Railway track diagrams

A small sample

Last update 7 December 2024

Additional information is always gratefully received, whether entirely new records (particularly historical records) or information to fill in gaps or correct errors, via the contact link under the Miscellaneous entry in the navigation bar above. Thank you.

This page gives some sample track diagrams. This selection is intended to complement the Trackmaps series and the information given in the ELR pages. Files uploaded so far are presented as PDFs and include distances (in km) for all stops and for other features where known. Distance details are taken from official sources where possible and may differ from other published data.

Main line diagrams

These diagrams were produced by British Rail's Southern Region civil engineers. Intended to assist in identifying bridges and other structures requiring regular inspection and repair, they also give mileages of key features.

South Central area (1985) 10.4Mb file

South Eastern area (1976) 5.4Mb file

Tram systems

Blackpool (2014)

Croydon (2014)

Edinburgh (2014)

Manchester (2014)

Midland Metro (1999)

Nottingham (2004)

Nottingham (2015) courtesy Martyn Brailsford/Branchline Society, used with permission

Black Country Innovative Manufacturing Organisation test track (2023)

Coventry VLR (2025)

Electrification mast codes are not shown on the Nottingham (2015) diagram; south of Station Street (limit of 2004 layout) they are shown on this electrification page.

London Underground

This is not a track diagram as such but a distance diagram. In the interests of keeping the diagram manageable, recent (2015) extensions to the Overground network are not included as the new routes are entirely on the national network. Distances for these sections can be derived from the ELR pages.

Underground distance diagram 4.9Mb file



Heathrow Airport ULTra pod system (a 'marginal case' that does not use steel wheel on steel rail)

Mail Rail ('signalling' diagram of Royal Mail's railway). Key to symbols:

key Cabin; key Stairs; key Lift (No4, etc.); key Skip hoist; key Twin band riser; key Cabin; key Station stop board; key Former connections now removed; key Chute; key Chute and stairs; key Bag elevator; key Substation; key Wrong road shunt board; key Dividing line between two stations' supply It is not known what LR (in circle) nor what thick black lines mean