/s to works specified, to reach there on date specified for repairs. British Transport Commission, 1958
LAGOS Send engine to arrive .......... time .......... date to do shunting and work up .......... conditional and arrange guard to work same train. GWR, 1939
LAKE Arrange to provide inspector to travel with traffic between.......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LAKE Inspector to accompany between. BR, 1980s
LAMB Tender following again. Consignee will now accept. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LAMOR Use may be made of main or reliefs and loops and refuges specified. Railway Executive, 1950
LAMOR Must not be refuged in undermentioned loops or sidings. British Transport Commission, 1958
LANTIO I am instructed to send. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LARK Following at your station, dispose of as under. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LASH The existing rate is too high.
LASLODE Wire particulars of last loaded journey of wagon .......... giving route and date. GWR, 1939
LATEX Wire now explanation of any time lost in your division by the undermentioned train. GWR, 1939
LEAF Undermentioned sent you for inspection. Say if claimed.
LEAF The undermentioned has no ledger account with this region Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LEBA Following engine and men here taking rest. GWR, 1939
LEDAC Your cash or ledger transfer voucher received and accepted for last month. Railway Executive, 1950
LEDGER Has the undermentioned a ledger account at your station? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LEDGER C Our cash or ledger transfer voucher as below, portion not received. Send it by first train and wire now whether accepted. GWR, 1939
LEDGER D Your cash or ledger transfer voucher received and accepted for last month. GWR, 1939
LEDNOT Our cash or ledger transfer voucher as below, portion not received. Send it by first train and wire now whether accepted. Railway Executive, 1950
LEECH Following firm is on the 'Secure Charges' list. Quote rate for the following traffic to enable us to collect charges. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LEFPAS No train conveying passengers must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings mentioned on the left hand side of the load looking in the direction of travel and nothing out-of-gauge must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on both sides of load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. British Transport Commission, 1958
LEFPAS No train conveying passengers must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings mentioned on the left-hand side of the load looking in the direction of travel, and no train signalled 2-6-2 or 2-6-3 must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on both sides of the load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear?' signal 2-6-3. BR, 1980s
LENA Following engine/s will be out of works on .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LENS What licence is necessary for following? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LEOPARD May we accept for insurance the following consignment Carriers Act, goods valued ..........? What special arrangements are necessary? GWR, 1939
LIDU May resume light duty. GWR, 1939
LIFFEY Meet me on arrival of following train.
LIFFEY Arrange .......... meet me on arrival of following train. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LIFOOT May resume on light footplate duty. GWR, 1939
LILAC Wire full particulars of forwarding following, giving date, reference to invoice, etc. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LIMA Can you spare a horse for a few days? GWR, 1939
LIBNA Light engine left for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LINEAR Ordinary working now resumed. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LINGO Arrange for following engine to work .......... GWR, 1939
LINNET Wire how we must invoice and label traffic consigned .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LION Wire me where the following tranship or road van goods were put out and what signature is held. GWR, 1939
LISBON Wire what rates apply to undermentioned and if any additional charges. GWR, 1939
LISSEN Receiving local authority licence counter-signed by forwarding local authority must accompany animals. Railway Executive, 1950
LISSEN Receiving local authority licence must accompany animals. British Transport Commission, 1958
LIZARD Steamer ready for cargo, supply trucks required. GWR, 1939
LOANFORD The condemned sheets order per your wire fo undermentioned, hence as follows. GWR, 1939
LOBSTER Following packages London fish today approximate weight .......... tons. GWR, 1939
LOCKET Following articles luggage detained by Customs. Owner neglected to claim on arrival here ex boat and see same examined. Keys required.
LOCLAB Lock up and letter label.
LOCOMING .......... depot unbalanced engine no. .......... leaving here today working time PG or LE to .......... destination. GWR, 1939
LOCPARTS Locomotive material being despatched today by scheduled service/s for undermentioned depot/s. British Transport Commission, 1958
LOCWHEELS Locomotive wheels being despatched today by scheduled service/s for undermentioned depot/s. British Transport Commission, 1958
LODEX Wire proposed method of loading and dimensions when secured. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LODMOT Sent .......... per motor for transfer tonight. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LODUP .......... empty crippled wagon loaded on .......... wagon .......... and sent .......... for repairs. GWR, 1939
LONGLO Long-welded rail train that does not require the imposition of conditions of travel. BR, 1980s
LONGPROJ Within the provisions of the standard instructions and tables for out-of-gauge and exceptional loads (long and projecting). British Transport Commission, 1958
LONGPROJ Within the provisions of the standard instructions and tables for long and projecting loads in Section D3, Table D1 Green Pages, Working Manual. BR, 1980s
LONGPROJAX Within the provisions of the standard instructions and tables for long and projecting loads in Section D3, Table D2 Green Pages, Working Manual. BR, 1980s
LOON Cannot send relief horse. Hire if absolutely necessary. GWR, 1939
LOOT Undermentioned wagons of live .......... left here on train named. Work forward all speed. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LOUGH Shunting horse ill. Send relief. GWR, 1939
LUCERNE The undermentioned on duty at the following time travelling home as passengers per .......... GWR, 1939
LUDO The following hence with paid-on charges as under. Wire me if collected.
LUG The rail vehicle, loaded or empty, must not be placed alongside loading docks or other similar structures. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LUMBAR Must not pass any train or out-of-gauge loads on adjoining lines, and when shunted must not be placed in a siding immediately adjacent to a line on which any train will pass. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LUNBAS Look out for ........... luncheon or tea baskets on undermentioned train and return immediately. GWR, 1939
LUNE The following vehicles have become available for loading since despatch of my stock report; reduce my order accordingly, if necessary. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
LYRIC Theatrical special between following points next Sunday. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MACON Heavy demand for wagons. Do utmost to get all wagons standing under load your station released immediately.
MACON Heavy demand for .......... Do utmost to get all standing under load your station released immediately. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MAGI Wire train, date and time of arrival and departure of following, explaining any delay. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MAGPIE Fish particulars today approximately .......... tons trawl .......... herrings .......... mackerel .......... GWR, 1939
MAINO Load to travel main lines only. Railway Executive, 1950
MANGO May we accept the following? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MANLY Set of men as passengers in undermentioned train to for following train or light engine. GWR, 1939
MANX Wire immediately name of sender, number and kind of animals and floatage requirements. GWR, 1939
MAPLE Water .......... inches under head at .......... Arrange to let down what water you can spare and report. GWR, 1939
MARBLE The undermentioned materials ordered from your firm for station and on inspection notice quoted are most urgently required. Press firm on matter and reply now when will be inspected and forwarded. GWR, 1939
MARFOR To be marshalled next to the locomotive or immediately behind the fitted head. BR, 1980s
MARKIN Wire if any mark or anything to indicate sender
MARKO We have the following stock on hand in addition to that shown on daily report. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MARL Unable to meet you. GWR, 1939
MARREAR To be marshalled next to the rear brake van. BR, 1980s
MARROW Send opens, special and ordinary trains, to .......... GWR, 1939
MASCOT Following working in undermentioned train. Take out and send as below. Wire when despatched. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MATER Engine stopped waiting following materials. GWR, 1939
MATIN Send break-down van first thing tomorrow morning. GWR, 1939
MEDICATE Undermentioned man may resume duty upon production of satisfactory medical certificate. GWR, 1939
MEDOC Arrange to be at my office at .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MEDWAY Arrange for the undermentioned to meet me on arrival of ..........
