A (hopefully) comprehensive listing

Locations beginning S

Last update 28 December 2024

Additional information is always gratefully received, whether entirely new records (particularly historical records) or information to fill in gaps or correct errors, via the contact link under the Miscellaneous entry in the navigation bar above. Thank you.

To see other locations, please click the link below:

S1A 922500
S1B 922600
S1C 922700
S1D 922800
S1E 922900
S1F 923200
S2A 923300
S2B 923400
S2C 923500
S2D 923700
S2E 923800
S2F 923900
S3A 924000
S3B 924100
S3C 924200
S3D 924300
S3E 924400
S3F 931400
S4A 931500
S4B 931600
S4C 931900
S4D 932000
S4E 933400
S4F 933900
S5A 934100
S5B 934200
S5C 934300
S5D 934400
S5E 934500
S5F 934600
S6A 934700
S6B 934800
S6C 935000
S6D 935100
S6E 935200
S6F 935300
SA 935600
S/A3 497230 497330
S/A4 497140
SA Agreement 095099
SAB 935900
Sabra Travel DF30 460900
SAC 936000
SAD 936100
Sadlers Crossing 143137
SAE 936200
SAF 936300
SAF Contract Performance Manager Shrewsbury 167721
Safety 092271 093693 095644 128106 134020 445067 745586 829701 932666 932669 997896 999096
Safety Accounting Adjustment 090239 829862 829954
Safety Adviser 314823
Safety Advisor Bristol Temple Meads 323204
Safety Advisor Fire 090063
Safety Advisor St Pancras 173251
Safety & Loss Control York 829970
Safety & Loss Newport (S) 367454
Safety & Planning Manager 133105
Safety & Quality 363043 564808 601527 605743
Safety & Quality Account Adjustments 114238
Safety & Quality EG 113970
Safety & Quality Leigh 742090
Safety & Quality Manager 216705 114232 091043
Safety & Quality Swindon 333962
Safety & Services Ayr 946949
Safety & Services Queen Street 991877
Safety & Services Yoker 997584
Safety & Standards 717708 565518
Safety & Standards Dept 2A 127701
Safety & Standards Liverpool Street 826647
Safety & Standards Manager 127470 127501 130337 132735 133102 110662 128414 128415 128416 128417 128418 128419 131748 131791 131792 131793 131819 132707 335411 127099
Safety & Standards Manager Kings Cross 826638
Safety & Standards Supervisors 141105
Safety & Standards Support Manager & Technical Officer 130325
Safety & Standards Workman Compensation 012233
Safety & Training Craigentinny 932466
Safety & Training Engineer 314288
Safety & Training Police 098114
Safety & Welfare Non Safety 829009
Safety & Welfare Safety 829010
Safety Area Manager Scotrail East 932691
Safety Assurance 133611 141861 166015
Safety Assurance Manager 133111 224607 110667 127154 386454
Safety Assurance Supervisors 216980
Safety Assurance Support Staff 130341
Safety Audit 982735
Safety Audit & Training 113725
Safety Audit North 090861
Safety Audit Rydale House Euston 092423
Safety Audit South 090862
Safety Audit Victoria 090863
Safety Bournemouth 098582
Safety Chatham 098580
Safety Civilian 098520 098539 098554 098584 098606
Safety Civilians Kings Cross 098649
Safety Co Ordinator Liverpool 220282
Safety Development 982748
Safety Directorate Privilege 090351
Safety East Supervisors 2B 127578
Safety Engineer 437865
Safety Engineer Petts Wood 500057
Safety Environment & Quality Manager 148579
Safety Ex-Employee Payments 018089
Safety Ex-Employees 019505
Safety Expenses 719046
Safety Fire Supervisors 133492
Safety Ill Health 011059
Safety Interfaces/Audits 127105
Safety Leeds 098552
Safety Liverpool Crowd Control 098541
Safety/Loss Control Manager 333343
Safety Manager 127513 128085 128135 128155 128165 128175 140348 149175 335726 420209 512237 829662 829798 983816
Safety Manager Construction 439721
Safety Manager General 439722
Safety Manager Maintenance 439718 439719 439720
Safety Manager Paybill 719015
Safety Manager Richmond 555904
Safety Manager Southampton 593297
Safety Manager South & West 125253
Safety Manager Supervisors (2B) 127474
Safety Manager Waterloo 559846
Safety Manager Woking 568599
Safety Moderator Inspector 098089
Safety Other Costs 829508
Safety Performance Manager 133109 110665 127104
Safety Performance Manager MP1024 113747
Safety Performance Support Staff 130339
Safety Plan Manager Support 130327
Safety Planning & Performance 141862 166014
Safety Planning Manager 110664 127103
Safety Police 098656 098519 098538 098540 098553 098583 098605
Safety Policy Thameslink 091832
Safety Project Manager 130329
Safety Projects Manager 132586
Safety Quality & Environment 141672
Safety/Quality Maintenance 983779
Safety/Quality Management & Support 983316
Safety/Quality Manager 386453
Safety/Quality Manager Principal Technical Officer Signalling & Telecommunications 983774
Safety Red SRS 829507
Safety Redundancy Staff Lump Sum 829953
Safety Review 133610
Safety Section 314911
Safety Service Department 297517
Safety Services Supervisor 702481
Safety SP91/397 Police 098623
Safety SP91/84 Civilian 098622
Safety SP91/84 Police 098621
Safety Standards 764264
Safety Standards 764265
Safety Standards & Audit 437866
Safety Standards & Environment 439723
Safety/Standards Ill Health 011633
Safety Standards Manager MP1024 113714
Safety Systems 698205
Safety Systems Manager 932612
Safety Systems Manager MP1024 113731
Safety Systems Manager Team 259538
Safety Trainers MP104 113718
Safety Training 166020
Safety Training Accounting Adjustments 829202
Safety Training Manager 127506 127473 132708 133113 110663 127101
Safety Training Manager (Restructured) 562067
Safety Training Manager (Unrestructured) 131794
Safety Training Supervisors 110613 133491 141482
Safety Validation 091395
Saffron Walden Common SFF 799800 SAFFWAL
Sagitta Travel Dl43 811500
SAI Newton Chemical Works 946329
St Agnes Bus XPX SAG 354004 336000 CATZXPX
St Albans Abbey SAA 156200 STALBNA STALBANSA 71030
St Albans Abbey Booking Office 140157
St Albans Abbey Self Service Ticket Machine 433800
St Albans Area Relief 154888
St Albans Bus 083400 448200 STALBUS -
St Albans Centre Sidings SCC 154803 STALBCS STALBANCS 63202
St Albans City SAC 154800 STALBCY STALBANSC 63201
St Albans Commercial 154861
St Albans Napsbury 154804 STALNAP NAPSBURY 63205
St Albans Self Service Ticket Machine 895700
St Albans Shires 895200
St Albans Sportis Network SouthEast 888800
St Albans Temporary 445123
St Albans Travel Service (B413) 193100
St Andrews 918861 SANW -
St Andrews Bus SAO 399500 SANWBUS -
St Andrews Junction [Bristol] 325211 SADWJN ST ANDRWJ 81232
St Andrews Junction Signal SY92 451306 STAJN92 STANDWJ92 66331
St Andrews Junction [West Midlands] XON 451303 STADJN STANDRWSJ 66323
St Andrews Road SAR 325200 SADWRD ST ANDRWR 81230
St Andrews Road Signal Box 325212 SADWSB 81232*
St Annes-on-the-Sea SAS 267200 STAS STANNSOTS 30036
St Austell SAU 353400 STAUSTL STAUSTELL 85303
St Austell Booking 353478
St Austell Civil Engineer's Sidings 353401 STAUSCE STAUSCE 85302
St Austell Eden Project XFJ 353403 STAUEDE -
St Austell Platforms 353465
St Austell Self Service Ticket Machine 254200
St Austell Signal CL5855 353404 STAU855 85304
St Bees SBS 200200 STBEES ST BEES 10199
St Blazey 126255
St Blazey Area Team Leaders 270160
St Blazey Carriage Holding Sidings XSB STBLZCS
St Blazey Depot Expenses 353580
St Blazey Driver Operations 270555
St Blazey Drivers 270556 353560
St Blazey Duty Managers 353581
St Blazey ECC Pontsmill 353514 ST BZPMRaw data includes space PONTSMILL 85223
St Blazey Engineer Assistant 270158
St Blazey English Welsh & Scottish Railway Carriage & Wagon ST BLZEY 85221
St Blazey Fuelling Point 099975 126256
St Blazey Head Shunt 353559
St Blazey Henry Orchard & Sons 353504 STBLHOS ST BLAZY 85217
St Blazey Loco 270161
St Blazey Loco Holding Sidings STBLZHS
St Blazey Loco Inspection Point 353566 STBLTMD STBLAZESD 85222
St Blazey Not Currently Used 353585
St Blazey RSTs 270187
St Blazey Shunting 353561
St Blazey Signal Box 353500 STBLAZY STBLAZESB 85218
St Blazey Sorting Sidings 353558 STBLZYY ST BLAZEY 85220
St Blazey Tarmac 353502
St Blazey Technical Clerical 270159
St Blazey TOPS 353578
St Blazey Trainmen 270557 353562
St Blazey Wagon Examination 353572
St Blazey Wagon Repair Depot 270689 STBLWRD
St Blazey Wagon/Van 270897
St Blazey Yard 270553 STBLAZEY 85219
St Blazey Yard Advenza Freight 353505 STBLAFL STBLAZYAV 85216
St Budeaux Ernesettle Sidings MOD 359211 STBDERN ERNSETTLE 84206
St Budeaux Ernesettle Sidings MOD GB Railfreight 359001 STBDGBF ERNSMODGB 84210
St Budeaux Ferry Road SBF 359000 STBDXFR ST BUD FR 84295
St Budeaux Junction 359059 STBDXJN STBUDFREJ 84293
St Budeaux Victoria Road SBV 359200 STBDXVR ST BUDXVR 84204
St Clears Level Crossing CCTV 406882
St Columb Road SCR 353600 STCLMBR STCOLUMBR 85244
St Columb Road Station 353612
St Davids (Dyfed) New Street/City Hall SDD 038600 STDVCH
St Dennis Junction 350266 SDNSJN -
St Denys SDN 591400 STDENYS ST DENYS 86499
St Denys Self Service Ticket Machine 485400
St Denys Signal E504 STDENY504 86501
St Denys Signal E704 591401 STDE704 STDENY704 86498
St Denys Signal E706 591402 STDE706 STDENY706 86502
St Denys Signal E904 591403 STDE904 STDENY904 86500
St Enoch 088400
St Erth SER 353700 STERTH ST ERTH 85721
St Erth Booking 353711
St Erth Civil Engineer's Sidings 353701 STERTCE STERTCE 85722
St Erth Platforms 353712
St Erth Self Service Ticket Machine 449600
St Erth Signal R19 353704 STERR19 STERTH19 85724
St Erth Signal SE10 353702 STER10 STERTH10 85720
St Erth Signal SE56 353703 STER56 STERTH56 85723
St Fagans Level Crossing 384950 383360 STFALX ST FAGANS 78601
St Fort Signal TS26 903962 SFORT26 03076
St Georges Cross 088700
St Georges/Pontsarn Hot Axle Box Detectors 389964
St Germans SGM 358600 STGRMNS STGERMANS 84397
St Germans Station 358611
St Helens BR 026400
St Helens Central SNH 234100 STHLNSC STHLNSCEN 35405
St Helens Central Duty Supervisors 234162
St Helens Central Passenger Terminal Relief 234184
St Helens Central Platforms Staff 234163
St Helens Central Signalling 141444
St Helens Civil Engineer's Sidings 234102 ST HELENS 35400
St Helens Down Goods Loop 234001 STHLDGL STHLNSDGL 35407
St Helens Freight Shunting Operations 234167
St Helens Junction SHJ 234000 STHLNSJ STHELENSJ 35449
St Helens Junction Platforms Staff 234062
St Helens Junction Self Service Ticket Machine 629100
St Helens Pilkington Glass RAVNHDSTH 35413
St Helens Rockware Glass 35402
St Helens Shaw Street Up and Down Goods Loop STHLUDG
St Helens Signalmen 141436
St Helens Supervisors 141402
St Helier [Jersey] JSY 597100 SHLJRSY -
St Helier Self Service Ticket Machine 329000
St Helier (Surrey) SIH 529000 SHLIER STHELIROriginal code ST HELIER 87335
St Helier (Surrey) Ground Frame 529001 SHLIERG SHELIERGF 87336
St Ives (Cornwall) SIV 353800 STIVES ST IVES 85711
St Ives Station Group 353811
St Ives Station Travel 302000
St James Deeping Signal Box & Crossing 143302
St James Old Station STJAMES
St James Park (Exeter) SJP 575100 STJAMSP STJAMESPK 83435
St James's Park LT ZSS 069500
St James Street Self Service Ticket Machine 551500
St James Street (Walthamstow) SJS 697300 STJMSST STJAMESST 52734
St James Tyne & Wear Metro SJN 884400 SNTJ ST JAMES 12725
St James Tyne & Wear Metro see also Newcastle St James Tyne & Wear Metro
St Johns (London) SAJ 505900 STJOHNS ST JOHNS 88411
St Johns Self Service Ticket Machine 324900
St Johns Wood LT ZSJ 069600
St Just 798300
St Keyne Village SKV 763900 STKEYNV -
St Keyne Wishing Well Halt SKN 357200 STKEYNE ST KEYNE 84416
St Leonards Controlled Emission Toilet Point 521267 STLNCET SLEOCETPT 88276
St Leonards Railway Engineering GB Railfreight 521203 STLNGBR STLNGBR 88280
St Leonards Railway Engineering Ltd XSM 521201 STLNDEM STLEONDEM 88282
St Leonards Shunt Board 521213 STLNSHB 88281*
St Leonards Shunt Neck 521214 STLNSHN STLEON SN 88292
St Leonards Signal BJ42 521204 STLN42 SLEO42&64 88277
St Leonards Signal BJ64 521202 STLN64 88277*
St Leonards Warrior Square SLQ 523900 STLNRWS STLEONDWS 88283
St Leonards Warrior Square Self Service Ticket Machine 610700
St Leonards Warrior Square Ticket Office 523912
St Leonards West Marina 521200 STLNRWM STLEONDWM 88281
St Leonards West Marina Carriage Servicing Depot XSE 521212 STLNWCS STLEONDWM 88281
St Leonards West Marina Signal Box STLEONW
St Leonards West Marina Traction Maintenance Depot 521264 STLNWMD 88282
St Leonards West Marina Traincare 521265
St Margarets (Herts) SMT 682100 SMARGRT STMRGRETS 51711
St Margarets (Herts) Self Service Ticket Machine 551600
St Margarets (Herts) [unknown feature] 682101
St Margarets (London) SMG 560400 STMGTS STMRGTSOriginal code STMARGRTS 87133
St Margarets (London0 Clerical 560460
St Margarets (London) Self Service Ticket Machine 468700
St Mary Cray SMY 507300 STMRYC STMARYCRY 88493
St Mary Cray Junction XMU 507360 STMRYCJ STMCRAYJN 88485
St Mary Cray Self Service Ticket Machine 611200
St Mary Cray Ticket Office 507362
St Marys 352686 STMARYS -
St Marys Airport 352687 STMAAPT -
St Marys Quay SMQ 026900 STMAQUY -
St Marys Type 2 132104
St Marys [unknown feature] 143141
St Michaels STM 224800 STMCHLS ST MCHLES 36084
St Neots SNO 611000 STNEOTS ST NEOTS 45402
St Neots Cross Keys 611007 STNVXKY -
St Neots Freight Depot DB Schenker 611001 STNEOFD STNEOTDB 45401
St Neots Freight Depot English Welsh & Scottish Railway 611001 STNEOFD ST NEOTS 45401
St Neots Minor Stocking Point 611080
St Neots Permanent Way Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 611065
St Neots RSMT 499328
St Neots Self Service Ticket Machine 871400
St Neots Signal P21 611008 STNE21 STNEOTS21 45403
St Neots South Signal P309 611005 STNE309 45401*
St Neots Square by Bus 611006 611004 STNVSQ -
St Neots Tesco XEI 611003 STNVBUS -
St Neots Track Gangs & Time Keeper 499329
St Neots [unknown feature] 611002
St Neots Up Siding 611009 STNEUSD STNEOTSUS 45404
St Nicholas (Carlisle) Civil Engineer's Sidings 211700 STNICE STNICHLAS 09177
St Pancras Administration Clerks 143196
St Pancras AFC TOPS 155594
St Pancras AMI 155553
St Pancras AM Ill Health Lump Sum 011818
St Pancras AMO Senior Officer 100145
St Pancras Aptis 925400
St Pancras Booking Office 155552
St Pancras BOP Clerical 140674
St Pancras Cambridge Street Servicing Depot 63625
St Pancras Camley Street Junction 155507 STPXCSJ CAMLEYSTJ 63622
St Pancras Canal Tunnel Junction 155508 STPXCTJ SPCANALTJ 63632
St Pancras Cash Handling 155556
St Pancras Chambers 497217
St Pancras Churchyard Castle Cement GB Railfreight 155506 STPXCYG CHRCHCEM 63617
St Pancras Churchyard Sidings XYR 155501 STPXCYS STPANC CS STPANC CC 63626
St Pancras Churchyard Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 155509 STPXTFH CHYDSDFHH 63637
St Pancras Churchyard Sidings Tarmac 155505 STPXTMC STPANC TM 63625
St Pancras Conductors 140601
St Pancras Depot Administration ICCS 092674
St Pancras Depot Control ICCS 092675
St Pancras DOE Residual Costs 445116
St Pancras DOE Trout 140647
St Pancras [domestic station] STPSee CRS explanation SRPCode believed listed in error 155500 STPX STPANCRAS 63630
St Pancras Driver L05 140646
St Pancras Drivers 155511
St Pancras Drivers Residual Costs 445115
St Pancras Fastic 198100
St Pancras For The Games STX 659300 CATZ045
St Pancras Gainfully Employed 155557
St Pancras General Expenses 155554
St Pancras International SPXSee CRS explanation 154000 STPANCI STPANCINT 63631
St Pancras International (Domestic) 959200 STPADOM 63631
St Pancras International First Capital Connect Self Service Ticket Machine 895600
St Pancras International SouthEastern Self Service Ticket Machine 333500
St Pancras Low Level First Capital Connect SPC 142700
St Pancras [low level station] SPLSee CRS explanation 993300 STPXBOX STPANCA&B 63629
St Pancras LSO 155558
St Pancras Maintenance Siding 154001 STPAMCS STPANCMSD 63619
St Pancras Maintenance Siding Connection 154009 STPAMSC STPANCMSC 63627
St Pancras Megabus STPMEG
St Pancras Movements Manager 155551
St Pancras OPT Relief 155559
St Pancras Production Supervisors 143197
St Pancras Regents Canal Junction 154006 155506 STPARCJ STPXRCJ STPANCRCJ STPARCNJN 63628 63638
St Pancras Sidings Staff ICCS 092676
St Pancras Signal Maintenance/Faulting 155383 499306
St Pancras Sportis 348100
St Pancras Station 155510
St Pancras Stores Administration ICCS 092677
St Pancras Stores Control ICCS 092678
St Pancras TC Drivers Assistants 155593
St Pancras TC Trainee Guards 155592
St Pancras TC Trainees 155597
St Pancras Telesales 865600
St Pancras Track Inspector 155598
St Pancras Train Announcers 152564
St Pancras Trainmen RESD Costs 445117
St Pancras [unknown feature] 133930
St Pancras Up Slow Line Holding Sidings STPXUSL
St Pancras Workshop Staff 155382
St Pancras Workshop Staff 499370
St Pancras Yard 155576
St Patrick's House 389802 STPHSE -
St Pauls LT ZSP 069700
St Peter Port [Guernsey] GUS 597200 STPETRP -
St Peters formerly Sunderland Monkwearmouth STZ 763200 SNDRMNK ST PETERS 14023
St Philips Marsh 322900 STPHLPM 81524*
St Philips Marsh Carriage Cleaning Team 1 330150
St Philips Marsh Carriage Cleaning Team 2 333943
St Philips Marsh Depot Freightliner Heavy Haul 322966 STPHFHH STPHLMHST 81522
St Philips Marsh Diesel Multiple Unit Depot 322967 STPHDMU 81524*
St Philips Marsh Fuelling 322965 STPHFUL STPHILFRD 81523
St Philips Marsh HST Depot XPM 322962 STPHHST STPHILHST 81524
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Day Shift 330144
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 1 330110
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 2 330121
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 3 330122
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 4 330123
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 5 330124
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 6 330125
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 7 330141
St Philips Marsh Maintenance Team 8 330143
St Philips Marsh Plant 321659
St Philips Marsh Production Support 330145
St Philips Marsh Risk Assessors 308888
St Philips Marsh Shunters 333944
St Philips Marsh Stores 321622
St Pierre Des Corps 874102 STPIDC -
St Pinnock Viaduct East 350159 STPNCVE ST PINNCK 84435
St Polten 087403 STPOLTN ST POLTEN 00133
Sakura Travel Ltd DG29 461000
Salaried 136325
Salcombe Shadycombe Road Bus see Totnes Salcombe Shadycombe Road Bus
Sale SLE 280900 SALE -
Sales 095708 445104 491401 661388
Sales And Contracts Management 238312
Sales & Cost Of Sales 095699
Sales & Distribution Manager 731070
Sales & Marketing 090706 173350 688629 133803
Sales & Marketing Manager 143004 125721
Sales Central Birmingham 128004
Sales Central Bristol 128003
Sales Central London 128005
Sales Consultants/Professional Fees 093161
Sales Contract Manager 698527
Sales Development 113734
Sales Director 363012
Sales Distribution Victoria 092515
Sales Executive 113735
Sales Executive Manager 565534
Sales Executive Nottingham 182730
Sales Ex-Employees 019101
Sales Fees/Disbursements 689363
Sales Fleet Ilford 099920
Sales Information Manager MP111 113726
Sales Ledger & Support 983712
Sales Manager 612159
Sales Manager Central 128002
Sales Manager Ipswich 722085
Sales Manager North 128048
Sales Manager Scotland 829919
Sales Manager South 128021
Sales Manager Trading Out 696573
Sales Negotiators 093160
Sales Representative 731069
Sales Support Transport 661385 661390 661391
Sale Water Park Metrolink SPM SWPMTLK
Salford Central also known as Salford SFD 279800 SLFDORD SALFD CEN 31519
Salford Crescent SLD 279400 SLFDCT SALFORD C SALFD CRE 31521
Salford Crescent Signal MP510 279401 SLFD510 31522
Salford Crescent [unknown feature] 279460
Salford Oldfield Road Sidings 279801 SLFDORS 31520
Salfords Aggregate Siding 538013 SALFDAS SALFDAS 87906
Salfords Oil Sidings SALFDOS
Salfords Sales Point 2B 538015
Salfords Self Service Ticket Machine 637000
Salfords Shell 538011
Salfords Signal T1150 538001 SALFD50 SALFDSG50 87884
Salfords (Surrey) SAF 538000 SALFDS SALFORDS 87905
Salhouse SAH 731800 SALHOUS SALHOUSE 48033
Salisbury SAL 566300 SLSBRY SALISBYOriginal code SALISBURY SALISBRY 86122
Salisbury Area Engineering Work 131785
Salisbury Area Engineering Work Staff 131784
Salisbury ARM 566329
Salisbury ARM Managers 566339
Salisbury Band 1 Heavy Cleaning Day 566387
Salisbury Band 1 Heavy Cleaning Gang Night 566388
Salisbury Bay 5 566309 SLSBY5B 86122*
Salisbury Bay 6 566310 SLSBY6B 86122*
Salisbury Booking Office Managers 566338
Salisbury CB 1 566392
Salisbury Clerical Support Traction & Rolling Stock 566325
Salisbury Conductors 566374
Salisbury Depot Cleaning Staff 566347
Salisbury Depot Controlled Emission Toilet Apron 566308 SLSBDTA -
Salisbury Depot Management 566322
Salisbury Depot Manager 566380
Salisbury Depot Personnel 566344
Salisbury Direct Services 566377
Salisbury Drivers 566359 566371
Salisbury Duty Station Manager/CSM 566384
Salisbury East Carriage Holding Sidings 566313 SLSBECS SALSBECHS 86121
Salisbury East Yard 566100 SLSBRYY SALSBYEYD 86120
Salisbury East Yard NCE 566330
Salisbury Engineering Works (Restructured) 131712
Salisbury Ex-Employees 018922 018934
Salisbury Fuel Point 562024
Salisbury G OTS 346000
Salisbury Holding Sidings 566311 SLSBYHS -
Salisbury Ill Health/Retire 011127
Salisbury Inventory Management And Accounting Control System SCOC 566333
Salisbury Maintenance 566320
Salisbury Manager 566342
Salisbury Material Manager Headquarters 566334
Salisbury MB1 566398
Salisbury MB1 Van Driver 566397
Salisbury MB2 566395
Salisbury MB2 Modifications & Air Conditioning 566396
Salisbury MB2 Plant Fitter 566390
Salisbury MB3 566383
Salisbury MB3 Modifications & Air Conditioning 566394
Salisbury Mechanical & Electrical Engineer RSM Wagons 566362
Salisbury Operations Staff 566391
Salisbury Other Cleaning 566336
Salisbury Quality & Safety TD 566326
Salisbury Reception Line 566304 SLSBRCL SALSBRECL 86131
Salisbury Resource Supervisors 566318
Salisbury Retail 566316
Salisbury RP On Train Sales 959600
Salisbury Self Service Ticket Machine 485800
Salisbury Services & Principal Technical Officer 564813
Salisbury Shunting 566324
Salisbury Shunting Coaching 566381
Salisbury Signal Box 566373 SALISSB
Salisbury Signal Box (Restructured) 131991
Salisbury Signal SY43 566351 SLSB43 86122*
Salisbury Signal SY52 566353 SLSB52 86122*
Salisbury Signal SY215 566354 SLSB215 SALSBY215 86145
Salisbury Signal SY217 566315 SLSB217 SALSBY217 86126
Salisbury Signal SY240 566352 SLSB240 SALSBY240 86125
Salisbury Stabling & Cleaning 566335
Salisbury Station Announcers 566319
Salisbury Stores B2 566399
Salisbury Sub: MB3 Exams Days 566393
Salisbury Sub: MB3 Exams Nights 566389
Salisbury Support 566332
Salisbury Traction & Rolling Stock Cleaning Staff 566323
Salisbury Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot XFU 566306 SLSBRYD SALISBRYD 86123
Salisbury Traction & Rolling Stock Stores 566321
Salisbury Traction Fuel Store 566328
Salisbury Train Crew Depot Non-Paybill 566349
Salisbury Train Crew Supervision 566350
Salisbury Train Crew Surplus Staff 566337
Salisbury Trainmen 566355
Salisbury Train Ticket Staff 566376
Salisbury Tunnel Junction 566301 SLSBTJN TUNNELJCT 86116
Salisbury [unknown features] 098938 133974
Salisbury West Carriage Sidings XFV 566307 SLSBWCS SALISYWCS 86119
Salisbury West End 566305 SLSBYWE SLSBYWEND 86150
Salisbury Workmans Compensation 012123
Salisbury Workmans Compensation 012135
Salkeld Street SALKLD ST 07261
Salkeld Street Buildings Supervisor 980676
Salkeld Street Combined A Store 980677
Salkeld Street Graduate Trainees 980651
Salkeld Street Maintenance Trainees 2B 581851
Salkeld Street Production Staff 439773
Salkeld Street Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer 2A 581852
Salop Signalling 141019
Saltaire SAE 856100 SAIR SALTAIRE 17017
Saltaire Self Service Ticket Machine 299300
Saltash STS 358700 SASH SALTASH 84301
Saltash Station 358711
Saltburn SLB 795100 SBRN SALTBURN 15671
Saltburn Down Sidings 795101 SBRNSDG SBRNDSDG 15674
Saltburn West Junction 795170 SBRNWJN SALTBN WJ 15673
Saltburn West Signal L209 795102 SBRN209 SLTBRN209 15675
Saltcoats SLT 954700 SLCT SALTCOATS 08125
Saltcoats Station 946920
Saltley Area Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Signal Maintenance Engineer 110319 110320
Saltley/Bescot 125619
Saltley Dedicated Maintenance 214 110394
Saltley Depot Management 110392
Saltley Depot Operating Expenses 110373
Saltley Depot Overheads 110351
Saltley Drivers 110391 110398
Saltley Dunns Siding 110336 SLTLYDS SALTLEYDB 66322
Saltley Duty Managers 143148
Saltley European Metals Recycling GB Railfreight 110328 SLTLYGB SALEMRGBR 66334
Saltley F&I 713664
Saltley F&T 098949
Saltley Freight Service Support 126291
Saltley Loco Inspection Point 110360 SLTLYHS SALTLEYHS 66320
Saltley Movements Manager 110352
Saltley Painting 110397
Saltley Permanent Way Fault Gang 110368
Saltley Permanent Way Track Inspection 110367
Saltley Power Signal Box 110302 110375 143150 SLTLYPB SALTLEYSB 66325
Saltley Power Signal Box Control 110353
Saltley Production Supervisors 133160
Saltley Repair Point SALTLEYRP 66326
Saltley Signalling 110355
Saltley Signalling & Telecommunications Painters 110354
Saltley Signalling Minor Works Staff 110321 110322
Saltley Signalling Works Engineer Wages 110389
Saltley Signal Maintenance Engineer Salaried 110335
Saltley Signal Resident Engineer 110326
Saltley Signal SY212 110313
Saltley Signal Works Engineer Salaried 110377
Saltley SME Locking 261 110344 110396
Saltley SME Salaried/General Hidden 110361
Saltley SNWE General 110330
Saltley Supervisors 110387
Saltley Telecommunications Resident Engineer 2B 581613
Saltley Train Announcers 110347
Saltley Train Crews Depot Overheads 110371
Saltley Train Crews Foot Plate Pt 1 110370
Saltley Trainmen 110365
Saltley Travelling Shunters 130565
