A (hopefully) comprehensive listing

Locations beginning E

Last update 3 December 2024

Additional information is always gratefully received, whether entirely new records (particularly historical records) or information to fill in gaps or correct errors, via the contact link under the Miscellaneous entry in the navigation bar above. Thank you.

To see other locations, please click the link below:

Eagle Crossing EAGLEX
Eaglescliffe EAG 791600 EGLSCLF EAGLESCLF 15701
Eaglescliffe Dowmac 791613 EGLSCLD EAGLESCLF 15703
Eaglescliffe Down Loop 791616 EGLSCDL EAGLCFDGL 15704
Eaglescliffe Marshalls English Welsh & Scottish Railway 791610 EGLSMSL EAGLESCMS 15700
Ealing Broadway EAL 319000 EALINGB EALINGBDY 73253
Ealing Broadway For The Games EAX 659800 CATZ050
Ealing Broadway LT ZEB 056000
Ealing Broadway Passenger 319061
Ealing Broadway Sales 319058
Ealing Broadway Self Service Ticket Machine 209100
Ealing Broadway Station Manager 318859
Ealing Common 319005 EALINGC -
Ealing Common LT ZEC 056100
Ealing Travel Services Ltd 618600
E & F Crewe 096676
E & O Siding Maintenence 176573
E & O Support Siding Maintenance 173724
E & RRE Reading 795502 795514
Eardington 192261
Earles Sidings 270315
Earles Sidings (Hope) BCI 282812 ERLEBCI HOPESDGS 34006
Earles Sidings (Hope) DB Schenker HOPE SDS 34008
Earles Sidings (Hope) English Welsh & Scottish Railway 282814 ERLEHES EARLESSDG 34007
Earles Sidings (Hope) Freightliner Heavy Haul 282815 282810 ERLEFHH EARLFHH EARLS SDS EARLES SD 34004 34013
Earles Sidings (Hope) Lafarge EARLS SDS 34004
Earles Sidings (Hope) Marcroft 282813 HOPE SDGS EARLS SDG 34008 34003
Earles Sidings (Hope) Signal Box 282811 ERLESDG EARLES SB 34009
Earles Sidings (Hope) Signal ES30 282817 ERLES30 ERLESDG30 34018
Earles Sidings (Hope) Signal ES31 282808 ERLES31 ERLESDG31 34017
Earlestown ERL 229200 ERLSTWN EARLESTWN 35325
Earlestown East Junction 229201 ERLSTEJ 35325*
Earlestown Passenger Relief 229262
Earlestown Production Operations 437010
Earlestown South Junction 229202 ERLSTSJ EARLSTNSJ 35327
Earlestown Up & Down Loop 229204 ERLSUDL EARLTUDLP 35326
Earlestown West Junction 229203 ERLSTWJ EARLSTNWJ 35328
Earley EAR 569400 ERLY EARLEYOriginal code EARLEY 87002
Earley Self Service Ticket Machine 473600
Earl's Court LT ZET 056200 ELCT EARLS CRT 72246
Earlseat Hall Construction 916330 ERSTHCS EARLSEAT 03231
Earlseat Junction 024401 ERSTJ 03232
Earlseat Junction Signal ETL577 024402 ERST577 03229
Earlsfield EAD 558400 ERLFLD ERLSFLDOriginal code EARLSFELD 87250
Earlsfield Clerical 558411
Earlsfield Self Service Ticket Machine 244100
Earlston (Borders) EAS 933500 ELSN -
Earlswood Sidings 541412 EARLSWS -
Earlswood Signal T1123 541401 EARL123 EARSIG123 87891
Earlswood Signal T1127 541402 EARL127 EARSIG127 87892
Earlswood Signal T1136 541414 EARL136 EARLWDSIG 87902
Earlswood Signal T206 541413 EARL206 87903*
Earlswood (Surrey) ELD 541400 EARLSWD EARLSWOOD 87903
Earlswood (Surrey) Sales Point 2B 541415
Earlswood (Surrey) Self Service Ticket Machine 405600
Earlswood (West Midlands) EWD 452000 ELWD EARLSWD M 66447
Early Impact 128182
Earsdon Signal Box 759860 EARSDON
Earthworks 683100
Earthworks Leeman Road 826837
Easington Colliery 14201
East Acton LT ZEA 056300
East Anglia Cheque Refunds PAC 951500
East Anglia Infrastructure Servicing Unit Hamilton House Liverpool Street 683000
East Anglia Staff 135403
East Area Revenue Protection Slough 360100
East Boldon EBL 774600 EBOLDON ESTBOLDON 14006
East Boldon Colliery Signal Box 133408
East Boldon Up Loop 774605 EBOLDUL EBOLDONUL 14005
Eastbourne EBN 544800 EBOURNE EASTBOURN 88254
Eastbourne Carriage Sidings XEB 544815 EBOUCS EASTBOURN EBOURNECS 88253
Eastbourne Cleaners 544802
Eastbourne Conductors 544866
Eastbourne Customer Action Team 544801
Eastbourne Drivers 2B 544864
Eastbourne Gating 2B 544825
Eastbourne Management 544803
Eastbourne On Train Sales 267900
Eastbourne Platforms Restructure 544810
Eastbourne Sales Points 544818
Eastbourne Sales Points 2B 544850
Eastbourne Self Service Ticket Machine 403400
Eastbourne Shunters 2A 544804
Eastbourne Sidings 544819 EBOUSID EASTBRNCS 88255
Eastbourne Signal Box 128425 EBORNSB
Eastbourne Signal EB501 544851 EBOU501 EASTBN501 88256
Eastbourne Signal EB503 544807 EBOU503 ESTBRN503 88258
Eastbourne Spike Siding 544821 EBOUSPS -
Eastbourne Sportis Network SouthEast 372200
Eastbourne Tamper/On Track Machine Sidings 544806 EBOUOTM EASTBNTSD 88257
Eastbourne Trainee Drivers 2B 544863
Eastbourne [unknown feature] 133948
East Brixton 542200 EBRIXTN
Eastbrook EBK 379500 EASTBRK EASTBROOK 78713
East Coast 150773 151168 151173 152344 152373 473203 473262 475208 475262 475403 475489
East Coast Experience 829902
East Coast Funding Manager 128057
East Coast Main Line Assisted Travel 653700
East Coast Main Line Central Stores 826604
East Coast Main Line Central Stores 92/93 Use 641779
East Coast Main Line Group Travel 653500
East Coast Main Line Headquarters Input 122800
East Coast Main Line Kings Cross Power Box 110210
East Coast Main Line Planning Managers 829044
East Coast Main Line Public Telesales 653600
East Coast Main Line Retail Office Expenses 829474
East Coast Main Line Retail Other General Expenses 829520
East Coast Main Line Retail Redundancy SLS 829475
East Coast Main Line Retail Redundancy SRS 829476
East Coast PAC 854200
East Coast Train Operating Unit Executive Grades 091327
East Coast Utility Off Charge Account 829758
East Coastway Group Platforms Relief 521101
East Coastway Group Sales Relief 521150
East Coast Webtis 1 440000
East Commercial 720375
East Cornwall Signalling 132164
Eastcote LT ZEE 056400
East Croydon ECR 535500 ECROYDN ECRYDONOriginal code E CROYDON 87701
East Croydon Accounts 2B 535508
East Croydon Accounts Network SouthCentral 535507
East Croydon Announcers Restructure 535521
East Croydon Area Sale Relief 2B 535516
East Croydon Area Sales Relief 535535
East Croydon Business Centre Restructure 535515
East Croydon Customer Action Team Support 535510
East Croydon Electronic Point Of Sale 549600
East Croydon Group Platforms Relief 534586
East Croydon Network BC Network SouthCentral 535505
East Croydon Network BC Tribute 892000
East Croydon On Train Sales 264200
East Croydon Platform Relief 535590
East Croydon Platform Relief 2B 535513
East Croydon Platforms 535568
East Croydon Platforms Restructure 535520
East Croydon Sales Point RS 535565
East Croydon Self Service Ticket Machine 866900
East Croydon Signal Maintenance Restructuring 535595
East Croydon Signal T128 535517 ECRO128 87697
East Croydon Signal T147/T1065 535514 ECRO065 ECROYD147 87699
East Croydon Signal T1067 535518 ECRO067 ECROT1067 87737
East Croydon Signal T1080 535504 ECRO080 -
East Croydon Signal T1082 535506 ECRO082 ECROY1082 87698
East Croydon Station Announcers 535569
East Croydon Station Gating Staff 2B 535530
East Croydon Station Manager 535511
East Croydon Station Sales Point 535566
East Croydon Supervisors 535567
East Croydon Tram 947000
East Croydon [unknown feature] 133949
East Croydon Up Sidings 535512 ECROUS ECROYDNUS 87702
East Croydon Victoria 454200
East Didsbury EDY 294900 EDIDBRY E DIDSBRY 32524
East Dulwich EDW 535800 EDULWCH E DULWICH 87610
East Dulwich Sales Point RES 535810
East Dulwich Self Service Ticket Machine 406200
Easterhouse EST 989400 ESHS EASTERHSE 06712
Easterhouse Station 997558
Eastern Infrastructure Maintenance Unit Director Accounting Adjustments 173240
Eastern Infrastructure Maintenance Unit Information Technology Systems Derby 173607 499002
Eastern Infrastructure Maintenance Unit Infrastructure Suspense Account 173702
Eastern Infrastructure Maintenance Unit Stock Control & Ordering Centre 176561
Eastern Infrastructure Maintenance Unit Technical Director Accounting Adjustments 173789
Eastern Junction 518766 EJSTNGB EASTERNJN 89139
Eastern Track Renewal Unit Contract Manager North 829105
Eastern Track Renewal Unit Contract Manager South 612118
Eastern Track Renewal Unit High Output Ballast Cleaner 829444
Eastern Track Renewal Unit Payments To Ex-Staff 011223 012223
Easter Road Junction 921562
East Farleigh EFL 523400 EFARLGH EFARLEIGH 89322
East Farleigh Bus Stop 523410 EFARBUS -
East Farleigh Signal Box 128543 EFRLGSB
Eastfield 994664
Eastfield Administration 098928
Eastfield Fuel Point 994676
Eastfield Goods Loop 994690 EFLDGL 06433
Eastfield Holding Sidings XED 994660 EFLDTMD EFIELD HS 06430
Eastfield Passenger Loop 994661 EFLDPL EASTFD PL 06432
Eastfield Signallers 110224 613360
Eastfields (Mitcham) MTC 506900 ESTFLDS EASTFLDS 87659
Eastfield Traction Maintenance Depot 098924
Eastfield Wagon 098930
East Finance 717061
East Finchley LT ZEF 056500
East Fixed Plant Maintenance 439749
East Garforth EGF 847200 EGRFRTH ESTGARFTH 16603
Eastgate 097300 EASTGTE -
Eastgate Blue Circle 784011 EGATEBC EASTGATE 15811
East Grimstead English China Clay 594212 EGRMECC EGRMECC 86113
East Grinstead EGR 548600 EGRNSTD EGRINSTED 87759
East Grinstead Carriage Cleaning 548612
East Grinstead Platforms 548664
East Grinstead Platforms 2B 548620
East Grinstead Sales Point 2B 548610
East Grinstead Self Service Ticket Machine 403300
East Grinstead Sidings 548615 EGRNSID EGRNSTDGB 87758
East Ham Administration 744296
East Ham Crew Leaders 744267
East Ham Depot Country End Junction 744263 EHMDCEJ EHAMDPCEJ 51603
East Ham Depot Operators 744270
