Railway station data

A (hopefully) comprehensive listing

Royal Mail 'Railnet' stations

Last update 6 July 2024

Additional information is always gratefully received, whether entirely new records (particularly historical records) or information to fill in gaps or correct errors, via the contact link under the Miscellaneous entry in the navigation bar above. Thank you.

Please select a feature from the list below:

In the late 1990s Royal Mail and Rail express systems (as was) embarked on a major investment project aimed at changing the way letter mail was delivered, using a 'hub and spoke' system known as Railnet. This required a major central and numerous outlying dedicated terminals, which were essentially private 'stations' used only for transferring containerised letters. Various factors conspired against the system and Royal Mail transferred most of its business to road and air within a few years of Railnet's start.

Later policy changes mean that Royal Mail is happier to use rail again and has taken a lease on a terminal in Daventry. This is not part of the original Railnet concept but this (and any further developments) is included for completeness.

This listing shows all Railnet terminals along with opening and closing dates. Owing to the nature of non-passenger services, historical documentation is lacking in places. If you can help clarify or fill in missing details, please contact the editor.

A list of passenger stations with post boxes can be found here.

Terminal ELR Mileage Date opened Date closed to rail Note
Bristol Parkway SWB 111m 47ch 15 May 2000 20 February 2004
Dallam (Warrington) CGJ3 183m 40ch 1 or 3 November 1997 OLE energised 28 September 1997
Doncaster SPD5 ≈117m 19ch 6 May 1997 unknown Officially into use 31 March 1997; first train possibly 21 April 1997; full use 6 May 1997
Low Fell NLF 0m 50ch 6 March 1995 15 June 2024 Officially into use 6 March 1995; OLE energised 11 March 1995; date of first train not known. Closed unknown date, traffic resumed 3 June 2013
Princess Royal Distribution Centre (Willesden) WRM 1m 61ch 20 May 1996 Officially into use 20 May 1996; opened (to rail?) 6 July 1996 or a week or so later or 30 September 1996; formally opened/named 20 May 1997
Shieldmuir WCM2 87m 26ch 16 February 1998 Connection installed 21 September 1997; first train 16 February 1998. Closed 9 May 2003, traffic later resumed
Stafford LEC3 113m 43ch 16 June 1997 unknown
Tonbridge XTD 30m 21ch 19 October 1994 March 2004?
Daventry HNR 15 August 2023