MEMEL Look out for important value (or insured) parcel hence by following train for undermentioned .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MERCURY Arrange following men's turns of duty as will permit of their attending inquest when called upon. GWR, 1939
MERLIN As requested, will meet ..........
MERSEY Can you meet me at following place and time?
MESSINA Wire turn of following engine for .......... GWR, 1939
META Round timber, 113 divisor. General railway classification conditions. GWR, 1939
METEOR Person knocked down at following place. Have all your engines which passed between undermentioned points examined to see if any traces thereon and wire result. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MEW Load the following to wait orders for export. Vessel expected on .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MIDAS Valuable consignment leaves here by the undermentioned train and for the consignee and destination shown below. Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure safe transit and acknowledge receipt of this advice instanter. GWR, 1939
MIDAS Valuable consignment leaves here by the undermentioned train and for the consignee and destination shown below. Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure safe transit. If necessary wire forward to next transfer point. Acknowledge receipt of this advice instanter. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MIDASCARE Valuable consignment in charge of caretaker leaves here by the undermentioned train and for the consignee and destination shown below. Take whatever steps are necessary to ensure safe transit and acknowledge receipt of this advice instanter. GWR, 1939
MIDFIR First class mid-week return fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
MIDSAL Second class rail, first in ship, return fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
MIDSEC Second class mid-week return fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
MINREST Ensure men working .......... train obtain minimum rest of seven hours. GWR, 1939
MINT Undermentioned cannot take duty. Arrange. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MITO The following are the maximum acceptable dimensions at place named. GWR, 1939
MONA Will you make arrangements for your department to attend with witnesses, joint enquiry as follows?
MONFIRST for applications Please quote first-class monthly return ticket fare from this station to ..........
MONFIRST for quotations Your enquiry. The following is the first-class monthly return ticket fare from your station to ..........
MONFIRST First class monthly return fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MONTHIRD for applications Please quote third-class monthly return ticket fare from this station to ..........
MONTHIRD for quotations Your enquiry. The following is the third-class monthly return ticket fare from your station to ..........
MONTHIRD Third class monthly return fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950
MORA Instruct guard to handle carefully and see that all clear if shunted en route also to draw the attention of foreman to load at yard where he detaches it. Railway Executive, 1950
MORDREN Owing to further outbreak/s of foot and mouth disease infected area restrictions have been extended to include the following stations. Livestock circular to follow. Area number and stations to be named in wire. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MORFOOT Foot and mouth disease controlled area restrictions as set out on pages 25 and 26 of the livestock handbook have been extended by the Ministry of Agriculture to include the following counties or parts of counties operating from date shown below. Livestock circular giving full details of extension to follow. Date of operation and counties to be named in wire Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MORLA Use may be made of main or reliefs and loops and refuges specified. GWR, 1939
MORN Advise me by wire before 9.0am if traffic is not received. GWR, 1939
MOSELLE Give matter special attention.
MOTH Following stations are supplied with stock named. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MULLET Following entered per our invoice (or waybill) said not delivered. Give date, proof of delivery, and explanation of any delay. If not to hand, state transfer point at which last checked. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MUSCAT Can you work undermentioned engine on following train date to change for engine? Reply. GWR, 1939
MUSE Following special vehicles on hand spare. May we use for traffic shown to point named. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MUSTARD Have you given correct ........... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
MYRE Refer to my wire of .......... give date respecting .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
MYSTEX Mystery excursion. BR, 1980s
NAMOR Goods traffic of all descriptions except the following must not be accepted for conveyance until further notice. The excepted traffics named herein must only be accepted on condition that the company will not be responsible for any loss, damage or delay thereto. Note and advise all concerned.
NANTES Passenger holding undermentioned ticket undercharged, collect or obtain name and address. GWR, 1939
NAPO Round timber, 144 divisor. General railway classification conditions. GWR, 1939
NARD Wire now arrival and/or departure time of the following train, explaining any time lost. GWR, 1939
NAVY Standard ........... required for ........... naval ratings in train due at your station at ........... GWR, 1939
NECTAR Note and advise all concerned that passengers must not, until further notice, be booked to ........... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NENE Arrange to relieve undermentioned at place named working as stated. Signed on duty at ..........
NERO Send today the following to place named. Reply train sent by. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NERUS Train made up as follows. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NEVA Wire name and address of .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NEWT 3.15pm fish train Milford Haven to Carmarthen left at .......... GWR, 1939
NIGER Wire full particulars of delay. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NILE Following not to hand.
NOCK Work not allowed to proceed. GWR, 1939
NOCLE Insufficient clearances exist at the following. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
NOCRED No credit allowed. Secure all charges before release of traffic. GWR, 1939
NOCTURN Arrange representative to attend meeting at undermentioned place in regard to .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NODOC Not to go alongside goods wharves, loading banks or cattle pens. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOFOOT Cancel previous telegram regarding suspected outbreak foot and mouth disease near this station. Outbreak not confirmed. Revert to position which obtained before receipt of my 'outfoot' telegram. GWR, 1939
NOFOOT Suspected outbreak of foot and mouth disease at .......... insert here name of actual place mentioned in the notice not confirmed. Cancel my previous telegram. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOG Not to pass under load gauges. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
NONCLERE Clerestory roofed vehicles must not be used. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOPA Not to pass nor be passed by other out-of-gauge load. GWR, 1939
NOPA Train conveying out-of-gauge load which must not pass or be passed by another out-of-gauge or otherwise exceptional load. To be signalled by the special 'is line clear' signal 4-2-5 and dealt with as shown in the general instructions to signalmen. Railway Executive, 1950
NORE Test weight of following carefully and advise. GWR, 1939
NORESTOP Engine quoted stopped at depot stated for defects specified not previously reported. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NORM Within ordinary cartage limits Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NORUN Locomotive no. .......... working .......... unfit to run. Wire time replacement engine leaving. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOSTO No report stoppage wagon or wagons en route. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOTAF No traffic of any description must pass the load in any tunnel. Railway Executive, 1950
NOTCH Cannot accept owing to ..........
NOTLAB Following wagon (or wagons) on hand without labels. Are you short of it, or can you trace forwarding from your district? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOTOGO Route restriction, do not send this train via this route. BR?
NOTRAMO Not to travel without stopping for examination by goods inspector in charge, or guard, more than .......... add to code '20 miles' or whatever distance imposed. Railway Executive, 1950
NOTRAMO Not to travel more than .......... add to code "30 miles" or whatever distance is imposed without stopping for examination by guard or accompanying inspector. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
NOVAC Dispose of foreign cattle wagons not fitted with vacuum brake and foreign cattle wagons fitted with pipe only as follows. GWR, 1939
NOVEL We have on hand the following. May we forward? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOWBOF Neither whistle nor bell with signal 'off' GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOWBON Neither whistle nor bell with signal 'on'. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NOWORB Neither whistle nor bell. GWR, 1939
NUBIS Following traffic specially canvassed as trial lot to rails. Deliver or advise consignees specially. British Transport Commission, 1958
NULAB Following hence labelled as under required at last station named. Alter labels and wire reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
NUT The load must be examined prior to exchange to this region from another region or before leaving forwarding station on this region and again at frequent intervals during the journey. Railway Executive, 1950
OAK Provide engine for ..........