East Ham Electric Multiple Unit Depot XEM 744260 EHMEMUD EHAM EMD 51602
East Ham Engineering 744284
East Ham LT ZEH 056600 EASTHAM EASTHAMLT 51604
East Ham Modifications 150847 475346
East Ham Part Time Guards 744363
Eastham Rake ERA 212800 ESTHRAK EASTMRAKE 38220
Eastham Rake Station 220341
East Ham Restructuring Drivers 745587
East Ham Shunting 744283
East Ham Stores (NPS) 744291
East Ham Supervisors 744203 744204 750732
East Ham Technical Support 744292
East Ham Traction Maintenance 744275 750727
East Ham Trading Inwards 744268
East Ham Train Crew 744271
East Ham [unknown feature] 744200
East Holmes Signal Box 143272 631564 EHOLMSB LINC GDLP 44036
East India DLR ZEI 088300
East Kilbride EKL 979300 EKILBRD EKILBRIDE 07231
East Kilbride Civil Engineer's Sidings 979302 EKILBDE EKILBDE 07232
East Kilbride Infrastructure Servicing Unit Civil Engineers 979301
East Kilbride Station Staff 981155
East Lancashire Crossing Keepers 130343 141497
East Lancashire Railway 262311
East Lancashire Signalmen 141459 141460 141461 141464 141465
East Leake see Ruddington East Leake
East Leake British Gypsum see Loughborough East Leake British Gypsum
Eastleigh ESL 589900 ELGH ELEIGHOriginal code EASTLEIGH 86087
Eastleigh Aggregate Sidings 594815 ELGHAGG EASTLEIGH 86099
Eastleigh Allbrook Junction XEW 589901 ELGHABK ALLBROOKJ 86104
Eastleigh Allbrook Sidings ELGHABS
Eastleigh Area Contracts Staff 131924
Eastleigh Area Engineering Works 593268
Eastleigh Arlington Fleet Services ELGHARLTN 86092
Eastleigh Axiom Carriage And Wagon Sidings 589983 ELGHPAD ELEIGH CW 86094
Eastleigh Back Roads Siding 10-12 EASTLH10S 86096
Eastleigh Back Roads Siding 15 EASTLH15S 86095
Eastleigh Balfour Beatty EASTLP&MD 86088
Eastleigh Booking Office 591039
Eastleigh British Rail Maintenance Ltd 150835 150852 150887 475334 475352 475386
Eastleigh Clerical Support Traction & Rolling Stock 591079
Eastleigh Closure 591090
Eastleigh Conductors 589968
Eastleigh CTT Forwardings EASTLGHYD 86103
Eastleigh DEMU Depot ELGHDSB
Eastleigh Departmental 098754
Eastleigh Depot 589950
Eastleigh Depot Carriage Sidings 589959 ELGHSCS -
Eastleigh Depot Entrance/Exit Signal 589934 ELGH245 ELGDEP245 86146
Eastleigh Depot Establishment 589991
Eastleigh Depot Freightliner 589972 ELGHFLD EASTLHTMD 86098
Eastleigh Depot Fuelling Point 589963 ELGHSFP -
Eastleigh Depot Signal E241 589938 ELGH241 EASTLG241 86147
Eastleigh Depot Signal E243 589939 ELGH243 EASTLG243 86148
Eastleigh Depot Team Leaders 270177
Eastleigh Depot Wagons 097947
Eastleigh Depot Wagons Managemen 125860
Eastleigh Depot Wagons Supervisors 125862
Eastleigh Down Carriage Shed XEX 589909 ELGHDCS ELEIGHDCS 86085
Eastleigh Driver Operators 270559
Eastleigh Drivers 125128 270560 589993
Eastleigh DSM & DC 131773 132721
Eastleigh East Junction 589903 ELGHEJN EASTLGHEJ 86102
Eastleigh East Siding 15-16 EASTET16S 86100
Eastleigh East Yard 589904 ELGHENY EASTLGHYD 86090
Eastleigh Engineering Work Restructuring 131754
Eastleigh Engineering Works 132729 587457
Eastleigh Engineering Work Unrestructured 131755
Eastleigh Ex-Employees 018924
Eastleigh Foster Yeoman ELEIGH FY 86099
Eastleigh Foster Yeoman Freightliner Heavy Haul 589941 ELGHAGF ELYAGGFHH 86204
Eastleigh Freight Depot 594800
Eastleigh Freight Services Manager 093464
Eastleigh Fuel Point 126278 559519
Eastleigh Fuel Point Workshop 125899
Eastleigh Holding Sidings 589995 ELGHHS ELEIGHLHS 86091
Eastleigh ICI 594817 EASTLP&MD 86088
Eastleigh Ill Health/Retirement 011129
Eastleigh Locomotive Maintenance 270178
Eastleigh Lower Depot 594811 ELGHLWR EASTLHLWR 86089
Eastleigh Marcroft Siding 591001 ELGHMCS EASTLGHRS 86095
Eastleigh Marcroft Siding ("10S") 589922 EASTLEIGH 86096
Eastleigh Marshalling Yard 589928 ELGHMY EASTLHMYD 86140
Eastleigh Network 098753
Eastleigh No.1 Engineering Works 131899
Eastleigh Out Base Metals 593282
Eastleigh Part 2 591000
Eastleigh Plant 270180
Eastleigh Plant Stores 591049
Eastleigh Pre-Assembly Depot 589983 ELGHPAD ELEIGHCED 86094
Eastleigh Rail Maintenance Ltd 151135 475453
Eastleigh "RC" ELEIGH RC ELEIGHRC 86127 86092
Eastleigh Relayers (PL) 589945
Eastleigh Repair Siding 589925 EASTLGHRS 86100
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Departmental Depot 097927
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Departmental Depot Chargehands 125219
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Departmental Depot Supervisors 125220
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Depot Administration 097923
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Network Depot 097926
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Stores Supervisors 097924
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Stores Workshop 097925
Eastleigh Rolling Stock Technicians 270191
Eastleigh Self Service Ticket Machine 485100
Eastleigh Shunters 591027
Eastleigh Shunting 270562
Eastleigh Shunting Coaching 589961
Eastleigh Signal Box ESTLEGH
Eastleigh Signal E26 591020 ELGH26 EASTSIG26 86159
Eastleigh Signal E28 591019 ELGHE28 -
Eastleigh Signal E32 591005 ELGH32 -
Eastleigh Signal E81 589906 ELGH81 86087*
Eastleigh Signal E85 589930 ELGH85 ELEIGH85 86143
Eastleigh Signal E97 591006 ELGH97 ELEIGH97 86149
Eastleigh Signal E103 591021 ELGH103 -
Eastleigh Signal E105 591007 ELGH105 -
Eastleigh Signal E222 591003 ELGH222 EASTLGHWJ 86106
Eastleigh Signal E225 589937 ELGH225 ELEIGH225 86067
Eastleigh Signal E228 589905 ELGH228 ELEIGH228 86134
Eastleigh Signal E230 589913 ELGH230 86102*
Eastleigh Signal E247 589943 ELGH247 ESTLGH247 86157
Eastleigh Signal E862 589929 ELGH862 ELEIGH862 86141
Eastleigh Signal EH372 589923 ELGH372 ELGSGH372 86151
Eastleigh Signalling & Telecommunications Delivery Point 589996
Eastleigh Signalmen 131725 131976 131977 589916 589994
Eastleigh Signal New Works Overheads 589960
Eastleigh Single Line Junction 589942 ELGHSLJ ESTLGHSLJ 86155
Eastleigh Site Resources S6 564790
Eastleigh South Junction 589907 ELGHSJN EASTLGHSJ 86097
Eastleigh Sportis Network SouthEast 184200
Eastleigh Store 589982
Eastleigh/Swindon ESC 151141 152341 473259 475259 475454
Eastleigh Switch & Crossing Depot 591033
Eastleigh Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot XEH 589970 ELGHTMD EGHT&RSMD EGHT RSMD 86093
Eastleigh Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot Wagon Examination Siding 589951 ELEIGHEXM 86086
Eastleigh Train Crew Depot Supervision 591023
Eastleigh Train Crew Supervision 591004
Eastleigh Train Crew Surplus Staff 591002
Eastleigh Trainmen 270561 589919 591035
Eastleigh [unknown feature] 152335 473253 475253 EASTLEIGH 86990
Eastleigh Up Slow Loop ELGHUSL
Eastleigh Virtual Quarry 589910 ELGHVQ EASTLH VQ 86105
Eastleigh Wagon Maintenance 270179
Eastleigh Wagons Clerical 125858
Eastleigh Wagons Labourers 125859
Eastleigh Wagons Primary Store 125174
Eastleigh Wagons Technical 125861
Eastleigh Wayfarer SBL 866700
Eastleigh Welders 589911 589914
Eastleigh West Junction 591009 ELGHWJN 86106*
Eastleigh Workmans Compensation 012125
Eastleigh Works Alstom Freightliner 589927 ELGHAFL ELEIGH RC 86127
Eastleigh Works BRML Headquarters XFB 589800 ELGHBRM ELEIGHWKS 86092
Eastleigh Works GB Railfreight 589920 ELGHGBR ELEIGHRNC 86109
Eastleigh Yard ELEIGH YD 86103
Eastleigh Yard Wabtec ELEGHYDRP 86110
East Linton 939768 ELINTON -
East Linton [station] ELT 036500 ELINTN ESTLINTON 04853
East London Line Boundary North 686604 ELLBNTH NEWXGTBDY 87592
East London Line Boundary North London Line 686605 ELLBNLL ESTLINTON 87660
East London Line Boundary South 515003 ELLBSTH ELLBDYSTH 87555
East Malling EML 513400 EMALING E MALLING 89411
East Midlands Airport (by bus) EMA XMT 654800 189717 EMPKAIR -
East Midlands Airport (by bus) 2 EMB 654801 EMPKAR2 -
East Midlands Airport (by bus) 3 EMC XQBLater (2024) code 654802 EMPKAR3 -
East Midlands AM Railway Trainees 182346
East Midlands Cheque Refunds 182400
East Midlands Freight AMO 100226
East Midlands Gateway Arrival Line 168107 EMGTWA EMGTWAYAR 56630
East Midlands Gateway Signal SS4457 168108 EMGT457 EMGSS4457 56631
East Midlands Gateway Terminal 168105 EMGTWT EMIDGWT 56623
East Midlands Gateway Terminal DB Cargo 168106 EMGTDB EMIDGWTDB 56624
East Midlands Gateway Terminal Freightliner 168109 EMGTFL EMIDGWTFL 56632
East Midlands Gateway Terminal GB Railfreight 168110 EMGTGB EMGGBRF 56633
East Midlands Headquarters Input 120000
East Midlands Maintenance Salaried 174167
East Midlands New Works Supervisor (Plant) 174166
East Midlands Parkway EMD 190100 189716 EMPKWAY EASTMIDPW 56650
East Midlands Parkway Self Service Ticket Machine 439900
East Midlands Passenger AM Ill Health Lump Sum 011821
East Midlands Revenue Protection 985300
East Midlands Trains Business 480200
East Midlands Trains Smartcards 647100
East Midlands Trains Telesales 480300
East Peckham Reversing Siding 523262 EPCKHMR EPECKMREV 89320
East Peckham Tip 523261 EPCKHMT E PECKHAM 89319
East Peckham Tip GB Railfreight 523201 EPCKGBF EASTPEKTP 87587
East Personnel 726822
East Procurement 721709
East Putney ZPU ETP 558500 056700 EPUTNEY E PUTNEY 87243
East Putney Clerical 558511
Eastrea Signal THS27 see Three Horse Shoes Eastrea Signal THS27
Eastrea Signal W6 see Whittlesea Eastrea Signal W6
Eastriggs 949400
Eastriggs Crossover 949412 ERIGCRO EASTRGSXO 09036
Eastriggs MOD ERM 949411 ERIGMOD EASTRIGGS 09035