Saltley TWE General 110332
Saltley Unrestructured 098705
Saltmarshe SAM 803300 SLTMRSH SALTMARSH 20007
Saltney Balderton Tunnel And Level Crossing 241214 SLNYBAL BALDERTON 41124
Saltney Junction 241207 SLNYJN SALTNEYJN 40220
Saltwood Junction XSI 502706 SLWDJN SALTWD JN 89733
Salwick SLW 267300 SALWICK SALWICK 30050
Salwick British Nuclear Fuels Ltd 267311 SALWBNF SALWCKBNF 30051
Salzburg 087402 SALZBRG SALZBURG 00105
Samos Default 047700
Sampford Courtenay SMC 872400 SAMPCRT SAMPFDCRT 83312
Sampford Courtenay [unknown feature] 578620
Sampson Travel & Tours S144 737800
Sandal & Agbrigg SNA 835800 SABR SANDAL 18069
Sandbach SDB 126100 SBCH SANDBACH 42012
Sandbach DRS 126110 SBCHDRS SANDBHDRS 42010
Sandbach Elworth Junction 126102 SBCHELJ ELWORTHJN 42009
Sandbach Hays Chemicals 126111 SBCHHC SANDBNAIC 42011
Sandbach North Junction 126101 SBCHNJ SANDBHNJ 42008
Sandbach Passenger 126161
Sandbach Production Operations 437102
Sandbach Signallers 129989
Sandbach Signal MS3723 126103 SBCH723 42013
Sandbach Town Centre 984400 SBCHTC -
Sand Bank Junction 641745 SNDBNKJ SANDBKJN 23466
Sandell Street Fares Section 511303
S&E Passenger EG 090475 090845 090848
Sanderstead SNR 543300 SDSD SANDSTDOriginal code SANDERSTD 87743
Sanderstead Sale 2B 543310
Sanderstead Self Service Ticket Machine 704500
Sanderstead Signal Box SNDSTED
Sanderstead Signal T1356 543301 SDSD356 SNDSF356 87741
Sanderstead Signal T1359 543302 SDSD359 SDSDS1359 87771
Sandhills SDL 224900 SANDH SANDHILLS 36076
Sandhills Integrated Electronic Control Centre 141437
Sandhills Movements Supervisors 141439
Sandhills Reversing Siding 224901 SANDHRS SANDHLSRS 36077
Sandhurst SND 564600 SNDHRST SANDHURST 87008
Sandhurst Signal BEF2982 562509 SNDH982 87297
Sandiacre Ballast Sidings Repair Point SANDAR RP 56574
Sandiacre Civil Engineer Minor Materials Depot 176567
Sandiacre Civil Engineer PWS Supervisors 176570
Sandiacre Minor Materials Depot 176568
Sandiacre Renewals 683111
Sandiacre Workshops Civil Engineer Artisan Staff 176575
S&I Design Standards 2A 581905
S&I Development 2A 581910
S&I Development 2B 581911
S&I Equipment 2A 581907
S&I Equipment 2B 581908
Sandilands Tram 948700 CROY26
S&I SD Oil Only 554041
S & LCC Reading 314965
Sandling SDG 502500 SDLG SANDLNGOriginal code SANDLING 89742
Sandown SAN 552500 SNDOWN SANDWNOriginal code SANDOWN 86294
Sandplace SDP 358400 SDPLACE SANDPLACE 84418
Sandringham Norwich Gates XSA 711533 SNDGNG -
Sandringham Visitor Centre 711532 SNDGVC -
Sandwell & Dudley SAD 114900 SNDWDUD SANDWELLD 65821
Sandwell & Dudley Self Service Ticket Machine 487300
Sandwell & Dudley [unknown features] 114960 114961
Sandwell Council House DBS 114901 SNDWCH -
Sandwell Signal NS363 114902 SNDW363 SNDWD363 65820
Sandwich SDW 502600 SWCH SANDWCHOriginal code SANDWICH 89462
Sandwich Self Service Ticket Machine 595300
Sandwich Signal Box 128480
Sandy SDY 617200 SNDY SANDY 45603
Sandy Bus 918300
Sandycroft 251701 SDCF SANDYCRFT 40212
Sandy Freight Depot 617261 SNDYFD SANDY FD 45601
Sandy Permanent Way 617263
Sandy Self Service Ticket Machine 870700
Sandy South Position Light P1 617205 SNDYPL1 SNDYPOSL1 45604
Sandy South Position Light P3 617203 SNDYPL3 45613
Sandy [unknown feature] 617201
Sandy Up Sidings 617202 SNDYUPS SANDYUS 45605
Sankey For Penketh SNK 238800 SANKEY SANKYFORP 36706
SA Norwich 090575
Sanquhar SQH 954900 SANQHAR SANQUHAR 08845
Santon 270432
Santon Terminal 645676 655528
SAP26801 856864
SAP26802 856865
SAP Group Nottingham 090127
Sapperton 332501 SAPPERTON 68163
Sardatur Holidays R124 461100
Sarn SRR 427000 SARN SARN 79808
Sarnau Level Crossing 406881 SRNAULC SARNAU 80427
Sarnau St Clears Crossing 406877 SRNASCC ST CLEARS 80425
Sarrebourg 873202 SARRBRG SARREBORG 00765
Sassnitz Mukran 959000 SASSNITZ 00011
Sastel International Travel/As Air S145 738000
Sato 313 8R S146 738100
Sato RAF Croughton S484 811600
Sato RAF Fairford S783 908300
Sato Travel Angus S787 909400
Sato Travel BA28 876700
Sato Travel London S147 738200
Sato Travel Mildenhall S786 909300
Sato Travel S784 908500
Sato Travel S785 909200
S A Travel Coventry B146 163200
Saturn Travel S485 811800
Saundersfoot SDF 410800 SDRSFOT SANDERSFT 80213
Saundersfoot Station 410811
Saunderton SDR 305600 SUNDRTN SAUNDERTN 73505
Saunderton Self Service Ticket Machine 260700
Savernake 302700 SAVERNK SAVERNAKE 74817
Savetime Travel S148 738400
Savings Bank Accounting Adjustments 092274
Savings/Central Headquarters Record Accounting Adjustments 095360
Sawbridgeworth SAW 680600 SBDGWTH SAWBGEWTH 47521
Sawbridgeworth Self Service Ticket Machine 537300
Sawbridgeworth [unknown feature] 680601
Saxham 701102 SAXHAM SAXHAM 46287
Saxilby SXY 632800 SAXILBY SAXILBY 44017
Saxilby Signal Box & Crossing 143281
Saxilby Stow Park 632805 SAXISTO STOW PARK 44015
Saxmundham SAX 722400 SXMNDHM SAXMUNDHM 49118
Saxmundham Junction 722412 SXMNDHJ SAXMNDHMJ 49117
Saxmundham Signal ES2029 722402 SXMN029 SXSIG2029 49116
Saxmundham Signalling 127689 132857
Saxmundham Tamper Siding 722413 SXMNDSG 49117*
SBC 936700
SBD 936800
SBE 936900
SBF 937000
SC 937400
SC Accounts Centre AP 116100
Scada Engineer 217227
Scarborough SCA 818500 SCARBRO SCARBORO 16201
Scarborough Alpamare Water Park AWP SCARALP
Scarborough Appletons SVC 817711 SCARAPL SCARBORO 16211
Scarborough Booking Office 804968
Scarborough Branch Signal Operator 818566
Scarborough Conductors 818567
Scarborough Crossings 127060
Scarborough Crossings Relief 131596
Scarborough Drivers 818562 818568
Scarborough Excursion Sidings 818502 SCAREXS SCARBEXSD 16203
Scarborough Faulting Staff 437356
Scarborough Freight Depot 817700
Scarborough Londesborough Road Excursion Platform 818501 SCARLRE LONDSBRES 16202
Scarborough Passenger Terminal 818565
Scarborough Self Service Ticket Machine 237800
Scarborough Signallers 127058 131593
Scarborough Signallers Relief 127059 131595
Scarborough Signal YS6191 818504 SCAR191 SCASIG191 16205
Scarborough Sportis Regional Railways 346100
Scarborough SP TPE 952300
Scarborough Traction Maintenance Depot 818503 SCARTMD SCARBTMD 16204
Scarborough Train Cleaning 826817
Scarborough Vehicle Cleaning 436049
SCD 937500
SCE 937600
SCF 937900
Schedule 8 2A 132957
Schedules Engineer 508806
Scheme Accounts 150017
Scheme Actuarial 150021
Scheme Business Liaison 150028
Scheme Communications 150013
Scheme Manager 150022
Schemes 2A 095380 338521
Schemes 2B 095381
Schemes Development 091315 094971 339304 339305
Scheme Secretariat 150020
Schemes Manager 128971 131715 132425 110689 127135
Schiedam Rotterdam West SRW 456000
Scholefield Travel/Bull S149 738500
School Liaison Safety 098564
Scientifics Accounting Adjustments 106572
Scientifics Acres Pseudo 107606
Scientifics Administration 091293
Scientifics Commercial 095602
Scientifics Financial Accounting 107589
Scientifics NAPS Pseudo 107607 107605
Scientifics Suspense Account 095603
Scientist/Research 698206
SCOC Bristol Traction Group 323208
SCOC Croydon Fleet General 545397
SCOC Eastern Track Renewals 826363
SCOC Gatwick Stores 719436
SCOC London End 557812
SCOC Overhead Line York 097804
SCOC P&M York 097803
SCOC P&M York Primary Store 605911
SCOC Plymouth 358032
SCOC Scotrail 967973
SCOC Traction & Rolling Stock 097845 097846 097847 097848
SCOC Traction & Rolling Stock York 097805
SCOC Trainload Freight South 125163
SCOC York 605703
Scopwick Signal Box & Crossing 143278
Scotia Travel Y815 909500
Scotland SCOTLAND 01000
Scotland DIV Mobiles UFM Glasgow 098098
Scotland DIV Training Glasgow 098248
Scotland DIV Unit Civilian 098504
Scotland DIV Unit Uniform 098246
Scotland General Purpose Relief 128410
Scotland Loads Inspector 270240
Scotland Rest Day Relief 128409
Scotland TRU Inventory Management And Accounting Control System Edinburgh 983021
Scotrail 150772 151172 152372 473202 475207 475261 475402
Scotrail Arriveebus 859700
Scotrail Competence Standards 978799
Scotrail Concession Headquarters Input 120200
Scotrail Control Office 983363
Scotrail Corkerhill 152620 473007
Scotrail Customer Services Centre 978227
Scotrail Haymarket 152621 473008
Scotrail Headquarters Input 122400
Scotrail Headquarters Passenger Accounts 279700
Scotrail Health & Safety 982750
Scotrail House 019176 982728 982736 982741
Scotrail Income 983413
Scotrail Inverness 152343 473261
Scotrail Operational Standards 982742
Scotrail PC Defaults 982991
Scotrail Performance Manager 982737
Scotrail Retail Headquarters General Expenses 978054
Scotrail Retail Headquarters Ill Health 978053
Scotrail Signals 982747
Scotrail Telecommunications 982753
Scotrail Telesales TR 983200
Scotrail Train Operating Company Haymarket 151143 475464
Scotrail Train Operating Unit EG 091328
Scotscalder SCT 867200 SCSCLDR SCTSCALDR 01009
Scotstounhill SCH 999600 SCTSTNH SCOTSTNHL 06351
Scotstounhill Station 997528
Scottish Account Adjustments 098361
Scottish Dunn S788 909800
Scottish Power [unknown feature] VARIOUS 95700
Scottish Region Special Promotion 1 047800
Scottish Region Special Promotion 2 047900
Scottish Region Special Promotion 3 049500
Scottish Region Special Promotions 049600
Scottish Trains Depot Administration 092913
Scottish Trains Depot Control 092914
Scrabster SCB 035500 SCRBSTR -
Scropton 134100 SCRPTON SCROPTON 57474
Scropton Signal Box 134101 SCROSB SCROPTNSB 57475
Scropton Signal Box & Crossing 143240
SCRS Business Travel Service 899904
SCRS Enquiries Newcastle 899903
SCRS Ex-Staff 018583
SCRS Telesales Newcastle 899901
Scunthorpe SCU 645600 SCNTHRP SCUNTHRPE 22061
Scunthorpe Anchor GB Railfreight 645626 SCNTAGB SCUNTASGB 22035
Scunthorpe Anchor Repair Sidings 645625 SCNTARS SCUNRPRSD 22039
Scunthorpe Anchor Sidings 645636 SCNTANS SCUNANCHR 22034
Scunthorpe Anchor Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 645614 SCNTANC SCNASFLHH 22046
Scunthorpe Anchor Signal S353 645612 SCNT353 -
Scunthorpe Appleby Froddingham 645621 SCNTAFS SCAPPFROD 22026
Scunthorpe Appleby Froddingham British Steel 645619 SCAPFBS -
Scunthorpe Appleby Level Crossing 645300 SCNTAPP APPLEBY APPLEBYLC 22005
Scunthorpe BSC Coal Handling Plant 645627 SCNTCHP SCUN CHP 22032
Scunthorpe BSC Entrance A SCNTHEA SCUNCHPCR 22025
Scunthorpe BSC Entrance B 645633 SCNTHEB SC ENT B 22027
Scunthorpe BSC Entrance C 645628 SCNTHEC SC ENT C 22038
Scunthorpe BSC Entrance E 22021
Scunthorpe BSC GB Railfreight 645634 SCNTCGB SCUENTCGB 22036
Scunthorpe BSC Ore Blender SCNTBSC
Scunthorpe Carriage & Wagon 645692 655434
Scunthorpe Coal Handling Plant 270431 645661 655527
Scunthorpe Coal Handling Plant Freightliner Heavy Haul 645601 SCNTFHH SCUNCHPFL 22023
Scunthorpe Coke Sidings 645624 SCNTCSD 22047
Scunthorpe Colas Rail 645602 SCNTCLR SCUNCHPCR 22025
Scunthorpe Corus Rod Mill 645613 SCTPASW SCUNTHRP 22024
Scunthorpe Crossings 127038
Scunthorpe Drivers 270371 655532
Scunthorpe Flixborough Wharf Fabor Prest 645512 SCNTFLX FLIXWHARF FLIXWHFEX 22051
Scunthorpe Foreign Ore Branch Junction 645630 SCNTFOB FOREIGNOJ 22009
Scunthorpe Freight Depot 645800 SCNTHGY SCUNTHPFD 22041
Scunthorpe Freight Depot English Welsh & Scottish Railway SCUNTFDRS 22042
Scunthorpe Freight Depot Reception 645813 SCNTFDR 22041*
Scunthorpe Freightliner Terminal 645611 SCNTFLT SCUNTRSFL 22044
Scunthorpe Frodingham (GR) 645623 SCNTFDM SCUNTFROD 22043
Scunthorpe Frodingham Junction 645801 SCNTFRJ 22045
Scunthorpe Grant Lyons 645635 SCNTGRL SC ENT D 22028
Scunthorpe Holding Sidings 645659 SCNTHS SCUNTHPHS 22022
Scunthorpe Inspection 437480
Scunthorpe Loads Inspector 270462
Scunthorpe Mills Exchange Sidings 645610 SCNTMES SCUN M EX 22037
Scunthorpe Normanby Park 645511 SCNTNMP SC ENT C 22038
Scunthorpe Normanby Park Dragonby 645510 SCNTNPK NORMANBYP DRAGBYSNP 22049
Scunthorpe Normanby Park Ground Frame 645515 SCNTNPG -
Scunthorpe Passenger 645669
Scunthorpe PB 131555
Scunthorpe Permanent Way Support 645686
Scunthorpe Production 437502
Scunthorpe RDL SCUNANCHR 22034
Scunthorpe Redbourne Siding 645622 SCNTRED SCUNTHPRS 22040
Scunthorpe Roxby Gullet 645513 SCNTROG ROXBYGLLT 22050
Scunthorpe Roxby Gullet Freightliner Heavy Haul 645514 SCNTROX ROXBYGLFL 22052
Scunthorpe Roxby Gullet GB Railfreight 645501 SCNTRGB ROXBYGLGB 22054
Scunthorpe Roxby Gullet 'REP PT' Freightliner ROXBYRPFL 22053
Scunthorpe Roxby Gullet Wabtec ROXBYGLRP 22048
Scunthorpe S & M 270428 655533
Scunthorpe Santon Eccles Slag 22011
Scunthorpe Santon Foreign Ore Terminal 645631 SCNTSOT SANTONOBP 22017
Scunthorpe Santon Foreign Ore Terminal Freightliner Heavy Haul 645607 SCNTSFH SCNTOREFL 22016
Scunthorpe Santon New Junction 645632 SCNTSNJ -
Scunthorpe Self Service Ticket Machine 235300
Scunthorpe Signals 127036 131556
Scunthorpe Signal S20 645604 SCNTS20 SCUNTHP20 22062
Scunthorpe Signal S319 645605 SCNT319 SCUNTS319 22065
Scunthorpe Signals Relief 127037 131559
Scunthorpe Sinter Plant 645620 SCNTSIN SCUNTHPE 22030
Scunthorpe Staff 437487 437497
Scunthorpe Station Sidings 645606 SCNTSTS SCUNTHPSS 22063
Scunthorpe Track & Signalling 645679
Scunthorpe Trent Junction 645615 SCNTTJN SCTHRPETJ 22031
Scunthorpe Trent Terminal Complex 645617 SCNTTTC SCTRENTYD 22029
Scunthorpe Trent Terminal Complex GB Railfreight 645616 SCNTTGB SCTRENTGB 22055
Scunthorpe Trent Yard Freightliner 645609 SCNTFL SCNTTTCFL 22021
Scunthorpe Trent Yard Maintenance Point 645603 SCNTTYM SCUN WMP 22033
Scunthorpe [unknown feature] SCUNTHRPE 22990
Scunthorpe West Junction 645814 SCNTHWJ SCUNTPEWJ SCUNWSTJN 22045 22064
Scunthorpe West Terminal Complex SCNTHWY
Scunthorpe Works Staff 437488
Scunthorpe Yard SCWEST YD 22020
SD 938000
SD Driver Manager 382740
SDE 938100
SDF 938200
SDM Control 559826
SDM Waterloo Operations 559831
SD Retail & Stations 382725
SE 938300
Seabrook 'R' Sidings 744312 SBRKRS SEABROOK WTHRKHDS SEABRKRS 51312
Seaburn SEB 764100 SEABURN SEABURN 14008
Seacombe Junction 213604 SEACMBJ -
Sea Containers Rail Services 899900
Sea Defence Supervisors Folkestone 501464
Seaford SEF 533300 SEAFORD SEAFRDOriginal code SEAFORD 88239
Seaford Bay 533316 SEAFBAY 88239*
Seaford Carriage Holding Sidings 533311 SEAFCHS SEAFORD 88239
Seaford Platforms 2B 533310
Seaford Sales Point 2B 533320
Seaford Sales Point Network South Central 533312
Seaford Self Service Ticket Machine 409700
Seaford Siding 533315 SEAFSDG 88239*
Seaford Signal Box SEAFDSB
Seaford Sportis Network SouthEast 346200
Seaforth & Litherland SFL 225000 SFRTHAL SEAFRTH&L 36070
Seaforth Container Terminal Cawoods SEAFRTHCT 36100
Seaforth Container Terminal EG Steele SEAFTHCTL 36101
Seaforth Container Terminal Freightliner 216219 SFRTHCT SEAFRTHCT 36099
Seaforth Container Terminal GB Railfreight 216221 SFRTGBF SFRTHCTGB 36102
Seaforth Container Terminal Mersey Docks & Harbour Commission 216222 225001 SFRTMDH SEAFTH CT 36100
Seaforth Docks SEAFRTHDK 36106
Seaforth Grain Terminal 216220 SEAFRTHGT 36097
Seaforths Travel Great Yarmouth A175 191200
Seagull Travel S677 841000
Seaham SEA 781400 SEAHAM SEAHAM 14156
Seaham Blackhills Farm 764505 SEAHBHF BLACKHLSF 14185
Seaham Dawdon Polka Siding 781412 SEAHPOL POLKA SDG 14159
Seaham Dawdon Signal Box 764500 SEAHDAW DAWDON SB 14161
Seaham Harbour 781405 SEAHAMH SEAHAMHBR 14155
Seaham Harbour Colas Rail 781403 SEAHCLR SEAHAM CR 14153
Seaham Harbour Freightliner Heavy Haul 781410 SEAHFHH SEAHAM HB 14154
Seaham [unknown feature] 781416
Seahouses Bus SIB 110800 SEHOBUS -
Sealand Air S486 811900
Sealink Empties For Transhipment 597813
Sealink Ryde E463 (5998) 599800
Sealink Yarmouth E507 (5999) 599900
Seal Sands BASF 794811 SEALSBA SEAL SDS 15001
Seal Sands Branch Junction 794800 SEALSND SEALSD BJ 15000
Seal Sands Run Round Loop 794802 SEALSRL SEALSD LP 14998
Seal Sands Simons Storage 794813 SEALSMS SEALSANDS 15002
Seamer SEM 817800 SEAMER SEAMER 16215
Seamer Passenger Terminal 817860
Seamer Signal SR140 817810 SEAM140 SEASIG140 16217
Seamer Signal SR221 817802 SEAM221 SEASIG221 16214
Seamer Up Sidings 817801 SEAMRUS SEAMUPSID 16216
Seamer Weaverthorpe Level Crossing 817809 SEAMWEV WEAVERTLC 16222
Seamer West Signal Box 131594
Sea Mills SML 325400 SEMILLS SEA MILLS 81255
Sean Donoghue Memorial Location 140193
Sea Norwich 730974
Search & Security Officer 098359
Searchlight Lane Junction 135601 SLIGHTJ SEARCHTLJ 42303
Search Team Uniform 098661
Seascale SSC 200300 SEASCAL SEASCALE 10203
Seasonal Staff Fort William 991838
Seasonal Staff Oban 991841
Seasonal Staff Queen Street 991875
Season Ticket Suspense Account 313902 313923 333267
Sea Technical Support 702483
Seaton Carew SEC 800700 SETNCRW SEATONCRW 14239
Seaton Delaval SEJ 923500 STDL SETNDELVL 12257
Seaton Junction 571405 SETONJN SEATONJOriginal code SEATON JN 83464
Seaton-On-Tees 800800
Seaton-On-Tees Able UK 800815 SETNABL SEATONABL 14251
Seaton-On-Tees Nuclear Electric 800813 SETNCEG SEATON 14252
Seaton Sea Front SSF 035600 SEATNSF -
Seaton Snook Junction 800814 SETNSJN SEATONSKJ 14244
Secondary Store Dover 097902
Secondary Stores A 705400
Secondary Stores B 705600
Secondary Stores C 705800
Secondary Stores D 705900
Secondary Stores E 706000
Secondary Stores F 706100
Seconded Staff 829482
Secondments Senior Police 098196
Secretarial 389201
Secretariat 566578
Secretariat Privatisation 093174
Secretary Infrastructure 698509
Secretary MP1023 113746
Secretors To BPM 498000
Section 2 Crewe 133151
Section Companies Work Ibis Suspense Account 096929
Section Controllers 129983 130330
Section Controllers Supervisors 141499
Section Manager Aberdeen Conciliatory 887077
Section Manager Ayr & Assistant 946377
Section Manager Ayr Conciliatory 946383
Section Manager Carstairs & Assistant 970469
Section Manager Carstairs Conciliatory 970478
Section Manager Central & Assistant 981395
Section Manager Central Conciliatory 982184
Section Manager Colchester Inspection Gangs 685669
Section Manager Colchester Production Gangs 685668
Section Manager Crianlarich & Assistant 882661
Section Manager Crianlarich Conciliatory 882668 882669
Section Manager Dingwall 983735
Section Manager Dumbarton & Assistant 986671
Section Manager Dumbarton Conciliatory 986668
Section Manager Dumfries 949070
Section Manager Dumfries Conciliatory 949071
Section Manager Dunbar & Assistant 939769
Section Manager Dunbar Conciliatory 939767
Section Manager Dundee 880666
Section Manager Edinburgh Central Conciliatory 932890
Section Manager Fort William 882780
Section Manager Hartlepool 111695
Section Manager Haymarket & Assistant 941969
Section Manager Haymarket Conciliatory 941961
Section Manager Inspection Gangs 722081
Section Manager Inspector Cumbria 437251
Section Manager Inspector East Lancashire 437253
Section Manager Inspector Liverpool 437246
Section Manager Inspector Manchester South East 437260
Section Manager Inspector Manchester South West 437258
Section Manager Inspector Merseyrail 437264
Section Manager Inspector North Wales 437248
Section Manager Inverness 864961
Section Manager Inverness Conciliation 864948
Section Manager Ipswich Production Gang 722080
Section Manager Keith Conciliatory 892462
Section Manager Kilwinning & Assistant 951774
Section Manager Kingussie 983736
Section Manager Kingussie Conciliatory 865562
Section Manager Kirkconnel 953365
Section Manager Kirkconnel Conciliatory 953361
Section Manager Kirknewton Conciliatory 914568
Section Manager Ladybank 932887
Section Manager Ladybank Conciliatory 914978
Section Manager Lenzie & Assistant 995561
Section Manager Lenzie Conciliatory 995566
Section Manager Lockerbie Conciliatory 961462
Section Manager Mossend & Assistant 972967
Section Manager Mossend Conciliatory 972969
Section Manager Muirhouse & Assistant 980462
Section Manager Muirhouse Conciliatory 980461
Section Manager Paisley & Assistant 968350
Section Manager Paisley Conciliatory 968370
Section Manager Perth & Assistant 880562
Section Manager Perth Conciliatory 880541
Section Manager Production Cumbria 437252
Section Manager Production East Lancashire 437254
Section Manager Production Liverpool 437245
Section Manager Production Manchester South East 437261
Section Manager Production Manchester South West 437259
Section Manager Production Merseyrail 437265
Section Manager Production North Wales 437247
Section Manager Romford Inspection Gangs 688645
Section Manager Romford Timekeeper 688646
Section Manager Rutherglen & Assistant 978763
Section Manager Rutherglen Conciliatory 978780
Section Manager Shettleston & Assistant 989565
Section Manager Shettleston Conciliatory 990967
Section Manager Sussex Inspection Gangs 694544
Section Manager Sussex Inspector Gang 693604
Section Manager Tain & Assistant 864920
Section Manager Tain Conciliatory 867661
Section Manager Witham Inspection Gangs 684476 684444
Section Manager Witham Production Gangs 684475
Section Manager Witham Timekeeper 684446
Section WS Huddersfield 843758
Securicor Project Team Manchester Piccadilly 964700
Security 126402 256704
Security Cash Handling 155579 182350 182670 238490 641670 655594 669124 719288 772825 842383
Security Cash Handling Kings Cross 612647 612651
Security Cash Handling Newcastle 772767
Security Manager North West Trains 259508
Security Police Costs 155586 182349
Security Police East 932811
Security/Police Midland Main Line 173326
Security/Police North East/South West 173342
Security/Police North West/South Scotland 173674
Security Staff 131806
See 229114 W 229101
Seer Green & Jordans SRG 306100 SEERGRN SEERG&JDN 73501
Seer Green & Jordans Self Service Ticket Machine 260800
Seer Green Sales 306110
SEF 938400
Seghill Junction 923402 SGHLJN SEGHILLJN 12256
Selby SBY 820100 SELBY SELBY 16523
Selby & Goole Crossings 820164
Selby Barlby Loops 820185 SELBAR BARLBY LP 16525
Selby Barlby North Junction 820101 SELBBNJ BARLBYNJN 16528
Selby Brayton Siding Eastern Track Renewals Unit 820118 SELBBRA BRAYTNTTL 16519
Selby Canal Junction 820119 SELBYCJ SELBYCNLJ 16518
Selby Crossing Relief 131587
Selby Crossings 127053 131585
Selby Freight Depot Viking Steel 820117 SELBYFD SELBY FD 16522
Selby Freight Terminal 820163
Selby GB Railfreight 820115 SELBGBF SELBYPTGP 16520
Selby Inspection 437316
Selby Marcroft SELBYPTRP 16527
Selby Melmerby Estates 820182 SELBMYE SELBY PGP 16524
Selby Passenger Terminal 820166
Selby Potter Group 820114 SELBSFC -
Selby Potter Group Freightliner Heavy Haul 820116 SELBFHH SELBYPGRP 16526
Selby Production 437406
Selby PWS 820169
Selby Self Service Ticket Machine 237500
Selby Signal Box 131580
Selby Signalling 820181
Selby Signalling Relief 820180
Selby Signals 127050 127051
Selby Signal S587 820102 SELB587 SELBYS587 16592
Selby Signals Relief 127052 131584
Selby Terminal 270471 655557
Selby Up Sidings 820183 SELBUSD SELBY US 16521
Selby West Junction 820121 SELBYWJ SELBY WJ 16517
Select Worldchoice DE95 812000
Self Service Terminals 090055
Selhurst SRS 543400 SELHRST SEHURSTOriginal code SELHURST 87637
Selhurst Accounts 543408
Selhurst Apprentices 605944
Selhurst Carriage Cleaning 543485
Selhurst Conductors 543477
Selhurst Conductors Sportis 593400
Selhurst Depot Administration 543406
Selhurst Depot Exit 543442 SLHDSRX 87695
Selhurst Depot Field Sidings 543432 SLHRSTF SELDTFSDG 87642
Selhurst Depot Gullet 543441 SLHDGUL 87670
Selhurst Depot Signal S13 543416 SLHRS13 SLHRDS13 87558
Selhurst Depot Signal S15 543440 SLHRS15 SLHRDS15 87559
Selhurst Depot Stores 2B 543435
Selhurst Depot Tennison Road 543443 SLHDTRB 87694
Selhurst Depot Yard Roads 543444 SLHDYRD 87717
Selhurst D Fork Arrival 543465 SDEPFA SELHRTCEM 87638
Selhurst Drivers 2B 543470
Selhurst 'DTF' Siding SELHSTF SELDTFSDG 87642
Selhurst Duty Station Manager 543488
Selhurst Engineering Service 2A 543431
Selhurst Engineering Services 543402
Selhurst Fuel Point Network South Central 543407
Selhurst Gloucester Road Junction see also Gloucester Road Junction XGU 543436 SELHGRJ GLOU RDJN 87648
Selhurst Level 5 Paint Shop Store 543466
Selhurst Level 5 Repair Shop Store 543480
Selhurst Maintenance Support 2A 543424
Selhurst Maintenance Support 2B 543426
Selhurst Maintenance Workshop 2A 543475
Selhurst Maintenance Workshop 2B 543419
Selhurst Management 543478
Selhurst Modifications 150848 475347
Selhurst On Train Sales 267400 346400
Selhurst Platforms 543491
Selhurst Platforms 2B 543414
Selhurst Production Manager 2A 543421
Selhurst Production Manager & Support 2B 537620
Selhurst Product Manager SA 543422
Selhurst Repair Shop 2B 543423
Selhurst Repair Shop Repairs 543403
Selhurst Repair Shop Stores 543404
Selhurst Repair Shop Support 543427
Selhurst Repair Shop Support 2B 543428
Selhurst Sales Point 543420
Selhurst Sales Point Rest 543411
Selhurst Self Service Ticket Machine 409900
Selhurst Shunters 543425
Selhurst Shunting Shunters 2B 543430
Selhurst Shunting Supervisor 543429
Selhurst Shunt Signal T1051 543437 SELH051 SELHR1051 87636
Selhurst Signal S2 543433 SLHRTS2 SELHRSTS2 87646
Selhurst Signal S4 543434 SLHRTS4 SELHRSTS4 87653
Selhurst Signal T68 543438 SLHRT68 SELHRST68 87654
Selhurst Signal T76 543439 SLHRT76 SELHRST76 87655
Selhurst Supplementary Store 543405
Selhurst Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot XSH 543474 SLHRSTD SELT&RSMD 87639
Selhurst Traction & Rolling Stock Stores Network South Central 543467
Selhurst Trainee Drivers 2B 543471
Selhurst Trainmen G 543483
Selkirk SKK 933000 SELKIRK -
Selkirk Bus Stop Sc Zone XEX 933001 SELKRK
Sellafield SEL 200400 SELAFLD SELLAFLD 10201
Sellafield British Nuclear Fuels Ltd 200411 SELABNF SELAFLDBN 10202
Sellafield Carriage & Wagon Sidings SELLFDC&W 10208
Sellafield English Welsh & Scottish Railway 200412 SELAEWS SELLAFD 10207
Sellafield North Siding 200402 SELAFNS SELFLDSDG 10211
Sellafield Passenger 200460
Sellafield Signal SD18 200401 SELAS18 SELLAFD18 10210