OAK Provide engine and men for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OAR Send better particulars to enable me to trace. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OASIS May travel loaded as described on .......... insert train and date with inspector in charge. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OBDEM No facility for unloading except at station platform. Obtain signed indemnity from sender. GWR, 1939
OBDOS Obtain details from Divisional Control. Railway Executive, 1950 BR, 1980s
OBI Will you finish with the crane today and if not, when?
OBOX Signal boxes opened or extended beyond scheduled hours. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OCHRE Following wagon detained at undermentioned with unsafe load. Arrange as necessary. Reply. GWR, 1939
OCTAVE Do not recommend excursion or excursion facilities in connection with undermentioned event. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ODEL Following derailed at .......... breakdown van sent for. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OGLO Train conveying out-of-gauge or otherwise exceptional load where the adjoining line or lines need not be blocked. To be signalled by the special 'is line clear' signal 4-1-1. Railway Executive, 1950
OGLO Out-of-gauge or otherwise exceptional load where running lines or sidings need not be clear. To be signalled by the special 'is line clear' signal 2-6-1. British Transport Commission, 1958
OGLO Out-of-gauge load where running lines or sidings need not be clear between points mentioned. To be signalled by the Special 'Is line clear?' signal 2-6-1. BR, 1980s
OHIO Send on all speed.
OILSAM Sample of lubricating oil from vehicle/locomotive no. .......... being despatched today per .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
OLIVE Crane finished with; where shall we send it?
ONEGA Let me know what traffic may be expected today.
ONWAY Following stock in transit. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OPAL Following ordered on requisition urgently required. Supply immediately. Reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OPIUM Your message not understood. Wire full particulars at once. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR?
OPNEX Can you provide train of open thirds for following excursion state if kitchen required. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OPPOS Opposite line to be blocked between the following places. Railway Executive, 1950
OPPOS Running lines and/or sidings mentioned on right-hand side of load looking in direction of travel must be clear and nothing out-of-gauge must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on the left hand side of the load. To be signalled by the special 'is line clear' signal 2-6-3. British Transport Commission, 1958
OPPOS Running lines and/or sidings mentioned on the right-hand side of the road looking in the direction of travel must be clear, and no train signalled 2-6-2 or 2-6-3 must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on the left-hand side of the load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear?' signal 2-6-3. BR, 1980s NR, 2016
ORANGE Unable to spare any water unless additional supply is received from higher reaches to help. Arrange. GWR, 1939
ORBIT Immediate quotation required to secure to rail. Wire assent.
ORDIS Following traffic tendered to wait order at your station. Have you disposal instructions and can you accept?
OREGON Crane and man will be sent as under; arrange with consignee as follows.
ORIGA following consignment ex you .......... contents declared as foreign manufacture. Wire actual country of origin with full details under th respective Export List headings. GWR, 1939
ORSEN Wire by what train sent (or sending). Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ORWELL Not to hand. Send copy first train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OSAGE Send men here for undermentioned engine to leave at .......... GWR, 1939
OSTRICH Your invoice number (or waybill) .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OTBO Out-boundary cartage charge per ton, including container differential. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OTTER Our invoice number (or waybill) .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OUDE Wire no. or name of engine working. GWR, 1939
OUSE Arrange to relieve undermentioned at .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OUTFOOT Owing to suspected outbreak of foot and mouth disease near this station, cattle, sheep, goats or swine must not be accepted for despatch from your station until further advised. If animals are received by rail they must not be unloaded until authorised. GWR, 1939
OUTFOOT Owing to suspected outbreak of foot and mouth disease at .......... insert here name of actual place mentioned in the notice, cattle, sheep, goats or swine must not be accepted for despatch from your station until further advised. If animals are received by rail they must not be unloaded until authorised by local police. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
OUTGUAGE An out-of-gauge (or exceptional) load to dimensions given is required to travel from .......... to .......... Wire conditions to your district. Railway Executive, 1950
OVAL Our men .......... relieving following train. Trainmen resting here. Wire return train. GWR, 1939
OVUM 3.50pm fish train Milford Haven to Gloucester left at .......... GWR, 1939
OWL Invoice (or invoices) sent as follows.
PALM Report fully by next train with reference to delay, as follows. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PANTHER If following not delivered immediately sender threatens to throw on company's hands. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PARBLE The following paybills not to hand .......... Send by next train and write explaining delay, or if sent, forward copy. GWR, 1939
PAROT Send Parratt stretcher light .......... for use .......... Advise service sent. GWR, 1939
PARSEE Invoices duly sent. References to entries as follows. GWR, 1939
PARSPEC Unadvertised party special. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
PARTIC Advise me particulars of tickets issued. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PARVA .......... invalid party on Parratt stretcher from .......... to .......... date .......... Reserve one .......... class compartment and collect five shillings reservation fee. GWR, 1939
PASBAG .......... train carrying passengers and baggage for .......... as follows. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PASBNO Not to pass nor be passed by other out-of-gauge load. Railway Executive, 1950
PAT The load to be worked by special freight train throughout the journey and in daylight wherever possible in order that it may be under close observation of the train staff. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PATER Following material leaving .......... by .......... passenger train for repairs. Urgently required. GWR, 1939
PEACH Wire date, time and proof of transfer. GWR, 1939
PEACOCK Steamer due for following traffic, order trucks required. GWR, 1939
PERMAT Please supply following wagons for loading by engineering department at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PERMO Will this meet your requirements? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PERNIL Wagon sugar beet no. .......... here .......... without permit. Sender .......... contract no. .......... Send permit at once or if sent, hand certified copy. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PERPOT Special train of potatoes, vegetables and other perishable traffic leaving Weymouth at .......... GWR, 1939
PETAL The undermentioned firm has no ledger account at this station - short credit allowed - send account for collection. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PETRO Engine van and guard hence at .......... for .......... to work .......... to .......... Advise all concerned. GWR, 1939
PIASTRE Paid to station only. If consignees require you to deliver secure cartage charges from them. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PIKE Following missing. Have you any trace? If so, send to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PILCH Wire address or full description and contents of following.
PINE Cancel the running of trains as under. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PINE Train(s) as under terminate(d) short of destination. BR, 1980s
PINK Can you deal with undermentioned traffic at station named for delivery? If not, say which is the nearest available station.
PINTAIL Wire me the state of your yard giving total number of trucks for each station. GWR, 1939
PINTO Wire me painted tare of following wagon/s. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PIPER Wire now saying what additional stock is required for your use on ..........
PLAT Following goods found on hand without account. If from you wire instructions.
PLEJ Platform edges to be kept clear. GWR, 1939
PLUNGE Equip with soap, towels, etc. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PLYM Plymouth Ocean Special running under table .......... hence .......... GWR, 1939
POCKET Following sent you by undermentioned train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
POD Advise date and proof of delivery.