Eastrington EGN 811400 ESTRNGT EASTRNGTN 19218
Eastrington/Wressle 804801
East Somerset Junction Signal W324 570801 ESTS324 82239
East Somerset Junction (Witham) EMJ 570800 ESTSOMJ E SOM JN 82241
East Tees Area Freight 270465
East Tees Area Freight 655507
East Tilbury ETL 747100 ETILBRY E TILBURY 51130
East Tilbury Retail 747160
East Tilbury Self Service Ticket Machine 625600
East To West Travel Y486 723900
East Travel Ltd S589 827900
East Usk Branch 367300 EUSKBCH EUSKBRN NEWPRTUSK 76117
East Usk Branch Alpha Steel EEL 367314 EUSKALS EASTUSK 76116
East Usk Branch Birdpoint 367301 EUSKBDP EASTUSKBD 76126
East Usk Junction 367361 EUSKJN EASTUSKJN 76114
East Usk Junction New Sidings EUSKJNS EASTUSKNS 76119
East Usk Junction New Yard 367362 EUSKJNY EASTUSKYD 76120
East Usk Junction Railtrack 367313
East Usk Locomotive Servicing Road 367315
East Usk (Newport) 270520
East Usk Orb Works English Welsh & Scottish Railway 367312 EUSKORB EAST USK 76115
East Usk Repair Point Freightliner Heavy Haul EUSKRPFHH 76124
East Usk Signal Box 367482
East Usk 'SR' EASTUSKSR 76122
East Usk Yard Freightliner Heavy Haul 367302 EUSKFHH EUSKYDFHH 76123
East West Travel F837 440200
Eastwood 778100
Eastwood Loop see also Hall Royd Eastwood Loop EWODLP EASTWOOD 29001
East Worthing EWR 528300 EWRTHNG EWORTHING 87993
East Worthing Self Service Ticket Machine 438500
East Zone Welders 980516
Ebbsfleet CTRL 154406 EBSFACT EBBSFLEET 89536
Ebbsfleet CTRL No 1 Siding EBBSFNO1S 89535
Ebbsfleet East Junction XXI 154402 EBSFEJN EBBSFTIEJ 89532
Ebbsfleet Halt EBSFLH
Ebbsfleet International EBF 154400 EBSFLTI EBBSFTINT 89530
Ebbsfleet International [domestic platforms] EBBOriginal code EBDLater code 556600 EBSFDOM EBBSFTINT 89530
Ebbsfleet International On Train Sales 457800
Ebbsfleet International Signal AF531 154407 EBSF531 -
Ebbsfleet International Signal AF533 154408 EBSF533 -
Ebbsfleet Self Service Ticket Machine 334300
Ebbsfleet West Junction XXJ 154401 EBSFWJN EBBSFTIWJ 89529
Ebbw Junction 367756 EBBWJ EBBW JN 76481
Ebbw Junction Fuelling Point 76481
Ebbw Vale EBB 362800 EBWVALE EBBW VALE 76650
Ebbw Vale English Welsh & Scottish Railway/Wabtec 362870 EBBW VLE 76649
Ebbw Vale Exam 362873
Ebbw Vale Oil Farm Siding 362864
Ebbw Vale Parkway EBV 991500 EBWVPWY EBBWVLEPW 76646
Ebbw Vale Parkway Self Service Ticket Machine 481900
Ebbw Vale Rassau 362804 EBWVRAS -
Ebbw Vale Shunting 362863
Ebbw Vale South Ground Frame 362801 EBWVSGF EBBWVLESJ 76644
Ebbw Vale Steel Works 362811 EBBVSTW EBBWVLWKS 76642
Ebbw Vale Town EBWOriginal code EBBLater code 362800 EBWVTN EBBWVLETN 76647
Ebbw Vale Town Centre 362802 EBWVTCR -
Ebbw Vale [unknown feature] 270519
Ebbw Vale Waullwyd 76650
Ebury Bridge Junction 528802 EBRYBGJ -
Ecclefechan 961430 ECLFECH ECCLEFCHN 07993
Eccles ECC 295000 ECCLES ECCLES 31739
Ecclesfield Signal Operations 666613
Ecclesfield West Signal Box 666600 ECLSFLW ECLSFDWSB 25306
Eccles Road ECS 737000 ECLR ECCLES RD 48511
Eccles Road Exchange Sidings 737013 ECLREXC ECCLESREX 48510
Eccles Road Freightliner Heavy Haul 737014 ECLRFHH ECCLSRDFL 48513
Eccles Road Johnston's Siding 737012 ECLRDJS ECCLESRD 48512
Eccles Road [unknown feature] 121668
Eccleston Park ECL 222700 ECPK ECCLETNPK 36615
Eccles Up Goods Loop 295010 ECCLUGL ECCLESUGL 31740
Eckington Loop 470411 ECKNGTL ECKINGTON 67372
Eckington (Worcestershire) 470400
Edale EDL 282400 EDALE EDALE 34005
Edale Refuge Sidings 282401 EDALERS EDALREFSD 34014
Edale Signal EE16 282402 EDALE16 EDALE16 34016
EDC Tooley Street London Bridge MCI 500010
Edderton 867670 EDERTON EDDERTON 01043
Edenbridge Ground Frame 547301 EDNBGF 87756
Edenbridge (Kent) EBR 547300 EDNB EDENBRGOriginal code EDENBRIDG 87736
Edenbridge Self Service Ticket Machine 634700
Edenbridge Stations EDE 025900
Edenbridge Town EBT 535900 EDNT EDNBDGTOriginal code EDENBRGTN 87760
Edenbridge Town Self Service Ticket Machine 398000
Eden Park EDN 505600 EDPK EDENPKOriginal code EDEN PARK 88325
Eden Park Self Service Ticket Machine 579900
Eden Project 353503
Eden Valley Goods Loop 210201 EDENVGL EDENVLYGL 09314
Edge Hill EDG 216900 EDGH EDGE HILL 36170
Edge Hill Artisan Staff 437013
Edge Hill Carriage Maintenance Depot 098723 216965 EDGHCMD EDGEHLCMD 36173
Edge Hill/Dee Marsh/Ellesmere 126274
Edge Hill Down Wapping XDG 216912 EDGHDWG EDGEH DNW 36174
Edge Hill Down Wapping Freightliner EDGEH DNW 36175
Edge Hill Engine Shed Junction EDGHESJ
Edge Hill Fuel Depot 216970
Edge Hill Gullet Sidings 216903 EDGHGTS EDGEHGSGS 36176
Edge Hill Holding Sidings/Intercity Depot XEG 216985 EDGHDHS 36173*
Edge Hill Inspector Team 437017
Edge Hill Loco Holding Sidings EDGHLHS 36161
Edge Hill Maintenance 815344
Edge Hill Marshalling Yard Freight 216961
Edge Hill Modifications 150845 475345
Edge Hill Movements Supervisors 141438
Edge Hill Operators 815382
Edge Hill Production Operations 437009
Edge Hill Relief 141425
Edge Hill Signal Box 216915 EDGHSB EDGEH SB 36175
Edge Hill Signalmen 141434
Edge Hill Station Relief 216977
Edge Hill Track Welders 437012
Edge Hill Train Recorder 243778
Edge Hill/Tuebrook 270301
Edge Hill [unknown feature] 125601
Edge Hill Wagon Exam 216983
Edge Hill Wapping Sidings EDGHWSD
Edge Hill Wapping Terminal Complex EDGHWTC
Edge Hill Welders Gang S738 T745 216955
Edge Lane Junction 216904 EDGELAJ LPOOL ELJ EDGELANEJ 36109
Edginswell 166100 EDGINSWOriginal code EDGNSWL 83629
Edgware LT ZED 056800 EDGWARE
Edgware Road Bakerloo Line LT ZER 077400
Edgware Road Metropolitan/Circle Line LT ZEM 056900
Edgworthstown see Mostrim
Edinburgh 011453 133866 932868
Edinburgh Administration Manager 983387
Edinburgh Airport EDA 631700 EDINAIR -
Edinburgh Airport Self Service Ticket Machine 587000
Edinburgh Area 019049
Edinburgh Area Manager 932816
Edinburgh Area Rest Day Relief 932121
Edinburgh Area Station Operations 932839
Edinburgh Area Telecommunications Engineers 932119
Edinburgh Booking Office 932140
Edinburgh Business Travel 861700
Edinburgh Bus Station EBS 933700 EDINBUS -
Edinburgh CATs Costs 932678
Edinburgh Conductors 932106 932870
Edinburgh CrossCountry Onboard Catering 484400
Edinburgh Customer Services Manager 932823 932865
Edinburgh Customer Services Supervisor 932860
Edinburgh Depot Control ICCS 092909
Edinburgh Drivers 932801 941968
Edinburgh Drivers NPS 2B 932180
Edinburgh Drivers Scotrail 932103
Edinburgh Duty Customer Operations Manager 932861
Edinburgh Duty Managers 932115
Edinburgh Electronic Point Of Sale 904200
Edinburgh Gateway EGY 654500 EDINGWY EDINGATWY 04304
Edinburgh Ill Health 018574 932198
Edinburgh/Kirkcaldy Area Ticket Examiners/Revenue Support 917772 932836
Edinburgh Leith Walk East 932300
Edinburgh Messroom Staff 932110
Edinburgh Night Stewards 887023 887312
Edinburgh North Loop 932805 EDINBNL EDINBURGH 04303*
Edinburgh North Loop Siding 932807 EDINNLS EDIN  NLS 04302
Edinburgh On Train Sales 446700
Edinburgh Park EDP 939500 EDINPRK EDIN PARK 04039
Edinburgh Park Self Service Ticket Machine 375500
Edinburgh Park [unknown feature] 932850
Edinburgh Payments To Ex-Employees 018441 932199
Edinburgh Plant 932827
Edinburgh Platform Staff 932116
Edinburgh Safety & Services Manager 932139 932557
Edinburgh Scotrail 830300
Edinburgh Scotrail Customer Lounge 830200
Edinburgh Scotrail Service Manager 932817
Edinburgh Self Service Ticket Machine 708700
Edinburgh Self Service Ticket Machine Virgin Rail Group 920100
Edinburgh Services Team Leader 932146
Edinburgh Shunters 932113
Edinburgh Sidings Staff ICCS 092910
Edinburgh Signal E482 932802 EDIN482 EDSIG482 04312
Edinburgh Signal E488 932804 EDIN488 EDSIG488 04313
Edinburgh Signal E813 932843 EDIN813 EDIN S813 04306
Edinburgh Signal E815 932845 EDIN815 EDIN S815 04307
Edinburgh Signal EH907 932847 EDIN907 HMKT E907 04231
Edinburgh Signal EP605 932832 EDIN605 EDSIG605 04315
Edinburgh Signal EP854 932833 EDIN854 EDSIG854 04316
Edinburgh Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Siding 932876 EDINSTE -
Edinburgh Signalling Centre 932874
Edinburgh Sleeping Car Attendant 092960 887008 887311
Edinburgh (Spare) 932104 932105 932109
Edinburgh Sportis 352700
Edinburgh Stations 025500
Edinburgh Stores Administration ICCS 092911
Edinburgh Stores Control ICCS 092912
Edinburgh Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581848
Edinburgh Telecommunications Works 2B 581803
Edinburgh Telephone Enquiry Bureau 861500
Edinburgh Telesales 861600
Edinburgh Train Controllers 932829
Edinburgh Train Crew Manager 932826
Edinburgh Train Crew Supervisors 932102
Edinburgh Trainees 932894
Edinburgh Trainmen 932107
Edinburgh Trainmen InterCity East Coast 932108
Edinburgh Trains Inspectors 932855
Edinburgh Uniform 098507
Edinburgh Uniform Inspector 098042
Edinburgh Waverley EDB 932800 EDINBUR EDINBURGH 04303
Edinburgh Waverley Cleaning 991345
Edinburgh Waverley Conductors NPS 2B 932151
Edinburgh Waverley Facility Manager 127442 127481
Edinburgh Waverley Finance/Information Technology Manager 127446
Edinburgh Waverley Group Station Administration Manager 127440
Edinburgh Waverley Group Station Business Development Manager 127445
Edinburgh Waverley Group Station DF Manager 2B 127585
Edinburgh Waverley Group Station Safety & Standards Manager 127439
Edinburgh Waverley Investment Manager 127482
Edinburgh Waverley On Train Sales 372400
Edinburgh Waverley PA 932690 932844
Edinburgh Waverley Part 2 932600
Edinburgh Waverley Part 3 932500