Sellafield Up Sidings 1 & 2 DRS 200413 SELADRS SELLFD US 10209
Selling SEG 517900 SELLING SELLING 89511
Selling Signal Box 128469 SELLNG
Selly Oak SLY 110500 SELYOAK SELLY OAK 66502
Selly Oak Self Service Ticket Machine 138900
Selsdon 538100 SELSDON SELSDON 87742
Selsdon Oil Siding SELSOSD 87442
Selsdon (Test Trains Only) 538101 SELSDN SELSDON 87742
Semley 579805 SEMLEY SEMLEY 82331
Senior Accounts Manager Freight 127117
Senior Accounts Manager Passenger 127116
Senior Audit Manager Operations 565514
Senior Conduct Manager South Wales Administration 420220
Senior Conductor Doncaster 641726
Senior Conductor Kings Cross 612175
Senior Conductor Manager West Of England Administration 340120
Senior Conductor Newcastle 772812
Senior Conductors 550980 719525
Senior Conductors Aberdeen 897648
Senior Conductors Edinburgh 932819
Senior Conductors Glasgow 981365
Senior Conductors Leeds 848590
Senior Conductors Midland Main Line 173320
Senior Conductors North East/South West 173336
Senior Conductors North West/South Scotland 173668
Senior Contracts Manager 128550 130933 131930 132575 132736 133117 110648 127109 129984
Senior Contracts Manager & Support 217232
Senior Customer Services Supervisor 932145
Senior Customer Services Supervisors Yoker 997586
Senior Development Advisor Islington 270683
Senior Engineer Assistant Ely Projects 702489
Senior Engineer Assistant Maintenance Services 702480
Senior Engineer Assistant Testing & Commissioning 702532
Senior Engineer Technical Plymouth 2B 581389
Senior Engineer York 491600
Senior Estimator 566532
Senior Examiners London Bridge 514852
Senior Executive Paybill 090459
Senior Field Manager Ashford 128491
Senior Field Manager Brighton 128423
Senior Field Manager Gillingham 128678
Senior Field Manager Lewisham 128675
Senior Field Manager Selhurst 128677
Senior Field Manager Victoria 128520
Senior Inspector Preston 141416
Senior International Travel Group 430600
Senior Management 270046
Senior Officers 098360
Senior Plant Engineer 439761
Senior Plant Engineer Signalling & Telecommunications 439789
Senior Production Controller Liverpool Street 127609
Senior Project Engineer 206196 439772 982718
Senior Project Engineer Signalling & Telecommunications Support 206198
Senior Project Engineer Support 206197
Senior Project Manager Edinburgh 829203
Senior Project Manager North 612146
Senior Project Manager PCT 829292
Senior Project Manager South 829215
Senior Projects Manager 125362
Senior Quantity Survey Manchester & North West 437169 437276
Senior Quantity Surveyor 566533
Senior Quantity Surveyor Merseyrail 437210
Senior Quant Survey Liverpool/North Wales 437062
Senior Revenue Supervisor Yoker 997587
Senior Site Manager Didcot 303033
Senior Site Manager Exeter 341005
Senior Site Manager Newport 367425
Senior Team Members 605919
Senior Timetable Manager 223560
Senior Trainer East 499938 696912
Senior Trainer South 680273 499936
Serco Rail Bristol A 708800
Serco Rail Bristol B 708900
Serco Rail CardiffListed as Scotrail Cardiff SZZ 366100 466300
Serco Rail Cardiff A SCQ 332800
Serco Rail Cardiff B 340300
Serco RT99 096226 096227 096228
Serviceable Materials 815305
Service & Repair Supervisor East 932889
Service & Repair Supervisor Edinburgh East/Artisan 932882
Service & Repair Supervisor Edinburgh West 923653
Service Centre Croydon 562133
Service Clerk Newcastle 772823
Service Delivery 445086
Service Delivery Centre 600306
Service Delivery East 182720 182736
Service Delivery Employee Support 112218
Service Delivery Headquarters 113733
Service Delivery Manager 562150
Service Delivery Manager Guards 382742
Service Delivery Support 601538
Service Delivery West 113620 113643
Service Development Manager 455032
Service Manager North & West 732881
Service Manager South & East 722047
Service Manager Training 719054
Service Manager Trains 731015
Service Manager Westbury 125125
Service Performance Manager 581667
Service Planning 568090
Service Quality Manager Liverpool 220290
Services 564807
Services And Resource Manager 143006
Services & Resources Manager British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 534255
Services & Training Manager MP 1022 451822
Services & Training Manager Tyseley 451821
Services Aylesbury 314217 314992
Services Bounds Green 683504
Services Clerks Edinburgh 932810
Services Clerk (York) Leeds 850210
Services Delivery Training 096785
Services Engineer Bristol 333904 334028 323218
Services Engineer Exeter 575503
Services Engineer Newport (S) 335010
Services Engineer Reading 314981
Services Engineer Swindon (Regional Railways) 333372
Services Engineer TRU York 829268
Services Level 5 Ilford 177405 571921 688195
Services Maintenance Beckenham 515728
Services Manager 177103 504375 566327 566343 571820
Services Manager Perth Artisan 880549
Services Neath (W) 367419
Services Newport (W) 367420
Services Reading 314998
Services Supervisor & Technical 983334
Services Supervisor Cardiff (S) 374478
Services Supervisor Sudbrook (S) 367985
Services Swindon 335439
Services Systems 090598
Services Workshop Cardiff (W) 367463
Services Workshop Swansea (W) 367462
Service Team A Craigentinny 884339
Service Team B Craigentinny 884340
Service Team C Craigentinny 884341
Service Team D Craigentinny 884342
Service Team E Craigentinny 884343
Service Team F Craigentinny 884344
Servicing & Repair Supervisor Edinburgh West Artisan 923657
Servicing & Repair Supervisor Inverness 864981
Servicing & Repair Supervisor Inverness Artisan 864915
Servicing & Repair Supervisor Perth 880622
Servicing Delivery Supervisor Cambridge 702140
Servicing Manager (North) 297021
Servicing Manager (South) 259532
Servicing Supervisor Glasgow 980658
Servicing Supervisor Glasgow Artisan 980659
Servicing Team A Aberdeen 884346
Servicing Team A Bounds Green 884308
Servicing Team B Aberdeen 884347
Servicing Team B Bounds Green 884309
Servicing Team C Aberdeen 884348
Servicing Team C Bounds Green 884310
Servicing Team D Aberdeen 884349
Servicing Workshop Staff Aylesbury 149125
Settle SET 210700 SETTLE SETTLE 09521
Settle/Carlisle Line 848736
Settle Junction 210701 SETTLEJ SETTLE JN 09523
Settle Junction Signal Box 131512
Settlement LTR RSP 705029
Settlement Privilege Non-RSP 705031
Settlement Privilege RSP 705030
Settlement Scans RSP 705028
Settlement Staff Costs 705034
Seven Kings SVK 689300 SVNKNGS SEVENKNGS 50417
Seven Kings Self Service Ticket Machine 272300
Sevenoaks SEV 512400 SVNOAKS SVENOAKOriginal code SEVENOAKS 89351
Sevenoaks Business Centre 512410
Sevenoaks Carriage Holding Sidings 512462 SVNOCHS SEVENOKDS 89352
Sevenoaks Down Sidings 512461 SVNODS 89351*
Sevenoaks Engineers Siding 512464 SVNOES 89351*
Sevenoaks Gusset 512402 SVNOGST SEVENOKGS 89344
Sevenoaks Gusset Siding 512404 SVNOGUS SEVENOGUS 89353
Sevenoaks Self Service Ticket Machine 889300
Sevenoaks Shunters/IR 512401
Sevenoaks Signal AD2035 512406 SVN2035 SVNOK2035 89343
Sevenoaks Signal AD2037 512405 SVN2037 SVNOK2037 89340
Sevenoaks Ticket Office 512468
Sevenoaks [unknown feature] 128673
Seven Sisters SVS 693100 SEVNSIS SEVEN SIS 51955
Seven Sisters For The Games SVX 660500 CATZ053
Seven Sisters LT ZSV 069800
Seven Sisters Signal L1327/S27 693103 SEVNS27 51954*
Seven Sisters Signal L5511/S29 693102 SEVNS29 SEVNS S29 51954
Seven Sisters Signal L5514Also listed as being L1327 693104 SEVNS14 -
Seven Sisters Telecommunications Maintenance 2 Shift 695175
Seven Sisters/Walthamstow/Temple Mills West 686773
Severn Beach SVB 320500 SVRNBCH SEVNBEACH 81211
Severn Bridge Junction Signal Box 143173
Severnside ICI Siding 320511 SVNSICI -
Severnside SITA 320505 SVNSSIT SEVRNSITA 81212
Severn Tunnel Junction STJ 367900 SEVTNLJ SEVERNTJN 76090
Severn Tunnel Junction East 367959 SEVTNLE SEVENTJE SEVERNTJE 76091
Severn Tunnel Junction Rogiet Pool SRB 099300 SEVTROG -
Severn Tunnel Junction Servicing Depot 76091
Severn Tunnel Junction Sidings 367957 SEVTJNS SEVNT SDS 76088
Severn Tunnel Junction Station 367920
Severn Tunnel Signal N349 367958 SEVS349 SEVTNL349 76092
Severn Tunnel Signal NT1228 367904 SEVT228 SEVTN1228 76096
Severn Tunnel Signal NT1730 367902 SEVT730 SEVTN1730 76094
Severn Tunnel [unused code] 367903 SEVTOLD -
Severn Tunnel Up Goods Loop 367901 SEVTUGL SEVNT UGL 76087
Severn Tunnel West 367978 SEVTNLW SEVNT UTG SEVERNTWJ 76089
Severn Tunnel West Loop SEVTNWL
Severn Valley Railway Company 192200
Sevington Loop 502202 SVNGLP SEVGTONLP 89745
Sevington Sidings XVT 502200 SVNGTNS SEVINGTON SEVINGTSD 89744
Sevington Signal AD702 502201 SVNGS91 89744*
Seymour Junction 661214 SEYMORJ SEYMOURJN 27121
Seymour RJB Mining 672300 SEYMOSS SEYMR STK 27122
Seymour Sidings 661217 SEYMSDG SEYMR SGS 27120
Seymour Yard 159375
Sezzadio SEZZADIO 00326
SF 938500
SF & IA Reading 314246
SF & IA Slough 308830
SFA Retford 437494
SFA Scunthorpe 437496
SG Internal Audit 705096
Shacklegate Junction 560760 SHCKLGJ SHAKLGTJN 87164
Shacklegate Junction Signal BEF2449 560702 SHCK449 SHAKGT449 86941
Shacklegate Junction Signal BEF2467 560706 SHCK467 SHAKGT467 86942
Shacklegate Junction Signal BEF2508 560707 SHCK508 SHAKGT508 86943
Shacklegate Junction Signal F413 560758 SHCK413 SHAKGT413 87184
Shacklegate Junction Signal F414 560757 SHCK414 SHAKGT414 87180
Shacklegate Junction Signal F416 560759 SHCK416 -
Shadowmoss Metrolink SMM SDMMTLK
Shadwell ZSWEarlier code SDELater code after East London Line operated as part of national network 069900Earlier code 108200Later code after East London Line operated as part of national network SHADWEL SHADWELL 52088
Shadwell Crossover 108201 SHADXO SHADWELXO 52086
Shadwell DLR ZSW 086000
Shadwell Self Service Ticket Machine 492500
Shaftesbury Town Hall SWH 035700 SHAFTTH -
Shaftholme Junction 641414 SHFTHLJ SHFTHMEJN 23221
Shakespeare Cliff Sidings 501513 SHKSPCS 89621
Shakespeare Staff Halt 501561 SHKSPSH 89623
Shalford SFR 563800 SHALFD SHALFORD 87081
Shalford Junction 563161 SHALFDJ SHALFRDJN 87080
Shalford Signal Box 563860 SHALFSB
Shalford Signal Box (Restructured) 131971
Shalford Signal GD1341 563802 SHAL341 SHALF1341 87077
Shalford Signal WY21 SHALS21
Shanklin SHN 552900 SHANKLN SHANKLIN 86292
Shan Travel S487 812100
Shap Hardendale Quarry Junction 211405 SHAPHQJ HARDNDLQJ 09328
Shap Harrisons Quarry Freightliner Heavy Haul 211401 SHAPHFL SHAPHSNFL 09329
Shap Harrisons Quarry GB Railfreight 211410 SHAPHNQ SHAPHARGB 09319
Shap Harrisons Sidings 211411 SHAPHNS SHAP SHAP HARR 09321
Shap Haybank Level Crossing 211405 SHAPHAY HAYBANK 09328
Shap Signal CE148 211409 SHAP148 SHAP 148 09318
Shap Summit 211400 SHAPSMT SHAPSMUGL 09327
Shap Summit Down Goods Loop 211402 SHAPDGL SHAP DGL 09320
Shap Summit Freightliner Heavy Haul 211415 SHAPFHH SHAP SUMM 09325
Shap Summit Quarry 211413 SHAPSTW SHAP SUMT 09326
Shap Summit Quarry GB Railfreight 211417 SHAPSQG SHPSQGBRF 09332
Shap Summit Ribblesdale Cement 211414 SHAPSRC SHAP QRRY 09324
Shap Summit TW Ward 211413 SHAPSTW SHAP SUMM 09326
Shap Up Goods Loop 211401 SHAPUGL 09327*
Sharlston RJB Mining STHSHA SHARLSTON 18034
Sharnal Street SHARNLS
Sharnbrook Junction 151209 SNBKJN SHRNBRKJN 62001
Sharnbrook Oakley Viaduct 151208 SNBKOV OAKLEYVIA 62003
Sharnbrook Souldrop 151207 SNBKSDP SOULDROP 61141
Sharnbrook Summit 151211 SNBKSMT SHARNBRK 61121
Sharnbrook Wymington Tunnel 151212 SNBKWYM WYMINGTON 61131
Sharpness British Waterways Board 476811 SHARPNES 68147
Sharpness Docks 476800 SHRPNSD SHARPNSS 68146
Sharpness Docks Coopers Metal 476812 SHRPCMT SHARPNESS 68148
Sharston Junction see Northenden Sharston Junction
Shaw & Crompton SHA 292500 SHCRPTN SHAW & CR 31055
Shaw & Crompton [unknown feature] 292550
Shawfair SFI 696300 SHWFAIR SHAWFAIR 04712
Shawfield Junction 978796 SHFD SHAWFIELD 07284
Shawford SHW 592900 SHAWFD SHAWFORD 86084
Shawford Junction 592462 SHAWFDJ SHAWFORDJ 86051
Shawford Self Service Ticket Machine 419400
Shawford Up Junction 592403 SHAWFUJ SHWFRDUJN 86017
Shawlands SHL 982300 SHWLNDS SHAWLANDS 07585
Shawlands Self Service Ticket Machine 337500
Shearings Holidays Ltd S738 876900
Shears World Travel (EV15) 461500
SHE (Derby) 091268
SHE (Doncaster) 093511
Sheerness Advenza Freight 518414 SHRNADV SHEERNSAV 89132
Sheerness Bus G 706700
Sheerness Docks SHEERNDKS 89134
Sheerness Medway Ports Authority 518411 SHNSSPT -
Sheerness-On-Sea SSS 518400 SHRNSOS SHEERNESS 89137
Sheerness-On-Sea Self Service Ticket Machine 595400
Sheerness Sidings 518401 SHRNSDG SHEERNWKS 89135
Sheerness Steel Marcroft 518413 SHRNSME SHEERNS W 89138
Sheerness Steel Works XXS 518412 SHRNSSW SHEERNSSW 89136
Sheerness Steel Works Freightliner Heavy Haul 518402 SHRNFHH SHEERNSWK 89133
Sheerness Steel Works GB Railfreight 518415 SHRNGBR SHEERNSGB 89147
Sheet Stores Junction 182306 SHEETSJ SHEETSTSJ 56598
Sheffield SHF 669100 SHEFFLD SHEFFIELD 25701
Sheffield Administration 669121
Sheffield AFCs 669144
Sheffield AME Ill Health CWP 011248
Sheffield AMI 669561
Sheffield AMO Telecommunications 669586
Sheffield AM Workmens Compensation 012208
Sheffield Area 669700
Sheffield Area Inspectorate 669188
Sheffield Area Maintenance 669110 669112 669158 826631
Sheffield Area Manager Administration 669171
Sheffield Area Operating Adjustments 669138
Sheffield Area Redundancy Single Lump Sum 668350 668351
Sheffield Area Station Managers 634069
Sheffield Arena [Sheffield Supertram] SAI 711800 SHEFARE SHEFAREN 25807
Sheffield B & C Parcels Terminal 669164
Sheffield BIS 669291
Sheffield Booking Office 669122
Sheffield Carriage Cleaners 669109
Sheffield Cash Handling 669132
Sheffield Castle Square [Sheffield Supertram] CAX 774100 SHEFCAS SHEFCSTSQ 25813
Sheffield Cathedral Square [Sheffield Supertram] SHQ 774300 SHEFCAT SHEFCATTR 25317
Sheffield/Chesterfield 499032 499033
Sheffield Commission Received 669116
Sheffield Cricket Inn Road [Sheffield Supertram] CIN 773400 SHEFCIR CRICKINRD 25810
Sheffield Customer Care 669191
Sheffield Depot Administration ICCS 092679
Sheffield Divisional Manager 669500
Sheffield Drivers 669166 669173
Sheffield Duty Shift Managers 133486
Sheffield Emergency Supervisors 127097
Sheffield Fitzalan Square [Sheffield Supertram] FIZ 773700 SHEFFIT SHEFITZSQ 25812
Sheffield Freight Terminal 668300
Sheffield Fuelling Point 25701
Sheffield Gainfully Employed 669117
Sheffield General 669723
Sheffield General Expenses 669131
Sheffield General Expenses Other 669134 669135
Sheffield Holding Sidings 669157 SHEFFHS SHEFFD CS 25697
Sheffield Hyde Park [Sheffield Supertram] HYP 773500 SHEFHYD SHEHYDEPK 25811
Sheffield Internal Check 669193
Sheffield Northern Revenue Protection 324200
Sheffield Northern Self Service Ticket Machine 302200
Sheffield Operations Section 668365
Sheffield Outstation Fuel 847620
Sheffield Overheads Management 669103
Sheffield Parcels Terminal 669163
Sheffield Passed Trainee Trainmen 669108
Sheffield Passenger 826662
Sheffield Power Signal Box 127034 131554
Sheffield Power Signal Box Control 669571
Sheffield Production Day 668663
Sheffield Relayers 815346
Sheffield RFL 437518
Sheffield/Rotherham 499035 669216
Sheffield RPAs 669597
Sheffield Security Cash Handling 669125
Sheffield Self Service Ticket Machine 938700
Sheffield Sheaf House Administration Serve 669187
Sheffield Shrewsbury Road Fuelling Point 669181 SHEFSRF SHEFSRDFP 25698
Sheffield Shunters 826661
Sheffield Shunt Passenger Terminal 669165
Sheffield Signal Contract Agents 669251
Sheffield Signal Operating Power 669182
Sheffield Signals 127026 127027
Sheffield Signal S52 669127 SHEFS52 SHEFFDS52 25691
Sheffield Signal S77 669196 SHEFS77 SHEFFDS77 25696
Sheffield Signal S81 669156 SHEFS81 SHEFFLDSJ 25702
Sheffield Signal S82 669126 SHEFS82 SHEFFDS82 25695
Sheffield Signal S89 669141 SHEFS89 SHEFFDS89 25692
Sheffield Signal S91 669142 SHEFS91 SHEFFDS91 25693
Sheffield Signal S92 669148 SHEFS92 SHEFFDS92 25694
Sheffield Signals Relief 127028 131546
Sheffield SMS 669254
Sheffield South Junction SHEFFLDSJ 25702
Sheffield Sportis 669143
Sheffield Sportis InterCity 346600
Sheffield Sportis Regional Railways 372300
Sheffield SP TPE 953100
Sheffield Station 672973
Sheffield Station Sales Various 669133
Sheffield Station Sidings 669184 SHEFSDG SHEFFDSDS 25699
Sheffield Sub Store ICCS 092680
Sheffield SWE Painter 669548
Sheffield TCS 201900
Sheffield Technical Services 669192
Sheffield Telecommunications Fault Team 940 669564
Sheffield Telecommunications Maintenance 941 669565 669566
Sheffield Telecommunications SSG 669567
Sheffield Telephone Enquiry Bureau 600100
Sheffield Telephone Enquiry Bureau Sales Various 669139
Sheffield Telesales Self Service Ticket Machine One 610200
Sheffield TR 891300
Sheffield Traincrew Overheads 826808
Sheffield Train Crew Overheads 669120
Sheffield Traincrew Overheads Conciliatory 669102
Sheffield Traincrew Overheads Traction Inspector 669101
Sheffield Train Crews Guards 669167
Sheffield Train Crews Overheads 669168
Sheffield Trainee Trainmen 669107
Sheffield Train Leader 669573
Sheffield Travel Centre S488 812200
Sheffield Traveling Ticket Inspectors 669140 669174
Sheffield Trust Data Assistant 127035
Sheffield Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detector Operator 437475
Sheffield Uniform Inspector 098091
Sheffield [unknown features] 133891 499031 499034 499036 499037 499038 499039 669212 669213 669214 669215 669217
Sheffield Vehicle Cleaning 436045
Sheffield Victoria 673105 SHEFVIC SHEFF VIC 25365
Sheffield Victoria Signal Operating 669267
Sheffield Victoria [unknown feature] 669200
Sheffield Welders 437516
Sheffield YC2 Self Service Ticket Machine 423500
SHE (Glasgow) 092511
Shelford SED 704300 SHELFD SHELFORD 47239
Shelford Self Service Ticket Machine 544400
Shell 847511 995113
Shell Chemicals 241722
Shell Chemicals Stanlow & Thornton 212131
Shell Haven 745922 SHLHAVN SHELL HVN 51105
Shell Haven Refinery 745919 SHELLHVN 51106
Shell House [unknown feature] SHELL HSE 91000
Shell Sidings Ground Frame 215903
Shelwick Junction 360771 SHIP SHELWICKJ 76370
Shenfield SNF 688800 SHENFLD SHENFIELD 50328
Shenfield Booking Office 688801
Shenfield Cable Jointers 688806
Shenfield Chelmsford Loop 688812 SHENFCL SHENFLDGL 50241
Shenfield Down Sidings 688813 SHENFDS SHENFLDDS 50330
Shenfield Ill Health 011016
Shenfield Ill Health CWP 011043
Shenfield London End Junction 688815 SHENLEJ SHEN LEJN 50329
Shenfield Middle Sidings 688814 SHENFMS SHENFLDMS 50326
Shenfield On Train Sales 982800
Shenfield Personnel Support 688803 688893
Shenfield Platform/Mobile Cleaning 688880
Shenfield Platform Staff 683615 688802
Shenfield Self Service Ticket Machine 167500
Shenfield Signal L517 688821 SHEN517 50241*
Shenfield Signal L528 688830 SHEN528 SHENFD528 50313
Shenfield Signal L538 688828 SHEN538 SHENFD538 50319
Shenfield Signal L5140 688829 SHEN140 SHENF5140 50342
Shenfield Signal Maintenance Days (Restructured) 688872
Shenfield Signal Maintenance Fault General Purpose Relief (Restructured) 688868
Shenfield Signal Maintenance General Purpose Relief (Restructured) 688869
Shenfield Signal Maintenance Supervisor (Restructured) 688873
Shenfield Signal Operating 687666
Shenfield Signal Operating Relief 688881
Shenfield Station Implement Franchise Plan 688891
Shenfield Ultrasonics 499636 694554
Shenfield Up Passenger Loop 688811 SHENFUL SHENFLDUL 50338
Shenfield Up Siding 688818 SHENUPS SHENFLDUS 50320
Shenfield Welcome Hosts 688892
Shenfield/Wickford Inspection 499626 742011
Shenstone SEN 117800 SHNS SHENSTONE 65341
Shepcote Lane Junction 668111 SHPCTLJ SHEPCTELJ 25206
Shepcote Lane Tinsley Avesta 668119 SHPCLPS TIN SPACE 25208
Shepherds Bush SPB 958700 SHPDSB SHEPHDSBH 72242
Shepherds Bush Central Line LT ZSZ 070000
Shepherds Bush Metropolitan Line LT ZSB 077500
Shepherds Bush Self Service Ticket Machine 291100
Shepherds Lane Junction 560764 SHPSHLA SHEPHDSLJ 87256
Shepherds Well SPH 518600 SWELL SHEPSWLOriginal code SHEPERDSW 89517
Shepherds Well Long Siding 518601 SWELLSD 89379
Shepherds Well Self Service Ticket Machine 595500
Shepherds Well Signal Box 128472 SHPRDSL
Shepherds Well Signal EK4459 518604 SPH4459 SHEPW4459 89525
Shepherds Well Signal SH1 518602 SWELL1 -
Shepherds Well Up Siding 518603 SWELLUS SHEPWLLUS 89526
Shepley SPY 844800 SPLY SHEPLEY 18496
Shepperton SHP 560500 SHEPRTN SHEPPERTN 87155
Shepperton Clerical 560560
Shepperton Self Service Ticket Machine 471000
Shepperton Signal BEF2537 560502 SHEP537 SHEPTN537 86938
Shepperton Sportis Network SouthEast 346700
Shepperton Up Sidings 560501 SHEPUSD SHEPTNUSD 87282
Shepreth STH 704400 SHPRTH SHEPRETH 47244
Shepreth Branch Junction XSP 704411 SHPRTBJ SHEPBCHJN 47250
Shepreth Self Service Ticket Machine 870900
Sherborne SHE 583500 SHERBRN SHERBORNE 82339
Sherborne Level Crossing 131796
Sherborne Self Service Ticket Machine 155600
Sherburn-in-Elmet SIE 825700 SHBN SHERBURN 16497
Sherburn South Junction 825711 SHBNSJN SHERBURNJ 16498
Shere Liverpool Street West Anglia Great Northern 247400
Sherfield Cross Roads 550012 SHRFDXR -
Sheringham SHM 731900 SHRGHAM SHERINGHM 48008
Sheringham North Norfolk Railway 731901 SHRGNNR SHRGHMNNR 48011
Sherwood Colliery SHWDCLS 56201
SHE (Swindon) 092711
Shettleston SLS 990300 978591 SHTLSTN SHETLESTN 06707
Shettleston Civil Engineering Workshops 990356 SHTLSCE SHETSN PT 06708
Shettleston Depot 978553 978584
Shettleston Inventory Management And Accounting Control System On Track 990358
Shettleston Loop 990316 SHTLTNL SHETSN LP 06709
Shettleston Permanent Way Depot 990363 SHTLPWY SHETSN YD 06711
Shettleston Plant 990353
Shettleston Plant Store 990331
Shettleston Self Service Ticket Machine 337700
Shettleston Station 997556
Shettleston Stores 437291
Shettleston Up Yard 990301 SHTLUP SHETSN UP 06713
Shettleston Welders 980539
Shieldhall 963300 SHIELDH -
Shieldmuir SDM 955200 SHILDMR SHIELDMUR 07906
Shieldmuir Mail Terminal 955210 SHILDMT SHIELDMRM SHIELDMR 07915
Shieldmuir Mail Terminal GB Railfreight 955213 SHILGB SHIELDMRM 07916
Shieldmuir Royal Mail 270259
Shieldmuir Signal M471 955212
Shieldmuir Signal M475 955204 SHIL475 SHILDM475 07941
Shieldmuir Signal M477 955205 SHIL477 -
Shieldmuir Signal M483 955230 SHIL483 07906*
Shieldmuir South Ground Frame 955220 SHILDGF 07906*
Shields Depot Manager & Administration 991316
Shields Electric Traction Depot 098771
Shields Electric Traction Depot Maintenance 991350 967961
Shields Electric Traction Depot Store 967967
Shields Engineer Headquarters 2 967986
Shields Heavy Repairs 967971
Shields Junction 967968 SHLDJN SHIELDS J 07200
Shields Junction No. 1 Line 967976 SHLDNO1 SHLD1LINE 07201
Shields Junction Through Sidings 967969 SHLDJTS 07200*
Shields Maintenance 150839 475341
Shields Management Staff 991354
Shields Modifications 150840 475342 967972
Shields Overhead Line Store 983747
Shields Payment To Ex-Employees 019158
Shields Redundancy CWP 011433
Shields Repairable Components 967970
Shields Road 089700
Shields SME Locomotive Hauled Coaching Vehicles 967985
Shields Store MRS 967975
Shields TPM 967987 991351
Shields Traction Maintenance Depot XGW 967960 098772 SHLDSMD SHIELDEMD 07202
Shifnal SFN 461900 SHIFNAL SHIFNAL 65021
Shift Operations Management 667955
Shift Performance 128825 143126
Shift Performance & Control 296893
Shift Performance Assistant Reading 132137
Shift Performance Clerical Supervisor 326463
Shift Performance Clerks 829473
Shift Performance/Fleet Controller R/House 297014
Shift Planner 099916
Shift Station Manager Bath Spa 327161
Shift Station Manager Bristol Temple Meads 323207
Shift Station Manager Cardiff Central 389903
Shift Station Manager Exeter St Davids 341034
Shift Station Manager Heathrow/Didcot 303077
Shift Station Manager Newport 367456
Shift Station Manager Paddington 308744
Shift Station Manager Plymouth 358002
Shift Station Manager Reading 315641
Shift Station Manager Swansea 422205
Shift Station Manager Swindon 333325
Shift Station Manager West Of England Outstations 347128
Shift Supervisors Depot 149197 403007
Shift Supervisors Signalling Crewe 126380
Shift Supervisor Willesden 112749
Shildon SHD 789300 SHDN SHILDON 15831
Shildon National Railway Museum SHILDNNRM 15830
Shildon Works BREL 15830
Shiplake SHI 315000 SHPLAKE SHIPLAKE 74027
Shipley SHY 834700 SHPY SHIPLEY 17033
Shipley Area Signal Operations Keighley 846863
Shipley Crossley Evans 855911 SHPYCE SHIPLEYCR 17034
Shipley Crossley Evans Advenza 855912 SHPYCEA SHIPLEYDC 17035
Shipley Dockfield Junction 834715 SHPYDJN SHIPLEYDJ 17052
Shipley East Junction 834714 SHPYEJN SHIPLEYEJ 17022
Shipley Esholt Junction 834719 SHPYESJ ESHOLT JN 17039
Shipley Freight 855900
Shipley Guiseley Junction SHPYGJN
Shipley Maintenance Staff 437364
Shipley Permanent Way Supervisor 834766
Shipley Self Service Ticket Machine 303800
Shipley South Junction 834713 SHPYSJN SHIPLEYSJ 17020
Shipley Springs Junction 834718 SHPYSPJ SPRINGSJN 17036
Shipley [unknown feature] 834761
Shipley West Junction 834712 SHPYWJN SHIPLEYWJ 17018
Shippea Hill SPP 707300 SPHL SHIPPEA H 46268
Shipton SIP 300900 SPTN SHIPTON 74464
Shirebrook SHB 159500 SHRBROK SHIREBRK 28105
Shirebrook Colliery 28102
Shirebrook Crossing Staff 159579
Shirebrook Davis & Son 676311 SHRBDAV SHIREBROK 28112
Shirebrook East Junction 676322 SHRBREJ SHIREBKEJ 28005
Shirebrook Fuelling Point 117096
Shirebrook Fuel Point Workshop 125238
Shirebrook Inspection 437477
Shirebrook Junction 676310 SHRBWJ SHIREBKJN 28004
Shirebrook Loco Inspection Point SHRBLIP SHIREBKSD 28101
Shirebrook North 676300
Shirebrook North Traction Maintenance Depot Labourer 125239
Shirebrook North Traction Maintenance Depot Supervisor 125881
Shirebrook Sidings 676312 SHRBRSD SHBRK SDS 28100
