Last update 23 May 2022
Mileages are given in the form miles.chains unless stated otherwise. Figures prefixed with ≈ are approximate, those in parentheses are not on this route but are given for reference. Reference to 'start'/'end' of an asset are as read down the page.
39.43 Newton Junction with AYR6 39.45 junction with ZZA2 39.66 Blackhouse Junction with HBJ (0.22) 41.43 Auchincruive Junction with Auchincruive sidings 41.59 AUCHINCRUIVE 43.01 Mossblown Junction with PAB (40.06) 43.49 Drumley Pit 43.52 Annbank Junction with KCH1/ACL 43.57 ANNBANK 45.76 TARBOLTON 50.11 junction with ZZA1 (0.00) 50.17 relocated Mauchline Junction with GSW (43.10) 50.19 MAUCHLINE 50.30 original Mauchline Junction with GSW (43.23)