Edinburgh Waverley Proudction Inspectors 127577
Edinburgh Waverley Signal 2B 127570
Edinburgh Waverley Station Cleaning 932573
Edinburgh Waverley Station Maintenance 932869 991347
Edinburgh Waverly Self Service Ticket Machine SCR 954100
Edinburgh Welcome Hosts 932141 932872
Edinburgh Welcome Lounge 887004
Edinburgh West Coast Train Managers 393700
Edinburgh Workmans Compensation 012242
Edmonton Green EDR 694100 EDMNGRN EDMONTONG 51949
Edmonton Green Self Service Ticket Machine 467300
Edmonton Green [unknown feature] 694101
Education & Training 333110 333116 333120 333125 333248 335707 335713 829403
Education Workshop 106692
EE & CS 717900
EE & CS Sponsor 717926
EE & CS Strategy 717927
EFE Maintenance Depot 641763
Effingham Junction EFF 564200 EFNGHMJ EFFNGHMOriginal code 87071
Effingham Junction Carriage Holding Sidings XEJ 564211 EFNGSHD EFFINGMJN EFFINJCHS 87056
Effingham Junction Carriage Servicing 564265
Effingham Junction Clerical 564212
Effingham Junction Electric Multiple Unit Depot 564262
Effingham Junction Neck XFF 564213 EFNGJNK EFFINHMHS 87073
Effingham Junction Self Service Ticket Machine 413900
Effingham Junction Signal GD1322 564202 EFNG322 EFFINHMXO 87076
Effingham Junction Signal WX98 564201 EFNGS98 87071*
Effingham Junction Trainmen 564267
Effingham Operations Station Staff 557114
Eggborough Power Station 813011 EGBROPS EGGBORO 18007
Eggborough Power Station Colas Rail 813020 EGBRCRL EGGBOROCR 18043
Eggborough Power Station Freightliner Heavy Haul 813005 EGBRFLH EGGBORFLT 18006
Eggborough Power Station GB Railfreight 813006 EGBRGBF EGGBOROGB 17995
Eggborough [unknown feature] 94100
Eggesford EGG 582200 EGGESFD EGGESFORD 83232
Egginton Junction 178200 EGNGTNJ EGINTONJN 57461
Egginton Junction BR Research 57463
Egginton Junction Signal Box 143238
Egginton Junction WD 57462
Egham EGH 566900 EGHAM EGHAM 87107
Egham Clerical 566960
Egham Self Service Ticket Machine 471800
Eglinton Street Junction 978096 EGLNSTJ EGLINTONJ 07245
Egryn EGY 435400 EGRYN -
Egton EGT 791800 EGTON EGTON 15519
Eigg EIG 905500 EIGG -
Eindhoven EIN
Einsiedlerhof 081603 EINSLHF EINSIDLHF 00095
Elbowend Junction 911360 ELBOWNJ -
Elderslie 964869 ELDRSLI ELDERSLIE 07112
Elderslie Civil Engineer 964871 ELDRSCE 07112*
Elderslie DB Schenker Elderslie DB Cargo 964874 ELDRDBS ELDSL DBS ELDSL DBC 07110
Elderslie Freightliner 964872 ELDRFLT ELDSLE FL 07111
Elderslie GB Railfreight 964875 ELDRGBR ELDSLGBF 07121
Elderslie Signal PE143 964801 ELDR143 ELDSLE143 07120
Elderslie Up Passenger Loop 964873 ELDRUPL ELDRUPL 07113
Elderslie Up Siding DRS 964870 ELDRDRS ELDSLE US 07114
Electic Current For Traction 565024
Electrical 605720
Electrical & Plant Development Engineering 297086
Electrical & Plant Engineer 127426 128895 128965 708021
Electrical & Plant Engineer Infrastructure 098966
Electrical & Plant Engineering 129905 131727 273770
Electrical & Plant Finance Department 134011
Electrical & Plant Maintenance 097837 655438
Electrical & Plant Maintenance Immingham 605908
Electrical & Plant Trainees British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 534402
Electrical & Safety Cases 091029
Electrical Control Operator 224961
Electrical Control Room 141898
Electrical Control Room Brighton 128546
Electrical Control Room Canterbury 128549
Electrical Control Room Doncaster 641573
Electrical Control Room Eastleigh 589973
Electrical Control Room Lewisham 128547
Electrical Control Room Manager East 128544
Electrical Control Room Manager West 132727
Electrical Control Room Operators 127612
Electrical Control Room Paddock Wood 128548
Electrical Control Room Raynes Park 556961
Electrical Control Room Selhurst 128545
Electrical Control Room Woking 568560
Electrical Design Engineer 206172
Electrical Design Engineering Support 439767
Electrical Distribution Engineer 717903
Electrical Distribution Engineering (EE & CS) 090565
Electrical Engineer 110684 127136 131737 217223
Electrical Engineer Hornsey Technology Support 499308 612389
Electrical Engineering 363022
Electrical Engineering Derby 518019
Electrical Engineering (Low Volume) 141887
Electrical Lewisham Clerical 505106
Electrical/Mechanical Signal Engineer 127130
Electrical Paddock Wood Clerical 522406
Electrical Payments To Ex-Employees 019186
Electrical Plant Engineer 717905
Electrical Production & Distribution West Anglia 526817
Electrical Safety & Training 683088
Electrical Senior Support Canterbury 499762
Electrical Senior Support Lewisham 499761
Electrical Senior Support Paddock Wood 499763 522460
Electrical Stores Static E200 122276
Electrical Technical Support 122282
Electrical Technology Support 240664
Electric Current 698214
Electric Current For Signalling 504427 562119
Electric Current For Traction 126416 127505 127781 128551 140103 140535 256703
Electric Current For Traction (Actuals) 565038
Electric Current For Traction (DC) 140160
Electric Current For Traction (Liabilities) 565037
Electric Multiple Unit Depot 685060
Electric Multiple Unit Depot Waterloo & City 563060
Electric Multiple Unit Staff Indirect 885928
Electric Multiple Unit Technology Support Soho 115117
Electrics Contracts In 744060
Electrics Spare 1 744366
Electrics Spare 2 744661
Electric Track Renewals 526832 545318
Electric Traction 829912
Electric Traction Equipment Depot 688660
Electric Traction Equipment Inspection Shed 688163
Electric Traction Maintenance Hither Green 510782
Electric Traction Maintenance Manager Dartford 499766 510104
Electric Traction Maintenance Manager Faversham 499769 518774
Electric Traction Maintenance Manager Hastings 499770 521962
Electric Traction Maintenance Manager Hither Green 499768 499771 515066
Electric Traction Maintenance Manager London Bridge 499767 510711
Electric Traction Maintenance Manager Tondridge 500239
Electric Traction Maintenance Store (Civils) Hither Green 510786
Electrification 688699
Electrification & Plant 141885
Electrification & Plant Engineering 128984 499950 680257
Electrification Canterbury 500762
Electrification Contingency Weekly Payments 011073
Electrification Contracts 534257
Electrification Distribution 166834
Electrification Distribution Engineer 127733
Electrification Doncaster 437663
Electrification Engineer 128592 128593 128594 131915 499614 565015 680282 698513 698591
Electrification Engineer & Support 744663
Electrification Engineering Lewisham 499760
Electrification Engineer North 181914
Electrification Ex-Staff 019091
Electrification Headquarters 437658
Electrification Headquarters Other 982983
Electrification Horsham 437662
Electrification Horsham British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 097875
Electrification Ill Health Contingency Weekly Payments 011461 011623
Electrification Information Technology Manager British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 508733
Electrification Investment FBC 500180
Electrification Lewisham 505163
Electrification Manager 437661 681236
Electrification Manager & Support Waterloo 500128 565014
Electrification Manager Peterborough 499394 613485
Electrification North Supervisor 181920
Electrification Overhead Line Equipment Design 166833
Electrification Payments to Ex-Staff 019913
Electrification Projects Manager Waterloo 500131 565016
Electrification Scotland 437665
Electrification South Super 176369
Electrification Stores 240661 286389
Electrification Technical 683060
Electrification Technology Manager Waterloo 500130
Electrification Trading 534409
Electrification Trading In 124823 829087
Electrification Trading Out 124824 829003
Electro Furnace Products 808411
Electro/Mechanical Plant Engineering (EE & CS) 090567
Elephant & Castle EPH 524600 ELPHNAC ELEPHANTC 87246
Elephant & Castle LT ZEL 057000 EPHT ELE&CASLT 72359
Elephant & Castle Self Service Ticket Machine 328000
Elephant & Castle Ticket Office 524620
Elephant & Castle [unknown feature] 151223 445125 524601
Elford Loop 165802 ELFORDL ELFRDLOOP 66007
Elgin ELG 897700 ELGIN ELGIN 02007
Elgin Self Service Ticket Machine 398600
Elgin Signal Box 897710 ELGINSB ELGIN SB 02006
Elgin Station Staff 978250
Elgin Utilities 126044
Elgin Yard 890600 ELGINY ELGIN YD 02008
Elite Travel S388 785400
Elland ELN 851500 ELLAND ELLAND 18453
Elland/Milner Royd Junction Signal Box 131533
Ellesmere Port ELP 212100 ELSMPRT ELLSMREPT 38317
Ellesmere Port Associated Octel 241714 ELSMPOC ELSMRPTE 38352
Ellesmere Port Cawoods 212108 ELSMPCS E PORT W 38322
Ellesmere Port CTT Forwardings ELLESMEPT 38343
Ellesmere Port DB Schenker 212110 ELSMPDB E PORT DB 38324
Ellesmere Port Depot Expenses 212163
Ellesmere Port Depot Operations Engineer 270328
Ellesmere Port Drivers 270326
Ellesmere Port East Sidings 212101 ELSMRPE 38320*
Ellesmere Port Freightliner Heavyhaul 212107 ELSMPFH PEELGRPSD 38323
Ellesmere Port GB Railfreight 212114 ELSMGBF E PORT GB 38325
Ellesmere Port Goods Yard 212111 ELSMPGY E PORT GY 38341
Ellesmere Port Loco Holding Siding 212103 ELSMLHS 38320*
Ellesmere Port Manchester Ship Canal East 241721 ELSMREMSC 38362 38357 38363
Ellesmere Port Marcroft 212134 ELLESMREP 38342
Ellesmere Port Middle Wharf Freightliner Heavy Haul 212106 ELSMMWF EPORTMTYW 38326
Ellesmere Port PanOcean ELSMPPO 38325
Ellesmere Port Platform Staff 212167
Ellesmere Port Production Operations 437022
Ellesmere Port Self Service Ticket Machine 456500
Ellesmere Port Terminal Complex 212160 ELSMPTC EPORT EYD 38320