Shirebrook Signalling 159577
Shirebrook Signal Relief 159581
Shirebrook South Junction 676320 SHRBRSJ -
Shirebrook Staff 437492
Shirebrook Station Signal Box SHRBKSB
Shirebrook Stores Staff Workshop 125172
Shirebrook Traction Maintenance Depot 098783
Shirebrook West 660600
Shirebrook West Junction 676321 SHRBRWJ
Shirehampton SHH 320600 SHAMPTN SHIREHPTN 81252
Shireoaks SRO 657000 SHRKSKS SHIREOAKS 26252
Shireoaks Colliery SHIREOKWJ 26251
Shireoaks East Junction 657013 SHRKSEJ SHIREOKEJ 26253
Shireoaks Station Signal Box 131550
Shireoaks West Junction 657011 SHRKSWJ SHIREOKWJ 26251
Shirley SRL 452600 SHIRLEY SHIRLEY 66441
Shirley Booking Office 453062
Shirley Self Service Ticket Machine 649500
Shirley Turnback Sidings SHIRTB
Shirley [unknown feature] 143164
Shoeburyness SRY 745500 SHBRYNS SHOEBYNES 51001
Shoeburyness Carriage Servicing Depot 745563 SHBRYCS SHBYNESCS 51003
Shoeburyness Conductors 745578
Shoeburyness Crew Leaders 745637
Shoeburyness Depot London End Junction 745566 SHBRYLJ SHOEBYLEJ 50499
Shoeburyness Depot Operators 745579
Shoeburyness MOD 745511 SHBRYMD SHOEBYNS 51002
Shoeburyness MOD GB Railfreight 745502 SHBRGBF SHOEBYGB 51006
Shoeburyness Off Site Maintenance 745575
Shoeburyness On Board Machines 346800
Shoeburyness Part Time Guards 744567
Shoeburyness Relayers 745501
Shoeburyness Resource Supervisor 745573
Shoeburyness Restructuring Drivers 745588
Shoeburyness Retail 745577
Shoeburyness Rosters 744023
Shoeburyness Self Service Ticket Machine 709700
Shoeburyness Shunting 745576
Shoeburyness Traincrew 745580
Shoeburyness Training Trainmen 745583
Sholing SHO 593000 SHOLING SHOLING 86218
Sholing Self Service Ticket Machine 419500
Shopping 473238
Shopping & Planning Engineer 151120
Shopping Control 150720 475239
Shoreditch High Street SDC 102400 SHRDHST SHORDTHHS 52082
Shoreditch High Street Self Service Ticket Machine 492600
Shoreditch LT ZSD 070100
Shoreham-By-Sea SSE 527700 SHRHMBS SHORHAMSX 87991
Shoreham-By-Sea Platforms 2B 527710
Shoreham-By-Sea Sales 2B 527715
Shoreham-By-Sea Sales Point 527712
Shoreham-By-Sea Self Service Ticket Machine 704600
Shoreham (Kent) SEH 507400 SHRMKT SHORHMKOriginal code SHOREHAM 89346
Shornmead Level Crossing 521065 SHORNMX
Shortlands SRT 508400 SHRTLND SHORTLNDS 88474
Shortlands Junction XOR 508460 SHRTLNJ SHORTLNDJ 88476
Shortlands Self Service Ticket Machine 595600
Shortlands Shunters/IR 508401
Short Notice Access Manager Freight 221767
Short Notice Account Manager Passenger 221768
Short Term Planning 127120
Short Term Planning Connex South Central 545213
Shottle SHX 656700 SHOTTLE
Shotton SHT 254600 SHOTTON SHOTTONLL 40209
Shotton High Level SHT 254601 SHOTTHL SHOTTONHL 41016
Shotton Paper Company 214613 SHOTNPC SHOTWICK 39009
Shotton Self Service Ticket Machine 455100
Shotton Works Marcroft SHOTTWKS 39010
Shotts SHS 973900 SHTT SHOTTS 07434
Shotts Station Staff 981158
Shree Ashvin Travel S678 841200
Shrewsbury SHR 438700 SHRWBY SHREWSBRY 64224
Shrewsbury Abbey Foregate XSY 438800 SHRWBAF ABBEYFGTE 64229
Shrewsbury Abbey Foregate Sidings 438718 SHRWAFS SHREWS AF 64232
Shrewsbury Abbey Foregate Signal Box 143175
Shrewsbury Administration Clerks 143170
Shrewsbury Booking Office 438799
Shrewsbury Call Centre 360806
Shrewsbury Carriage Sidings 438760 64223
Shrewsbury Carriage Stabling & Cleaning 438761
Shrewsbury Castle Foregate 439000
Shrewsbury CE Seceded 018321
Shrewsbury Civil Engineer Examination Supervisor 438725
Shrewsbury Civil Engineer Track Quality Supervisors 438727
Shrewsbury Cleaners DIR 885916
Shrewsbury Cleaners IND 885917
Shrewsbury Coleham 439100
Shrewsbury Coleham Shunt Neck SHRWCSS COLEHAMSN 64226
Shrewsbury Condover 439103 SHRWCON CONDOVER 64235
Shrewsbury Conductors 438770
Shrewsbury Crewe Bank SWU 439303 SHRWBCB CREWEBANK 64222
Shrewsbury Crewe Junction Signal Box 438704 SHRWBCJ CREWEJNSB 64225
Shrewsbury Drivers 438777
Shrewsbury Drivers RESTR 438778
Shrewsbury English Bridge Junction 438703 SHRWEBJ ENGLSHBJN 64230
Shrewsbury Hallade 438762
Shrewsbury Holding Sidings SHRWBHS
Shrewsbury Lampmen (2A) 128875
Shrewsbury Leaton Level Crossing 438706 SHRWLLC LEATON LC 64125
Shrewsbury New Yard 439300 SHRWBNY SHREWS NY 64221
Shrewsbury New Yard BP Oil SHRWBP SHREWS BP 64232
Shrewsbury P & M 438775
Shrewsbury Payments To Ex-Employees 018304
Shrewsbury Permanent Way 018022 111932
Shrewsbury Plant Workshop 438708
Shrewsbury Production Gang 438766
Shrewsbury Production Supervisors 133155
Shrewsbury Production Supervisory Manager 438726
Shrewsbury Relay Unallocated 438795
Shrewsbury Section Controllers 143172
Shrewsbury Self Service Ticket Machine 263600
Shrewsbury Severn Bridge Civil Engineer's Sidings 439114 SHRWCE SEVERNBDG 64228
Shrewsbury Signal Maintenance 438769
Shrewsbury Signal Maintenance 122 438774 438742
Shrewsbury Signal Maintenance General Purpose Relief Staff 438740 438755
Shrewsbury Signal Maintenance Staff 438741
Shrewsbury SMA 439083
Shrewsbury SME 438713
Shrewsbury SME Trainees 438715
Shrewsbury Sportis Regional Railways 347000
Shrewsbury SRG 438744
Shrewsbury Station Buildings 438711
Shrewsbury Station Care 439063
Shrewsbury Station Castle Foregate 605981
Shrewsbury Stores 439066
Shrewsbury Structures Examination Supervisory 438723
Shrewsbury Structures Examination Wages 438724
Shrewsbury Sutton Bridge Coleham Shelf Sidings 438707 SHRWCSS SHREWCLSS 64226
Shrewsbury Sutton Bridge Junction 439101 SHRWSBJ SUTTONBJN 64231
Shrewsbury Sutton Bridge Junction Chief Civil Engineer's/Chief Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Sidings COLEHAM 64227
Shrewsbury Sutton Bridge Junction Signal SBJ15 438731 SHRW15 SUTTNBJ15 64236
Shrewsbury Sutton Bridge Junction Signal SBJ34 438732 SHRW34 SUTTNBJ34 64238
Shrewsbury TCS 438776
Shrewsbury Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581617
Shrewsbury Train Announcers 438784
Shrewsbury Train Leaders 438735
Shrewsbury Train(Wo)Men 438753
Shrewsbury [unknown features] 098343 133829 438705 438750
Shrewsbury Wales & Borders On Train Sales 920000
Shropshire Rail Agency 308500
S Hughes & Associates Newtown BW47 428100
Shunter Drivers Clacton 685079
Shunter Drivers Colchester 685296
Shunter Drivers Gidea Park 687769
Shunter Edinburgh 978598
Shunter Ferme Park Bounds Green 601163
Shunter Kings Cross 612178
Shunters 731020
Shunters Clacton 685058
Shunter/Signaller Bounds Green 611983
Shunters Outer Colchester 685205
Shunting 335712
Shunting & Marshalling 256709 126408
Shunting & Marshalling Trading In 445013
Shunting Coaching 593281
Shunting Direct 885907
Shunting Indirect 885908
Shunting Traded In 829537
Shuttle Services Team Manager 932112
Sibbald Travel Agency Edinburgh 894100
Sibsey Old Leake 622605 SIBSOLK OLDLEAKE 44219
Sibsey Signal Box 622600 SIBSEY SIBSEY SB 44218
Sibsey Signal Box & Crossing 143316
SI CMS 705093
Sidcup SID 512500 SIDCUP SIDCUP 88461
Sidcup Self Service Ticket Machine 596400
Sidcup Siding 512501 SIDCUPS SIDCUP DS 88460
Sidcup Signal NK1538 512502 SIDC538 SIDCP1538 88526
Sidcup Sportis Network SouthEast 347300
Sidcup Ticket Office 512561
Siddick Junction 204004 SIDICKJ SIDDICKJN 10031
Sidings/Ancillary 499028
Sidings & Infrastructure Manager Cardiff 270655
Sidings Inspector Maintenance Manager Barking 499664 722094
Sidings Team Barking 499663 693040
Sidings Team Ipswich 499665 722095
Sidmouth Junction SDMUTHJ
Sidmouth Triangle SDT 035800 SIDMTHT CATZSDT
SI Finance 705359
SI Finance Darlington 705074
SI Finance Derby 705075
SI Finance Nottingham 705076
SI Finance Reading 705077
Sighthill East Junction 982469 SGHTHE SIGHTHEJN 06511
Sighthill Junction 982468 SGHTHJ
Sighthill West Junction 982471 SGHTHWJ SIGHTHWJN 06519
Signal 3 554505
Signal 21 563801
Signal & District Engineer Merseyrail 437186
Signal & Testing Management 166827 166828
Signal Assistant Colchester North (Ipswich) 141140
Signal B143 323061
Signal B154 323062
Signal B242 320759
Signal B243 320781
Signal B248 320780
Signal B254 320758
Signal B318 323565
Signal B320 323564
Signal B389 323563
Signal Box 103801 936400
Signal Box Meter Burnhouse 972961
Signal Box Meter Cambus 910962
Signal Box Meter Camps Junction 923062
Signal Box Meter Grantshouse 940567
Signal Box Meter Greenloaning 871365
Signal Box Meter Hallcraig 970362
Signal Box Meter Joppa 932465
Signal Box Meter Lochmuir 916061
Signal Box Meter St Germains 935460
Signal Box Technicians Ashford 499759 500247
Signal Centre Glasgow Central Manager & On Call 127518
Signal Centre Managers Liverpool Street 127611
Signal Centre Motherwell Shift Managers 127517
Signal Centre Paisley Shift Manager 127516
Signal Centre Wavertree Shift Manager O/C 127564
Signal CJ22 406859
Signal Clerical Lincoln 631598
Signal Clerical March 731472
Signal CWP 011069
Signal Design 090623 091311 094939 094967 338104 338401 338402 339301
Signal Design 1 093946 093947 338205 338206
Signal Design 2 094923 094924 338207 338208
Signal Design 3 094926 094927 338209 338210
Signal Design 4 094928 094929 338211 338212
Signal Design & Services East 437805
Signal Design & Services East 2B 437806
Signal Design & Services West 437803
Signal Design & Services West 2B 437804
Signal Design & Test Engineer Norwich 111946
Signal DM106 327168
Signal E310 Exmouth Junction Exeter 575517
Signal E640 347261
Signal Engineer 127427 127730 128893 128956 128985 131736 132434 259982 499640 742098 127129
Signal Engineer Assistant Maintenance 511390
Signal Engineer (E) York 437340
Signal Engineering 128591 141888
Signal Engineer Liverpool/North Wales 437037
Signal Engineer Maintenance 511387 702477
Signal Engineer Major Works 437822
Signal Engineer Major Works Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 440501
Signal Engineer Manchester North 437122
Signal Engineer Manchester South 437217
Signal Engineer Manchester South P & E Supervisor 437168 437269
Signal Engineer (N) Darlington 437436
Signal Engineer North 181927
Signal Engineer Projects (1) York 094922
Signal Engineer (S) Doncaster 437482
Signal Engineer Swindon 335144
Signal Engineer Technical Support 499639 698523
Signal Engineer (W) Leeds 437357
Signal Ex-Staff 019083
Signal Fault/Maintenance Norwich 730983
Signal Fault/Maintenance Saxmundham 726821
Signal Fault/SRG Grantham 646995
Signal Fault/Test/Maintenance March 717028
Signal G152 476033
Signal G42 470260
Signal H60 360793
Signal HM2 320059
Signal HM63 320058
Signal Installer Assistant East/Support 991766
Signal Installer Assistant Inverness/Supervisor 864998
Signal Installer Edinburgh/Support 932898
Signal Installer Manager East 441530
Signal Installer Manager East Signalling & Telecommunications Support 441532
Signal Installer Manager East Support 441531
Signal Installer Manager Edinburgh 441533
Signal Installer Manager Edinburgh Signalling & Telecommunications 441535
Signal Installer Manager Edinburgh Support 441534
Signal Installer Manager Motherwell 441536
Signal Installer Manager Motherwell Signalling & Telecommunications Support 441538
Signal Installer Manager Motherwell Support 441537
Signal Installer Manager Perth 441539
Signal Installer Manager Perth Signalling & Telecommunications Support 441541
Signal Installer Manager Perth Support 441540
Signal Installer Manager Salkeld Street 441527
Signal Installer Manager Salkeld Street Signalling & Telecommunications 441529
Signal Installer Manager Salkeld Street Support 441528
Signal Installer Manager West 441542
Signal Installer Manager West Signalling & Telecommunications Support 441544
Signal Installer Manager West Support 441543
Signal Installer Salkeld Street & Support 980662
Signal Installer Supervisor Glasgow & Support 991767
Signal Installer Supervisor Motherwell/Supervisor 969192
Signal Installer Supervisor Perth & Support 880595
Signal L122 505167
Signal L238 505168
Signal L242 505169
Signal L249 505170
Signal L375 505166
Signal L538 514804
Signallers Cambridge 141168
Signallers Liverpool St Integrated Electronic Control Centre 141123
Signallers Upminster Integrated Electronic Control Centre 132927
Signalling & Electrification 718301
Signalling & Performance Manager 315624
Signalling & Rules Office 130340
Signalling & Telecommunications 314278
Signalling & Telecommunications Bletchley 136184
Signalling & Telecommunications Car Park Support Pitsea 742008
Signalling & Telecommunications Common Services B 698550
Signalling & Telecommunications Design Fees 568069
Signalling & Telecommunications Didcot Materials 314838
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer 386459 499944 680245 499946 680249 499945 680248
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer (2A) 437854
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer & Senior Management 111938
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer EG 702490 683023
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer General South East 500102
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Great Eastern (Shenfield) 688878
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Infrastructure 098964
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineering Midland Main Line 173323
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineering North East/South West 173339
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineering North West/S/South West 173671
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer InterCity & Assistant 721788
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer North 181912
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Stabling Sidings 721732
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Staff Doncaster 437309
Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer/Telecoms/Clerical 983079
Signalling & Telecommunications General Clerical Support 702428
Signalling & Telecommunications General Liverpool Street 683010
Signalling & Telecommunications General Liverpool Street (A) 683011
Signalling & Telecommunications Headquarters 437811
Signalling & Telecommunications Imprest Store 826338
Signalling & Telecommunications Instructors (A) 698573
Signalling & Telecommunications Maintenance Depot 613371
Signalling & Telecommunications Management Trainees 511389
Signalling & Telecommunications Manager 815377
Signalling & Telecommunications Materials Management 106560
Signalling & Telecommunications Materials Manager Liverpool Street 683002
Signalling & Telecommunications Materials Manager Liverpool Street (A) 683014
Signalling & Telecommunications Newcastle Trading In 829084
Signalling & Telecommunications Newcastle Trading Out 829002
Signalling & Telecommunications Planning 123865
Signalling & Telecommunications Road Vehicle Hire 745658
Signalling & Telecommunications Rugby 108783
Signalling & Telecommunications Safety Support Staff Hull 812628
Signalling & Telecommunications Servicing Centre Crewe Accounting Adjustments 096977
Signalling & Telecommunications Servicing Centre York Accounting Adjustments 096976
Signalling & Telecommunications Slough Materials 317214
Signalling & Telecommunications Staff Training Centre South 499937 680281
Signalling & Telecommunications Stonebridge 144678
Signalling & Telecommunications Stores Ipswich 722002 722020
Signalling & Telecommunications Stores Ipswich (A) 722007
Signalling & Telecommunications Stores Ipswich (Clerical) 722021
Signalling & Telecommunications Stores Stratford 693609 693677
Signalling & Telecommunications Stores Stratford (A) 693651
Signalling & Telecommunications Stores Stratford (Clerical) 693676
Signalling & Telecommunications Support Manager Design 437224
Signalling & Telecommunications Support Manager Technical Investment West 437225
Signalling & Telecommunications Support Manager Telecommunications Operations 437227
Signalling & Telecommunications Support Manager Testing 437226
Signalling & Telecommunications Technical Support Preston 275325
Signalling & Telecommunications Trading In 124689
Signalling & Telecommunications Trading Out 124690
Signalling & Telecommunications Trainees Glasgow 094946
Signalling & Telecommunications Trainers Stafford 124328
Signalling & Telecommunications Training 094948
Signalling & Telecommunications Training School 512235
Signalling & Telecommunications Training School Ashford 499935 512205
Signalling & Telecommunications Training Supervisors 730996
Signalling & Telecommunications Trent East 181993
Signalling & Telecommunications Watford 140554
Signalling & Telecommunications West Ealing Materials 318817
Signalling & Telecommunications Whessoe Lane Store 787764
Signalling & Telecommunications Working Spares 688897 702287 730987 745282
Signalling & Telecommunications Work Spare Store Ashford 500409
Signalling & Works 829051
Signalling Assistant Colchester South 141858
Signalling Assistant Colchestr Central 141859
Signalling Assistant Hackney Downs OT 141842
Signalling Assistant Norwich East 166029
Signalling Assistant Norwich North 166030
Signalling Assistants Barking 132921
Signalling Assistants Broxbourne 141841
Signalling Assistants Ely 141167
Signalling Assistants Enfield 132868
Signalling Assistants Ilford 141121
Signalling Assistants Shenfield/Wickford 141120
Signalling Assistants Southend 132923
Signalling Assistants Stratford 141119
Signalling Assistant Willesden North London Line 141840
Signalling Centre Glasgow Central Supervisor (2B) 127534
Signalling Centre Motherwell Supervisor (2B) 127533
Signalling Centre Paisley Supervisor (2B) 127532
Signalling/Communications/Electrification Support 141875
Signalling Contractors 500185
Signalling Control UK Ltd 338100 338200 338300 338400 338500 338600 339300
Signalling Control UK Ltd Executive 338602
Signalling Design 439775
Signalling Design Manager 206149 439729 439730
Signalling Design Manager Support 206150
Signalling Design Signalling & Telecommunications Ground Support 206151
Signalling Design York 437895
Signalling Development Engineer 297026
Signalling Dundee 902360 903966
Signalling Dundee (2B) 127553
Signalling Engineer 110677 131726 708020
Signalling Engineer Railtrack North West 129907
Signalling Equipment 338307 507513 507523
Signalling Fault Control 112632 112633
Signalling Healey Mills Area 842392
Signalling Healey Mills Area Relief 826890
Signalling Income O/S RESP 112683
Signalling Inspectorate 333970
Signalling Inspectors 842395
Signalling Installer Manager Motherwell Support 439747
Signalling Installer Manager West Support 439746
Signalling Knottingley Area 835960
Signalling Knottingley Area Relief 854668
Signalling Maintenance Manager Barrow 437162
Signalling Maintenance Manager Manchester Victoria 437131
Signalling Maintenance Manager Preston East 437155
Signalling Maintenance Manager Preston West 437218
Signalling Manager Appleby 133463
Signalling Manager Ashington 133481
Signalling Manager Barnsley 133467
Signalling Manager Birmingham New Street 133157
Signalling Manager Bournemouth 131714
Signalling Manager Bridlington 133476
Signalling Manager Broxbourne 141197
Signalling Manager Cambrian 128865
Signalling Manager Cambridge 141833
Signalling Manager Colchester Central 141857
Signalling Manager Colchester North 141855
Signalling Manager Colchester South 141856
Signalling Manager Darlington 110606
Signalling Manager Darlington 133483
Signalling Manager Derby 128894
Signalling Manager Doncaster 110265 110266
Signalling Manager Doncaster Crossings 110264
Signalling Manager Eastleigh 132730
Signalling Manager Ely 141834
Signalling Manager Enfield 141196
Signalling Manager Gloucester 132577
Signalling Manager Goole 133474
Signalling Manager Grimsby 133473
Signalling Manager Harrogate 133460
Signalling Manager Hartlepool 133480
Signalling Manager Havant 132731
Signalling Manager Hexham 133478
Signalling Manager Huddersfield 133466
Signalling Manager Hull 110612
Signalling Manager Immingham 133472
Signalling Manager Integrated Electronic Control Centres 110206
Signalling Manager Kings Cross 110207 110635
Signalling Manager Knottingley 110607 133465
Signalling Manager March 141835
Signalling Manager Middlesbrough (E) 133482
Signalling Manager Middlesbrough East 110605
Signalling Manager Middlesbrough North 133484
Signalling Manager Morpeth 110253 110254
Signalling Manager Norwich East 132979
Signalling Manager Norwich North 141854
Signalling Manager Peterborough 110609 110627
Signalling Manager Peterborough Crossings 110629 110611
Signalling Manager Salisbury 131739
Signalling Manager Scarborough 133477
Signalling Manager Scunthorpe East 133471
Signalling Manager Scunthorpe West 127108
Signalling Manager Selby 110608 133475
Signalling Manager Sheffield O/S 133468
Signalling Manager Shenfield 166023
Signalling Manager Shirebrook 133470
Signalling Manager Shrewsbury Central 133154
Signalling Manager Stratford 166027
Signalling Manager Sunderland 110637 133479
Signalling Manager Thetford 141836
Signalling Manager Thetford 2B 141880
Signalling Manager Three Bridges 128444
Signalling Manager Upminster 141823
Signalling Manager Wakefield Kirkgate 133464
Signalling Manager Willesden North London Line 132959
Signalling Manager Worksop 133469
Signalling Manager Yeovil 131702
Signalling Outer 127632 127633 127634
Signalling Partnership 718208
Signalling Shift Manager Cardiff (G) 389983
Signalling Shift Manager Cardiff (S) 367493
Signalling Shift Manager Didcot 303005 303080 303081 314921
Signalling Shift Manager Llanelli (G) 406830
Signalling Shift Manager Midlands 314915
Signalling Shift Manager Neath (S) 418140 421691
Signalling Shift Manager Newport (G) 367484
Signalling Shift Manager Newport (S) 367497
Signalling Shift Manager Reading 314901 314934 314990 795518
Signalling Shift Manager West Ealing 314929 318809 318810 318812
Signalling Staff Motherwell 969169
Signalling Standards 314287
Signalling Support 323147
Signalling Support Crewe 110078
Signalling Technical Services 439771
Signalling Technical Support 889010 889030
Signalling Technical Support Crewe 123820
Signalling Technical Support Saltley 110334
Signalling Trainees Inner 698213
Signalling Trainees Outer 686114
Signalling UBA Staff Birmingham 112266
Signalling Works 103054
Signalling Works Engineer Support 111965
Signalling Works Infrastructure Maintenance Unit North 440500
Signal Locking Grantham 646936
Signal Locking Norwich 731088
Signal M238 see Coatbridge Signal M238
Signal Maintenance & Fault Control 683021
Signal Maintenance & Fault Control (A) 683022
Signal Maintenance Assistant 500107
Signal Maintenance Assistant Barking 749203
Signal Maintenance Assistant Hexham 437528
Signal Maintenance Assistant Ipswich 722003
Signal Maintenance Assistant Lincoln 631579
Signal Maintenance Assistant March 706891
Signal Maintenance Assistant No 1 Colchester 685208
Signal Maintenance Assistant No 1 Shenfield 688807
Signal Maintenance Assistant No 2 Colchester 685209
Signal Maintenance Assistant No 2 Shenfield 688808
Signal Maintenance Assistant Norwich 730992
Signal Maintenance Assistant S/Central 742026
Signal Maintenance Assistant Shrewsbury 112695
Signal Maintenance Assistant Southend 742007
Signal Maintenance Assistant Stratford 693617
Signal Maintenance Assistant Upminster 749299 749205
Signal Maintenance Assistant Walsall 121626
Signal Maintenance Boston 621657
Signal Maintenance Bristol 323143
Signal Maintenance Carmarthen 421677
Signal Maintenance Colwick 624166
Signal Maintenance Engineer 641964 211867
Signal Maintenance Engineer Cambridge 702478
Signal Maintenance Engineer Cardington Street 144428
Signal Maintenance Engineer Colchester 685207
Signal Maintenance Engineer Colchester (A) 685210
Signal Maintenance Engineer Crewe 126335
Signal Maintenance Engineer Gloucester 121561 121634
Signal Maintenance Engineer Great Eastern 683013
Signal Maintenance Engineer Great Eastern (A) 683012
Signal Maintenance Engineer Liverpool Street 683004
Signal Maintenance Engineer Liverpool Street (A) 683015
Signal Maintenance Engineer Southend Central 742006
Signal Maintenance Engineer Support South Central 742027
Signal Maintenance Fault 2 Shift (Restructured) 688120
Signal Maintenance/FLT 4 Shift/RDR (Restructured) 688871
Signal Maintenance Grantham 646997
Signal Maintenance Manager/Co Grantham 181913
Signal Maintenance Manager Grantham 181911
Signal Maintenance Manager Norwich 731471
Signal Maintenance Manager Watford 166813
Signal Maintenance North East London Depot Tottenham 695166
Signal Maintenance Norwich West 731009
Signal Maintenance Relief Norwich East 730993
Signal Maintenance Spalding 638879
Signal Maintenance Staff Banbury 450702
Signal Maintenance Staff Marylebone 147446
Signal Maintenance Supervisor Darlington 787343
Signal Maintenance Supervisor Morpeth 768063
Signal Maintenance Supervisor Newcastle 772334
Signal Maintenance Supervisors 686135 686190 688890 693626
Signal Maintenance Supervisors Intercity 722022
Signal Maintenance Supervisors (Restructured) 686109 693647
Signal Maintenance Supervisor York 826480
Signal Maintenance Support Engineer Newport G 367483
Signal Maintenance Support Engineer (S) Newport 367452
Signal Maintenance Thetford 720373
Signal Maintenance Yarmouth 732884
Signal Manager Ashford 499752 128492
Signal Manager Barking 499645 693059
Signal Manager Barnham 128453
Signal Manager Bexhill 128424
Signal Manager Birmingham 112726
Signal Manager Bletchley 167707
Signal Manager Cambridge 681230
Signal Manager Camden 681259
Signal Manager Canterbury 499754
Signal Manager Central 969198
Signal Manager Clapham No 1 131745
Signal Manager Clapham No 2 131751
Signal Manager Colchester 499643 685235
Signal Manager Crewe 110077
Signal Manager Dartford 499743
