Last update 24 October 2023
Mileages are given in the form miles.chains unless stated otherwise. Figures prefixed with ≈ are approximate, those in parentheses are not on this route but are given for reference. Reference to 'start'/'end' of an asset are as read down the page.
1949 measure 2.03 Narroways Hill Junction with BSW 2.35 Ashley Hill Junction with KIG (129.49) 2.68 MONTPELIER 3.25 REDLAND 3.72 CLIFTON DOWN 5.59 Sneyd Park Junction with HAA (0.00) 6.00 SEA MILLS 7.50 SHIREHAMPTON 8.07 PORTWAY PARK & RIDE 8.31 Avonmouth Dock Junction with AVD 8.53 Avonmouth Light Railway Junction with Avonmouth Light Railway (0.00) 9.02 AVONMOUTH formerly A. DOCK 9.29 Avonmouth Junction with AMB (16.03) 10.73 AVONMOUTH Note that 5.59-9.29 was formerly part of HAA. The lines were remiled giving Sneyd Park Junction at 0.00. Original measure 0.00 Narroways Hill Junction with BSW (2.03) 0.32 Ashley Hill Junction with KIG (129.49) 0.65 MONTPELIER 1.22 REDLAND 1.69 CLIFTON DOWN 3.56 Sneyd Park Junction with HAA (3.24)