Jackson Civil Engineering Limited
Licence exemption 1999 No 2
Consultation began 13 November 1998; from 21 May 1999; revised 1 February 2001; revoked 21 July 2003
Non-passenger trains within possessions only
Last update 1 December 2023
Please select a letter from the list below:
Consultation began 13 November 1998; from 21 May 1999; revised 1 February 2001; revoked 21 July 2003
Non-passenger trains within possessions only
Formerly AHC (Warehousing) Limited (to 6 June 2007) then AHC Westlink Limited (7 June 2007 to 27 August 2014)
Consultation began 12 March 1999; from 30 August 2000; company dissolved 4 September 2017
Network forming Widnes International Rail Freight Terminal
Formerly Northern Track Renewals Company Limited (to 22 May 1996) then Fastline Group (23 May 1996 to 26 February 1998)
See also Western Track Renewal Company Limited (from 27 February 1998); absorbed Eastern Track Renewals Company Limited from 27 February 1998; later Fastline Limited (from 8 November 2004)
Initially a British Railways Board subsidiary, change of control 23 May 1996 (Fastline Group Limited)
Consultation began 24 March 1995; from 11 October 1995; revoked 11 February 2003
Network not defined
Consultation began 24 March 1995; from 11 October 1995; revoked 11 February 2003
Consultation began 24 March 1995; from 11 October 1995; revoked 11 February 2003
Light maintenance depots:
Doncaster Marshgate
Gateshead Greenfields
Leeds Holbeck
Liverpool Edge Hill
Manchester Guide Bridge
From 14 March 1996; revoked 11 February 2003
Light maintenance depots:
Doncaster Roberts Road
From 17 May 1996; revoked 11 February 2003
Light maintenance depot:
Newcastle Low Fell
Formerly Northern Infrastructure Maintenance Company Limited (to 17 June 1996) then Jarvis Facilities Limited (18 June 1996 to 8 November 2004)
Initially a British Railways Board subsidiary, change of control 18 June 1996 (Jarvis plc)
Consultation began 20 October 1995; from 4 February 1996; revoked 15 July 2011
Sidings, yards, etc.
Consultation began 20 October 1995; from 4 February 1996; revoked 26 September 2008
Consultation began 20 October 1995; from 4 February 1996; revoked 26 September 2008 not on ORR register
Light maintenance depots:
Chester Hoole Yard
Darlington Park Lane
Leeds Holbeck
Consultation began 16 February 1996; from 1 May 1996; revoked 6 August 2010
Light maintenance depot:
Liverpool Kirkdale
A network licence was revoked on 15 July 2011, the details above are assumed, though they do not fully agree with other dates and events
Consultation began 18 October 2023; from 1 December 2023
Non-passenger trains within possessions only
Consultation began 24 August 2005; from 28 September 2005
Network forming 600m long siding at Cricklewood freight sidings
Consultation began 20 March 2009; from 22 April 2009
Network forming Telford International Railfreight Park and approved extensions, any passenger or non-passenger train and any light maintenance depot on network
Consultation began 7 December 2010; from 6 January 2011
Any non-passenger train between Deanside exchange sidings and Russell's premises
Consultation began 6 May 2022
Network forming Highland Spring Rail Freight Facility (Blackford), any train and any light maintenance depot on network
See Mowlem Limited
Consultation began 24 July 1998; further consultation began 21 August 1998; from 22 October 1999; superseded 1 February 2001
Non-passenger trains within possessions only
Consultation began 16 April 2014; from 22 May 2014
Non-passenger trains within possessions only
Consultation began 27 November 2014; from 12 February 2015; corrigendum correcting name ('&' rather than 'and') 25 November 2015; revoked 12 March 2019