Last update 2 September 2023
Mileages are given in the form miles.chains unless stated otherwise. Figures prefixed with ≈ are approximate, those in parentheses are not on this route but are given for reference. Reference to 'start'/'end' of an asset are as read down the page.
25.20 Harpenden Junction with SPC1 25.39 junction with north facing curve onto SPC1 26.03 ROUNDWOOD 27.79 REDBOURN 28.68 BEAUMONTS ≈29.37 Owen's siding 31.33 GODWINS 32.37 HEMEL HEMPSTEAD 33.00 Heath Park goods depot 33.26 junction with Heath Park goods depot line 33.28 HEATH PARK 33.53 junction with gas company siding 33.59 end of rails Note that connection with LEC1 at Boxmoor and Hemel Hempstead was never made