Ellesmere Port Terminal Complex Drivers 212162
Ellesmere Port Trainmen 212164 270327
Ellesmere Port [unknown feature] 270330
Ellesmere Port Up & Down Goods Loop 212105 ELSMUDG ELLPTUDGL 38351
Ellesmere Port Wagon Exam 212161
Ellesmere Port West Sidings 212102 ELSMRPW ELSMRPTW 38318
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Cawoods Freightliner 212109 ELSMCFL ELSMRPW 38327
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Gulf Oil E PORT DB 38324
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Jake Rail Tank Cleaning Services 241812 ELSMRWMSC 38321
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Manchester Ship Canal 212104 ELSMR PW 38319
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Manisty W 38329
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Stevens Forwarding PEELGRPSD 38323
Ellesmere Port West Sidings STVA EPORTWREP 38330
Ellesmere Port West Sidings Unitank 38328
Ellesmere Stevedoring & Forwarding 241811
Elmers End ELE 504900 ELMERSE ELMRSNDOriginal code ELMERSEND 88321
Elmers End Self Service Ticket Machine 580000
Elmers End Signal TL1395 504901 ELME395 ELMESG395 88320
Elmers End Ticket Office 504966
Elmers End Tram 947100
Elm Park LT ZEP 057100
Elmstead Woods ESD 513500 ELMW ELMSTDWOriginal code ELMSTOWDS 88468
Elmstead Woods Self Service Ticket Machine 580100
Elmswell ESW 734900 ELMSWEL ELMSWELL 46404
Elmton & Cresswell Junction 660300 ELMTNAC CRESWELL 28001
Elsecar ELR 666700 ELSC ELSECAR 25308
Elsecar Main Colliery 24359
Elsenham ESM 683200 ELSENHM ELSENHAM 47335
Elsenham Essex 467400
Elsenham [unknown feature] 683201
Elsham EHM 645400 ELSHAM ELSHAM 22002
Elsham/Hatfield Line 645666
Elsham TRMC 434600
Elstow 151210 ELSTOW ELSTOW JN 62197
Elstow Freightliner Heavy Haul 151232 ELSTFHH ELSTFLHH 62204
Elstow Redland Siding 151220 ELSTORS ELSTOW ELSTOWRED 62199
Elstow Redland Siding GB Railfreight 151231 ELSTGBF ELSTOWGBR 62196
Elstow Signal WH630 151211 ELST630 62006
Elstree & Borehamwood ELS 154200 ELTR ELSTREE 63212
Elstree Area Commercial 154262
Elstree Self Service Ticket Machine 939800
Elstree Shires 897100
Elswick Newcastle 772200
Eltham ELW 510300 513600 ELTHAM ELTHAM 88418
Eltham Park ELTHMPK
Eltham Self Service Ticket Machine 580200
Eltham Ticket Office 510361
Eltham Well Hall ELTHMWH
Elton & Orston ELO 623800 ELTON ELTON&ORS 44514
Elvanfoot 970410 ELVFOOT ELVANFOOT 07984
Elvan Water Viaduct 961410 ELVWATV ELVANWTRV 07991
Elverson Road DLR ZAC ZERSame as Edgware Road 089800 166400 087100
Ely (Cambs) ELY 706800 ELYY ELY 46273
Ely Dock Junction 706817 ELYYDLN ELY DK JN 46275
Ely Down Through Siding 706812 ELYYDTS 46274*
Ely Glamorgan 383300
Ely GPR Signal 706864
Ely North Junction XYE 706814 ELYYNJN ELY NTHJN 46272
Ely Papworth Sidings English Welsh & Scottish Railway International Ely Papworth Sidings DB Schenker International 706810 ELYYPAP ELY  EWSI ELYDBSI ELY  DBSI 46269
Ely Papworth Sidings Freightliner Terminal 706811 ELYYFLT ELYPAPWTH 46267
Ely Papworth Sidings GB Railfreight 706808 ELYYGBF ELYPAPWGB 46290
Ely Papworth Sidings "MLF" 706809 ELYYPAW ELY  PAPW 46271
Ely Papworth Sidings Potter Group/Freightliner Heavy Haul 706811 ELYYFHH ELYPAPWTH 46267
Ely Production 499550 706802
Ely Reception 706861 ELYYREC ELY RECEP 46274
Ely Self Service Ticket Machine 776200
Ely Signal CA253 706806 ELYY253 ELYSIG253 46294
Ely Signal CA259 706820 ELYY259 ELY259 46286
Ely Signal CA288/CA290 706807 ELYY288 46295
Ely Signal CA776 706804 ELYY776 ELYNTH776 46291
Ely Signal Fault 2 Shift 706877
Ely Signal Maintenance 706885
Ely Signal Maintenance Supervisor 706879
Ely Signal Maintenance Technician 706888
Ely Station 613458
Ely Ticket Office 702183
Ely To Foxton Gate Boxes 127646
Ely To Thetford Signal Boxes 127647
Ely [unknown feature] 706801
Ely Up Goods Loop 706819 ELYYUGL ELY UP GL 46292
Ely West Junction 706818 ELYYWJN ELYWESTJN 46270
Embankment LT ZEK 054200 EMBKMNT EMBANKMNT 72353
EMD Store 122269
Emerald Travel DJ06 785500
Emergency Bus Hire 641720
Emergency Equipment March Depot 716657
Emergency Planning Supervisors 133494
Emergency Supervisors Alnmouth 110622
Emergency Supervisors Finsbury Park 110694
Emergency Supervisors Leeds/Knottingley 133462
Emergency Supervisors Newcastle 110246 757762
Emergency Supervisors York 110205 826819
Emergency Support Finsbury Park 110262
Emergency Support Hitchin 110618
Emergency Support Peterborough 110225
Emergency Trailing Crossover 568702
Emerson Park EMP 747300 EMRSPKH EMERSONPK 50391
Emerson Park Passenger Terminal 747361
Emirates Greenwich Peninsular 091100
Emirates Royal Docks 091000
Employee & OD Manager 127745
Employee Development 698284 698297 978039
Employee Relations 090541 125826 128996 335730 445137 500021 698293 698562 719407 978043
Employee Relations ICCS 092935
Employee Relations Manager 125321 125339 270015 386487 698510
Employee Relations Manager & Support 983701
Employee Relations Manager Executive Grades 259583
Employee Relations Manager Network SouthCentral 532025
Employee Relations Manager's Office 259562
Employee Relations Manager Staff 125379
Employee Relations MP112 115296
Employee Relations York 829056
Employee Resourcing 978038
Employee Services 090543 128995 132472 326482
Employee Services East/West 437271
Employees Left Service 018589
Employee Welfare 132475
Employment Information 090614
Employment Strategy Manager MP112 113989
Emsworth EMS 525700 EMSWTH EMSWORTH 86343
Emsworth Sales Point 525711
Emsworth Sales Point 2B 525715
Emsworth Self Service Ticket Machine 212900
EMU(C) Signal Works Assistant Gloucester 2B 476043
EMU(C) Worcester Shrub Hill Section Gang 489174
Endon END 001500 ENDON 43418
Energlyn & Churchill Park ECP 037500 ERGNCHP ENERGNCHP 78370
Energy & Utilities 107631
Energy Management 113657
Energy Manager 113956 698212
Enfield 133923
Enfield Chase ENC 601000 ENFC ENFIELDCH 53301
Enfield Chase Mobile Gang 499376 601071
Enfield Chase On Train Sales (West Anglia Great Northern) 123100
Enfield Chase Self Service Ticket Machine 776400
Enfield [Ireland] EFD 031100 CATZEFD
Enfield Lock ENL 681500 ENFLDLK ENFLDLOCK 51913
Enfield Lock Self Service Ticket Machine 467500
Enfield Lock [unknown feature] 681501
Enfield Oakwood LT 601002 ENFCOAK -
Enfield Stations EFI 026300
Enfield Town ENF 695900 ENFLDTN ENFIELDTN 51946
Enfield Town On Train Sales 970100
Enfield Town Revenue Protection Inspectors 695905
Enfield Town Self Service Ticket Machine 467600
Enfield Town Signal L5531 695903 ENFL531 ENFLDT531 51945
Enfield Town Signal Maintenance Days 695915
Enfield Town Signal Maintenance Days (R/S) 695913
Engineer & Safety Training Manager West 437874
Engineer Birmingham 141605
Engineer Business Development 097930
Engineer Crewe 141623
Engineering 622925
Engineering 1 2A 451211 451415
Engineering 1 2B 451212 451416
Engineering 2 2A 451213 451417
Engineering 2 2B 451214 451418
Engineering Access 141876
Engineering Access 2A 127510
Engineering Access 2B 127472
Engineering Access Manager 128568 132132 143112 224461 708008
Engineering Access Manager Type 4 132539
Engineering & Production Directorate 668200
Engineering & Service Manager/HSA Support 515461
Engineering & Survey 127405
Engineering Assistant Crewe 123857
Engineering Audit Group 499941 499942 669540 680253
Engineering Construction 217209 217210
Engineering Construction (Salaried) 217206
Engineering Construction (Stratford) 217211
Engineering Construction (Wages) 217207
Engineering Coordinator (East) 141418
Engineering Development Manager 499943 680254
Engineering Development Team 128824
Engineering Director 125146 150891 151126 270870 475302 534431 983333
Engineering Director Islington 115324
Engineering Division Network SouthCentral (Traction & Rolling Stock) 092029
Engineering/Emergency Inspectors 848586
Engineering Executive Team 139425 655421
Engineering Ex-Employees Ashford 018801
Engineering Finance Manager 270881 655471
Engineering Finance Manager Cardiff 270229
Engineering Finance Manager Crewe 270228
Engineering Headquarters York 605702
Engineering Liaison Inspectors 133121
Engineering Liaison Support Crewe 218173
Engineering Link 150507 150521 150532 152681 363000 473012 475006 475021 475032
Engineering Manager 125311 127122 144610 166810 206164 206186 437654 518024
Engineering Manager Medway 516965
Engineering Manager Metro (Slade Green) 512266
Engineering Manager Rail 206110
Engineering Manager Rail Support 206111
Engineering Manager Staff 125389
Engineering Manager Support 112693 206165 206187 217220
Engineering Manager Watford 140294
Engineering Notices Manager 226267
Engineering Notices Manager 236381
Engineering Operations Yeovil 132724
Engineering Planning 323266
Engineering Planning Bristol 4 132110
Engineering Planning Exeter 341086
Engineering Planning Manager 127110
Engineering Planning Manager & Staff 130347
Engineering Planning Supervisors 216959
Engineering Planning Support Staff 130348 130351
Engineering Rescheduling Manager 221770
Engineering Services 622910
Engineering Services Manager 511382
Engineering Services Manager BICC 518796
Engineering Students 451820
Engineering Students Manager 991353
Engineering Supervisor PL1 566508
Engineering Supervisor PL2 589912
Engineering Supervisor PL3 566528
Engineering Supervisor PL4 566536
Engineering Supervisor RT 566585
Engineering Supervisor S & C 512306
