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This page shows all known instances of languages other than English, Welsh or Scottish, Irish and Manx Gaelic officially used on British, Manx and Irish railway stations.
Bicester North and Bicester Village have signs in Arabic, but not including a translation of the station name. Bicester North has a second, differing translation on some signs.
Waterloo International had direction signs in French, but not including a translation of the station name.
English name
German name
NewtondaleNorth Yorkshire Moors Railway
Newtondale station was temporarily renamed for a special event in 1991
Bangor has a welcome sign in German, but not including a translation of the station name.
Broad Street (London) had a sign directing international passengers to Liverpool Street in German, but not including a translation of the station name.
Dover Marine had signs in German, but not including a translation of the station name.
Ealing Broadway had a security poster in many languages including German, but not including a translation of the station name.
Folkestone Harbour had a warning sign in German, but not including a translation of the station name.
Hampden Park had warning signs in German, but not including a translation of the station name.
Piccadilly (Manchester Metrolink) has a welcome sign in Polish, but not including a translation of the station name.
Broad Street (London) had a sign directing international passengers to Liverpool Street in Polish, but not including a translation of the station name.
Ealing Broadway had a security poster in many languages including Portuguese, but not including a translation of the station name.
Newhaven Marine had a warning sign in Spanish, but not including a translation of the station name.
Piccadilly (Manchester Metrolink) has a welcome sign in Spanish, but not including a translation of the station name.
Note that this is sometimes reported as Arabic; the alphabet is the same.
English name
Urdu name
لفنشومThis rendition does not consistently use correct letter forms (letters differ according to where they appear in a word) and some of the dots are incorrect. The rendition in the row above is a more correct translation
English name
Yiddish name
Stamford Hill
סטאמפארד הילproposed but not being considered further for implementation
Whitechapel had notices in Yiddish, but not including a translation of the station name.