POND A military escort authorised to travel in the brake van with the guard will accompany this special traffic. British Transport Commission, 1958
PONTEX Advise me by wire maximum acceptable dimensions at place named. GWR, 1939
POPPY Following transferred to undermentioned on date named and signed for by .......... GWR, 1939
POPPY .......... type of train or unit and driver working .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
PORCON Following consignment subject to special examination received from station named for transfer sent you in wagon no. .......... on .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PORTEX The following traffic is travelling under the 'Export Express Service' arrangement and all concerned must see that it is dealt with expeditiously and strictly in accordance with the special instructions laid down. British Transport Commission, 1958
POSY I am posting you today bill of lading as under. Secure, vessel now due.
POWEROME To assist in meeting urgent traffic requirements, arrange on this authority to work to home depots by best means during this weekend all foreign engines on hand having no balancing service, to ensure starting Monday's working under normal conditions. GWR, 1939
PRECAW Train to carry 'through freight' headlights. Special care to be taken when starting, stopping and shunting. Special caution to be exercised when passing or loading or unloading at landings and loading docks, not to be taken past high landings or high loading docks. Railway Executive, 1950
PRECAW Special care to be taken when starting, stopping and shunting and the usual precautions and careful handling to be observed throughout. British Transport Commission, 1958
PRECON Consignees should be informed that wagons held back at forwarding or intermediate points owing to their inability to accept as loaded will be subject to demurrage charges in accordance with the demurrage regulations. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PREP Can you accept the following load subject to conditions to be stipulated later? GWR, 1939
PRETOTIA The following engine is now ready. Send men and tools to work it to .......... State time leaving. GWR, 1939
PRIDE Your reliefman undermentioned and mate being utilised here. GWR, 1939
PRIVCON It is of the utmost importance that the information contained in this telegram which is private and confidential and for the use of the staff concerned only, should not under any circumstances be given to members of the public or to other unauthorised persons. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PROFOD Provide fodder. Reply by wire what attention required during subsequent transit. Railway Executive, 1950
PROGAR Wire me your proposals for guards' working in connection with the following trains. GWR, 1939
PROPOS Say for what purpose traffic required and where present supplies are obtained. GWR, 1939
PROPT Wire now if service accepted. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PRUDENT Following wagon containing valuable damageable traffic hence per .......... train. Examine, handle carefully and wire forward.
PRUNE Bank engine required to assist the following train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PRUSSIA Instruct undermentioned to proceed for duty to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PUG Special of empty coaches hence to .......... at .......... on .......... All concerned advised. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PULSEAT Reserve .......... seat/s .......... class Pullman on .......... for .......... Ticket/s will be issued here and supplementary fee/s collected Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
PUMPKIN Send opens, ordinary trains only, to .......... GWR, 1939
PYRO Carriage (or vehicle other than engine) off line at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
QONOTO Quote by tonight's post adding rate not upon companies' rate books - kindly say when traffic will move.
QUAIL Following on hand at station named without address. Wire if you can trace passing or if wanted by you. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
QUONITE Quote by tonight's post.
QUORN Fare for theatrical company hence to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
QUOTAX I have quoted arrival time at destination at .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RACER Wire service and route between points named for race horses running same day. GWR, 1939
RACER A Wire service and route between points named for race horses running following day. GWR, 1939
RACINE Rail motor will work in place of auto engine on .......... Arrange. GWR, 1939
RACOON Do you hold licence for cattle for ..........? GWR, 1939
RACOON Do you hold licence for ..........? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RADIUM Am letting down all water I can spare. GWR, 1939
RAG Do you agree to times of trains as under?
RAILPIG Make all necessary arrangements and rail to .......... to arrive before .......... on date named.
RAM Not to pass or be passed by passenger stock on adjoining lines. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
RAMPA Must not pass nor be passed by any train in opposite or adjacent running lines between the following points. GWR, 1939
RANGLE Party waiting for information. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RASH Horse box with race horse, horse for breeding purposes or show traffic. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RATCHET Ascertain condition of load on arrival of truck, arrange careful handling, watch unloading and delivery operations. Report fully by letter cause and extent of any damage. GWR, 1939
RATEX Reply by wire rate of acceptance ex .......... insert ship, store, etc.. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RATIO May we forward the undermentioned traffic. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RAVEN Your wire instructing me to hold the following consignment has been acted upon. Obtain indemnity and disposal instructions. GWR, 1939
REBEL Care to be exercised in passing .......... Railway Executive, 1950
REBUFF Service accepted. Make necessary arrangements for traffic to pass. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REBUKE We can accept the following. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REDE Arrange and advise all concerned.
REDEX Received and delivered as entered, no excess here. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REDOUBLE Reserve double bedroom for .......... LMS, 1930s
REGCON Conditional train will run .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REGLOC Reduce your allocation. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REGLUDE Include bookings each evening. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REGMORE You may increase your allocation. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REGSAL The first train named is cancelled and passengers will be allowed to travel by second train mentioned. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REGSHIP Registered tranship consignment for .......... loaded you truck .......... today. Arrange direct loading. Advise destination full details despatch ex you. GWR, 1939
REGUP The undermentioned train is booked up. Can you increase our allocation to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RELAX Fog (or snowstorm) cleared .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RELIANCE Relying on your concurrence I have agreed.
RELOCO Engineman does not know road beyond your station; on duty as under provide engineman forward. GWR, 1939
REMAN Guard does not know road beyond your station; on duty as under provide guard forward. GWR, 1939
REMCOL Arrange packing and collection from house of undermentioned removal on date and time named. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMDEL Arrange delivery, unpacking and housing of undermentioned removal on date and time named. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMIN Wire charge for unpacking and housing .......... tons in .......... containers give no. and type at undermentioned address. If ordinary delivery charge does not apply, name out-boundary figure or packer's inclusive charge for delivery, unpacking and housing. State station to which containers should be forwarded.
REMIN Wire how we must label and invoice household removal in containers no., type and net weight to following address, also charge for unpacking and housing and name of unpackers. If not within ordinary cartage limits quote out-boundary or throughout road cartage charge. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMLAB Following containers forwarded today with household removal for address given. Unpacking and housing not required. Charges will be paid by Ministry of Labour Employment Exchange.
REMLAB Following containers forwarded today with household removal for address given. Charges will be paid by Ministry of Labour Employment Exchange. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMOR Following containers forwarded today with household removal for address given. Unpacking and housing not required. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMOUT Wire estimated weight and packing charge. If ordinary collection charge does not apply, name out-boundary figure or packer's inclusive charge for packing and collection from house. State station from which containers will be forwarded. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMPAR Wire how we must label and invoice household removal in containers no., type and net weight to following address. Unpacking and housing not required. Quote extra charge for delivery if any.
REMPAR Wire how we must label and invoice household removal in containers no., type and net weight to following address. If not within ordinary cartage limits quote out-boundary or throughout road cartage charge. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMSEE Arrange inspection at undermentioned address on date and time named. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REMSUR Wire estimated weight, packing charge and valuation for insurance. If ordinary collection charge does not apply name out-boundary figure or packer's inclusive charge for packing and collection from house. State station from which containers will be forwarded. GWR, LNER, SR, 1939
RENSWAN Please supply by return the following material to renew on stopped engine no. .......... type .......... old material hence with advice note to cover.