Signal Manager Dover 499753 502386 131955
Signal Manager East 991729
Signal Manager Euston 167705
Signal Manager Feltham 131752
Signal Manager Hastings 499750 521979
Signal Manager Herne Hill 499744 506677
Signal Manager Hither Green 499742 510793
Signal Manager Hull 127092
Signal Manager Ipswich 499644 722057
Signal Manager Leeds 127085
Signal Manager Leeds Outstations 133461
Signal Manager Leigh 499646 744072
Signal Manager Lewes 128434
Signal Manager London Bridge 499739 499740 499741
Signal Manager Marylebone 143115
Signal Manager Medway 499748 516790
Signal Manager Medway Corridor 128531
Signal Manager Medway Valley 130910
Signal Manager North 880515
Signal Manager Oprington 499745
Signal Manager Peterborough 499310 613331
Signal Manager Piccadilly 214264
Signal Manager Ramsgate 499755 503398
Signal Manager Rochester 499749 518782
Signal Manager Rugby 167710
Signal Manager Saltley 133159
Signal Manager Sheffield 127089
Signal Manager Shenfield 499642 688805
Signal Manager South West 968359
Signal Manager Stafford 108794
Signal Manager Stoke 167708
Signal Manager Stratford 499641 688804
Signal Manager Stratford UBA Staff 141845
Signal Manager Three Bridges 131941
Signal Manager Tonbridge 499751 522978
Signal Manager Tottenham 681225
Signal Manager Upminster UBA Staff 132928
Signal Manager West 991730
Signal Manager Willesden 167706
Signal Manager Woking 1 131720
Signal Manager Woking No 2 131953
Signal Man/Crossing Keeper Attleborough 132985
Signal Man Oulton Broad Swing Bridge 141815
Signal Materials Store Bedford 151296
Signalmen 127623
Signalmen Acle 132993
Signalmen Acton Canal Wharf 132968
Signalmen Acton Wells 132964
Signalmen Barking 132934
Signalmen Bishops Stortford 132908
Signalmen Bollo Lane 132965
Signalmen Bow Gidea Park 132812
Signalmen Bow Junction 141124
Signalmen Brandon 132983
Signalmen Brimsdown 141199
Signalmen Broxbourne 132904
Signalmen Broxbourne Cheshunt 132837
Signalmen Brundall 132989
Signalmen Bury Dullingham 132831
Signalmen Bury Yard 141182
Signalmen Camden Road Junction 132961
Signalmen Cantley 132996
Signalmen Chelmsford 141133
Signalmen Cheshunt 132903
Signalmen Chingford 132902
Signalmen Chingford Enfield Town 132835
Signalmen Chippenham Junction 141184
Signalmen Clacton 141149
Signalmen Cromer 132990
Signalmen Crown Point 132980
Signalmen Dagenham Dock 132936
Signalmen Daily 127620
Signalmen Dalston 132960
Signalmen Derby Road 141152
Signalmen Downham Market 141178
Signalmen Dudding Hill 132970
Signalmen Dullingham 141185
Signalmen East Gates 141146
Signalmen Eccles Road 132987
Signalmen Ely 141186
Signalmen Enfield Town 132901
Signalmen Felixstowe 141153
Signalmen Fenchurch Barking 132846
Signalmen Forest Gate 141128
Signalmen Gidea Park 141130
Signalmen Goodmayes 141125
Signalmen Gospel Oak 132962
Signalmen Grays 132940
Signalmen Grays Tilbury Riverside 132843
Signalmen Hackney Downs 141198
Signalmen Harling Road 132981
Signalmen Harlow Hill 132906
Signalmen Harringay 132972
Signalmen Hertford East 132911
Signalmen Ilford 141126
Signalmen Ilford Car Sheds 141127
Signalmen Ingatestone 141132
Signalmen Ingatestone & Chelmsford 132815
Signalmen Ipswich Trimley 132823 132811 132882
Signalmen Kennett 141183
Signalmen Kew 132967
Signalmen Kings Dyke 141169
Signalmen Kings Lynn Junction 141176
Signalmen Laindon 132932
Signalmen Laindon Shoeburyness 132848
Signalmen Lakenheath 141181
Signalmen Leigh On Sea 132930
Signalmen Littleport 141179
Signalmen Liverpool Street Signal Box 132813
Signalmen Lowestoft 132998
Signalmen Lowestoft Yarmouth 132858
Signalmen Low Street 132942
Signalmen Magdalen Littleport 132825
Signalmen Magdalen Road 141177
Signalmen Manea 141175
Signalmen March East 141172
Signalmen March South 141173
Signalmen Marks Tey 141147
Signalmen Neasden 132969
Signalmen North Walsham 132991
Signalmen Norwich 132861
Signalmen Oulton Broad North 141801
Signalmen Parkeston 141150
Signalmen Pitsea 132931
Signalmen Purfleet 132938
Signalmen Rainham 132937
Signalmen Reedham Junction 132995
Signalmen Reedham Swing Bridge 132997
Signalmen Relief 127621
Signalmen Richmond 132966
Signalmen Richmond Dalston 132851
Signalmen Ripple Lane 132935
Signalmen Romford 141129
Signalmen Roydon 132905
Signalmen St Margarets 132909
Signalmen Saxmundham 141802
Signalmen Shippea Hill 141180
Signalmen Shippea Hill Ely 132828
Signalmen Somerleyton 132999
Signalmen Southend Central 132929
Signalmen South Tottenham 132973
Signalmen Spelbrook 132907
Signalmen Spooner Row 132986
Signalmen Stonea 141174
Signalmen Stonea Whittlesea 132829
Signalmen Stowmarket 132819 141144
Signalmen Stratford 141131
Signalmen Thames Riverside 132941
Signalmen Thetford 132982
Signalmen Thorpe-Le-Soken 141145
Signalmen Three Horse Shoes 141171
Signalmen Trimley 141154
Signalmen Trowse Crown Point 132860
Signalmen Upminster East 132933
Signalmen Upper Holloway 132971
Signalmen Upper Holloway Harringay 132853
Signalmen Ware 132910
Signalmen Westerfield 141151
Signalmen West Thurrock 132939
Signalmen Whitlingham 132988
Signalmen Whittlesea 141170
Signalmen Willesden High Level 132963
Signalmen Witham 141148
Signalmen Witham Parkeston 132820
Signalmen Wroxham 132992
Signalmen Wymondham 132984
Signalmen Wymondham Attleborough 132855
Signalmen Yarmouth 132994
Signal OO219 309670
Signal OO222 309671
Signal OO366 309656
Signal OO428 309561
Signal Operating 143660 648863 696568 745668 749263 749912 865764 931760 932265 932468 939762 962662 974761 975263 987560 993063 995563
Signal Operating Costs North West/South Scotland 173666
Signal Operating Luton Area 153669
Signal Operating Northolt Junction 147584
Signal Operation 757960 773261 774463 778766 779162 834762 841162
Signal Operations Costs Midland Main Line 173318
Signal Operations Costs North East/South West 173334
Signal Operations Supervisors 772759 774998
Signal Painting Grantham 646937
Signal Production Manager Colchester 499689 685222
Signal Production Manager Faversham 499839 512242
Signal Production Manager Hither Green 499820 510731
Signal Production Manager Tonbridge 499830 512244
Signal Production Stratford 499675 698508
Signal Product Stream 092565
Signal Projects 091798 091799 106668 106701 338213 338214 338409 338410
Signal Projects 2 094947
Signal PT260 421159
Signal R113 303053
Signal R172 303052
Signal R307 For Henley Branch 315560
Signal Relief Staff Waterloo 557891
Signal Relief Staff Waterloo (Restructured) 131961
Signal S103 317284
Signal S118 317255
Signal S121 317282
Signal S131 317159
Signal S132 314759 MDHS132
Signal S161 317283
Signal S283 317059
Signals & Crossings Works 132698
Signal Schemes Supervisor 166018
Signals Clerical Support Bristol 323231
Signals Commercial Bristol 323122
Signals Construction Commercial 323114
Signals Construction Finance 323128
Signals Construction Leavers 019201 019251
Signals Construction Personnel 323148
Signals Design Newport 334713 367432
Signals Design Reading 315609
Signal Section Manager Carstairs Faulting & Maintenance 970461
Signal Section Manager Central Assistant/Maintenance 981343
Signal Section Manager Cowlairs Faulting & Maintenance 962669
Signal Section Manager Darlington 437527
Signal Section Manager East Coast Main Line Portobello Faulting & Maintenance 932473
Signal Section Manager Fort William Combined 882769
Signal Section Manager Inverkthing Faulting & Maintenance 913662
Signal Section Manager Inverness & North Scotland 864963
Signal Section Manager Kilmarnock Maintenance 951277
Signal Section Manager Knottingley 437525
Signal Section Manager Larbert Faulting & Maintenance 987561
Signal Section Manager Leeds 437526
Signal Section Manager Motherwell Assistant Faulting & Maintenance 969194
Signal Section Manager Paisley & Kilwinning Maintenance 951762
Signal Section Manager Paisley Faulting 968374
Signal Section Manager Perth COMB & LOCK 880594
Signal Section Manager Wav Maintenance/Fault 932897
Signal Section Manager Yoker Faulting & Maintenance PAR 984566
Signals Engineer Inner London Bridge 499738
Signals Engineer Outer Ashford 499747 500487
Signals Finance/Procurement 173264
Signals Income AP449 112646
Signals Overheads Bristol 323011 323133
Signals Projects Bristol 323196 323272
Signals Staff AME Ashford 2B 500249
Signals Staff AME Dartford 2B 510181
Signals Staff AME Faversham 2B 512243
Signals Staff AME Orpington 512246
Signals Staff London Bridge 514341
Signal Standard Assistant Signal APP AST 982716
Signal Standards Supervisor 166017
Signals Testing & Commissioning Bristol 323255 323055
Signals Traded In 829540
Signal Supervisor Regional Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer 634064
Signal Supervisor Regional Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer Department 628089 656962
Signal Supervisors 745269
Signal Support Engineer 314274
Signal Support Grantham 646977
Signal Support Norwich 731010
Signal Systems Manager 182389
Signal Team Shenfield 499690
Signal Team Shenfield 698524
Signal Technical Assistants Reading 314267
Signal Technical Services Manager 386461
Signal Technical Servicing Manchester 982720
Signal Technical Support Engineer & Assistant 982714
Signal Technical Support Manchester & North West 437123
Signal Technical Support Merseyrail 437188
Signal Testing Support Grantham 631485
Signal Testing Support Norwich 731013
Signal W305 Westbury Dilton Marsh 571221
Signal W705 Westbury 571213
Signal Works Assistant Barking 749204
Signal Works Assistant Colchester 685206
Signal Works Assistant Crewe 126385
Signal Works Assistant Grantham 646943
Signal Works Assistant Stoke 131466
Signal Works Assistant Stratford 693611
Signal Works Cables 702493
Signal Works Engineer 2A 338312 507577
Signal Works Engineer 2B 338313 507578
Signal Works Engineer Assistant 694541
Signal Works Engineer Assistant Norwich 731431
Signal Works Engineer Crewe 111983
Signal Works Engineer East 437829
Signal Works Engineer Newport 367495
Signal Works Engineer Norwich 731381
Signal Works Engineer Stratford 693610 694540
Signal Works Engineer Stratford (A) 693652
Signal Works Install Grantham 646931
Signal Work Spare Store Ashford 500410
Signal Works Planning 698580 932564 932858
Signal Works Quality 969368 969366
Signal Works Reading 314957
Signal Works Staff 437346
Signal Works Supervisor Hull 812622
Signal Works Supervisor Newcastle 772849
Signal Works Supervisor York 826471
Signal Works Trainers Bristol 323199
Signal WX50 563103
Sileby SIL 190200 SILEBY SILEBY 59017
Sileby Junction 190201 SILEBYJ SILEBY JN 59019
Silecroft SIC 200000 SILCRFT SILECROFT 11210
Silecroft Whitbeck 200005 SILCWIT WHITBECK 11208
Silk Mill Level Crossing 347191 SILKMLC -
Silkstone Common SLK 678200 SKSCMN SILKSTNCN 25387
Silkstream Junction 152201 SLKSTRJ SILKSTRMJ 63216
Silla 087604 SILLA SILLA 00229
Silo Junction 154008 SILOJN -
Silverdale SVR 196800 SDAL SILVERDLE 11405
Silverdale Colliery 133300 SILVRCL SILVR COL 42307
Silverdale Staffordshire 131300
Silverhill Colliery SLHLCOL SILVERHIL 56118
Silverhill Colliery Line BLKWLFLHH 56123
Silverlink Cheques 382400
Silverlink London Euston Quickfare 859000
Silverlink Northampton Bus C 858700
Silverlink Northampton Bus R 858500
Silverlink Trains Willesden SP 706200
Silverrail Technical Ltd 1 494500
Silverrail Technical Ltd 2 495300
Silverrail Technical Ltd 3 495400
Silverrail Technical Ltd 4 495500
Silverrail Technical Ltd 5 496300
Silverrail Technical Ltd 6 592600
Silverrail Technical Ltd 7 595100
Silverrail Technical Ltd 8 596800
Silverse Cruises UK Ltd S489 812400
Silver Street SLV 697200 SIVRST SILVER ST 51950
Silver Street Self Service Ticket Machine 550300
Silver Street [unknown feature] 697201
Silvertown 140182
Silvertown & London City Airport SVW 693200 SLVRTWN SILVCTAPT 52260
Silvertown Platform 507086
Silvertown Self Service Ticket Machine 980900
Silvertown Siding 693211 SLVRTN 52261
Silverwood Colliery SVRWBC SILVERWOD 24335
Simonside Wagon Repair Depot 13011
Sims 107625
Sims Carriage Maintenance Depot Training Location 89749
Sinderland Crossing SDLDX
SI Network Services 705070 705071 705072
Sinfin Central SFC 184500 SINFINC SINFIN C 57456
Sinfin International Combustion Ltd PEARTREE 57452
Sinfin North SIR 184900 SINFINN SINFIN N 57455
Sinfin Peartree Sidings 168716 SINFFHH SINFIN SD 57457
Sinfin Sidings 168715 SINFINS SINFINSDG MELBORNEJ 57454 57453
Sinfin Sidings Colas 168717 SINFSDG SINFNSDCR 57460
Sinfin Sidings GB Railfreight 168718 SINFSGB SINFNGBRF 57464
Singer SIN 998800 SINGER SINGER 06215
Singer Station 997527
Single Payment Former Employee 018946
Single Payment Former Employee Conciliatory 018839 018912
Single Payment Former Employee Salary 018840 018913
Single Payment Former Employee Supervisor 018911 018838
Singleton Signal Box 267125 SNGLSB SINGLETON 30043
Singlewell Crossover XXN 511414 SNGWX SINGLEWXO 89548
Singlewell Depot 511419 SNGWDEP SINGLEWMD 89549
Singlewell Loop 511413 SNGWLP SINGLEWLP 89546
Singlewell Up Siding 511417 SNGWUS SINGLEWUS 89550
SI Settlement 705092
Site Access Controllers 566571
Site Management 2A 581116
Site Manager Birmingham 141616
Site Manager Crewe 141624
Site Manager Norwich 141634 141722
Site Manager Preston 141627
Site Manager Watford 141606
Site Of Newton Station 321901
Site Supervisor Cardiff (W) 382068
Site Supervisor Hereford (S) 360786
Site Supervisor Hereford (W) 360794
Site Supervisor Newport (W) 334718 334908
Site Supervisors Neath (W) 421675
Site Supervisor Westbury 334917
Site Workshop Fishguard (W) 407660
SI Ticketing 091383 093691
Sittingbourne SIT 518700 STNGBRN SITNGBROriginal code SITTINGBN 89144
Sittingbourne Bowaters 518715 STNGBNB SITTBNPAP 89142
Sittingbourne Bus G 706900
Sittingbourne Down Carriage Siding 518705 STNGDCS SITTBNDCS 89151
Sittingbourne Down Goods Loop 518717 STNGDGL SITTBNDGL 89145
Sittingbourne Down Sidings 518709 STNGSDG STNGDNSDG 89155
Sittingbourne Electric Traction Maintenance Gang 566560
Sittingbourne Freight Terminal AR&J Wood 518716 SITTNGBNW SITTNGBFT 89141
Sittingbourne Marcroft 518714 SITTBNMAR 89143
Sittingbourne Middle Junction 518767 STNGMJN 89109*
Sittingbourne Relayers PL 518761
Sittingbourne Self Service Ticket Machine 610600
Sittingbourne Shunters/IR 518701
Sittingbourne Signal Box 128467 SITTBRN
Sittingbourne Signal EV31 518704 STNGV31 SITBNEV31 89150
Sittingbourne Signal EV33 518703 STNG33 SITBNEV33 89148
Sittingbourne Signal EV46 518702 STNG46 SITBNEV46 89146
Sittingbourne Signal EV76 518769 STNGV76 89144*
Sittingbourne Signal EV4207 518707 STNG207 SITBN4207 89153
Sittingbourne Signal EV4220 518706 STNG220 SITBN4220 89152
Sittingbourne Signal EV4222 518708 STNG222 SITBN4222 89154
Sittingbourne Ticket Office 518780
Sittingbourne Western Junction 518768 STNGWJN WESTERNJN 89028
Six Mile Bottom 702701 SIXMBTM SIXMILEBT 47005
Sixmilebridge [Ireland] XSB 048910 CATZ006 -
Sizewell CEGB 721911 SIZCEGB SIZEWCOAL 49112
Sizewell Leiston 721900
Sizewell Sidings 721913 SIZSDGS
Skegness SKG 626500 SKEGNES SKEGNESS 44231
Skegness Booking Office 626562
Skegness Self Service Ticket Machine 440800
Skegness Signal Box 143318
Skellow Junction 835412 SKLWJN SKELLOWJN 23109
Skellow Junction Amoco 835413 SKLWAMO SKELOWJN 23111
Skelmersdale SKD 010400 SKLMDLE
Skelton Beningbrough 826824 SKELBRO BENINGBRO 16401
Skelton Bridge Junction 826822 SKELTNB SKELTONBJ 16403
Skelton Junction [Manchester] 281801 SKLTJN SKELTONJ SKELTONJN 32404 32405
Skelton Junction [York] 826814 SKELTON SKELTON J 16421
Skelton Mobile No 1 499172 826888
Skelton No 1 Track Gang 499171 826887 499206
Skelton No 2 Track Gang 499207
Skerries SKR 164700
Skewen SKE 421700 SKEWEN SKEWEN 79408
Skewen Station 421711
Skiers Spring Signal Box 671100 SKRSSPR -
Skinningrove BSC 792711 SKNGRVW SKINNINGV 15681
Skipton SKI 272800 SKPT SKIPTON 09531
Skipton AFCs 856861
Skipton Broughton Road Carriage Sidings 272802 SKPTBCS SKIPTBRCS 09532
Skipton Carriage Cleaning 272865
Skipton Conductors 272862
Skipton Down Stabling Siding 272807 SKPTDSS SKIPT DSS 09536
Skipton Drivers 272861 272872
Skipton Fault Staff 437374
Skipton/Harrogate Conductor Overheads 272875
Skipton Holding Sidings 272801 SKPTNHS SKIPTNLHS 09533
Skipton Inspectors 850370
Skipton/Long Preston Line 848737
Skipton Northern Revenue Protection 325300
Skipton Passenger Terminal 272864
Skipton Relief Signal 834569
Skipton RSTs 111571
Skipton Self Service Ticket Machine 303900
Skipton Shell SKPTNSL
Skipton Signal L4046 272804 SKPT046 SKIPL4046 09530
Skipton Signalling 272876
Skipton Signals 127006 131513
Skipton Signals Relief 127007 131514
Skipton South Junction Signal L4031 272806 SKPT031 SKIPL4031 09524
Skipton South Junction Signal L4549 272803 SKPT549 SKIPL4549 09522
Skipton Sportis Regional Railways 347700
Skipton Station North Junction 272805 SKPTSNJ SKIPTNDSS 09535
Skipton [unknown feature] 850371
Skipton Up Sidings SKPTNUS
Skipton Vehicle Cleaning 436053
Sky Express S150 738600
Sky Express Travel Ltd S151 738700
Skylark Worldwide Travel S153 738900
Skyline Travel S490 812800
Skypass Travel S491 813100
Skytravel Centre Ltd S679 841800
Sky Travel Y152 812700
Skyways Travel & Transport BA73 877000
Skyway Travel Ltd S154 739300
Sky Wings Ltd S152 738800
Slade Green SGR 515400 SLADEGN SLADE GRN 88424
Slade Green Administrator 515408
Slade Green Depot East Headshunt 515413 SLADGEH SLADGNHST 88504
Slade Green Depot London End 515471 SLADGD SLADGDTLE 88432
Slade Green Drivers 515463
Slade Green Drivers: Drivers Riding Inspector 515469
Slade Green Engineer Shunting 515478
Slade Green Exit XGX 515410 SLADGEX SGNMDETEX 88427
Slade Green Fleet Heavy Contracts 515402
Slade Green Fleet Stores 515404 515474
Slade Green Insurance Stores 545428
Slade Green Maintenance Depot 515468
Slade Green Modifications 150882 475381
Slade Green Operations Manager 515465
Slade Green Relief Drivers: Drivers Riding Inspector 515470
Slade Green Self Service Ticket Machine 324800
Slade Green Shift Production Engineers 515403
Slade Green Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot 515467 SLADEGD SGNT&RSMD 88425
Slade Green Traincare 515479
Slade Green Trainee Drivers 515401
Slade Green Trainee Drivers: Drivers Riding Inspector 515472
Slade Green Up Carriage Holding Sidings 515411 SLADGUS SLADEGNUS 88428
Slade Lane Junction 296802 SLDLJN SLADELNJN 32515
Slaggyford ZZTYSGY
Slaithwaite SWT 845000 SLTHWTE SLAITHWTE 18477
Slaithwaite Marsden Town Centre see also Marsden Slaithwaite Town Centre 561700 SLTHWTC -
Slateford SLA 923600 SLATEFD SLATEFORD 04105
Slateford Bridge Exam 980559
Slateford Carriage Sidings 923605 SLATFCS SLATFD CS 04103
Slateford Combined A Store 983751
Slateford Depot 923661 983824 SLATFDD SLATEFDYD 04107
Slateford Junction 923687 SLATFDJ SLATFD JN 04106
Slateford Plant 923694
Slateford Siding SSG 923662 SLATRCE
Slateford Signal ES675 923601 SLAT675 SLATEF675 04113
Slateford Signal ES972 923610 SLAT972 SLATFD972 04104
Slateford Signal ES974 923617 SLAT974 SLATFD974 04097
Slateford Signal ES975 923615 SLAT975 SLATFD975 04098
Slateford [unknown feature] 923656
SLC Rail Operations SLC OPS 57810
Sleaford SLR 636200 SLEFD SLEAFORD 44113
Sleaford East Junction 636216 SLEFDEJ SLEAFDEJN 44200
Sleaford East Signal Box & Crossing 143307
Sleaford East Signalling Manager 636275
Sleaford North Junction 636214 SLEFDNJ SLEAFORDN 46001
Sleaford North Signal Box 143308
Sleaford Passenger Clerical 636263
Sleaford Self Service Ticket Machine 441000
Sleaford South Junction 636215 SLEFDSJ SLEAFDSJN 44114
Sleaford South Signal Box 143304
Sleaford Supervisor Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 646957
Sleaford Tamper Siding 636201 SLEFDTS SLEAFRDTS 44115
Sleaford UK Fertilisers 44111
Sleaford Up Siding 636202 SLEFDUS SLEAFRDUS 44116
Sleaford West Maintenance Gang 636276
Sleaford West Permanent Way NR 636266
Sleaford West Signal Box 143306
Sleepers Payment To Ex-Employees 019106
Sleights SLH 817900 SLEGHTS SLEIGHTS 15524
Sleights East Signal Box 176601 128818 SLEIESB SLEIGHTSB 56304
Sligo SLI 033500 CATZSLI
SL Loco Maintenance 115380
Sloane Square LT ZSQ ZLQ 070200
SLO Bristol 098099
SLO Cardiff 098083
Slochd 862160 SLOCHD SLOCHD 01136
SLO Plymouth 098082
SLO Swansea 098080
Slough SLO 317200 SLOUGH SLOUGH 73822
Slough Amey Rail 317276 SLOUGH TS 73826
Slough Call Centre 360802
Slough Carriage & Wagon 317270
Slough Estates 317216 SLOUEST SLOUGHEST 73833
Slough For Eton Dorney SLX 657300 CATZ029
Slough Integrated Electronic Control Centre 132114
Slough Passenger 317266
Slough Permanent Way 314212
Slough Platforms 315690
Slough Redland Aggregates 317212 SLOURED
Slough Sales 317289
Slough Self Service Ticket Machine 242400
Slough Signalling & Telecommunications Materials 318815
Slough Signalling Panel 317273
Slough Signal S103 SLOU103
Slough Signal S118 SLOU118
Slough Signal S121 SLOU121
Slough Signal S161 317209 SLOU161 SLOUGH161 73820
Slough Signal S538/T3538 317210 SLOU538 SLOGH3538 73821
Slough Station Manager Contracts 317232
Slough Stoke Poges Lane 317208 SLOUSPL SLOUGHSPL 73832
Slough Tamper Sidings 317217 SLOUGHT 73825
Slough [unknown feature] 133971
Slough Unpaid Fares 919600
Slough Up Goods Loop 317211 SLOUGHY SLOUGHUGL 73834
Slough Up Siding 317201 SLOUUPS
Slough West SLOUGH W 73831
Slough Works 314218
Slough Yard 317259 SLOUGHW SLOUGH YD 73831
Slow Line Platform 107705
SMA Cambridge 702562
SMA Cambridge Ely Maintenance 499541 702515
SMA Carlisle 240687
SMA Chester 437043
SMA Chester Chester Section 111 437044
SMA Chester Chester Section 112 437045
SMA Chester Chester Section 113 437046
SMA Chester SRG/Cable Tester 437047
SMA Hereford 360709
SMA Hither Green 510706
SMA Knottingley 437347
SMA Leeds 437365 848797
SMA Liverpool 437048
SMA Liverpool Edge Hill Section 431 437049
SMA Liverpool Edge Hill Section 432 437050
SMA Liverpool Edge Hill Section 433 437051
SMA Liverpool Locking 437054
SMA Liverpool SRG/Cable Test 437053
SMA Liverpool Wigan/Warrington Section 437052
SMA Llandudno Junction 437038
SMA Llandudno Junction Bangor Section 132 437039
SMA Llandudno Junction Llandudno Section 131 437040
SMA Llandudno Junction Locking 437042
SMA Llandudno Junction SRG/Cable Test 437041
Smallbrook Junction SAB 549400 SMALBRK SMALLJSOriginal code SMALLBKJN 86296
Small Heath SMA 453000 SMLHTH SMALL HTH 66420
Small Heath Caledonia Yard 453005 SMLHCYD SMLHTHYRD 66399
Small Heath Cemex GB Railfreight 453007 SMLHCMG SMLHTGBRF 66395
Small Heath Lafarge Aggregates 453003 SMLHLAG SMALHTHLA 66423
Small Heath Lafarge Aggregates GB Railfreight 453004 SMLHGBR SMALHTHGB 66466
Small Heath North Junction 453006 SMLHTHN SMLHETHJN 66397
Small Heath South Junction XOH 453001 SMLHTHS SMALLH SJ 66421
Small Heath STVA Sidings 453002 SMLHSTV SMALHSTVA 66422
Small Plant Maintenance Eastleigh 591013 591015
Small Plant Maintenance Three Bridges 549116 543514
Small Plant Maintenance Wages 511371 511377
Small Plant Newcastle Workshop 772556
Small Plant Shrewsbury 438737
Small Plant Trading Out 500227
Small Plant Worcester (1) 489187
SMA Locking (G) 367502
SMA March 706889
SMA Merseyrail 437197
SMA Merseyrail Section 441A 437199
SMA Merseyrail Section 441B 437201
SMA Merseyrail Section 441C 437202
SMA Merseyrail Section 442 437203
SMA Merseyrail Section 443 437198
SMA Merseyrail SRG/Cable Test 437204
SMA North London Lines 499539 680207
SMA Norwich 706890
SMA Oxford 314956
SMA Piccadilly Longsight Section 822A 437152
SMA Piccadilly Longsight Section 822B 437153
SMA Piccadilly Piccadilly Section 821A 437150
SMA Piccadilly Piccadilly Section 821B 437151
SMA Piccadilly SRG/Cable Test 437154
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool 437055
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool Shift A 437056
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool Shift B 437057
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool Shift C 437058
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool Shift D 437059
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool Shift E 437060
SMA Rapid Response Liverpool Shift F 437061
SMA Rapid Response Manchester 437124
SMA Rapid Response Manchester Infrastructure Inspector 437130
SMA Rapid Response Manchester Lock Piccadilly 437125
SMA Rapid Response Manchester Piccadilly Fault 437126
SMA Rapid Response Manchester Piccadilly SRG 437128
SMA Rapid Response Manchester Stockport Fault 437127
SMA Rapid Response Manchester Stockport SRG 437129
SMA Reading 314936
SMA Retford 437489
Smart Project Manager 259458
SMA Sandhills 437189
SMA Sandhills Principal Engineer Techs 437190
SMA Sandhills Shift A 437191
SMA Sandhills Shift B 437192
SMA Sandhills Shift C 437193
SMA Sandhills Shift D 437194
SMA Sandhills Shift E 437195
SMA Sandhills Shift F 437196
SMA Scunthorpe 437485
SMA Stockport East 437143
SMA Stockport East Chinley Section 833 437146
SMA Stockport East GB Section 831 437144
SMA Stockport East Romiley Section 832 437145
SMA Stockport East Stockport Section 841 437147
SMA Stockport South Sandbach Section 844 437141
SMA Stockport South Section 842 437139
SMA Stockport South SRG/Cable Test 437142
SMA Stockport South Wilmslow Section 843 437140
SMA Stockport SRG/Cable Test 437148
SMA Swindon 889016 889036
SMA Temple Meads Maintenance 889008 889028
SMA Temple Meads Rapid Response 889007 889027
SMA Tottenham 695177
SMA Tottenham Maintenance/Faulting 695176 499538
SMA Wakefield 437360
SMA West Anglia 559547
SMA Westbury 889017 889037
SMA West Ealing 318803
SM Bedford Bletchley 167735
SM Birmingham 141617
SM Birmingham New Street 112733
SM Bletchley 141611
SM Boston 167725
SM Bradford Maintenance 834520
SM Brighton Platform Relief RESTR 526827
SM Cambrian 442221