Engineering Supervisor SC1 566591
Engineering Supervisor SC2 566581
Engineering Support Manager 270872
Engineering Systems Disbursement 090012
Engineering Work Supervisors 133490
Engineer Manager Croydon Croydon 217237
Engineer Norwich 141630
Engineers Maintenance Barking 749214 749907
Engine House Bridge Junction 775602 EHBJN 87581
Engine Power 696597 702202 748045
Engine Power Credits 829134
Engine Shed Junction XES 850311 ESJLEDS ENGSHEDJN 17149
English China Clay Furzebrook 595911
English China Clay/Imrey [unknown feature] VARIOUS 92000
English Welsh & Scottish Railway 011006 012010 270045
English Welsh & Scottish Railway Directorate 125377 126064
English Welsh & Scottish Railway Displaced Staff 270044
English Welsh & Scottish Railway Executive 270000 270002 270100 270200 270400 270500 270600 270800
English Welsh & Scottish Railway Freight Terminal (Warrington) 239062 EWSFT WARRDALLN 35512
English Welsh & Scottish Railway GTRM Artisan East 437704
English Welsh & Scottish Railway GTRM Artisan West 437617
English Welsh & Scottish Railway GTRM Salaried East 437705
English Welsh & Scottish Railway GTRM Salaried West 437616
English Welsh & Scottish Railway Headquarters Default 126066
Enigma Testing 1 107690
Enigma Testing 2 107691
Enigma Testing 3 107692
Enigma Testing 4 107693
Enigma Testing 5 107694
Ennis ENN 031200 CATZENN
Enniscorthy ENS 048600 ENISCTY -
Entwistle ENT 274700 ENTWISL ENTWISTLE 29175
Environment 128136
Environmental/Ancillary Gang Tonbridge 522905
Environmental (Cont) Inf2000 500492
Environmental Manager 128569
Environment/Ancillary Gauge Sittingbourne 518754
Environment Bounds Green 884315
Environment Manager 141417 544638
Environment Manager Restructuring 544640
EPA Newcastle 774938
EPM Electrical 363010
EPM Mechanical 363009
Epping LT ZEG 057200
Epsom EPS 536000 EPSM EPSOMOriginal code EPSOM 87681
Epsom Ballast 536019 EPSMBAL EPSOM BAL 87680
Epsom Downs EPD 536100 EPSDNS EPSMDOWOriginal code EPSOMDOWN 87692
Epsom Downs Down Sidings 536111
Epsom Down Sidings 536017 EPSMDS EPSMDSD EPSOMD&US 87682
Epsom Downs Old Station EPSMDNS
Epsom Downs Self Service Ticket Machine 403500
Epsom Downs Up Sidings 536112
Epsom Drivers 2B 536061
Epsom Platforms Restructuring 536010
Epsom Sales Point 536011
Epsom Sales Point Restructuring 536012
Epsom Self Service Ticket Machine 700700
Epsom Signal W444 536015 EPSM444 87681*
Epsom Signal W456 536014 EPSM456 87682*
Epsom Signal W1181 536001 EPSM181 EPSOM1181 87684
Epsom South Western EPS 536065 EPSMSW 87681*
Epsom Trainee Drivers 2B 536005
Epsom Up Sidings XFK 536018 EPSMUS EPSMUSD 87682*
Equatoria Travel Y327 900900
Equipment Room Audits 661375
ER & D Mining Engineer Derby 095311
ER & D Track Renewals Derby 091261
Erdington ERD 104100 ERDNGTN ERDINGTON 65606
Erdington Self Service Ticket Machine 432900
Eridge ERI 545900 ERIDGE ERIDGE 87764
Eridge (A26 Bus Stop) ERB 545950 781600 ERIDBUS -
Eridge Relayers (PL) 534070
Eridge Sales Point 2B 545910
Eridge Self Service Ticket Machine 398700
Eridge Signal Box ERDGESB
Eridge Sportis Network SouthEast 359700
Erith ERH 510400 ERITH ERITH 88604
Erith Loop 515412 ERITHLP ERITH LP 88426
Erith Self Service Ticket Machine 580400
ERM Administration Office Expenses 829518
ERM Administration Redundancy SLS 829522
ERM Administration Redundancy SRS Gainfully Employed 829528 829787
ERM Redundancy SLS 829770
ERM Redund SRS Gainfully Employed 829725
ERM Welfare Office Expenses 829519
ERM Welfare Operations Account 829541
ERM Welfare Other General Expenses 829231
ERM Welfare Redundancy SLS 829523 829781
ERM Welfare Redundancy SRS Gainfully Employed 829529
Errol 876600 ERROLLC ERROL 03069
Errol Civil Engineer's Sidings 876661 ERROLCE ERROL DS 03068
ERTAC Accounting Headquarters 096243
ERTAC Freight Accounts 096254
ERTAC Freight B & D Debts/TVS 096255
ERTAC Freight Miscellaneous 096256
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 1 096244
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 2 096245
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 3 096246
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 4 096247
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 6 096249
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 7 096250
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 9 096269
ERTAC International Nominal Ledger 10 096270
ERTC Staff Travel Victoria 092519
Eryholme 787710
Esher ESH 555800 ESHER ESHER 86002
Esher Clerical 555801
Esher Self Service Ticket Machine 312500
Eskbank EKB 377600 ESKBANK ESKBANK 04709
Eskdale (Dalegarth) 192165 ESKDALE -
Eskmeals 199500 199905 ESKMLS ESKMEALS 11207
Eskmeals [station] 199500 ESKMEAL ESKMEALS 11207
Esk Valley Line 818460
Essen Hbf ESS 014100 ESSNHBF ESSEN HBF 00020
Essex Road EXR 600400 ESSEXRD ESSEXROAD 54295
Essex Road LT 057300
Essex Road Self Service Ticket Machine 785000
Essex Road [unknown feature] 600401
Essex WD TR A608 601400
Essington Wood Sidings 119900 ESNTNWS ESSINTNWD 65515
Esso 872512
Esso Bitumen 357814
Esso Dunglass 996811
Estate Clerical Unit 494200
Estate Management Suprvsr.Manager 535544
Estate Manager London North 497017
Estate Manager London South 497300
Estate Manager Midlands 493017
Estate Manager North East 494800
Estate Manager North Manchester 495017
Estate Manager North West 495000
Estate Manager Scotland 496017
Estate Manager South West 498017
Estates & Facilities Crewe 096674
Estates & Facilities Crewe Accounting Adjustments 096677
Estates & Facilities Croydon 096671 534258
Estates & Facilities Croydon Accounting Adjustments 096684
Estates & Facilities Glasgow 096685 982770
Estates & Facilities Glasgow Accounting Adjustments 096686
Estates & Facilities Manager 090447 296849
Estates & Facilities Reading 095017 096687
Estates & Facilities Reading Accounting Adjustments 096688
Estates & Facilities York 096670 820001
Estates & Facilities York Accounting Adjustments 096672
Estate Surveyor 492110 494100 498117 498217
Estate Surveyor & ECU 493200
Estate Surveyor North/Durham SMNPS 494117
Estate Surveyor South SMNPS 494217 496117 496217
Estate Surveyor Works 491800
Estimating 437813
Estimating Manager 499909 680267 815301
Estimating Manager Swindon 335182
Etches Park 098770 110446 125560
Etches Park Carriage Shunting 168864
Etches Park Depot Management 168874
Etches Park Financial Accounting 168879
Etches Park Sales 168860
Etches Park Stocks 182341
Etches Park Supervisors 168851
Etchingham ETC 521700 ETCHNGM ETCHINGHM 89394
ETC Manchester 2A 240524
ETCM/Dollands Moor/Wembley Managers 116081
Etherley Ground Frame 783511 ETHERLY ETHERLEY 15824
Eton Travel Agency Ltd 429600 547100
Etruria ETR 129400 ETRURIA ETRURIA 43113
Etruria BSC 129414 ETRURBS ETRURIABS 43111
Etruria Exchange Sidings 129500
Etruria Freight Terminal 112414 655517
Etruria Grange Junction 129402 ETRUGJN GRANGE JN 43114
Etruria Grange Junction Wabtec GRANGEJN 43115
Etruria Hartleys Yard 43113
Etruria Junction ETRURIJ
Etruria Yard 43112
Etruria [unknown feature] 270364
ET Travel Ltd S389 785600
ETU Phires 829182
Etwall Maintenance Gang 50 171868
Eurocamp 754600
Euroglobe Travel S267 769000
Euro-Japan Holidays 754500
Euro-Med Travel Ltd DJ60 440700 785700
European Bank Charges 095892
European Finance 098961
European Passenger Services Canary Wharf 236800
European Passenger Services House Training 546900
European Passenger Services House UAT 2 234400
European Passenger Services House UAT 3 234600
European Passenger Services Ltd 358300
European Passenger Services Paris 234900
European Passenger Services Party Charter 236700
European Passenger Services Staff 090938
European Passenger Services Staff Travel 236100
European Passenger Services UAT ERS 232900
European Passenger Services UAT 4 305800
European Passenger Services UAT 5 730600
European Rail Ltd DW60 240100 441100
European Sales Manager 096928
European Strategy Manager Waterloo 091810
European Travel Centre S390 785800
Europorte 2 EUROPORT2 89700
Eurosave/Air Ticket Direct DN29 785900
Eurostar 01 ZXA 123300
Eurostar 02 ZXB 123500
Eurostar 03 ZXC 123600
Eurostar 04 ZXD 126500
Eurostar 05 ZXE 126600
Eurostar 06 ZXF 130000
Eurostar 07 ZXG 131200
Eurostar 08 ZXH 134300
Eurostar 09 ZXI 137000
Eurostar 10 ZXJ 137900
Eurostar 11 ZXK 146500
Eurostar 12 ZXL 146800
Eurostar 13 ZXM 147000
Eurostar 14 ZXN 147100
Eurostar 15 ZXO 147200
Eurostar 16 ZXP 147300
Eurostar 17 ZXQ 147900
Eurostar 18 ZXR 149500
Eurostar 19 ZXS 149900
Eurostar 20 ZXT 150300
Eurostar 21 ZXU 150400
Eurostar 22 ZXV 150600
Eurostar 23 ZXW 151600
Eurostar 24 ZXX 152800
Eurostar 25 ZXY 152900
Eurostar 26 ZXZ 155700
Eurostar 27 ZYA 155800 954200
Eurostar 28 ZYB 156500 954500
Eurostar 29 ZYC 156600 954600
Eurostar 30 ZYD 156700 954800
Eurostar 31 ZZA 458900 955100 EURST31 -
Eurostar 32 ZZB 459100 956000 EURST32 EUSTR32Code believed listed in error -
Eurostar 33 ZZC 459200 956100 EURST33 -
Eurostar 34 ZZD 459600 956300 EURST34 -
Eurostar 35 ZZE 459900 956500 EURST35 -
Eurostar 36 ZZF 460100 956600 EURST36 -
Eurostar 37 ZZG 460200 956700 EURST37 -
Eurostar 38 ZZH 460300 956800 EURST38 -
Eurostar 39 ZZI 460400 957000 EURST39 -
Eurostar 40 ZZJ 460800 957200 EURST40 -
Eurostar 41 ZZK 461200 957300 EURST41 -
Eurostar 42 ZZL 461300 957400 EURST42 -
Eurostar 43 ZZM 462000 957500 EURST43 -
Eurostar 44 ZZN 462100 957600 EURST44 -
Eurostar 45 ZZO 462200 957700 EURST45 -
Eurostar 46 ZZP 462300 957800 EURST46 -