REPACKO Following detained packed with straw. Wire authority to repack owner's sole risk and expense. Senders are .......... GWR, 1939
REPAS The consignment as per following particulars is travelling under the Blue Arrow Passenger Train Registered Transit arrangements and all concerned must see that it is dealt with expeditiously and strictly in accordance with the special instructions laid down. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REPLAC Replacement locomotive leaves at .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REPLEN Lavatory tanks require filling in following vehicle on train named. Be prepared to replenish. GWR, 1939
REPLEN Replacement engine/s for diesel no. .......... by following service. British Transport Commission, 1958
RESDU Following shown on your daily stock return wanted additional for use yesterday. Wire if requirements not met and give details of traffic waiting. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RESKIT Wire exactly how goods were consigned and at whose risk. Railway Executive, 1950
RESLAB Arrange to keep locked, labelled and reserved for party (or parties) named for return journey. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RESPAC Resume acceptance of traffic in strictly normal quantities for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
RESPITE Goods not yet handed to us. Senders say .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RESPOND You may resume forwarding following.
RESSEC Reserve second class seat/s in undermentioned train. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
RESTCAR Conductor of restaurant car. GWR, 1939
RESTHIR Reserve third class seat/s in undermentioned train. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
RESUMP Cancel WARNPASS message. Working now in order. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
REVAL Household removal. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
REWAY Reweigh or obtain weights owing to dispute.
REZONE Reserve first class seat/s in undermentioned train. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
RHONE Have you received the following?
RIALTO Following engine off the line at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RIBBLE Following goods per your invoice or correspondence quoted below, reported refused and lying here. Consignee will now accept. Wire if we may deliver.
RIFLE If not too late, divert undermentioned to place named and advise me when done. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RIGPAS No train conveying passengers must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings mentioned on the right hand side of the load looking in the direction of travel and nothing out-of-gauge must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on both sides of load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. British Transport Commission, 1958
RIGPAS No train conveying passengers must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings mentioned on the right hand side of the load looking in the direction of travel and no train signalled 2-6-2 or 2-6-3 must be allowed on the running lines and/or sidings on both sides of the load. To be signalled by the special 'Is line clear' signal 2-6-3. BR, 1980s
RISKIT Wire exactly how goods were consigned and at whose risk. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ROACH Undermentioned on hand here with following defects. Send men to repair or wire instructions
ROADMO Wire immediately whether following consignment can be accepted by consignee by road motor and unloaded immediately on arrival.
ROADPIG Make all necessary arrangements for collection and throughout road transport to .......... bacon factory on date named.
ROAR All concerned have agreed to conveyance of .......... dimensions as follows from .......... to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
ROBE Wire me state of weather at your station.
ROCKET Traffic or tranships usually sent to stations mentioned must not be diverted to any other station. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RODAP Send immediately copies of applications for licences shown in 'A' and 'D' No. .......... as follows.
RODENT Meet the undermentioned by train named.
RODING Arrange for engine working undermentioned train to return with the following. GWR, 1939
RODLI Complete forms re applications made by .......... for .......... licence
ROMBOX Arrange to supply road motor horse box for following .......... and quote charges. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ROMEO Load to travel in accordance with restrictions on wide loads contained in the 1932 schedules: loads 10ft 6in to 10ft 9in wide. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
ROROB Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933 - objection licence application following vehicles .......... being considered. Report immediately upon activities this haulier indicating traffics carried in competition with rail, districts served, etc. GWR, 1939
ROSE Send and reply train sent by, the following stock by passenger train to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ROSLIN Cease acceptance of following traffic. GWR, 1939
ROTRA Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933. GWR, 1939
RUDD Following missing from train named, said last seen at your station. Send to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RUNLOC Do you agree to train running if stock provided locally? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RUPEE Load the undermentioned train sufficiently light for following. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RUPERT State of weather ..........
RUSS The undermentioned is here in error and will be sent .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
RUSSIA The undermentioned is here in error and will be sent.
RUSTIC Wire when we may resume forwarding. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SACK What sacks can you let me have today?
SAGE Note and advise all concerned that parcels, etc. traffic must not, until further notice, be booked to ........... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SAKI Say if correct as received. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SALAD Following entered to you and supposed to have crossed in transit. See consignee and ascertain if you received and delivered correct marks and numbers and wire me.
SALFO Collect saloon fee and issue card saloon ticket or excess receipt in accordance with general instructions.
SALRET Second class rail, first in ship, return fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
SALSIN Second class rail, first in ship, single fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
SAMLET Sailings will be resumed as follows. All booking of passengers and parcels may be resumed. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SANTOI Send break-down van at once. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SAP Keep me well advised.
SAPID Sailings as follow are suspended. Cease booking passengers and parcels. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SARCRO Load to travel in accordance with restrictions on wide loads contained in the 1932 schedules: loads 10ft to 10ft 3in wide. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
SATURN Wire when and where following will be held. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SAVO Sharp crossovers at the following places to be avoided. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
SAVO Crossovers at the following places not to be used. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s NR, 2016
SCAB Following train conveys out-of-gauge .......... on wagon .......... make all necessary arrangements to handle safely whilst in your yard and wire forward to next yard which train enters. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SCALE Collect excess from passengers in superior class in undermentioned train hence. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SCALLOP Your wire. Cannot supply omnibus for ..........
SCOOP Care to be exercised in loops and sidings. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
SCRIBE Describe traffic in classification terms and give full name and address of consignee. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SCRUTINY Specially note condition when following consignment is handed to the company and report any damage. Arrange careful handling and loading. Wire particulars of despatch. GWR, 1939
SCUD Special working by engine belonging to following station hence at ..........
SECSLEEP A second class sleeping berth has been reserved on the following train to join at your station British Transport Commission, 1958
SEKU Endeavour to secure this traffic to rail at the best possible rate, not going below .......... Advise me the result of your efforts.
SENBIL .......... arrived with undermentioned. See consignee, secure and send us bill of lading.
SENECA The following traffic must, until further notice, only be accepted on the condition that the company will not be responsible for any loss, damage or delay thereto. Note and advise all concerned.
SENPA Please send your papers to undermentioned meeting to be held on ..........
SENTRY Send me copy of invoice (or waybill). Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SEPAL Note and advise all concerned that parcels, etc., traffic may now be booked as usual to ........... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SEPOY Wire if we may deliver the following goods claimed by undermentioned and see senders if necessary. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SEPTRE Except foodstuffs and perishables for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SERENE Strong complaint from senders. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SERIPASS Exhibit notice that restricted train service is in operation and heavy delays are probable. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SERUM Wire truck no., point loaded .......... GWR, 1939
SERVIA Certainly sent to you; have further search made and wire result. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SESAME Keep signal boxes open Sunday as previously. Notice is being issued.
SHAKESPEAR .......... party .......... persons for Shakespeare Day tour. Stationmaster Leamington Spa to advise Motor Co. Stationmaster Stratford-on-Avon to reserve accommodation in 5.30pm ex Stratford .......... date. GWR, 1939
SHAMBLE Arrange to feed and water at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SHANNON No traffic on hand. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SHANTY Load must not be shunted to opposite line. Railway Executive, 1950
SHARP Keep sharp lookout for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SHEAF Send the following for inspection to ..........