SM Cardiff Valleys Axis Clearing Account 382728
SM Cardiff Valleys Redundancy In Service 382727
SM Cardiff Valleys Redundancy Lump Sum 382726
SM Carnforth Machine Controller Operations 141669
SM Chelmsford Trading Out 698279
SM Cheltenham Axis Clearing Account 473169
SMC Kings Cross 612164
SM Colchester & Assistant SMs 685666
SM Colchester Trading Out 696585
SM Crewe 141625
SM Crewe Machine Controller Operations 141667
SM Cross City 104413 104414
SM Cross City South 111071
SM Derby 133165
SME Ashford Performance 524505
SME Banbury 450701
SME Bletchley Salaried/General Hidden 136169
SME Cambridge 702150
SMED Grantham Clerical 646991
SMED Grantham Fault 640918
SMED Signaller Relief Grantham Fault 640919
SMED SMS Doncaster 640921
SMED SMS Grantham 640927
Smeeth Signal AD719 502205 SMEE719 ASHFDS719 89746
SME Exeter 575559
SME Newport (S) 367498
SMEP Hitchin Clerical 608655
SMEP Trainees Peterborough 640883
SMER Boston Unit 640962
SME Reading 314967
SME Retford 651141
SMER Lincoln Clerical 631460
SMER Lincoln Unit 640961
SMER Spalding Unit 640963
SME Salisbury Renewals (Restructured) 566346
SMES Depot Staff 641105
Smethwick Galton Bridge see Galton Bridge
Smethwick Galton Bridge 115001
Smethwick Galton Bridge Self Service Ticket Machine 650000
Smethwick Galton Bridge Station 487660
Smethwick P & M Secondary Store 112788
Smethwick Rolfe Street SMR 115000 SMTHKRS SMTHWKRST 65824
Smethwick Rolfe Street Self Service Ticket Machine 650100
Smethwick West/Junction SMW 453400 SMTHWKW SMETHWKJN 65908
SME West Anglia 702514
SME Western Reading 314966 314996 795512
SM Exeter 575502 575508 575510
SM Great Eastern Supervisor Shenfield 2 688876
SM Ilford Trading Out 688819
SM Inspection Cumbria 437065
SM Inspection East Lancashire 437076
SM Inspection Liverpool 437014
SM Inspection Manchester South East 437109
SM Inspection North Wales 437029
SM Ipswich 141637
Smitham see also Coulsdon Town SMI 538200 SMITHAM SMITHAM 87705
Smitham Self Service Ticket Machine 220000
Smithfield Carriage Holding Sidings 512112 SFLDCHS SMITHFLD 87241
Smith WH & Son Parcels 224011
Smithy Bridge SMB 266000 SMBG SMITHYBDG 31035
SM Leamington 459721
SM Leeds Maintenance Provincial Services Operator 848451
SM Leeds Maintenance West Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive 848450
SM Leicester East 167734
SM Leicester West 167733
SM Lincoln 167727 634070
SM Lincoln West 167726
SM Liverpool East Internal Check 220209
SM Liverpool Street Trading Out 698231
SMM Anglia 640964
SM March 706813
SM Midlands Bicester 310402 310420 310425
SM Mid Wales Shrewsbury 438712
SMM Lincoln Technical Support 706867
SM Northampton 141609
SM North Staffs 167732
SM Norwich 141635
SM Nottingham 167728 182763
SM Nottingham Trent 167729
SM Nuneaton 187820
SM Plant & Electrical Darlington 437535
SM Plant & Electrical Hull 437536
SM Plant & Electrical Leeds 437533
SM Plant & Electrical Retford 437534
SM Plymouth 356404 356486 575580
SM Preston 141628
SM Production Cumbria 437069
SM Production Cumbria Track Welders 437075
SM Production East Lancashire 437082
SM Production East Lancashire Track Welders 437088
SM Production Liverpool 437006
SM Production Manchester South East 437112
SM Production Manchester South East Track Welders 437116
SM Production Manchester South West Track Welders 437108
SM Production Merseyrail Track Welders Hooton 437179
SM Production North Wales 437019
SM Romford & Assistant SM Production & Inspector 688673
SM Romford Ilford/Chad Heath Production Gang 688610
SM Romford Ilford/Romford Inspector Gang 688609
SM Romford Timekeeper/Storeman 688682
SM Romford Trading Out 696575
SM St Pancras 128883 133184
SM Settle Maintenance 834521
SM Shenfield Brentwood Inspector Gangs 688809
SM Shenfield/Harold Wood Production Gang 688810
SM Shenfield Timekeeper/Storeman 688885
SM Shrewsbury 141621
SM Shrewsbury North 167722
SMs Hull 812674
SM Sleaford 141632
SM Snow Hill 451817
SM Southend Trading Out 696584
SM Spalding 167724
SM Stafford & Administration 133147
SM Stafford & Administration (2B) 133149
SM Stourbridge & SVN 464613
SM Stour Valley 114915
SM Stratford Inspector Gangs 696168
SM Stratford Timekeeper/Storeman 698158
SM Sussex & Assistant SM Production & Inspector 696170
SM Sussex & Liverpool Street/Bow/Sussex Production Gangs 693605
SM Sutton Platforms Relief 538569
SM Track Renewals Manchester 439785
SM Track Renewals Manchester Support 439782
S M Travel S676 840900
SM Walsall 167716
SM Walsall & Stour Valley South 121613
SM Waterloo Paybill 559860
SM Watford 141607
SM Wickford & Assistant SM Inspector 680473
SM Wickford Billericay/Rayleigh Inspector Gangs 689102
SM Wickford Timekeeper 689178
SM Wickford Wickford/Southend Gangs 689103
SM Willesden 141613
SM Worcester 489102
SM Worthing Environmental Protection Act 527934
SM XCN&W Staff In Training 104415
Snailham Halt SNAILMH
Snailwell Advenza Freight 703815 SNLWADV SNAILWLAV 46286
Snailwell Ground Frame Signal 1182 703814 SNLW182 SNAILGF82 46289
Snailwell Mayer Parry SNAILWEL 46280
Snailwell Sidings 703813 SNLWLS SNAILWELL 46281
Snailwell Sidings GB Railfreight 703816 SNLWGBR SNAILWSDG 46288
Snaith SNI 803600 SNAITH SNAITH 20014
Snape 722401 SNAPE SNAPE 49120
Snaresbrook LT ZSN 070300
SNCF London [unknown feature] VARIOUS 92500
Sneinton Junction Signal Box & Crossing 143254
Snettisham Market Place SNM 712200 SNETSHM -
Snodland SDA 518900 SNODLND SNODLAND 89305
Snodland Signal Box 128538 SNODLSB
Snowdon Mountain Railway Ltd 192300
Snowdown SWO 518500 SNWDNAN SNOWDOWN 89516
Snowdown Colliery Sidings SNWDCLS
Snowdown Signal Box 128471 SNWNAN
Snow Hill Booking Office 100662
SOCC Civils 098295
SOCO Based Headquarters 098648
SOCO Bristol 098616
SOCO East 098373
SOCO West 098592
SOE Bristol 323158 323176
SOE Cardiff 367494 389981
SOE Exeter 575507
SOE Reading 314237 314860
Soft Touch S492 813400
Software Facilities 705301 705302 705303 705304
Soham 706815 SOHAM SOHAM 46276
Soham Junction Signal CA491 706805 SOHA491 SOHAM291 46293
Soham [station] SOJ 524700 SOHAM SOHAM 46276
Sohna 314864
Soho 115100
Soho Civil Engineer Permanent Way Maintenance Gang 41 112771
Soho Civil Engineer Permanent Way Maintenance Gang 709030 Organising For Quality 115158
Soho Civil Engineer's Sidings 115115 SOHOCE SOHO S&T 65829
Soho Cleaners 115116
Soho Cleaners Direct 885924
Soho Cleaners Indirect 885925
Soho Distribution 115180
Soho East Junction 115102 SOHOEJ SOHO E JN SOHOESTJN 65832
Soho Electrification Overheads 115167
Soho Fitters 115170
Soho Fitters Direct 885926
Soho Fitters Indirect 885927
Soho Level 5 115105
Soho Light Maintenance Depot XSZ 115160 SOHODED SOHO LMD 65828
Soho North Junction 115103 SOHONJ SOHO N JN SOHONTHJN 65825
Soho Operations Supervisory 115118
Soho Shunters 115162
Soho Shunters Direct 885929
Soho Shunters Indirect 885930
Soho South Junction XOS 115104 SOHOSJ SOHO S JN SOHOSTHJN 65826
Soho Technical Direct 885937
Soho Technical Indirect 885938
Soho Technical Support Electrification 115168
Sole Street SOR 512600 SOLEST SOLE ST 88489
Sole Street Signal EK4013 512601 SOLE013 SOLES4013 88525
Sole User Overlay 259686
SOL Functional Concepts 022015 022109 093030
Solihull SOL 452700 SOLIHUL SOLIHULL 66431
Solihull Booking Office 452715
Solihull Central Self Service Ticket Machine 142000
Solihull Self Service Ticket Machine 889500
Soliman Travel DC15 909900
Solutions 437660
Solutions Business Planning 090128 090283
Solutions Displaced 092538
Solutions Headquarters Derby 091765
Solutions Prototyping 090212
Somain (Lille) 080655 SOMAINL SOMAIN 00744
Somak Travel S493 813500
Somerhill Tunnel 523560 SMHLTUN SOMERHLTN 89373
Somerleyton SYT 732000 SMRLYTN SOMERLYTN 48195
Somerset District Services 570718
Somerton 344000
Somerton Civil Engineer's Sidings 570313 SOMERTN SOMERTNSD 82304
Somerton Crossover SOMERTNXO 82305
Somerton Ground Frame 570316 SOMEGF SOMERTON 82305
Somerton Viaduct 570314 SOMEVIA 82305*
SOP Project York 829351
Sorting Sidings North Signal Box 141018
SOS East Coast Main Line 932668
Source System NAPS 090029
Source Systems 126030
Source Systems Acres 106293
Source Systems Adjustments 125810
Source Systems Defaults 116600
Source Systems NAPS 106292
Source Systems NPS 106294 132590
Source Systems Other 132593
Source Systems Pseudo 333352
Source Systems Races 128621
Source Systems Raids 128623 132592
Source Systems RAPS 128622 132591
South Acton SAT 145200 SACTON STH ACTON 72253
South Acton Junction 145202 SACTONJ STHACTONJ 72257
South Acton Platforms 140158
South Acton Self Service Ticket Machine 975500
South Administration Victoria 331207
Southall STL 318700 STHALL SOUTHALL 73663
Southall Booking Office 318778
Southall Diesel Multiple Unit Depot STHALDD STHALLOCO 73664
Southall East Junction 318759 STHALEJ STHALLEJN 73665
Southall Electrification Depot believed to be Southall ECD STHALLDMU 73668
Southall Enquiry Team 718408
Southall Flying Scotsman Services 318762 STHAFSS SOUTHLDMU 73664
Southall/Hayes Freight 318761
Southall Locomotive Services 318702 STHALSL SHLLOCSRV 73673
Southall Oil Terminal STHALOT
Southall Overhead Line Electrification 318722
Southall Passenger Traffic 318764
Southall Self Service Ticket Machine 253900
Southall Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Sidings 318716 STHASTE SHL WESHS 73661
Southall Thomas Clayton 318756 STHATC STHALL YD 73666
Southall [unknown feature] 270591
Southall West Coast Railways 318701 STHAWCR SOUTHLDMU 73664
Southall West Junction 318758 STHALWJ STHALLWJN 73667
Southall West Loop 318757 STHALWL
Southall West Loop & Brentford Siding 318705 STHAWLP STHALLWBS 73660
Southampton Airport Parkway SOA 592200 SOTPKWY SOTONAPOriginal code SOTONPWAY 86495
Southampton Airport Self Service Ticket Machine 173100
Southampton AMO Commercial Services 593259
Southampton APT Wayfarer SBL 859800
Southampton Area Relief Staff 593285
Southampton Area Relief Staff Signal 593287
Southampton Area Station Management 593270
Southampton ARM 593227
Southampton ARM Support Managers 593230
Southampton 'BTDB' SOTDABP
Southampton Business Travel 593211 866200
Southampton Central SOU 593200 SOTON STHAMPTON 86520
Southampton Central Electronic Point Of Sale 326900
Southampton Central Self Service Ticket Machine 485200
Southampton Central Wayfarer SBL 859900
Southampton Clerical 593290
Southampton Direct Services 593272
Southampton Dock ABP 597963
Southampton Dock Gates 590961 SOTONDG CANUTE RD 86514
Southampton Docks Berkeley Handling 597967 SOTDBH SOT WDKS 86605
Southampton Docks Freightliner Terminal 597965 SOTDFLT SOTN WDKS 86603
Southampton Down Bay 593203 SOTONB 86520*
Southampton Down Bay Siding 593204 SOTONBS 86520*
Southampton Down Loop XFW 591560 SOTODGL SOTONDGLP 86524
Southampton Down Yard 591729 SOTONDY SOTONDNYD 86506
Southampton Eastern Docks XSN SEK 597961 036000 SOTDED SOTONEDKS 86516
Southampton Eastern Docks STVA UK SOTONEDK 86517
Southampton Ex-Employees 018932
Southampton FST 506100
Southampton General Expenses Other 593215
Southampton Hoverport 591900 SOTNHVP SOTNHVP 86515
Southampton International 199800
Southampton ITSO Telecommunications/Websales 480100
Southampton Managers 593229
Southampton Marine Container Terminal 597912 SOTOMCT SOTON M T 86531
Southampton Marine Container Terminal English Welsh & Scottish Railway Southampton Marine Container Terminal DB Schenker Southampton Marine Container Terminal DB Cargo 597915 SOTOEWS SOTOEWS SOTONMDBS SOTONMDBC 86530
Southampton Marine Container Terminal Loco Holding Siding 597913 SOTOLHS SOTMT LHS 86532
Southampton Marine Maintenance Depot 597960 SOTNMT MD 86533
Southampton Maritime Container Terminal Overhead Management 093311
Southampton Messengers 593210
Southampton Northam Yard 591700
Southampton Northam Yard English Welsh & Scottish Railway SOTONDNST NORTHMDRL 86507
Southampton Operations Staff 593225
Southampton Overline House 593600
Southampton Parkway Platform 592213
Southampton Pay & Administration 568007
Southampton Payments To Ex-Employees 018986
Southampton 'PCO' 597972 SOTDPCO
Southampton Revenue Protection 593274
Southampton Revenue Protection Inspector Managers 593226 593275
Southampton Revenue Protection On Train Sales 347900
Southampton Royal Pier SMP 593100 SOTNRP 86601*
Southampton Signal E740 593207 SOTO740 SOTONS740 86521
Southampton Signal E744 593248 SOTO744 86523
Southampton Signal E746 593247 SOTO746 SOTOE746 86518
Southampton Signal E779 593238 SOTO779 -
Southampton Signal E862 593237 SOTO862 -
Southampton Signal E930 593234 SOTO930 SOTONS930 86519
Southampton Signal E942 593239 SOTO942 86519*
Southampton Signal E955 593235 SOTO955 -
Southampton Signal E957 593236 SOTO957 -
Southampton Station Forecourt 593201 SOTONSF 86520*
Southampton Stores 593205
Southampton Support 593206
Southampton Task Force Managers 593231
Southampton Telephone Enquiry Bureau 593216
Southampton Telesales 590500
Southampton Terminus SOTNTSN
Southampton Town Quay SDK STQ SMP 597900 597901 197900 SOTNTNQ SOTNTQ -
Southampton [unknown feature] 133975
Southampton Up Goods Loop XFX 593202 SOTOUGL SOTONUGLP 86522
Southampton Western Docks XSK SPW 597962 036100 SOTDWD SOTNWDKAB 86602
Southampton Western Docks Freightliner Heavy Haul 036101 SOTDWFH 86539
Southampton Western Docks GB Railfreight 597968 SOTDWGB SOTNWTDKS 86607
Southampton Western Docks National Logistics Unit 597914 SOTDNLU SOTONWDKS 86601
Southampton Western Docks Shed 107 597966 SOTD107 SOTNWDKS 86604
Southampton Western Docks STVE Carriage & Wagon SOTWDOCKS 86606
Southampton Workmans Compensation 012133
South & East 095620
South & East EG 090852
South & West Duty Station Manager 2B 547822
South & West Hazard Maintenance Eastleigh 125830
South & West Management & Support 2A 547809
South & West Management & Support 2B 547875
South & West Yorkshire Area Supervisor 645693 655454
South Area RSTs 270837
South Area Supervisor 270835
South Area Surveyor & Clerical 498200
South Area Workshop 270836
South Bank SBK 795300 STHBANK SOUTHBANK 15625
South Bank Coke Ovens BSC 795323 STHBSC SBANKCOKE 15621
South Bank Engineering Works SOUTHBANK 15609
South Bank Junction 795316 STHBNKJ SOUTHBK J 15624
South Bank Lackenby 795317 SBKLACK -
South Bank Redpath D Long STHBRED
South Bank Tees Dock STHBTD TEESDKCPA 15639
South Bank Tees Dock BSC Export Berth 795374 STHBEXP TEESDK EB 15634
South Bank Tees Dock BSC Export Reversing Siding STHBEXR
South Bank Tees Dock Car Terminal 795373 STHBCAR TEESDK CT 15633
South Bank Tees Dock Cleveland Potash 795375 STHBCLP TEES DOCK TEESDK CP 15635
South Bank Tees Dock Coal Loading Area 795376 STHBCLA TEESDK CL 15632
South Bank Tees Dock Direct Rail Services 795301 STHBDRS TEESDKDRS 15629
South Bank Tees Dock Freightliner Heavy Haul 795377 STHBFHH TEESDKCPA 15639
South Bank Tees Dock Freightliner Terminal 795378 STHBFLT TEEDKEBFL 15631
South Bank Tees Dock GB Railfreight 795304 STHBGBR TEEDKGBR 15622
South Bank Tees Dock Metals 795342
South Bermondsey SBM 542500 SBRMNDS SBERMNDSY 88405
South Bermondsey Junction 542560 SBRMNSJ SBERMNDSJ 88396
South Bermondsey Sales 2B 542510
South Bermondsey Self Service Ticket Machine 221200
Southbourne SOB 526300 SBOURNE SOUTHBORN 86353
Southbourne A259 526350 SBOUBUS -
Southbourne Sales Point 526359 526360
Southbourne Sales Point RS 526361
Southbourne Self Service Ticket Machine 221300
Southbourne Signal Box SBORNSB
Southbury SBU 694700 SBURY SOUTHBURY 51944
Southbury Self Service Ticket Machine 550800
Southbury [unknown feature] 694701
South Central 150794 151165 151194 152365 152394 473224 473283 475229 475283 475424 475486 SOUTH SUSSX RTE 06000
South Central Gold Card Croydon 599100
South Central Headquarters Input 118500
South Commercial 106943 106881
Southcote Junction 316056 SCOTEJN SOUTHCOTJ 74265
South Croydon SCY 541000 SCROYDN SCROYDOOriginal code S CROYDON 87704
South Croydon Platforms 2B 541015
South Croydon Platforms Network South Central 541020
South Croydon Sales Point 2B 541010
South Croydon Self Service Ticket Machine 704800
South Dock Branch Signal Operation 763568
South Dock Traction 774952
South Drove 638805 SPALSDR STH DROVE 46019
South Ealing LT ZSE 070400
Southease SEE 533900 SESARDM SOUTHEASE 88226
Southease A26 SSA 942400 SESAA26 -
Southease Church SEZ 799400 533950 SESABUS -
Southease Signal TLW17 533901 SESA17 SESIG17 88227
Southease Signal TLW20 533902 SESA20 88225
South East 150792 151163 151192 152363 152392 473222 473281 475227 475281 475422 475484
South East Accounting Adjustments 500419
South East BPRB 497800 497600 497900
South East Cash Security 511328
South East Civils Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 519261
South Eastern Cheques 383400
South Eastern Headquarters Input 118400
Southeastern Telesales 992900
Southeastern Web Ticketing 458400
South East Financial Accounting 125831
South East General Purpose Relief 128406
South East (G) Trainees 702427
South East Infrastructure Maintenance Unit 651000 680200
South East Infrastructure Maintenance Unit Procurement 696933
South East Liverpool/North West Technical Support 2B 437235
South East Reading 795525
South East Renewals Overheads 483025
South East Rest Day Relief 128405
South East Signals Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 512363
South East Surplus Staff 125143
South Elmsall SES 835500 SELMSAL S ELMSALL 18077
South Elmsall Junction 835505 SELMJN -
South Elmsall Production 437386
Southend Airport 688511 STHEAIR STHENDAIR 50315
Southend Airport [station] SIA 478700 STHEAIR STHENDAIR 50315
Southend Area Maintenance 745696
Southend Central SOC 745600 STHCENT SOUTHENDC 51007
Southend Central No 2 748000
Southend Central On Train Sales 915800
Southend Central Retail 745613
Southend Central Self Service Ticket Machine 709900
Southend East SOE 745700 STHNDE SOUTHENDE 51005
Southend East Retail 745760
Southend East Self Service Ticket Machine 710000
Southend Inspector Shed 099935
Southend International Airport Self Service Ticket Machine 478900
Southend Operations Inspector 742078
Southend Permanent Way Supervisors (Restructured) 745619
Southend Signal Operating 742084
Southend Signal Operating Relief 742085
Southend Stabling & Cleaning Relief 742086
Southend Station Accounting 610000
Southend Station Manager 688063
Southend Stations SSN 041100
Southend Telesales 851700
Southend Ticket Machine Maintenance 745636
Southend Victoria SOV 742000 STHVIC STHENDVIC 50311
Southend Victoria Area Trainee Clerks 742074
Southend Victoria Booking Office 688407
Southend Victoria Booking Office/Station Manager 742079
Southend Victoria Carriage Cleaning Team 688501
Southend Victoria Carriage S&S 742075
Southend Victoria Carriage Servicing Depot 742012 STHEVCS -
Southend Victoria Down Sidings North 742017 SEVCDSN STHEDVDSN 50312
Southend Victoria Down Sidings South 742014 SEVCDSS STHEDVDSS 50299
Southend Victoria Drivers 742001
Southend Victoria Guards 742082
Southend Victoria Movement Supervisor 742004
Southend Victoria On Train Sales 970000
Southend Victoria Platform Staff 688408
Southend Victoria Post Office Terminal 742015 SEVCPOT STHENDPOT 50310
Southend Victoria Revenue Inspectors 742020
Southend Victoria Self Service Ticket Machine 272400
Southend Victoria Shunters 742005
Southend Victoria Traction Inspector 742003
Southend Victoria Trainee Trainmen 742087
Southend Victoria Trainmen 'D' 742002
Southend Victoria [unknown feature] 133990
Southend Victoria Up Sidings North 742018 SEVCUSN STHEDVUSN 50297
Southend Victoria Up Sidings South 742016 SEVCUSS STHEDVUSS 50298
Southend Victoria Welcome Hosts 689179
Southerham Junction XRH 532969 STHRHMJ SOUTHMJCT 88224
Southern Business Travel S494 813600
Southern Cheques 383800
Southern Corporate Website 632500
Southern Customer Services 632900
Southern Inspection 499202
Southern Inspection 499209
Southern Inspector (Darlington) 499203 772370
Southern ITSO GAH 639500
Southern Microsite 1 639400
Southern Microsite 2 638000
Southern Microsite 3 638100
Southern Microsite 4 638200
Southern Microsite 5 638300
Southern Staff 135402
Southern Web 856600
Southern Webtis 458700
Southfields SDS SFS 551200 070500 STHFLDS SOUTHFLDS 87254
Southfields Clerical 551211
Southfleet Crossover XXP 511412 SFLTX SOUTHFTXO 89542
Southfleet Junction XXO 511411 SFLTJN SOUTHFTJN SOUTHFLTJ 89540 88498
Southgate LT ZSA 070600
South Gosforth SGH 759100 SGOS STHGOSFTH 12411
South Greenford SGN 313800 SGFORD SGREENFRD 73273
South Gyle SGL 931800 STHGYLE SOUTHGYLE 04211
South Gyle Self Service Ticket Machine 369900
South Hampstead SOH 145100 SHMPSTD STHHMPSTD 72314
South Hampstead Booking Office 140074
South Hampstead Self Service Ticket Machine 248100
South Harrow LT ZSX 070700
South Humberside Crossing Keepers 629353
South Humberside Station Maintenance 669146
South Hylton SHZ 868900 STHH STHHYLTON 14040
South Junction 179302
South Kensington LT ZSK 070800 SKENSIN STHKENSTN 72265
South Kenton SOK 145300 SKENTON STHKENTON 72009
South Kenton Booking Office 140056 145361
South Kenton LT 070900
South Kenton Self Service Ticket Machine 248200
South Kirkby Junction 835514 SKIRBYJ S KIRKBYJ 18076
South Lambeth Junction 528803 SLMBTHJ -
South Lambeth Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Sidings SLAMBTH SLATFD972 04104STANOX looks dubious. It may be intended that this refers to the First Engineering signalling school at Slateford
South Logistics Manager 125388
South Lynn 712300 SLYNN SOUTHLYNN 46248
South Lynn Banks Grain SOUTHLYNN 46247
South Lynn British Sugar SOUTHLYNN 46249
South Lynn [unknown feature] 712312
South Manchester Internal Control 296809
South Merton SMO 529200 SMERTON S MERTON 87327
South Merton Self Service Ticket Machine 328700
South Milford SOM 814200 SMILFD STH MILFD 16595
Southminster SMN 689000 SMINSTR STHMINSTR 50301
Southminster Booking Office/Wickford Booking Office Relief 689066
Southminster CEGB SMC 689012 SMINCGB STHMNSTR 50303
Southport SOP 226200 SOUTHPT SOUTHPORT 35001
Southport Carriage Cleaning 226260
Southport Carriage Holding Sidings 226263 SOUTCHS 35003*
Southport Depot Operations 226264
Southport Derby Road 227300 SOUTHPDRD 35002
Southport Drivers 226205
Southport Guards 226261
Southport Guard (TIR) 226275
Southport Kensington Road 235900 SOUTHPORT 35004
Southport Line Relief 1 225002
Southport Line Relief 2 226285
Southport Loco Transport Society 235911
Southport Lord Street SOZ 205100 SOUTLSM -
Southport Parcels Depot 226262
Southport Passenger Relief 226273
Southport Relief Drivers 226206
Southport St Lukes 226300
Southport Self Service Ticket Machine 971500
Southport Signal ML112 226201 SOUT112 SOUTHP112 35007
Southport Signal ML149 226202 SOUT149 SOUTHP149 35006
Southport Signal ML1087 226203 SOUT087 35001*
Southport Sportis Regional Railways 348000
Southport Station 226284
Southport Station Manager 226270
Southport Trainmen 226266
Southport Wall Sidings 226204 SOUTWSD STHPORTCS 35003
South Quay DLR ZSQSame as Sloane Square 086100
South Ruislip SRU 305700 SRUISLP S RUISLIP 73420
South Ruislip LT ZSR 071000 SRUISLP S RUISLIP 73420
South Ruislip Self Service Ticket Machine 261000
South Ruislip Signal ME67 305704 SRUI67 SRUISIG67 73414
South Ruislip Signal ME67R 305702 SRUI67R SRUISP67R 73419
South Ruislip Signal ME76 305703 SRUI76 SRUISLP76 73429
South Ruislip Signal ME1574 305701 SRUI574 SRSLP1574 73421
Southsea Hoverport SHV 036200 SSEACLE -
South Shields SSH 035900
South Station Relief 848655
South Tottenham STO 740400 STOTNHM S TOTTNHM 51558
South Tottenham Advance Signal 740411 STOTNAS STHTOTTAS 51557
South Tottenham Booking Office 140502
South Tottenham Platforms 140528
South Tottenham Self Service Ticket Machine 386900
South Tottenham Signal S16 740404 STOTS16 STOTNHM16 51556
South Tottenham Signal S17 740403 STOTS17 STOTNHM17 51560
South Tottenham Signal S19 740402 STOTS19 STOTNHM19 51559
South Travel Victoria 331318
South Travel Waterloo 331311
South Victoria Area Car Park FRAN Plan 742076
South Victoria Area Station Implementation Fran Plan 688062
Southwaite 207712 SOTHWAT STHWAITE 09306
Southwaite Civil Engineer Permanent Way Maintenance Gang 134 211895
South Wales & West 150782 151182 152353 152382 473212 473271 475217 475271 475412
South Wales & West BCA Items 335591
South Wales & West Cardiff Canton 151153 475474
South Wales & West Headquarters Ex-Employees 019248
South Wales & West Headquarters Input 122600
South Wales & West Infrastructure Servicing Unit 335600
South Wales & West PACC Income 335592
South Wales & West Train Operating Unit 335500
South Wales & West Train Operating Unit Cash Accounting 335590
South Wales & West Train Operating Unit New Works Axis C Account 333199
South Wales ATEs Paybill 422269
South Wales Leavers 018068
South Wales Operations Redundancy Lump Sum Regional Railways 389942
Southwark Bridge Junction 514265 SWKBDGJ STHWKBGJN 88394
Southwark Carriage Holding Sidings XSW SWRKLCS
Southwark LT ZSW ZSO 166100 005600 078400 CATZZSO
Southwark Park Junction 514806 SWRKPKJ
Southwell Church Street SUW 635400 SWLLCST -
South West SOUTHWEST 05000
South West BRPB 498800 498900
South Western 150796 151196 152367 152396 473226 473285 475231 475285 475426
South Western Accounting Adjustments 098366
South Western Control Account 098681
South Western Finance Trading In 587435
South Western Finance Trading Out 587436
South Western General Traction & Rolling Stock Waterloo 562020
South Western Inner Conductor Leaders 564263
South Western Inner Customer Information 559815
South Western Inner Operations Ill Health Payments 011187
South Western Inner Operations Relief Staff 565125
South Western Inner Relief Staff 555985