Eurostar 47 ZZQ 462400 957900 EURST47 -
Eurostar 48 ZZR 462700 958000 EURST48 -
Eurostar 49 ZZS 462800 958100 EURST49 -
Eurostar 50 ZZT 463000 958200 EURST50 -
Eurostar 51 ZZU 463100 958300 EURST51 -
Eurostar 52 ZZV 463400 958500 EURST52 -
Eurostar 53 ZZW 463500 EURST53 -
Eurostar 54 ZZX 464400 EURST54 -
Eurostar 55 ZZY 464500 EURST55 -
Eurostar 56 ZIA 464700 EURST56 -
Eurostar 57 ZIB 464800 EURST57 -
Eurostar 58 ZID 464900 EURST58 -
Eurostar 59 ZIE 465000 EURST59 -
Eurostar 60 ZIF 465200 EURST60 -
Eurostar 61 ZIH 465300 EURST61 -
Eurostar 62 ZII 465400 EURST62 -
Eurostar 63 ZIJ 465600 EURST63 -
Eurostar 64 ZIK 465700 EURST64 -
Eurostar 65 ZIL 465800 EURST65 -
Eurostar 66 ZIM 466100 EURST66 -
Eurostar 67 ZIN 466600 EURST67 -
Eurostar 68 ZIO 466700 EURST68 -
Eurostar 69 ZIP 466800 EURST69 -
Eurostar 70 ZIR 466900 EURST70 -
Eurostar 71 ZIS 468300 EURST71 -
Eurostar 72 ZIT 469700 EURST72 -
Eurostar 73 ZIU 470900 EURST73 -
Eurostar 74 ZIV 471600 EURST74 -
Eurostar 75 ZIW 473700 EURST75 -
Eurostar 76 ZIX 473800 EURST76 -
Eurostar 77 ZIY 473900 EURST77 -
Eurostar 78 ZIZ 474200 EURST78 -
Eurostar 79 ZJA 474300 EURST79 -
Eurostar 80 ZJB 474400 EURST80 -
Eurostar Call Centre S770 901000
Eurostar Domestic Sales 446800
Eurostar Gare De Nord S771 901100
Eurostar Help Desk CMS 705080
Eurostar Help Desk Ticket 705079
Eurostar Holidays S735 875900
Eurostar Interlining Sales 388500
Eurostar UK Limited 983500
Eurostar UK Ltd Amsterdam 242900
Eurostar UK Limited E 887400
Eurostar UK Ltd IRAC SE1 551900
Eurostar UK Training Centre S590 828000
Eurostar UK Victoria Street SW1 389000
Euro Travel S265 768800
Eurotunnel Depot Headshunt 502736 EUROHS EUROHS EP 89701
Eurotunnel Diesel Shed 502737 EURODS EURODS EP 89702
Euro Worldwide Travel S266 768900
Eurre EURRE 00761
Euston EUS 144400 EUSTON EUSTON 72410
Euston Administration 2B 133135
Euston Administration Support 133139
Euston Area Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Stores 144417
Euston Arrears 018020
Euston Backing Out Roads 144401 EUSTBOR EUSTONBOR 72404
Euston Ballast 144457 EUSTBAL EUSTONSTN 72411
Euston Booking Office 507085
Euston Buildings & Plant 144465
Euston Business Development Manager 127339
Euston Business Travel 103100
Euston Carriage Cleaning 140022 144624
Euston Carriage Maintenance Depot 098720
Euston Civil Engineer Permanent Way Section Supervisor Timekeeper 144684
Euston Civil Engineer Production 140233
Euston Civil Engineer Rodent Operators 144485
Euston Combined Facilities & Maintenance 311A 144423
Euston Combined Facilities & Maintenance 311B 144424 144666
Euston Combined Facilities & Maintenance 311C 144425 144667
Euston Combined Facilities & Maintenance 311D 144426 144668
Euston Combined Facilities & Maintenance 311E 144427 144669
Euston Conductors 140133 155578
Euston Criminal Investigation Department Inspectors 098029
Euston Depot Administration ICCS 092655
Euston Depot Control ICCS 092656
Euston Depot Manager 181934
Euston Down Carriage Maintenance Depot EUSTDCS 72402
Euston Down Carriage Shed Neck 144402 EUSTDCN EUSTDNNEC 72403
Euston Drivers 140631
Euston DSMs 2B 127352
Euston Engineering Inspector 141002
Euston Excess County 927700
Euston Finance Manager 127337
Euston For The Games EUX 658600 CATZ038
Euston Guards 140132
Euston Instructor Conductor 140135
Euston Instructor Drivers 140632
Euston Investment Manager 127344
Euston JI Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer 8302 144416
Euston Leading Conductors 140134
Euston Local Tickets ZUX 105800
Euston Loco Holding Siding 144406 EUSTNHS EUSTONLHS 72408
Euston London Part Two 144600
Euston LT ZEU 057400
Euston Management Clerical Support Sleepers 887002 887302
Euston Network Gold Card 101500
Euston Night Stewards 887025 887316
Euston Olympic Games LOY 047300 EUSTOLM -
Euston Operations Control 144630
Euston Overheads 144620
Euston Panel Signal Box 126766
Euston Panel Signal Box Supervisors 141008
Euston Park Street 144403 EUSTPKS EUST PKST 72400
Euston Park Street 'MBR' Site 144401 EUSTPKS PKSTEUS 71033
Euston Permanent Way Patrolling Team 140169
Euston Permanent Way Section 140263 144683
Euston Plant & Machinery Store 144482
Euston Plant New Works 144436
Euston Plant New Works Supervisor 144687
Euston Plant New Works Workshop Wages 144686
Euston Plant Supervisors 144698
Euston Platform 140082
Euston Platform 8-11 Cleaners 136104
Euston Platforms 8-11 140151
Euston Platforms 8-11 Booking Office 143010
Euston Production Supervisors 133145 141006
Euston Production Supervisors 2A 133143
Euston Rail Express Systems XEN 144463 EUSTRES EUSTONDSS 72402
Euston Red Star 144456
Euston Revenue Protection 912200
Euston Revenue Protection EJ 618800
Euston Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot Team 270090
Euston Rostered Staff 103071
Euston Safety 098686
Euston Safety & Standards Manager 127338
Euston Self Service Ticket Machine 189200
Euston Self Service Ticket Machine (LM) 920200
Euston Siding Staff ICCS 092657
Euston Signal Maintenance 144665
Euston Signal Maintenance Engineer General 144676
Euston Signal Maintenance Engineer Locking 371 145778
Euston Signal Maintenance Engineer Painting Miscellaneous 372 144420 144664
Euston Signal Maintenance Engineer Salaried/General 144673
Euston Signal Maintenance Engineer Support Support Group 144618
Euston Signal WM102 144443 EUST102 EUSTON102 72405
Euston Signal WM104 144442 EUST104 EUSTON104 72407
Euston Signal WM105 EUST105
Euston Signal WM284 144439 EUST284 EUSTON284 72409
Euston Signal WM286 144430 EUST286 EUSTON286 72397
Euston Signal WM308 144419 EUST308 EUSTON308 72396
Euston Signal WM310 144418 EUST310 EUSTON310 72395
Euston Signal WM473 144412 EUST473 EUSTON473 72394
Euston Signal WM488 144410 EUST488 EUSTON488 72393
Euston Signal WM501 144409 EUST501 EUSTON501 72392
Euston Signal WM510 144407 EUST510 EUSTON510 72391
Euston Signal WM512 144404 EUST512 EUSTON512 72390
Euston Signal WM610 144413 EUST610 EUSTON610 72389
Euston Sleeping Car Attendants 092954 887010 887315
Euston Sportis InterCity 143500
Euston Square LT ZES 057500
Euston Standby Drivers 140633
Euston Station Cleaning 127303
Euston Station Cleaning ISO 141014
Euston Station Commercial Manager 127307
Euston Station Operations Manager 127302
Euston Station Premises Manager 127306
Euston Station Security 127304
Euston Stores Administration ICCS 092658
Euston Stores Control ICCS 092659
Euston SV & F Supervisors (Plant) 144696
Euston Team Leaders 270695
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Cables 2B 581788
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer 8101 & Network House 2B 581794
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer Conurbation & Marylebone 8101 144414
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer General 144672
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineering 2A 581792 581796
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineering 2B 581791
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer Network SouthEast Section 2B 581795
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer Salaried 144674
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer SSG 8301 144415
Euston Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer Support Group 8301 2B 581793
Euston Telecommunications Resident Engineer 2B 581790
Euston Telesales 105200
Euston Thameslink Plant Maintenance 144625
Euston Ticket Inspectors 140603
Euston TOC Gates 099300
Euston Train Crew Leader Drivers 140563
Euston Trainee Conductors 140131
Euston Trainee Drivers 140634
Euston Uniform Senior Police 098020
Euston [unknown feature] 096276 133922 434720
Euston Up Carriage Shed XEU 144405 EUSTUCS EUSTONUCS 72406
Euston-Watford DC Signal Operative 142483
Euston Welcome Hosts 887003 887017 887303
Euxton Balshaw Lane EBA 208000 EUXT EUXTON EUXTON BL 30163
Euxton Junction XOU 271001 EUXTONJ EUXTON JN 30164
Euxton Royal Ordnance Factory Sidings Ground Frame 271002 EUXTSGF 30202*
Evanton 863270 EVANTON EVANTON 01060
Evanton Intermediate Block Post 863213 EVNTNIB 01060*
Eversholt Leasing 150500 150700 150800 475000 475100 475200 475300
Evershot 585305 EVERSHT EVERSHOT 82317
Everton/Offord/Holme Signallers 110222 612307
Ever Travel S268 769100
Evesham EVE 474000 EVESHAM EVESHAM 67351
Evesham Road Crossing 455801
Evesham Self Service Ticket Machine 448900
Evesham Signal Box EVS 474063 EVESSB EVESHAMSB 67352
Evesham [unknown feature] 143142
Evesham West Junction 474001 EVESWJN EVESHAMWJ 67353
Evington Travel S391 786000
Ewell East EWE 541500 EWELLE EWELLEAST 87679
Ewell East Self Service Ticket Machine 406300
Ewell West EWW 558600 EWELW EWELLWOriginal code EWELLWEST 87304
Ewell West Clerical 558611
Ewell West Self Service Ticket Machine 411700
Ewer Street Junction 514203 EWERSTJ EWER ST J 88386
Examination & Design 113164
Examination Engineer Newport (S) 367451
Examination Engineer Reading 315660
Examination Manager Tunnel Assistant & Support 983729
Examinations 512327
Examinations Engineer 148560
Examinations Manager 386447
Examinations S6 532666
Examination Staff Bristol 323126
Examination Team A 622901 622921
Examination Team B 622902 622922
Examination Team C 622903 622923
Examination Team D 622904 622924
Excalibur Travel S392 786100
Excellence Plc S393 786200
Exceptional Income 128659
Exchange Sidings 161401 215911