SHINO Steamship of following line or from following ports arrived or arriving here at .......... GWR, 1939
SHOE Wagon number .......... repaired and released .......... GWR, 1939
SHOUTO Steamship of following line or to following ports left or leaving here at .......... GWR, 1939
SHREW Wire what loco coal on hand for .......... GWR, 1939
SHRIMP Have undermentioned tickets sent here next train and debit this station through daily cash account 110. GWR, 1939
SHUNPASS If necessary to shunt, load must be placed clear of all passenger trains. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SHUNTEX Not to be loose shunted over a hump or along the flat. BR, 1980s
SIAM Arrived at scene of accident at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SIDON Loaded out of centre to six-foot side specify distance in inches. GWR, 1939
SIGPAS Signalman .......... has been tested and passed for duties in .......... signalbox. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SILK .......... here without funds. Can you call at undermentioned address and collect fare, plus expenses as follows. Wire result at once. Believed originally a convenient word for which later a 'backronym' stranded individual location known was developed Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR
SINBA Men on duty. Single home basket. GWR, 1939
SINGAR No single line arches to be passed through. Railway Executive, 1950
SISCO Scissors crossovers not to be used; other crossovers and junctions, including those to and from goods loops and refuge sidings, to be used with caution and at slow speed. Care to be exercised in marshalling yards. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
SIXATE Cartage motor vehicle 6/8 tons carrying capacity. GWR, 1939
SKIPPING Engineers' .......... type train no. .......... arrived at .......... time. Railway Executive, 1950
SKITO Send following to first instead of second station named below.
SKOLAR Will be supplied as soon as possible. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SKUNK Secure connection with ..........
SKY Have you any account of the following being stopped for repairs since ..........? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SKYLARK Divert loco coal as follows. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SLASH Stop sending until further orders coal and coke to ..........
SLASH Stop accepting until further advised coal and coke to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
SLATTERN Cannot agree to your proposal.
SLAV Following sent to undermentioned station. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SLEBO Reserve first class sleeping berth for .......... ACK. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SLIGO The following train will stop instead of slipping at your station. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SLIPPER Vehicles can now be slipped as booked. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SLOE Instruct driver and guards of under-mentioned train to stop instead of slipping vehicles. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SLOG Advise arrival time destination.
SLOGAN The undermentioned goods train conveys out-of-gauge traffic. Railway Executive, 1950
SLUMBER Up main line blocked. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SMELT Have an omnibus ready on arrival of following train to go to .......... state name of person and requirements.
SMOKE Owing to fog in London Division restriction train service to operate in accordance with current fog-working notice. GWR, 1939
SNAIL We are now supplied with the following. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SNIPE Send supply of loco coal first means.
SNIPE Send supply of loco coal to .......... first means. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SNUFF Cannot supply truck ordered. Can you manage with any other type; if so, give particulars. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SOCLOC Stock locomotive no. .......... for following station working undermentioned train, urge forward. British Transport Commission, 1958
SOITCH Shoe switch. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SOKEN Stock engine no. .......... for following station working undermentioned train, urge forward. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
SOLO First class single fare ..........
SOMA Supply wagons to divisional engineer for stores sold material as ordered Stores Department Order dated .......... GWR, 1939
SONATA Send the following persons to Swindon for examination on date named. GWR, 1939
SONATA Send the following persons to .......... for examination on date named. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SORET First class return fare .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPAIN Search for undermentioned and, if found, send as under and reply state train, class of carriage, brake van or luggage compartment ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPALLS Reply by next train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPATE Trains between following points may run at ordinary speed on and after date named. Withdraw restriction and reply. Believed originally a convenient word for which later a 'backronym' speed published and terminated early was developed. If so, this phrase has entered official use and now appears in the rule book GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s NR
SPEDUP Arrange to expedite the following traffic loaded to your station by train named for transhipment. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPEDWAY Speed of trains required to be reduced to undermentioned miles per hour between following points on and after date named. Arrange and reply. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
SPEED Speed of trains required to be reduced to undermentioned miles per hour between following points on and after date named. Arrange and reply. GWR, 1939
SPEKO Following coal urgently wanted. Give preference over all other. Advise full particulars despatch. GWR, 1939
SPENO See special notice .......... insert number hence today. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
SPEY My communication of date named respecting .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPIDER Following told to assist the stations named with the undermentioned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPINACH Let me know how you have disposed of the following or if still on hand. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPLOT Special lot to pass by ..........
SPONGE Great pressure for following empties. Have every one possible shunted out and sent .......... Wire how many and when they will leave. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPOON Demands heavy for goods brakes and trains being delayed in consequence of short supply. Send all you can to the following station. Wire how many and when they will leave. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPROUT Send crane to load or unload following traffic now on hand. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SPUR Another reliefman is being sent your station. On his arrival send following to .......... by first train. GWR, 1939
SQUID Your communication. Accommodation for .......... reserved as requested. Wire if charges collected by you or to be collected on steamer. GWR, 1939
STADIUM Wire me whether requirements for following now met. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STAG Give marks and numbers and send all labels. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STAKEN Electric staff instruments failed between .......... and .......... Attend at once. GWR, 1939
STARLING 5.10pm fish train Milford Haven to Severn Tunnel Junction (London fish) left at .......... GWR, 1939
STARWORK Undermentioned man off since .......... with .......... reports ready for duty. Wire if he may resume. GWR, 1939
STAT Freight train statistics week ending .......... GWR, 1939
STAY A Send on all speed 1in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STAY B Send on all speed 1116in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STAY C Send on all speed 118in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STAY D Send on all speed 1316in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STAY F Send on all speed 114in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STAY G Send on all speed 1516in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STAY H Send on all speed 138in copper stay, 6in long (unless otherwise stated) and taps and tools to suit. If more than one stay is required, number to be quoted GWR, 1939
STEAD Instead of as previously ordered. Railway Executive, 1950
STIRRUP Send vet immediately to examine .......... GWR, 1939
STONE Traffic now being worked on single line. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STOPAIR Following stock on hand waiting admission to shops. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STOPOIL Sample of lubricating oil received from vehicle/locomotive no. .......... is sub-standard and requires immediate attention. British Transport Commission, 1958
STORK We have no trace of your invoice (or waybill); send copy next train. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STORM How many of the following can you accept? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STOUR Following is the state of our yard at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STRAN The consignment as per following particulars is travelling under the Green Arrow Merchandise Train registered transit arrangements and all concerned must see that it is dealt with expeditiously and strictly in accordance with the special instructions laid down. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STRECHO Have stretcher and assistance meet undermentioned train hence. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
STRONGBOW Undermentioned train full from following place. Be prepared to strengthen it from your station. GWR, 1939
SUBCRA Subject to current authorised increase. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SUBSEA Subject to addition of current sea surcharge. British Transport Commission, 1958
SUBTRIBE Subject to the approval of Railway Rates Tribunal.
SULTAN Train conveying load must travel on .......... line between .......... and .......... Railway Executive, 1950
SULTAN Train conveying load must travel on .......... line as follows. British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
SULTO Can you suggest alternative routing or amended loading. GWR, 1939
SUN Special fog working London Division cancelled. Resume ordinary working commencing .......... GWR, 1939
SWALE Wire when following was or will be sent. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SWAN Please supply by return the following material for stopped engine no. .......... type .......... Requisition to follow.