South Western Inner Retail Ill Health 011188
South Western Inner Retail Rosters 565121
South Western Inner Retail Station Management 559853
South Western Inner Retail Support 559817
South Western Operations Trading In 587439
South Western Operations Trading Out 587440
South Western Personnel Trading In 587437
South Western Personnel Trading Out 587438
South Western Retail Trading In AM066 587441
South Western Retail Trading In AM071 587443
South Western Retail Trading In AM405 587445
South Western Retail Trading Out AM066 587442
South Western Retail Trading Out AM071 587444
South Western Retail Trading Out AM405 587446
South Western Traction & Rolling Stock Accounting Adjustments 536788
South Western Traction Training For South Eastern 587458
South Western Train Operating Company Bank Location 568039
Southwest Fixed Plant Maintenance 439751
South West Freight Redundancy Lump Sum 571014
South West Infrastructure Maintenance Unit 222300 545600
South West Junior Technical Assistant Projects 702407
South West Market Testing 421468 421469
South West Technical Assistant Projects 702408
South West Traction & Rolling Stock Apprentices 605936
South West Trains 151167 475488 565500
South West Trains Account Control 364000
South West Trains Cheques 384100
South West Trains Friars Bridge Court 977000
South West Trains Friars Bridge Court Self Service Ticket Machine 977200
South West Trains Telesales 532200
South West Trains Training 597400
Southwick SWK 528600 STHWICK SOUTHWICK 87988
Southwick Sales 2B 528610
Southwick Sales Point 528611
Southwick Self Service Ticket Machine 222400
South Wigston see 'Wigston South'
South Wimbledon LT ZSI 071100 SWIMBDN -
South Woodford LT ZSOSame as Southwark ZQS 071200
South Woodham Ferrers formerly Woodham Ferrers SOF 689200 WDHAMFR SWOODHMFR 50308
South Yorkshire & Lincolnshire 494240
South Yorkshire Passenger Transport Executive Headquarters Input 118300
South Zone Control Account 128651
South Zone Overlays 128653
Sovereign Travel & Leisure S155 739400
Sowerby Bridge SOW 852700 SWRBBDG SOWERBYBG 18448
Spain (TOPS/STANOX) 087600
Spalding SPA 638800 SPALDNG SPALDING 46014
Spalding Littleworth 638815 SPALIT LITTLEWTH 46024
Spalding Self Service Ticket Machine 441300
Spalding Signal Box & Crossing 143299
Spalding Up Sidings 638801 SPALDUS SPALDNGUS 46015
Spare 012020 012023 012229 012246 012247 012261 012276 091281 093189 093199 093611 095098 095239 095240 096212 096257 096258 096259 096260 096261 106827 106863 106867 106869 110642 121845 124951 131821 131822 131823 131824 131825 131826 131827 141698 141702 141703 141711 141712 141713 141714 141715 141716 141717 141718 141719 141720 275319 275468 405812 405813 405822 405843 405844 405864 405865 405866 405867 405868 405869 405870 405871 405872 405873 405874 405875 405876 405877 568094 669178 680238 818561 848611 848614 848615 848619 848747 889041 889042 889043 889045 983762 983763 983764 983765 983814 987900
Spare 2A 451105 451219 451424 583017 583018 583019 583020 583021 583022 583023 583024 583025 583026 583027 583028 583106 583107 583108 583109 583110 583382 661358 661359 661360 661361 661362 661363
Spare 2B 583074 661350 451104 451409 583071 583072 583073 583075 583076 583180 583314 583320 583322 583378 583379 583381 583385 583386 583387 583388 583389 583391 583392 583393 661346 661347 661348 661349 661351 661352 661353 661354 583390
Spare Accounting Adjustments 095260
Spare Fleet Location 101061
Spare Inventory Management And Accounting Control System Bescot Move Allocation 330108
Spare Location 107630 107633 113754 113755 113756 113757 219871 233761 581481 581642 730948 730949
Spare Location 2B 091524
Spare Location 4 EXCS Employees 2A 581998
Spare Location 4 EXCS Employees 2B 581999
Spare Location Network South Central 545217
Spare NPS2 128681 130904 130905 130915
Spare NPS4 128438 128443 128463 128523
Spare NPS Type 1 179702
Spare Privatisation/VAT 095297
Sparkford SPRKFRD
Spa Road SPARD
Spa Road Junction XSU 514807 SPAROAD SPAROADJN 88408
Spean Bridge SBR 883600 SPEANBD SPEAN BDG 06027
Spean Bridge Civil Engineer's Sidings 883661 SPEANCE SBDGE URS 06026
Spean Bridge Points Setting Signal 883601 SPEAPSS SPNBDGSIG 05113
Spear Travels Df37 814000
Special Advisor To Chairman 096437
Special Constables 098689 098690
Special Events Expenditure A 702174
Special Events Expenditure E 702182
Special Events Expenditure R 702175
Special For Charters SPE 726900 SPECIAL
Special Groups Euston Office 619900
Special Groups Office 490500
Specialised Travel 619500
Special Movements Sergeants 098129
Special Operations 098596
Special Operations Artisan East 437944
Special Operations Artisan West 437943
Special Operations Salaried East 437945
Special Projects 096208 494613 497613
Special Projects 2A 553405
Special Projects Commercial 140349
Special Projects Manager 941966
Special Projects Retail 140346
Special Services Planning 829042
Special Severance Redundancy 719074
Special Traffic 150525 475025 562001
Special Train 16 136316
Special Train 52 136312
Special Trains 150784 151184 152355 152384 473214 473273 475219 475273 475414
Special Trains Act 01 096479
Special Trains Balances 096478
Special Trains/E Raymond Manchester 198000
Special Trains Part 2 Income 126421 256726
Specific Users 570715
Speedlink Heathrow (Et58) 328800
Speke Car Terminal 218117 SPEKECT 36303
Speke Compound Siding 218115 SPEKECS 36304
Speke Junction 218105 SPEKEJ SPEKE JN 36328
Spekeland Road Freight Depot XSD 217400 SPKLNDR SPEKELNDR 36178
Spekeland Road Freightliner Heavy Haul 217401 SPKLFHH SPEKLNDRD 36179
Speke Up Sidings 218111 SPEKEUS 36305
Speke West Junction 218109 SPEKEWJ 36306
Spelbrook 680012 SPELBRK -
Spetchley Loop 471514 SPTCHLL SPETCHLEY 67009
Spetchley Permanent Way Track Inspection 476106
Sphere Travel S495 814100
Spital SPI 219900 SPITAL SPITAL 38214
Spital Passenger 219961
Splott Junction 390933 SPLOTJ SPLOTT JN 77103
SPM 125567
SPM/Electrical Control Room Operator Slough 132139
Spondon SPO 169900 SPDN SPONDON 57435
Spondon Courtaulds Acetates Ltd 169911 SPDNC SPONDON C 57434
Spondon Freight 169912
Sponsors Agents 166010 708004 130924 131958
Sponsors Agents Backlog 128841
Sponsors Agents Civils 132170
Sponsors Agents Customer Enhancements 297284
Sponsors Agents EECS 132171
Sponsors Agents Freight/Train Operating Company 132441
Sponsors Agents Infrastructure Renewals 248573
Sponsors Agents Infrastructure Strategy 448770
Sponsors Agents Property Investment 248568
Sponsors Agents SRP 132169
Sponsors Agents Steady State 128840
Sponsors Agents WC Upgrades 248596
Spooner Row SPN 737900 SPONRRW SPOONERRW 48429
Spooner Row Station 113612
Sportis CONS RSP 705015
Sportis DAM RSP 705014
Sportis Edinburgh 932177
Sportis Manager 113623
Sportis New Street 112742
Sports MACH RSP 705012
Sports SDRU RSP 705013
Springburn British Rail Maintenance Ltd 150822 150853 150874 475321 475348 475372
Springburn Cumbernauld Booking Office 972164
Springburn Cumbernauld Station Operations 972163
Springburn DRS 999705 SPRNDRS SPRNDRS 06508
Springburn MC Metals 999760 SPRNMCP SPRINGBRN SPRNMCP 06509
Springfield SPF 917500 SPFD SPRGFIELD 03207
Springhead Junction XSR 154404 SPRINGJ SPRINGHJN 88711
Springhead Junction [CTRL] 512025 SPHEADJ 88711*
Spring Road SRI 453500 SPRD SPRING RD 66440
Spring Road Self Service Ticket Machine 650200
Springs Branch 226700 270303 SPRB SPRINGS B 35149
Springs Branch Civil Engineer Maintenance Gang 167 226765
Springs Branch Civil Engineer Maintenance Gang 168 240675
Springs Branch Down Goods Loop 226701 SPRBDGL 35149*
Springs Branch Junction 226703 SPRBJN SPRINGSBJ 35152
Springs Branch Loco Holding Siding SPRBLHS
Springs Branch Stabling Sidings 226702 SPRBSS SPGBCHSDG 35153
Springs Branch Terminal Complex Common Services 236368
Springs Branch Terminal Complex Other Part 2 236390
Springs Branch Traction Maintenance Depot see Wigan Springs Branch Locomotive Inspection Point
Springs Branch Train Crews Drivers 236363
Springs Branch Trainmen 236362
Springs Branch Up Goods Loop 226705 SPRBUGL 35149*
Springways Travel S496 814300
Springwood Junction 851812 SPWDJN SPRINGWDJ 18486
Sproughton 721712 SPRGHTN -
SQS Department 2A 553401
Squires Gate SQU 266600 SQUIRES SQUIRESGT 30035
SRS Greenfield 489198
S/S Equipment Engineer British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 534203
SSG Nottingham 181965
Stabling 126407 256708
Stabling & Cleaning 333139 335715
Stabling & Cleaning Civil Engineer Minor Works 698227
Stabling & Cleaning Traction & Rolling Stock Bought In 173390
Stabling & Cleaning Yoker 999052
Stabling Point (exact location unknown) STABL
Stadium Of Light STI 868400 STDI STDMLIGHT 14039
Staff Administration 669574
Staff Costs Re Ilkley Signal Project 856863
Staff Gainfully Employed 946368 982789
Staff In Training 493820 494820 495820 496820 497820 498820
Staff Loans 113663
Staff Not Gainfully Employed 719031
Stafford STA 126800 STAFFRD STAFFORD 43314
Stafford Arrival Sidings 1 & 2 126817 STAFA12 STAFFUA12 43323
Stafford Carriage Sidings 126810 STAFDCS
Stafford Castle Works English Electric 43312
Stafford Dinham Sidings 126812 STAFFDS STAFORDDS 43318
Stafford Doxey Junction 126818 STAFFDJ STAFDOXYJ 43327
Stafford Extra Gang 708513 126892
Stafford Extra Gang 708514 126897
Stafford Freight Terminal 43315
Stafford Lomsley Grillon STAFLOM STAFORD G 43317
Stafford No 4 126805 STAFRD4 STAFFORD4 43319
Stafford No 4 Signal Box 126779
Stafford No 5 126806 STAFRD5 STAFFORD5 43312
Stafford North Junction 126816 STAFFNJ STAFF NJN 43320
Stafford Overhead Line 126874
Stafford Paying Officer 018322
Stafford Production Supervisor 133137
Stafford Queensville Works English Electric 43319
Stafford Relayers 815361
Stafford Royal Mail Hub 270353
Stafford Salop Branch Siding 126804 STAFSBS SALOP BCH STAFSALBJ 43311
Stafford Salop Sidings 126821 STAFDSS STAFFDSAL STAFFDSDG 43321
Stafford Shere Self Service Ticket Machine 298000
Staffordshire 493230
Stafford Signalling 126879
Stafford Signalling & Telecommunications 112629
Stafford Signalling & Telecommunications Signal Works Wages 126894
Stafford Signal Maintenance 1st Tier 126854 126893
Stafford Signal Maintenance 521 126857
Stafford Signal Maintenance 521 + 522 126851 126878
Stafford Signal Maintenance General Purpose Relief Staff 126852
Stafford Signal Maintenance SRS 126885
Stafford Signal SD4-21 126819 STAFF21 -
Stafford South Junction 126820 STAFFSJ STAFFRDSJ 43338
Stafford Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581634
Stafford Timekeeper 126863
Stafford Trent Valley Junction 126814 STAFTVJ STAFF TVJ 43322
Stafford Tribute 897200
Stafford Universal Grinding Wheel STAFUNI STAFORD U 43313
Stafford [unknown feature] 133837
Stafford Works Unit 708007 126888
Stafford Yard 126802 STAFFDY STAFFD FD 43316
Stafford Yard Jarvis Facilities STAFFD YD 43315
Staff Overheads 885946 885947 885948 885949 885958
Staff REM Service Headquarters Operations Manager 983344
Staff Travel Rail Ltd 2 092757
Staff Waterloo Information Technology Staff 135904
Stagecoach South West Trains Business Travel 891600
Staines SNS 567000 STAINES STAINES 87114
Staines Accounts Office 56708 902700
Staines B1 559536
Staines B2 559538
Staines Carriage Holding Sidings XFY 567012 STAINSD STANSEMUS 87113
Staines Cleaners 442485
Staines Clerical 567077
Staines Crew Surplus Staff 567001
Staines Down Goods Loop 567064 STAIDGL STAINSDGL 87115
Staines Drivers 567009
Staines Duty Station Manager/CSM 567078
Staines Electric Multiple Unit Depot 567075
Staines For The Games SNX 660700 CATZ054
Staines Guards 567073
Staines Guards On Train Sales 348400
Staines High Street 567016 STAINHS -
Staines Points 707 567003 STAI707
Staines RP On Train Sales 959700
Staines Self Service Ticket Machine 471200
Staines Shunters 567014
Staines Shunters Not In Use ** 567013
Staines Sidings Entrance And Exit 567004 STAINSE STAINS SE 87088
Staines Signal BEF2189 567018 STAI189 87296
Staines Signal BEF2602 567006 STAI602 87291
Staines Signal BEF2606 567011 STAI606 87294
Staines Signal BEF2607 567008 STAI607 87293
Staines Signal BEF2608 567007 STAI608 87292
Staines Signal F467 567005 STAI467 STAINS467 87079
Staines Signal F476 567010 STAI476 -
Staines Signal F478 567002 STAI478 STAINS478 87118
Staines Station Bus Stop 567065 STAINSS 87114*
Staines Traffic Supervisors 567074
Staines Train Care Depot Non Paybill 567081
Staines Trainmen D 567079
Staines Turnaround Cleaners 567062
Staines Up Loop XFZ 567015 STAINUL STAINSUGL 87116
Staines West 319200 STSW
Staines West Oil Sidings STSWOIL
Stainton Junction Run Round 211912
Stairfoot 24383
Stakeholder Groups 405861
Stallingborough SLL 628700 SBROUGH STALINBRO 21027
Stalybridge SYB 298300 SBYD STALYBDGE 32111
Stalybridge Atochem Siding 298311 SBYDAS STALY BDG 32113
Stalybridge Booking Office 298310
Stalybridge Self Service Ticket Machine 237000
Stalybridge Shunt Signal SE11/SE7035 298305 SBYDS11 STALYBD11 SBYDS7035 32112
Stalybridge Signal SE1025/SE7025 298306 SBYD025 SBYDS7025 32114
Stalybridge Signal SE1048/SE7048 298307 SBYD048 SBYDS7048 32116
Stamford SMD 614000 STAMFD STAMFORD 45008
Stamford Booking Office 113614
Stamford Brook LT ZSF 071300
Stamford Hill SMH 696800 STMFDHL STAMFD HL 51961
Stamford Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 552400
Stamford Hill [unknown feature] 696801
Stamford Self Service Ticket Machine 441800
Stamford Uffington Signal Box 614001 STAMUFF UFFGTN SB 45010
Stamford [unknown feature] 614050
Standard CONT Operations 133605
Standard CONT Track & Structures 133602
Standard CONT Train CONT & COMM 133604
Standard CONT Trains & Trainsys 133603
Standard Railway Wagon Co Closed 285712
Standards 150721 151121 445126 473239 475206
Standards & Docs 150804 475307
Standards And Innovation 2A 581909 581903 581904 581906
Standards & Signal APPL Manager 982732
Standards Engineer 386463
Standards Engineer Petts Wood 512342
Standards Manager 815310
Standards Manager Infrastructure Servicing Unit 512230
Standards Manager Support Staff 130338
Standards Open 1 2A 095161
Standards Open 1 2B 095162
Standards Open 2 2B 095164
Standards Operations 155580
Standards W18 2A 095159
Standards W18 2B 095160
Standish Junction 477412 STNDSHJ STANDISHJ 68137
Stanford-Le-Hope SFO 745800 SLEHOPE STNLEHOPE 51023
Stanford-Le-Hope Retail 745862
Stanford-Le-Hope Self Service Ticket Machine 710100
Stanhope SNP 783900 SHPE STANHOPE 15816
Stanhope On Train Sales 615200
Stanier House 123746
Stanley 880200 STNY STANLEY 03110
Stanlow & Thornton SNT 215900 STNLWAT STANLOW&T 38372
Stanlow & Thornton BP Oil 38374
Stanlow & Thornton Freight Operating 215960
Stanlow & Thornton Ground Frame STNLWGF
Stanlow & Thornton Shell Chemicals 38375
Stanlow & Thornton Shell Sidings 212113 STNLWSS STANLOWSS 38373
Stanlow & Thornton Shellstar Signal Box STNLSSB
Stanlow & Thornton Signal ST40 215907 STNL40 STAN&TS40 38376
Stanlow Liquified Petroleum Gas Sidings 215908 STNLLPG STANLW TN 38371
Stanlow North STNLNTH
Stanlow Shell Arrival Sidings 215901 STNLSAS 38373*
Stanlow Shell Departure Sidings 215902 STNLSDS 38373*
Stanlow Shell Sidings GFES STNLSES
Stanlow Shell Sidings Ground Frame STNLSGF
Stanmore LT ZSM 071400 STNMORE -
Stanmore Travel Ltd 476500
Stanningley 850800
Stansfield Hall 255001 STNSFLH HALLROYDJ 29003
Stansfield Hall Junction 267701 STNSHJN STNSFLHJN 29010
Stansted 683300 STANSTD STANSTMFT 47342
Stansted Airport SSD 683400 STANAIR STANSTDAP 47344
Stansted Airport Bus Stop XTH XSI 980300 683404 STANBUS -
Stansted Airport Desk 476900
Stansted Airport Self Service Ticket Machine 205000
Stansted Airport Signal L1143 683408 STAN143 STNST1143 47351
Stansted Airport Signal L1201 683405 STAN201 STNST1201 47348
Stansted Airport Signal L1202 683407 STAN202 STNST1202 47350
Stansted Airport Signal L1366 683406 STAN366 STNST1366 47349
Stansted Airport Sportis Network SouthEast 348500
Stansted Cleaners Direct 885956
Stansted Cleaners Indirect 885957
Stansted Coopers Lane Junction 683370 STANCLJ STNSTDCLJ 47347
Stansted Down Goods Loop 683365 STANDGL STANSTDGL 47343
Stansted East Junction 683366 STANEJN STNSTDEJN 47346
Stansted Express Web Sales 917300
Stansted Mountfitchet 683371 STANMFC 47342*
Stansted Mountfitchet Self Service Ticket Machine 553300
Stansted Mountfitchet [station] SST 683300 STANSTD STANSTMFT 47342
Stansted Mountfitchet [unknown feature] 683301
Stansted North Junction 683367 STANNJN STNSTDNJN 47339
Stansted Oil Siding 683364 STANSOS STANSTDED 47341
Stansted On Train Sales 915900
Stansted Skytrain Revenue Protection Inspectors 455029
Stansted South Junction 683368 STANSJN STNSTDSJN 47345
Stansted Travel S500 814800
Stanton Gate 176400
Stanton Gate Freightliner Heavy Haul 176407 STNTFHH STANTNGFL 56558
Stanton Gate GB Railfreight 176414 STNTGGB STANTGTGB 56564
Stanton Gate PLC 176412 STNTPLC STANTON G 56557
Stanton Gate Sidings 176404 STNTNGU SGATE SDS 56562
Stanton Pre-Assembly Depot GB Railfreight 176413 STNTGBF STANTPDGB 56563
Stapleford & Sandiacre 176500 STAPLFD STAPLE& S STAPLEF&S 56571
Stapleford & Sandiacre Chief Civil Engineer's Siding 176514 STAPLCE STAPLE&S SANDAR BS 56573
Stapleford & Sandiacre Signal Box 143264
Stapleford & Sandiacre T W Ward 176512 STAPBB STAPLE&SA 56572
Staplehurst SPU 522800 SPHS STPLHSTOriginal code STAPLEHST 89326
Staplehurst Self Service Ticket Machine 274400
Stapleton Road SRD 325000 STPLTNR STAPLTNRD 81403
Stapleton Road Narroways Hill Junction 325001 STPLNAR NARRWAYHJ 81401
Starbeck SBE 822100 STARBCK STARBECK 16109
Starcross SCS 341300 STRCROS STARCROSS 83602
Starcross Station 341311
Star Lane DLR ZCJ 088900
State Savers S304 780100
Statesman Travel Ltd 427300
Station Access Income 131892
Station Accounting 532065
Station Accounts Internal Control 545301
Station Administration Kings Cross 612134
Station Announcer Darlington 787378
Station Announcer Newcastle 750613
Station Announcer Peterborough 612177
Station Announcers Doncaster 641537
Station Announcers Edinburgh Waverley 127441
Station Announcers Queen Street 991865
Station Announcers York 826882
Station Assistant 978259
Station Audit Team 297291
Station Business Manager Darlington 826826
Station Business Manager Doncaster 641513
Station Care Doncaster 641553
Station Cleaner Peterborough 613372
Station Cleaners 442702
Station Cleaners York 826877
Station Cleaning Paddington 308852
Station Duty Manager 978231 978254 978266
Stationery PERS CS Paddington 090473
Station Inner 1 749001
Station Inner 2 749217
Station Inner 3 744301
Station Inner 4 744302
Station Inspector London Bridge 514825
Station Leasing Charges 742070
Station Maintenance 719285
Station Maintenance Bradford 826686
Station Maintenance Huddersfield 826683
Station Maintenance Hull 826685
Station Maintenance Middlesbrough 826684
Station Manager Balham 539901
Station Manager Brighton 526998
Station Manager Central 127429
Station Manager Chichester 525511
Station Manager City Lines 220357
Station Manager D&D Darlington 764233
Station Manager East Coastway 521113
Station Manager Edinburgh Waverley 127438
Station Manager GNR Grantham 646909
Station Manager Horsham 530911
Station Manager Kirkby Line 224903
Station Manager Lancaster & Carlisle 314974
Station Manager Lewes 532901
Station Manager Lewes 2B 532906
Station Manager Newcastle 772802
Station Manager New Cross Gate 534501
Station Manager North Liverpool 213362
Station Manager North Wirral 214585
Station Manager Ormskirk Line 215562
Station Manager Oxted 537711
Station Manager Peterborough 613313
Station Manager Piccadilly 129816
Station Manager Preston 275469
Station Manager Redhill Network South Central 547830
Station Managers Newcastle Area 764325
Station Manager South Liverpool 222665
Station Manager South Manchester 277465
Station Manager South Wirral 219801
Station Managers Purley 537902
Station Manager Sutton 538502
Station Manager West Croydon 541101
Station Manager West Kirby 225401
Station Manager Worthing 527910
Station Manager York 826830
Station Operating Expenses 333142 335743
Station Operating Staff North East/South West 173331
Station Operating Staff North West/South Scotland 173663
Station Operations Expenses 140520 140519 140506
Station Operations Supervisors Stirling 991824
Station Outer 1 743901
Station Outer 2 745675
Station Outer 3 745681
Station Presentation (Restructured) 132726
Station Presentation (Unrestructured) 131807
Station Purchases Midland Main Line 173298
Station Services Berwick 779161
Station Services Dunbar 941979
Station Services Grantham 646981
Station Services Newark 649967
Station Services Peterborough 612157
Station Services Retford 651163
Station Servicing Team Saxmundham 722461
Station Servicing Team WYM Ship Traded 720377
Stations General Manager 127301
Stations General Manager EG 127321
Stations Manager Avon 323205
Stations Manager South Wales 389967
Stations Manager West England 340108
Stations Manager West Of England 358007
Station Staff Bishopbriggs 991849
Station Staff Carstairs 970482
Station Staff Croy 991851
Station Staff Cumbernauld 991852
Station Staff Dalmuir 997590
Station Staff Dunblane 991855
Station Staff Larbert 991854
Station Staff Lenzie 991850
Station Staff Mallaig 991842
Station Staff Springburn 991853
Stations Trade IB 445018
Station Supervisor Newcastle 772804
Station Supervisors Ayr 946923
Station Supervisors Paisley 946942
Station Supervisors Queen Street 991857
Station Supervisors Stranraer 946927
Station Support Doncaster 641894
Station Support Edinburgh 932837
Station Support Grantham 613358
Station Support Newcastle 774919
Station Support Services Doncaster 641508
Stations West 438714 438736
Station Team Norwich 722023
Station Team Stowmarket 722025
Station Trading 493960 829606
Station Trading London & South East & East Anglia 497961
Station Trading London & South East North & Thameside 497963
Station Trading London & South East South Central 497962
Station Trading London & South East South East 497965
Station Trading London & South East South West 497964
Station Trading London & South East Special Projects 497966
Station Trading North East 494960
Station Trading North West 495960
Station Trading Retail Project 491962
Station Trading Scotland 496960
Station Trading South West 498960
Station Turn Round Cleaning Midland Main Line 173316
Station Turn Round Cleaning North East/South West 173332
Station Turn Round Cleaning North West/South Scotland 173664
Station Unallocated 745683
STA Travel A483 462500
STA Travel Ltd R135 463300
STA Travel S497 814500
STA Travel S498 814600
STA Travel S499 814700
Status Meetings Ltd S680 841900
Statutory Inspections Manager 206167
Statutory Inspectors 439757 980653
Staveley (Cumbria) SVL 197700 STAVELY STAVELEY 11003
Staverton Bridge 355869 STVRTBG -
Staythorpe 55512
Staythorpe A Power Station 55513
Staythorpe B Power Station 55512
Staythorpe Crossing 635301 STYTHPX STAYTHRPX 55511
Staythorpe Crossing Signal Box & Crossing 143260
Stechford SCF 104300 STECHFD STECHFORD 65611
Stechford Station 104360
Stechford [unknown feature] 104301
Steetley Co Doloma Quarries 655112
Steeton & Silsden SON 846900 STEETON STEETON&S 17009
Steeton & Silsden Self Service Ticket Machine 629200
Stellaris Business Travel S681 842100
Stellaris Bus Travel Hull A554 191600
Stelmar International Travel S501 814900
Stena Line Ltd S789 910000
Stena Sealink ER91 517000
Stenson Ground Position Light Signal DY306 168909 STSN306 STENSN306 57462
Stenson Junction SOJ 168905 STSNJN STENSONJN 57458
Stenson Junction Signal BC37 STSBC37
Stenton Ground Shunt Panel 939764 STENTON STENTON 04825
Stepney Green Junction 655900 SPNYGNJ STEPNYGNJ 52206
Stepney Green LT ZSG 071500
Stepney Green Signal XR201/XR203 655901 SPNY201 STEPNY201 52234
Stepney Green Signal XR205/XR207 655902 SPNY205 STEPNY205 52235
Stepps SPS 984200 STEPPS STEPPS 06503
Stepps Self Service Ticket Machine 337800
Sterling Travel Management 633200
STE SMA & Assistants Great Eastern 686126 698160
Stevenage SVG 609200 STEVNGE STEVENAGE 53223
Stevenage Bowaters Packaging 609311
Stevenage Bus 187500
Stevenage Headquarters Finance E Group 021000
Stevenage Langley SG CLSD11/70 609300
Stevenage National Express East Coast Self Service Ticket Machine 918100
Stevenage Redland 609312
Stevenage Self Service Ticket Machine 871600
Stevenage Signal K214 609205 STEV214 STEV K214 53222
Stevenage Signal K669 609208 STEV669 STESIG669 53204
Stevenage Signal YB2340 609209 STEV340 53410
Stevenage Travel Centre 606800
Stevenage [unknown feature] 133991
Stevenage Up Fast Signal K656 609203 STEV656 STEVUF656 53220
Stevenage Whittlesford Bus Link STEVWIT
Stevenston STV 955300 STVNSTN STEVENSTN 08123
Stevenston Down Goods Loop 955364 STVNDGL STVNSNDGL 08124
Stevenston East Sidings 955365 STVNSES 08123*
Stevenston Freight Terminal Residual 955361
Stevenston Freight Terminal Shunting 955360
Stevenston Nobel Siding (Ardeer) 955311 STVNNBS STVNSNORG 08122
Stevenston NPS 955312 STVNNPS STVNSN PC 08121
Stevenston Rolling Stock Wagons 955363
Stevenston Signal Operating 955362
Steventon 303055 STVTN STEVENTON 74324
Stevning 531500
Stewartby SWR 138600 STWRTBY STEWARTBY 62043
Stewartby Forders LDC English Welsh & Scottish Railway 138601 STWRLDC -
Stewartby Level Crossing Green Lane 143207
Stewarton STT 955400 STEWRTN STEWARTON 08703
Stewarton Self Service Ticket Machine 339400
Stewarts Lane 537100 098729 098731 STWT 87238*
Stewarts Lane Administration 097914
Stewarts Lane Administration Management 125898
Stewarts Lane Berthing Siding 537101 STWTBS STEWLN CS STEWLN BS 87237
Stewarts Lane Carriage Siding 537110
