Last update 5 August 2023
Mileages are given in the form miles.chains unless stated otherwise. Figures prefixed with ≈ are approximate, those in parentheses are not on this route but are given for reference. Reference to 'start'/'end' of an asset are as read down the page.
0.00 Smyllum Junction/Douglas Junction with LNK (2.05) 0.24 Smyllum South Junction/Douglas Junction South with SMF (0.22) 2.11 LANARK RACECOURSE 4.75 SANDILANDS 6.51 Douglas colliery 6.58 PONFEIGH 7.18 Rigside Colliery siding 8.63 HAPPENDON formerly DOUGLAS 9.46 Poniel Junction siding 9.48 Poniel Junction with AHS (17.32) 11.62 Douglas Castle Colliery siding 11.74 DOUGLAS WEST 14.05 Glespin Colliery siding 15.00 INCHES 17.48 GLENBUCK 19.37 Ashieburn Quarry siding 20.26 Auldhouseburn Junction with Spireslack Colliery to Auldhouseburn Junction Line built but never opened 20.63 Auldhouseburn Colliery siding 20.77 Muirkirk Junction with MKK (58.14)