SWIFT Send by next train certain to .......... GWR, 1939
SWINSPEC Arrange for Swindon inspector to supervise the loading of the above mentioned traffic. GWR, 1939
SWINSPEC Arrange for .......... to supervise the loading of the above mentioned traffic. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SWOP Will change following engine/s today. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
SYMBOL Reserve second class compartment/s in undermentioned train. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
TABLET I am asked to quote rate for special lot. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TAGTAIL Dispose of spare stock as follows. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TAGUS Following hence today.
TAIL Make careful search for tail lamps and send to .......... next train, advising me by telegram or telephone number sent. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TANGO Leave granted provided you can make satisfactory arrangements without incurring any additional expense. Advise all concerned. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TAP Is accommodation available on coach ex your station on date named for the following number of passengers from my station to ..........? Wire number of seats booked. GWR, 1939
TARIFA Customs dues said to be payable by senders. Wire if we may debit you.
TARSUS Sender declines to give instructions. GWR, 1939
TATOO Guard commenced duty at .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TAY Unable to send following .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TEABAS Have tea basket ready for ........... give passenger's name, train and coach GWR, 1939
TEAK Arrange to adopt fog service. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TELCO Arrange to communicate with me by telephone on following subject. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TEMPUS Send necessary details for notice at once. Am waiting to go to press. GWR, 1939
TENCH Following vehicles for stations named below are on train mentioned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TENDRIL Can you find coaches for excursion as follows? GWR, 1939
TERRAPIN Your report of this morning shows the following stock missing since yesterday. Say how disposed of. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TESTO Arrange test signalman .......... at undermentioned box for signalman's duties. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TEVIOT We have on hand for the undermentioned train. GWR, 1939
THEACO For your use theatricals Sunday to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
THIRBIN Reserve third class berth on open saloon and wire number. GWR, 1939
THIRBO Reserve third class sleeping berth for .......... ACK. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950
THIRSLEEP A third class sleeping berth has been reserved on the following train to join at your station ♠ Railway Executive, 1950
THROSTLE Keep on hand for my order. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
THRUSH Deliver free and credit me. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
THRUT Throughout road transport cost per container including detention charge. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TIARA Send undermentioned engine here attached to following train. GWR, 1939
TIBER In charge of guard. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TICK Following stopped for repairs.
TICKOL Following wagons containing coal stopped for repairs and cannot be repaired under load. Approach senders for disposal instructions where standing. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TICKSHIP Following wagon from and to stations named stopped here and sent shed for transhipment. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TIGER Arrange for ballast train to run on date named for the following place, starting at .......... GWR, 1939
TINOT Ticket(s) not issued nor fee(s) collected.
TISSUE Ticket(s) will be issued here and fee(s) collected. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TIVY Undermentioned R.R. train runs today. GWR, 1939
TOCK Following will be released. GWR, 1939
TOCK As first charge on stock. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TOGAN Supply the following items in your wagon application from stock available .......... GWR, 1939
TOLAT Traffic too late for shipment. Refer senders to shippers for further instructions. GWR, 1939
TOLDEC Plus special haulage charge of .......... per vehicle. Maximum .......... per consignment. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TOMAR Load to travel in accordance with restrictions on wide loads contained in the 1932 schedules: loads 10ft 3in to 10ft 6in wide. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
TOME No more to spare. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TONER Cartage motor vehicle 1/112 tons carrying capacity. GWR, 1939
TOOTON Cartage motor vehicle 2 tons carrying capacity. GWR, 1939
TORTUS We have the following to spare. Send disposal instructions. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TOURFIRST First class circular tour fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TOURSEC Second class circular tour fare .......... British Transport Commission, 1958
TOURTHIRD Third class circular tour fare .......... Railway Executive, 1950
TOZA The station master, yard master, agent or person in charge at starting and exchange points must see that the enginmen and guards are aware of these instructions and all concerned must keep a sharp look-out during throughout working with the load - carefully observing the instructions laid down. Railway Executive, 1950
TRAFOR Wire time, date and place following wagons handed Traffic Department for despatch. GWR, 1939
TRAL Travel slowly at .......... GWR, 1939
TRANCON Following consignment for transfer in wagon named. Arrange examination and report condition on arrival. Give special attention during transhipment and wire forwarding details to destination station. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRANSIP The following wagon or wagons containing .......... from .......... station to .......... stopped here defective. Contents will require to be transhipped. Shall I so arrange? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRANSOL Sender unable to give local disposal instructions. Arrange transhipment, send forward and advise new wagon number. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRANSPEC Following wagons said stopped for repairs your station. If repairs cannot be effected immediately arrange transhipment. GWR, 1939
TRANSWAG Arrange transhipment of contents of wagon numbers .......... advising me wagon/s into which transhipped and date sent forward. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TREK Theatrical company named travels on date named between points mentioned. Wire best service. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRELO The circular tour fare for following tour would be .......... GWR, 1939
TREND Following consignment hence in truck .......... Expedite delivery and time sent. GWR, 1939
TRICARS A special train of empty cars on a trial run will leave .......... for .......... (and back) at the time and on the date named. Note and advise all concerned. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRILL The following alternative is suggested. GWR, 1939
TRIM Loaded to you; release all speed and send empty to .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRIP Your return of bookings for excursion .......... on date named is not to hand. Send by next train or if sent, forward copy. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TRIX With reference to your enquiry of undermentioned date, the following may travel loaded as described, subject to the following stipulations. GWR, 1939
TROY Instruct driver and remind guard of the following train to stop at station named to take up or set down undernoted party. GWR, 1939
TURBOT Be prepared to deal with following on undermentioned train.
TURKEY Return as quickly as possible undermentioned engine working or assisting following train. GWR, 1939
TURNIP Detain undermentioned until you receive further instructions. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TURTLE When did following stock leave? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TWEED Will send the following to station named. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
TWIG Has the undermentioned a ledger account with this company? If so what station? GWR, 1939
TWIG Has the undermentioned a ledger account? If so what station? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
UCOL Number of wagons in 'U' column of stock report which will not be available for despatch empty to depot or on your orders until tomorrow. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
UNCA Covered truck conveying motor car, unaccompanied by passengers. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
UNCHAR Arrange to collect the following undercharge. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
UNDO Wire if undermentioned wagon still under load. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
UNIT Following sent to you unentered in wagon named. Dispose of as under or wire how disposed of. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
UNPAC Charge for unpacking and housing. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
URANUS Have all engines which passed between places named examined with following result .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
URE It is important for following reason that undermentioned trains should be worked punctually. Do all that is necessary, so far as you are concerned.