Exchange Sidings Signal Box 112711
Excursion ECN
Executive Account Engineer 1 363005
Executive Account Engineer 2 363006
Executive Account Engineer 4 363008
Executive Account Engineer 5 363002
Executive Grades 826636
Executive Grades Pay ISO 131813
Executive Grades Personnel Details 522955
Executive Group 090092 605774
Executive Group Outside Responsibilities 686172
Executives 437601 719034
Executive Travel Service DE88 786300
Ex-Employees 012389 018034 018036 018065 018318 018452 018478 018481 019007 019102 019262 019264 019339 019340 019441 019707 019936 216404 705200
Ex-Employees 2A Reading 019710
Ex-Employees 2A Staff 018084
Ex-Employees 2B Reading 019711
Ex-Employees 2B Staff 018083
Ex-Employees 60C 018004
Ex-Employees 60G 018002
Ex-Employees 60J 018001
Ex-Employees 60Z 018003
Ex-Employees Adtranz Aylesbury 018062
Ex-Employees ARRS Account Executive 018064
Ex-Employees ARRS Finance 018069
Ex-Employees ARRS Liverpool Street Station 018071
Ex-Employees ARRS Network Development 018054
Ex-Employees ARRS Production Manager 018063
Ex-Employees ARRS Public Affairs 018070
Ex-Employees Birmingham 019588 019589
Ex-Employees Bristol Trains 019266
Ex-Employees British Rail Infrastructure Serivces Paddington 018854
Ex-Employees Cardiff Freight 019331
Ex-Employees Cardiff Trains 019326
Ex-Employees Carmarthen Trains 019316
Ex-Employees CEDG York 018078
Ex-Employees Central Train Operating Unit 018214
Ex-Employees Chief Accountant 018009
Ex-Employees Civil Engineer 018019
Ex-Employees Claims 018095
Ex-Employees Commercial 019730 019731
Ex-Employees Commercial 74B 018814
Ex-Employees Commercial Manager 018007
Ex-Employees Communications Engineer 018023
Ex-Employees Edinburgh Waverley Station Manager 018032
Ex-Employees Exeter Trains 019256
Ex-Employees Financial Controller 018008
Ex-Employees Fleet 073 019715
Ex-Employees Fleet 074 019713
Ex-Employees Fleet 076 018834 018941 019705 019714
Ex-Employees Footplate Paddington 019223
Ex-Employees Freight Swansea 019321
Ex-Employees GC Station Manager 018029
Ex-Employees Group Station Manager Devon/Cornwal 019255
Ex-Employees GSM Gloucester/Somerset 019296
Ex-Employees Headquarters 2A 018076
Ex-Employees Headquarters 2B 018077
Ex-Employees Information Technology Manager 018016
Ex-Employees Infrastructure 019510
Ex-Employees Interfleet 018118 018719
Ex-Employees LMS 018237
Ex-Employees Motive Power Depot 018035
Ex-Employees North London Railway 018066
Ex-Employees Norwich 018052
Ex-Employees Operations 018905 019732
Ex-Employees Operations 74B 018811
Ex-Employees Operations North 018039
Ex-Employees Operations South 018038
Ex-Employees Paddington Conductors 019224
Ex-Employees Pay Arrears 018055
Ex-Employees Payments 018085 018088 018092 018093 018094
Ex-Employees Personnel 018086 018812 018901
Ex-Employees Plymouth Retail 019307
Ex-Employees PPF Consultants 018096
Ex-Employees Production 019734
Ex-Employees Projects Account 018011
Ex-Employees Public Affairs 018006
Ex-Employees Reading Area Telecommunications Engineers 019362
Ex-Employees Reading Conductors 019309
Ex-Employees Reading Drivers 019308
Ex-Employees Reading Trainmen 019360
Ex-Employees Salaried 019282
Ex-Employees Serco 018097
Ex-Employees Serco National Rail Enquiry Service 018081
Ex-Employees Serco RT99 018082
Ex-Employees South Western Division 270227
Ex-Employees Thames Line 019363 019364 019365 019366 019367
Ex-Employees Training Development Manager 018018
Ex-Employees Wales & North Retail 019341
Ex-Employees Works 019281
Ex-Employees Zone 019735
Ex-Employees Zone Director 018017
Exeter 133846
Exeter Airport XXT 341057 EXETAIR -
Exeter Alphington Road GB Railfreight 341082 EXETGBR ALPHTNRGB 83514
Exeter Announcers 341027
Exeter Area Operations Management 132155
Exeter Area Operations Management 4 132156
Exeter Area Telecommunications Engineers 341015
Exeter Area Telecommunications Engineers Paybill 341021
Exeter Area Wagon Maintenance & Exam 341667
Exeter Booking Office 341093
Exeter Business Travel 313300
Exeter Cash Office 575585
Exeter CB Colas Sidings EXETRKA
Exeter Central EXC 575500 EXETERC EXETERCEN 83431
Exeter Central Booking Office 575562
Exeter Central Civil Engineer's Sidings 575516 EXETCCE EXETCCE 83433
Exeter Central Platforms 575511
Exeter Central Revenue Protection 989100
Exeter Central Self Service Ticket Machine 209200
Exeter City Basin 341100 EXETRCB EXECTYBSN 83516
Exeter Conductors 341062
Exeter Devon Stations Relief 575513
Exeter Displaced Staff 341050
Exeter Division Clearing Account 341068
Exeter Drivers 341061 341065
Exeter Environmental Cleaning Team 341046
Exeter Exminster 341401 EXETEXM EXMINSTER 83595 83495
Exeter Freight Operating Company West 126254
Exeter Fuelling Point 099974 126257
Exeter Great Western Train Operating Company Driver Leaders 341096
Exeter Group Station Manager Devon/Cornwall 341036
Exeter InterCity Drivers 341009
Exeter Locomotive Stabling Point 341014 EXETER 83401
Exeter Marcroft EXETER RS 83408
Exeter Marsh Barton (Alphington Road) 341116 EXETMBS EXEALPHAR 83513
Exeter Network SouthEast Contracts 575581
Exeter Network SouthEast Senior Conductors 575584
Exeter New Yard XFL 341012 EXETRNY EXETNEWYD 83411
Exeter Not Currently Used 341025 341032 341033
Exeter Old Yard Waggoners Way 341087 EXETOY EXETOLDYD 83412
Exeter Panel 341084
Exeter Paris Street Bus Station 575514 EXETPBS -
Exeter Passenger Shunters 341073
Exeter Personnel Office Expenses 341038
Exeter Platforms 341064
Exeter Redundancy Lump Sums Regional Railways 341051
Exeter Regional Railways South Wales & West 126253
Exeter Resource Supervisors 341023
Exeter Retail Axis Clearing Account 341079
Exeter Retail Redundancy LS 341054
Exeter Revenue & Audit Manager 341043
Exeter Revenue Protection SP 987100
Exeter Revenue Protection Team 341053
Exeter Riverside Hanson Aggregates 341601 EXETRFH EXETERFHH 83399
Exeter Riverside North Yard 341665 EXETRRY RIVERSIDE EXETRRY 83400
Exeter Riverside Yard 270552 341600 341661
Exeter Road Transport 575582
Exeter Rosters 341022
Exeter RTS Training 341026
Exeter St Davids EXD 341000 EXETRSD EXETSTDAV 83421
Exeter St Davids Car Park 341039
Exeter St Davids Carriage Cleaners 341080
Exeter St Davids Carriage Sidings Wessex 341040 EXETCAR EXETSDVCS 83404
Exeter St Davids Fuelling Point XXF 341056 EXETRFP EXETER SD 83403
Exeter St Davids Premier Transport 341010 EXETDPT EXETSTDAV 83405
Exeter St Davids Self Service Ticket Machine 179200
Exeter St Davids Signal E335 341081 EXET335 EXETSD335 83424
Exeter St Davids Signal E664 341041 EXET664 EXETSD664 83422
Exeter St Davids Sportis InterCity 372600
Exeter St Davids Sportis Regional Railways 372900
Exeter St Davids Station Management 341088
Exeter St Davids Station Manager Devon 341029
Exeter St Davids Sub-Store 092918
Exeter St Davids Tribute 889900
Exeter St Thomas EXT 341400 EXETRST EXETSTTOM 83517
Exeter St Thomas Station 341411
Exeter Senior Conductors Paybill 341060
Exeter Signal E35 341028 EXETE35 EXETERS35 83519
Exeter Signal E640 EXES640 EXETSDVCS 83404
Exeter Signal E675 341097 EXET675 EXETER675 83428
Exeter Signal E677 341083 EXET677 EXETSD677 83425
Exeter Signal E679 341085 EXET679 EXETSD679 83426
Exeter Signal E681 341071 EXET681 EXETER681 83423
Exeter Signal E730 341089 EXET730 EXETER730 83427
Exeter Stations 043000
Exeter Tamper Crew 575512
Exeter TOPS 341007
Exeter Traction & Rolling Stock Fuel South Wales & West Train Operating Unit 575505
Exeter Traction & Rolling Stock Trading Out 341024
Exeter Traction Maintenance Depot 341074 EXETTMD EXETERTMD 83405
Exeter Traction Maintenance Depot Carriage Cleaning 341076
Exeter Train Managers 341042
Exeter Trainmen 341066
Exeter Train Services Manager Gloucester-Penzance 341098
Exeter Welcome Hosts 341006
Exe Vale see Digby & Sowton
Exhibition Centre Down Siding 991413 EXHIBDS GLWEXCDNS 07276
Exhibition Centre (Glasgow) EXG 991400 EXHIBTC GLW EXBTN 07275
Exhibition Centre [unknown feature] 997547
Exmouth EXM 575600 EXMOUTH EXMOUTH 83475
Exmouth Dock (Ferry Steps) 575662 EXMODFS -
Exmouth Junction 575200 EXMOTHJ EXMOUTHJN 83441
Exmouth Junction Civil Engineer's Sidings 575214 EXMOCE EXMOCE 83444
Exmouth Junction Coal Concentration Depot 575213 EXMOCCD 83442
Exmouth Junction Plant Maintenance (Regional Railways) 358071
Exmouth Junction Plant Sidings 575215 EXMOJCW EXJNPLANT 83443
Exmouth Junction Signal E310 EXMO310
Exmouth Junction Signal EJ7 575202 EXMOJ7 EXMOSIGJ7 83478
Exmouth Junction Signal EJ20 575201 EXMOJ20 EXMOUJ20 83477
Exmouth Manual Gateline 399600
Exmouth Self Service Ticket Machine 231400
Exmouth Station 575611
Expenses/Disbursements 216323
Expert Travel Ltd DE89 441700
Explorers Travel S269 769200
Expotel Hotel Reservations Ltd 424100
Ex-SSE 107329 363001
Ex-Staff Trainload Freight North East Regional Manager South 018234
Extended Project Costs 132582
External Affairs 093184 455024
External Audit Fees 090274
External Capital Loans 090190
External Hire 983781
External Income 702124
External Lease Capital 090302
External Lease Interest 090305
External Liaison Manager 315648
External Liaison Manager Network SouthCentral 544636
External Washers Craigentinny 932475
Exton EXN 576000 EXTON EXTON 83472
Eynsford EYN 506500 EYNSFD EYNSFORD 89345
Eynsham Church EYM 158800 EYNMSHC -
Eynsham Witney Road 158801 EYNMSHW -
Eythorne East Kent Railway EKR CATZEKR -
Eyton Level Crossing 143183