URJO Important wagon of goods for .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
URN Should it be necessary to shunt the train conveying the load clear of the running lines for any purpose, the person in charge must satisfy himself that there is a safe clearance for the load on the siding proposed to be occupied which, however, must not be adjacent to a running line unless all concerned are satisfied that there is a safe clearance for it. Railway Executive, 1950
URN Should it be necessary to shunt the train conveying the load clear of the running lines for any purpose, the person in charge must satisfy himself that there is a safe clearance for the load on the siding proposed to be occupied which, however, must not be adjacent to a running line unless all concerned are satisfied that there is a safe clearance for it. Also to draw the attention of the foreman to the load at the yard where he detaches it. British Transport Commission, 1958
USMAR Use may be made of main or relief lines. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950
UTOPIA Following ready to resume duty. Advise when and where he is to attend for medical examination. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VACON Dispose of foreign vacuum fitted covered goods vans up to 12 tons capacity as follows. GWR, 1939
VAMP Tractor and trailer spare; can you employ at your station? GWR, 1939
VAMPEX Can you spare tractor and trailer for ..........? GWR, 1939
VANCO Van with corpse. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VANDAL In addition to previous orders. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VANOC Following parties offered at .......... next Sunday. Note I have quoted times shown. GWR, 1939
VAPEX Can you spare motor lorry for ..........? GWR, 1939
VAPOUR Motor lorry spare; can you secure cartage for your station? GWR, 1939
VELOX Am proceeding to scene of accident with van at .......... GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VELVET Assist all possible and reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VENLO Special empty train running as under. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VERANDA See senders quickly and obtain particulars. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VERB Consignee requires full statement of 'paid on' charges; send full particulars.
VERBENA 'Paid on' charges are as follow.
VERCON Contents of following wagons hence today specially checked. Have out-turn verified and advise me discrepancies. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VERMILION I agree to passage, providing all other superintendents and engineers agree, including .......... Railway Executive, 1950
VETO Until further advised no goods traffic of any description must be accepted for or forwarded to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VIGIL For (or snowstorm) commenced .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VIK Secure charges on following consignment before delivery. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VIOLET Note and advise all concerned that passengers may now be booked as usual to ........... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VIPER Following vehicle is now ready for use. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VOLGA Reserve bed tonight for .......... LMS, 1930s BR, 1980s
VOLT Consignee declines to pay charge. May I debit you? Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VULCAN Base charge on third single standard fare of .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VULTRAF Following wagon hence today containing vulnerable traffic under security scheme. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
VULTURE No trace invoice, verify particulars and wire delivery sheet number. GWR, 1939
WABOF Both bell and whistle with signal 'off'. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WABON Both bell and whistle with signal 'on'. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WAFER Wire train sent forward by you. GWR, 1939
WAGDEM Following wagons under load incurring demurrage. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WAGLAB Following wagon on hand here with conflicting labels as under. Wire correct consignee and destination. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WAIL Placed on waiting list. Railway Executive, 1950
WAIL Placed on waiting list. Will advise if accommodation becomes available. If no advice received, application should be made after 4.0pm on day prior to journey. British Transport Commission, 1958
WALAK Make all necessary arrangements, as far as you are concerned and acknowledge receipt by wire. GWR, 1939
WALNUT Make all necessary arrangements, as far as you are concerned. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WALTUM Make all necessary arrangements, as far as you are concerned and acknowledge receipt by urgent train message. GWR, 1939
WANBEL Both bell and whistle. GWR, 1939
WARNO .......... line/s blocked between the undermentioned places. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WARNPASS Mishap has occurred at .......... location. Exhibit delay notice and warn passengers of possible delay/diversion. Railway Executive, 1950 BR, 1980s
WARNPASS Mishap has occurred at undermentioned station. Exhibit delay notice and warn passengers of possible delay. British Transport Commission, 1958
WARY The undermentioned goods train conveys out-of-gauge traffic and must be signalled on block under the special bell signal. Railway Executive, 1950
WASP Following loaded to you by undermentioned train hence; when empty send forward by first available train to place named and wire when sent. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WATTY What is being done to supply. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WEDGE The following vehicle (or vehicles) to work through. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WEFT If not already done, withdraw from traffic immediately in accordance with boiler report.
WELLAND Arrange for the following person/s to attend at .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WESER Say what arrangements have been made.
WHALE Is extra shunting engine required today? GWR, 1939
WIDFOOT Owing to widespread outbreak of foot and mouth disease the Ministry of Agriculture has imposed controlled area restrictions as set out on pages 25 and 26 of the livestock handbook to an area comprising the following counties, operative from the date shown below. Wire me for instructions in any case of difficulty. Livestock circular giving full details of area to follow. date of operation and counties to be named in wire Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WIGWAM Shall you require timber loaders again tomorrow? If so, have you sufficient wagons on hand? ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WILLOW I will make all necessary arrangements.
WINCH Have you received travelling crane?
WING Following still coming forward. Make stop effective at once.
WINGAGEX Within gauge in all respects except for .......... British Transport Commission, 1958 BR, 1980s
WIPART Your truck report not to hand. Wire particulars of stock on hand and required additional; also send me full explanation of delay. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WIRDEST Destination of .......... omitted from your daily stock return, wire or phone particulars early. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WIREX Wire me bookings by excursion to .......... ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WISAD My requirements will be met with .......... advised as being on way. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WISDAN Whistle although distant was off. GWR, 1939 Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WOBIN Marks and numbers are.
WODEN Daily next three days. GWR, 1939
WOLF Following, which left undermentioned station on date named is urgently wanted. If with you, forward to .......... Reply. ♠ Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
WONTO Wire first-class fare for circular tour as follows. GWR, 1939
WORGAN Following work will not now be carried out. Cancel all arrangements.
WORM Send all possible of the following to station named first means. Reply how many.
WORWAY Coaches worked away as follows. GWR, 1939
WOTEX What tickets are you likely to issue for following excursion?
WYTOT Our weight invoice number ........... Railway Executive, 1950
WYTRIK Your weight invoice number .......... Railway Executive, 1950
YAM Following will be supplied on .......... GWR, 1939
YANKEE .......... special to run as laid down in working time tables with passengers for (or off). Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
YOKE Your (our) urgent train message of .......... GWR, 1939
ZENDIC Engine and men will leave at the following time for .......... GWR, 1939
ZEPHIR Wagons of coal sent you .......... Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ZEST Debit extra charges to sender. Railway Executive, 1950 British Transport Commission, 1958
ZOLA Can you send engine and men to undermentioned station? If so, state time leaving. GWR, 1939
ZONE Send sketch and full dimensions of undernoted. GWR, 1939

London & North Western Railway codes are available at this London & North Western Railway Society page.

Unofficial codes

Most of these code phrases were used on teleprinters together with the appropriate headcodes or over the phone at Birmingham New Street in the 1970s/80s.

Code Unofficial description
DRUNKEX Saturday night special train (usually a DMU) to and from Blackpool
GYFO Strongly urge all speed ('Get your finger out')
KRANKEX Special train with interesting routing or traction code on occasion used in official publications
MYSTEX Special excursion going somewhere no one really wanted to go, especially on a wet Sunday e.g. Walsall to Cleethorpes (or vice versa) official code, see above, but unofficial description
Q-TRAIN Special run for the BTP travelling on local lines aimed at catching trespassers and vandals (but which usually only found academics doing weed surveys and similar) working timetable term for 'train runs as required'
WEEDEX Weedkiller train
XWARNPASS Severe WARNPASS i.e. the X prefix denoted a severe incident; used for example to communicate the 1988 Clapham accident


  1. Certain telegraph codes, notably CAPE and SPATE, were likely created as convenient words, the letters of which have no other meaning. Over the years a backronym has come into use, probably originally as a way to try to remember the meaning. Some such backronyms have entered official use in the rule book.