Stewarts Lane Civil Engineer's Sidings STEWRTSLN 87234
Stewarts Lane Cleaning 097912
Stewarts Lane Days 537102 STWTDAY STEWLN LP 87235
Stewarts Lane Depot App 605954
Stewarts Lane Depot Fuel Point 109299
Stewarts Lane Depot Maintenance 097922
Stewarts Lane Depot Operation 097921
Stewarts Lane Depot Up Loop 537103 STWTUPL STEWLNUPL 87187
Stewarts Lane Ex-Employees 018005
Stewarts Lane Finance 125165
Stewarts Lane Fr/Dep Loco Maintenance 097918
Stewarts Lane Fuel Point Workshop 125204
Stewarts Lane Helpdesk Supervisor 270183
Stewarts Lane Junction 537162 STWTJN STEWRTSLN 87234
Stewarts Lane Loco Maintenance Labourers 125209
Stewarts Lane Loco Management 125159
Stewarts Lane Locomotive Maintenance Chargehands 125210
Stewarts Lane Locomotive Maintenance Clerical 125208
Stewarts Lane Locomotive Maintenance Supervisors 125207
Stewarts Lane Locomotive Management/Technical 125227
Stewarts Lane Maintenance 097919 270185
Stewarts Lane Marcon R M C 537114 STWTLAM STWTLAM 87236
Stewarts Lane Network Cleaning 097913 719217
Stewarts Lane Network Maintenance 097920
Stewarts Lane Safety & Quality Clerical 125249
Stewarts Lane Signal VS567 537105 STWT567 STEWLN567 87272
Stewarts Lane Signal VS569 537106 STWT569 STEWLN569 87273
Stewarts Lane Tabs Office 719218
Stewarts Lane Tarmac Freightliner Heavy Haul 537108 STWTFHH STEWLN FL 87277
Stewarts Lane Tarmac GB Railfreight 537107 STWTGBR STEWLN GB 87274
Stewarts Lane Team Leader & Works 270184
Stewarts Lane Traction & Rolling Stock InterCity 098730
Stewarts Lane Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot XSL 537170 098732 STWTTMD SLNT&RSMD 87238
Stewarts Lane UAT 270186
Stewarts Lane [unknown features] STEWRTSLN 88990
Stillingon 795600
Stillingon Clarks 795615
Stillingon Estates Ltd 795616
Stirling STG 988800 STIRLNG STIRLING 03401
Stirling Car Park 991831
Stirling Carriage Stabling & Servicing Residual 988866
Stirling Causewayhead Junction 988885 STIRCHJ CAUSEWYJ 03395
Stirling Conductors NPS2B 991884
Stirling Depot 03411
Stirling Drivers NPS2B 991891
Stirling East 988400
Stirling Freight Terminal Shunting 988862
Stirling Freight Terminal Shunting TOPS 988872
Stirling Holidays NOR A179 191300
Stirling Local Area Administration 988865
Stirling Middle 988880 STIRLNM STIRLMIDL STIRMIDL 03402
Stirling MOD 03414
Stirling MOD (Army) PS 988612
Stirling Motor Rail Terminal 988891
Stirling North 988881 STIRLNN STIRLNTH 03403
Stirling On Track Machine Drivers 386433 880633
Stirling On Train Sales 348600
Stirling Parcels Depot Residual 988863
Stirling Passenger Terminal Shunting 988861
Stirling Plean Caberboard 988613 STIRP PLEAN 05001
Stirling Rolling Stock Carriages 988870
Stirling Rolling Stock Traction 988868
Stirling S & D Lines 988878 STIRLSD STIRLS&D 03404
Stirling Self Service Ticket Machine 322600
Stirling Sidings 988801 STIRSDG STIRLSDG STIRLGSDG 03402Earlier code 03405Later code
Stirling Signal 6504 988803 STIR504 STIRL6504 03407
Stirling Signalling & Telecommunications Maintenance 988871
Stirling Signal Operating 988864
Stirling Signal Operations 2B 127566 127567
Stirling Support Services 993160
Stirling Train Crews Footplate 988867
Stirling Train Crews Guards Passenger 988860
Stirling Train Crews Other Train Staff 988869
Stirling [unknown features] 133873 871366 871367
Stirling Up Passenger Loop 988802 STIRUPL STIRLUPL 03406
Stirling Welders 980541
Stirling West 988600
Stirling West Cape Insulation Ltd 988611
Stirling West Harrisons Lime Polmaise 988614
Stirling West Permanent Way Maintenance Gangs 988664
Stirling West Permanent Way Maintenance Inspectors 988660
Stirling West Permanent Way Utility Gang 988665
Stirling West Scottish Timber Products PS 988613
Stirling West Signal Operating 988662
Stirling West Subsidiary Yard 988615
Stirling West Train Crews Guards Freight 988663
Stirling West Train Crews Guards Passenger 988661
STM Manager Clapham Junction 559528
Stoats Nest Junction XJS 543060 SNSTJN STOATSNJN 87901
Stoats Nest Junction Signal T1109 543001 SNST109 SNSTJN109 87885
Stoats Nest Junction Signal T1110 543002 SNST110 SNSTJN110 87886
Stoats Nest North Ground Frame 543061 SNSTGF COULSDNGF 87899
Stock 132596 437296
Stockbridge 587100
Stock Control & Order Centre 566599 829236
Stockingford 116100
Stockley Bridge Junction 317415 STKYBJN STOCKLYBJ 73796
Stockley Junction 317414 STKYJN STOCKLYJN 73799
Stockport SPT 277100 STKP STOCKPORT 32534
Stockport Adswood Road Bridge 277169
Stockport Area Operations 277176
Stockport Area Train Recorders 141487 295587
Stockport Avantix 302000
Stockport Carriage Maintenance Depot 277162 STKPCS STOCKPTCS 32531
Stockport Carriage Servicing 277160
Stockport CC/Shunt Supervision 277157
Stockport Cheadle Village Junction 277105 STKPCVJ CHEADLEVJ 32533
Stockport Edgeley Junction No 1 277102 STKPE1 EDGLEYNO1 32537
Stockport Edgeley Junction No 2 277103 STKPE2 EDGLEYNO2 32536
Stockport Edgeley Signal EY1.20 277108 STKPE20 STKEDGE20 32558
Stockport Electronic Point Of Sale 277800
Stockport Engineer Liaison Supervisors 129979
Stockport First North Western Quickfare 310800
Stockport Fitters 605940
Stockport Inspection Team 437097
Stockport Messengers 141488 296875
Stockport Movements Inspectors 219864
Stockport Movements Supervisors 141405
Stockport Operating Assistant 277159
Stockport Passenger Aptis 927100
Stockport Production Operations 437106
Stockport Self Service Ticket Machine 175300
Stockport Shunters 277164 297580
Stockport Signalmen 141467 141468 141469 141473 141474
Stockport Signal ST2.88/89 277107 STKP288 STKSIG88 32588
Stockport Signal ST2.114 277109 STKP214 32413
Stockport Signal ST2.116/118 277104 STKP216 STKSIG216 32556
Stockport [unknown feature] 133909
Stockport Viaduct 277110 STKPVIA STOCKPTVD 32532
Stockport Works Engineers Staff 277181
Stocksfield SKS 751300 STCKSFL STOCKSFLD 13321
Stocksmoor SSM 845100 STKSMR STOCKMOOR 18494
Stocks Of Stores Provision 983436
Stockton STK 797500 STOCTON STOCKTON 15223
Stockton Area Relief Signals 797564
Stockton Area Signals 797563
Stockton Brook SBN 001600 STKTBRK 43426
Stockton Cut Junction 797516 STOCCJN STOCKTNCJ 15229
Stockton North Shore 796100
Stockton Signal 907 797505 STOC907 STKTNS907 15226
Stockton South 796400
Stockton/Sunderland Line 797562
Stockton T J Thomson 796118 STOCTMS STOCKTHMS 15224
Stockton T J Thomson Advenza Railfreight 796119 STOCTAD STOCKTDRS 15222
Stockton T J Thomson Devon & Cornwall Railways 796117 STOCDC STOCKTNDC 15221
Stockton T J Thomson 'DIS' STOCKTDIS 15225
Stockton T J Thomson GB Railfreight 796120 STOCGBF STOCKTHGB 15228
Stockwell LT ZSL 071600
Stogumber 346900 STOGMBR -
Stoke 133830
Stoke Canon Level Crossing 341666 STCALC STOKECANN 83116
Stoke Civil Engineer Permanent Way Relaying Gang 306 131456
Stoke Civil Engineer Relaying Office 720416 131430
Stoke Civil Engineer SWS Timekeepers 131451
Stoke Cliffe Vale 131411 STOKCV STOKE CV 43215
Stoke Cliffe Vale Axiom (?) STOKECVAX 43221
Stoke Cliffe Vale 'RP' 131428 STOKCVR STOKECVRP 43208
Stoke Cliffe Vale Yard 43121
Stoke Cockshute Holding Sidings 43201
Stoke Cockshute Sidings 131403 STOKCS CKSHTSDGS 43220
Stoke Endon 128703 STOKEND ENDON 43417
Stoke Extra Gang 714509 131438
Stoke Extra Gang 714510 131439
Stoke Extra Gang 714511 131435
Stoke Gifford 270148
Stoke Gifford Down Reception 323057 STKGDRC 81111*
Stoke Gifford English Welsh & Scottish Railway Carriage & Wagon 323010 STOKEGIFD 81114
Stoke Gifford Freightliner Heavy Haul 323005 STKGFHH STKGIFFD 81110
Stoke Gifford IEP Depot 323019 STKGIEP STKGFDIEP 81119
Stoke Gifford Light Maintenance Depot 323063 STKGLMD STKGIFLMD 81113
Stoke Gifford Sidings 323059 STKGSDG STKGIFFRD STKGSDG 81111
Stoke Gifford Signal B143 STKG143
Stoke Gifford Signal B506 323002 STKG506 81123
Stoke Gifford Signal B589 323056 STKG589 STKGFD589 81117
Stoke Gifford Tip 323572 437281 437282 STKGTIP STKGTIP 81112
Stoke Gifford Traction Maintenance Depot STKGTMD
Stoke Gifford Up Reception 323058 STKGURS
Stoke Gifford Wagon Maintenance Depot 323064 STKGWMD STKGIFWMD 81115
Stoke Gifford Wagon Repair Depot 270192 322061
Stoke Glebe Street 43214
Stoke Granville Sidings 129401 STOKGRA STOKGRANV 43116
Stoke Hanley Bus Station HNY 985700 STOKHAN -
Stoke Junction [Grantham] 646921 SOKEJN STOKE TNL STOKEJUNC 44999
Stoke Junction Halt STOKEJH
Stoke Junction Maintenance Gang 714076 131498
Stoke Junction [Staffordshire] 131405 STOKOTJ STOKEOTJN 43222
Stoke Level Crossing Wareham 131775
Stoke Level Crossing Wareham (Restructured) 131999
Stoke Little Bytham 606000 SOKELBY L BYTHAM 45000
Stoke Maintenance 131483
Stoke Mandeville SKM 146700 STKM STOKEMANV 70358
Stoke Mandeville Sales 146710
Stoke Mandeville Self Service Ticket Machine 261100
Stoke Marcroft Engineering Stoke Wagon Repairs Ltd 131414 STOKMAR STOKE M 43231
Stoke Milton 131409 STOKMIL MILTON 43415
Stoke National Carriers Ltd 43212
Stoke Newcastle Junction 131410 STOKNEW NCASTLEJN 43212
Stoke Newington SKW 693400 STKNWNG STOKE NEW 51963
Stoke Newington Self Service Ticket Machine 554600
Stoke Newington [unknown feature] 693401
Stoke North Signal Box 2B 126781
Stoke North West Yard 131462 STOKNWY STOKE N W STOKE NWY 43205 43223
Stoke North West Yard Reversing Point 131463 STOKYRV STOKENWYR 43224
Stoke Oakamoor 128704 STOKOAK OAKAMOOR 43424
Stoke Oakamoor British Industrial Sand 131011 OAKAMOR 43425
Stoke-On-Trent SOT 131400 STOKEOT STOKE 43211
Stoke-On-Trent Avantix 301700
Stoke-On-Trent Loco Holding Sidings STOKLHS STOKE LHS 43209
Stoke-On-Trent Milton Junction 43401
Stoke-On-Trent North 131406 STOKOTN STOKE NJN 43210
Stoke-On-Trent Paying Officer 018323
Stoke-On-Trent Self Service Ticket Machine 176200
Stoke-On-Trent Signal General Purpose Relief Staff 131426 131468
Stoke-On-Trent Signal Maintenance 541 131425 131467
Stoke-On-Trent Tribute 901500
Stoke-On-Trent Turner Rail 131401 STOKTNR LONGPTTMD 43232
Stoke Permanent Way Supervisors 131459
Stoke Permanent Way Timekeeper 131460
Stoke Power Signal Box 2B 126780
Stoke Pratts Sidings 43225
Stoke Redundant Assets Gang 720515 131445
Stoke Relay Gang 720302 131442
Stoke Relay Gang 730305 131472
Stoke Section Gang 124342
Stoke Shelton SHELTON 43112
Stoke Shelton Wharf 43213
Stoke Sideway Loop 131413 STOKSID SIDEWYDPL 43302
Stoke Signal 271 131417 STOK271 STOKE 271 43216
Stoke Signal 439 131423 STOK439 STOKE 439 43217
Stoke Signal 462 131416 STOK462 STOKE 462 43218
Stoke Signal 527 131427 STOK527 STOKE 527 43219
Stoke Signal 534 131415 STOK534 STOKE 534 43213
Stoke Signal 540 131418 STOK540 STOKE 540 43214
Stoke Signal Fault Team 131422
Stoke Signalling 131444
Stoke Signal LKG/PTG/SRS 131420 131436
Stoke Signal Maintenance 542 131421 131443
Stoke Signal Works Depot 131424
Stoke South 001300 STOKSTH 43416
Stoke South Signal Box 2B 141020
Stoke Station Stoke-On-Trent 605983
Stoke SWS 108746
Stoke Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581633
Stoke TIG 131419
Stoke Timekeeper 131441
Stoke Tip 270584
Stoke Viaduct Sidings 131407 STOKVS VIADUCT S 43225
Stoke Works Junction 471513 STKWKSJ STOKEWKJN 67008 67066
Stoke Work Unit 714072 131437
Stoke Yard 43220
Stone SNE 131600 STONE STONE 43308
Stonea 716501 STNA STONEA 46214
Stone Ashton 131603 STONASH ASTONBYST 43309
Stonebridge Depot Manager 226721
Stonebridge Park SBP 145400 STNBGPK STONEBGPK 72031
Stonebridge Park Booking Office 142364
Stonebridge Park Bridge Exam 145477
Stonebridge Park Civil Engineer AWS Artisan Staff 145478
Stonebridge Park Civil Engineer Patrol 140194
Stonebridge Park Civil Engineer Production 140238
Stonebridge Park Civil Engineer's Sidings STNBCE STONEBRPK 72098
Stonebridge Park Civil Engineer Works 140607
Stonebridge Park Depot 071762 STNBPKD STONEBLUL 72032
Stonebridge Park LT 071700
Stonebridge Park No 21 Road 071760
Stonebridge Park No 22 Road 071761
Stonebridge Park Permanent Way Gang 036 145481
Stonebridge Park Permanent Way Gang 037 145476
Stonebridge Park Permanent Way Section 140290
Stonebridge Park Rostered Staff 108728
Stonebridge Park Self Service Ticket Machine 248300
Stonebridge Park Signal WS32 145403 STNBS32 STNBGPK32 72035
Stonebridge Park Signal WS34 145401 STNBS34 STNEBSIGS 72034
Stonebridge Park Signal WS36 145402 STNBS36
Stonebridge Park SWS Supervisors 145479
Stonebridge Park Wagon Repair Depot STNBHRD
Stonebridge Park Works Depot 121713
Stonebridge PO/Allocators/Train Resources 116082
Stone Civil Engineer's Sidings STONE CE 43307 43301
Stone Crossing SCG 524800 STCR STONEXOriginal code STNCRSSNG 88697
Stone Crossing-Horns Cross 524810 STCRHCR -
Stone Crossing Signal Box STNXGSB
Stone Crossing Ticket Office 524811
Stone Crossing [unknown feature] 128535
Stone Crown Street XIS SCN 985901 654600 STONECS -
Stonegate SOG 524000 SNGT STONEGTOriginal code STONEGATE 89393
Stone Granville Square SGQ 925400 985900 STONEGS -
Stonehaven STN 896400 SHVN STONEHAVN 02113
Stonehaven Self Service Ticket Machine 372700
Stonehaven Signal SV40 896401 SHVN40 STONHVN40 02117
Stonehaven South 896461 SHVNS STNHVN RS 02114
Stonehaven Station Staff 978251
Stonehenge Bus SHG 565300
Stonehouse SHU 477000 STNHSE STONEHOUS 68159
Stonehouse Booking 477061
Stonehouse Corner Roundabout 745307 STNCRBT -
Stonehouse Platform 477011
Stonehouse Post Office 477001 STNHPO -
Stonehouse Self Service Ticket Machine 289900
Stone Junction 131601 STONJN STONEJ STONE CE 43307
Stoneleigh SNL 560600 STLEIGH STNLEGHOriginal code STONLEIGH 87303
Stoneleigh Clerical 560611
Stoneleigh Self Service Ticket Machine 411600
Stone Maintenance Gang 714075 131663
Stone Meaford Power Station 43304
Stone Meaford Sidings 131602 STONEMS STONEMSDG 43303
Stone Sandon 131604 STONSAN SANDON S 43310
Stone Signal S505 131605 STON505 STONE505 43300
Stone Signal S510 131606 STON510 STONE510 43301
Stood Off ICCS 092936
Storemen Queen Street 991864
Stores 095753 096603 313906 313925 622928 850860
Stores 2A Ipswich 661356
Stores Accounting 107511 107543 107567 107572 107585 107598
Stores Accounting Adjustments 095358
Stores Accounting Slot 42 Infrastructure 983411
Stores Accounting Slot Track Renewal Unit 983808
Stores Accounting Traction & Rolling Stock Slot 48 983409
Stores Accounting Train Operating Unit 113662
Stores & Financial Accounting 702220
Stores Aylesbury Depot 149199 403009
Stores Balance Sheet Balances 500177
Stores Bounds Green 611968 884303
Stores Civils Angerstein 519264
Stores Control & Order Centres 601539
Stores Controller 141200
Stores Controller ICCS 092925
Stores Craigentinny 884325 932420
Stores Crewe 123968
Stores Deliveries Not Charged 335191
Stores East Ham Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 744298 750722
Stores Electricians Ashford 500449
Store Selhurst 532035
Stores Financial Accounting 093796 095742 113483
Stores For CPM Liverpool 480598
Stores For Facilities Liverpool 480597
Stores Inner 568029
Stores/Inventory Management And Accounting Control System Balances 333262 335046
Stores Motor Driver Newcastle 772409
Stores Operatives Norwich 731433
Stores Section Civils Strood 519160
Stores Southend Inventory Management And Accounting Control System 745592 750739
Stores Supervisor Muirhouse 982192
Stores Supervisor Newcastle 772353 772410
Stores Supervisor Newport (G) 367480
Stores Supervisor York 826457
Stores Yoker 997503
Stormstown Junction 380161 STOMJN STORMSTNJ 78207
Stormstown Loop 380162 STOMSTN STORMTNLP 78206
Stormy 380959 STORMY STORMY LP 79787
Stormy Down Goods Loop 380956 STORDGL STORMYDGL 79786
Stormy Loops STORMY 79787
Stormy Up Goods Loop 380957 STORUGL STORMYUGL 79788
Stornoway SOY 905600 STWY -
Stourbridge Conductors 464620
Stourbridge Junction SBJ 464600 STRBDGJ STOURBDGJ 65933
Stourbridge Junction Booking Office 487861
Stourbridge Junction Carriage Sidings 464601 STRBCS STRBJCS STRBDGSDG 65931
Stourbridge Junction Chiltern On Train Sales 329500
Stourbridge Junction Goods Loop XSF 464668 STRBJGL STRBDGJNS 65930
Stourbridge Junction Light Maintenance Depot 464603 STRBDEP STOURBLMD 65920
Stourbridge Junction Light Maintenance Depot Headshunt 464604 STRBHDS STRBLMDHS 65921
Stourbridge Junction S C T 111064
Stourbridge Junction Self Service Ticket Machine 148000
Stourbridge Junction Signal Box 143160
Stourbridge Junction Sportis 371700
Stourbridge Junction Town Platform SBJ 464605 STRBDG1 STRBDGPLT 65932
Stourbridge Junction [unknown feature] 464602
Stourbridge Kidderminster Redditch 7201 464688
Stourbridge Kidderminster Redditch 7201 2B 581787
Stourbridge North Junction 464606 STRBNJN STOURBDNJ 65940 34604
Stourbridge Permanent Way 018223 108753
Stourbridge Production Gang 464680
Stourbridge Production Supervisory Managers 464615
Stourbridge Sidings 464607 STRBSDG STOURSDGS 65928
Stourbridge Town SBT 464300 STRBDGT STOURBDGT 65939
Stourbridge Town Self Service Ticket Machine 650300
Stourbridge Track Quality Supervisor MG 464614
Stourport On Severn 778600
Stourton BSC/Corus 857711 STRTNBS STOURTON STOURTCOR 17183
Stourton D & F Steels 857712 STRTDFS STOURTDFS 17181
Stourton Down Siding 857717 STRTNDS STOURTADL 17182Earlier code? 17180Later code
Stourton Down Siding Freightliner Heavy Haul 857718 STRTFHH STOURTADF 17186
Stourton Freightliner Terminal Carriage & Wagon RFS Engineering 857700 STRTRFS LEEDS FLT LEEDSFLT 17185
Stourton Junction 857713 STRTJN STOURTNJN 17182
Stourton Junction Reverse 857701 STRTJRV STOURTJRV 17177
Stourton Neck Signal S912 857710 STRT912 STOURTNNK 17176
Stourton Signal Box 131506
Stourton Signal S921 857719 STRT921 STOURT921 17187
Stourton Signal S930 857720 STRT930 STOURT930 17188
Stour Valley South 121510
Stow SOI 939600 STOW STOW 04713
Stowmarket SMK 735500 STWMRKT STOWMARKT 49014
Stowmarket Area Level Crossing 735573
Stowmarket/Diss Signalling 735574
Stowmarket Down Goods Loop 735561 STWMDGL STOWMKDGL 49012
Stowmarket ICI 735512 STOWMRKT 49013
Stowmarket Platform Staff 735568
Stowmarket Self Service Ticket Machine 262000
Stowmarket Signal Box 127631
Stowmarket Signal Operating 735570
Stowmarket Supervisors 735571
Stowmarket SXO STOWMKSXO 49015
Stow Park Signal Box & Crossing 143280
Strand Business Travel 477800
Strand Road 270302
Strand Road Level Crossing 223908 SRANDRX STRANDRLX 36182
Strandtown Travel S502 815000
Stranraer STR 955500 STRNRR STRANRAER 08653
Stranraer Ayr 946367
Stranraer Ayr 2B 127531
Stranraer Booking Office 946386
Stranraer Carriage Servicing Depot XST STRNTCS
Stranraer Conductors 955560
Stranraer Drivers 955579
Stranraer Drivers NPS 2B 946982
Stranraer Drivers Supervisor 955580
Stranraer Harbour SRE 955700 STRNRHR 08653*
Stranraer Harbour On Train Sales 348700
Stranraer NPS 2B 946952
Stranraer Signal Operation 955660
Stranraer Signal Operation Relief 955570
Stranraer Signal Operations 2B 127523
Stranraer Stockton Haulage 955611 STRNTSH STRNTSH 08649
Stranraer Town Freight Depot 955600 STRNRTN STRANR TN 08651
Stranraer [unknown features] 955563 955569 955662
Stranraer West Pier SWP 955000 STRNWPR -
Stranraer Yard Ground Frame 955669 STRNYGF STRANYDGF 08650
Stranton Junction 800901 SRTNJN STRANTONJ 14227
Strasbourg SXB 873200
Strasbourg Hausbergen 873201 STRAHAU STRASBORG 00767
Strategic Consultancy 092013
Strategic Consultancy Nottingham 092539
Strategic Development N 532030
Strategic Manager 826651
Strategic Procurement 090468
Strategic Safety Manager 532091
Strategic Spares 112416 713744
Strategy & Corporate Planning 125901 655419
Strategy & Corporate Planning Director 125133
Strategy & Corporate Planning Manager 125343
Strategy & Corporate Planning Manager Staff 125346
Strategy & Planning 270049
Strategy Engineer (Electrical Engineering & CS) 090568
Strategy Manager 499901 680285 439736
Strategy Manager Support 206132 439737
Strategy Manager Track Renewals 206131 439784
Strategy Manager Track Renewals Support 439781
Strategy Support 111914
Stratford STRATFRD 52233
Stratford Administration AM Staff 698153
Stratford Administration Labourer 125240
Stratford AME Ill Health CWP 011263
Stratford AME Payments To Ex-Staff 018433
Stratford & Bow Signal Operating 698151
Stratford Anglia 698100
Stratford 'A' Stores P&M 696560
Stratford B&S Store 696961
Stratford B Dual Gang 1 702413
Stratford Block Item Gang 693602
Stratford Block Items 696920
Stratford Block Item Timekeepers 696941
Stratford Booking Office 698113
Stratford Breakdown 270182
Stratford Breakdown Costs 097915
Stratford Bus STB 366500
Stratford Cable Jointers 2B 661182
Stratford Carriage S&S 698185
Stratford Central Junction 696901 STFDCJ 52226*
Stratford Conductor 140019 140303
Stratford Controllers 115589
Stratford Controllers MS 115591
Stratford Country End Junction 696999 STFDCEJ 52226*
Stratford Departmental Link 693614
Stratford Depot 125839
Stratford Depot Operations 270614
Stratford Depot Supervisors 829284
Stratford District Civil Engineer Ill Health CWP Permanent Way 011624
Stratford DLR ZSF 086300
Stratford Drivers 125838 140533 270615 694501
Stratford Drivers No 1 696955
Stratford Drivers No 2 696956
Stratford Drivers No 3 696957
Stratford Drivers No 4 696958
Stratford Essex Self Service Ticket Machine 272500
Stratford For The Games SRX 655600 CATZ019
Stratford Freightliner Terminal 694400 STFDFLT STRACTLSD 52220
Stratford Freight Link 693613
Stratford Fuelling Point 099970 126259
Stratford Fuelling Workshop 125892
Stratford Ground Signal L82 693615 STFDS82 -
Stratford Guards 140033 698187
Stratford Hand Plant Operators 696952
Stratford Hand Plant Supervisor 696951
Stratford High Street DLR ZST 074900
Stratford Installation 683090 694542 702491
Stratford Instructor Conductor 140020
Stratford International SDI 154100 STFORDI STRAT INT 52215
Stratford International DLR ZAW 050400
Stratford International Domestic Platforms SFA 722200 STFODOM STRFDLIFT 52215
Stratford International East Junction XXQ 154102 STFOEJN STRATIEJN 52213
Stratford International Games SIX 655700 CATZ020
Stratford International On Train Sales 458300
Stratford International Self Service Ticket Machine 334200
Stratford International Self Service Ticket Machine National Express 489700
Stratford International West Junction XXR 154101 STFOWJN STRATIWJN 52217
Stratford Jerich 692203 STRATJE -
Stratford Leading Conductors 140035
Stratford Lift No 6 Shed 692202
Stratford (London) SRA 696900 STFD STRATFORD 52226
Stratford London End Junction 696925 STFDLJN -
Stratford London International Freight Terminal 692200 STFDLFT STRFDLIFT 52215
Stratford London International Freight Terminal 6 Shed LIFT6SHED -
Stratford London International Freight Terminal 9 Shed LIFT9SHED -
Stratford London International Freight Terminal 10 & 11 Sheds 692204 STRCGOT LIFT10&11 -
Stratford Low Level SFW 696000 STFDLL STRATFDLL 52236
Stratford Low Level Booking Office 140174
Stratford Low Level Platforms 142467
Stratford Low Level Signal S613 696921 STFD613 52232*
Stratford Low Level Signal S616 696102 STFD616 STRLLS616 52232
Stratford LT 071900 STRATFD -
Stratford Market 693700 STFDMRK STRAT DPT 52229
Stratford Market B&S Acids 693711 STFDMBS -
Stratford Miscellaneous Maintenance Gangs 693603
Stratford MP Drivers & Secondmen No 1 693642
Stratford MP Drivers & Secondmen No 2 693627
Stratford MP Drivers & Secondmen No 3 693628
Stratford Network SouthEast Great Eastern 693612
Stratford No 2 London 693600
Stratford Old Yard Carriage Holding Sidings XSV 696922 STFDOCS STRATFORD 52210Code reused for Temple Mills Lea Interchange Sidings English Welsh & Scottish Railway
Stratford On Track Machine Operators 696972
Stratford On Track Machine Supervisors 696953
Stratford OTO 829125 829289
Stratford P&M Main Stores 698137
Stratford Parcels 693654
Stratford Personnel Support 693670
Stratford Plant 693643
Stratford Plant Depot Civil Engineer 829271
Stratford Platform Staff 698122
Stratford Production Area 3 499558 698194
Stratford Quality Services 698132
Stratford R&M Administration AM Staff 099961
Stratford R&M Track Maintenance 099926
Stratford R&M Train Running 693634
Stratford Repair Depot 696911 STFDRPD STRATFDRS 52228
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance 099925
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance Chargehand 125894
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance Clerical 125896
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance Labourer 125895
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance Manager 125893
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance Store 125244
Stratford RMD Track Maintenance Supervisor 125897
Stratford Road Railer Area 694410 STFDRRA STRAT FLT 52220
Stratford SCT 459753
Stratford Shunting Coaching 698150
Stratford Signal L53 696915 STFDS53 -
Stratford Signal L68 696924 STFDS68 STRAT L68 52224
Stratford Signal L156 696917 STFD156 STRATL156 52218
Stratford Signal L247 696909 STFD247 STRATL247 52232
Stratford Signal L249 696907 STFD249 STRATL249 52230
Stratford Signal L251 696905 STFD251 STRATL251 52216
Stratford Signal L257 696908 STFD257 STRATL257 52233
Stratford Signal L259 696903 STFD259 STRAT 259 52223
Stratford Signal L261 696904 STFD261 STRATL261 52225
Stratford Signal L295 696906 STFD295 STRATL295 52231
Stratford Signal L701 696918 STFD701 STRATL701 52204
Stratford Signal L703 696919 STFD703 STRATL703 52205
Stratford Signal L5073 696926 STFD073 BOWJ5073 52603
Stratford Signalling & Telecommunications Restructuring 694500
Stratford Signal Maintenance 2 Shift (Restructured) 693693
Stratford Signal Maintenance Ft 4 Shift/Rest Day Relief (Restructured) 693695
Stratford Signal Maintenance Sussex General Purpose Relief (Restructured) 693692
Stratford Spare 141824 141825 141826
Stratford Station Implement Franchise Plan 698186
Stratford Station Manager 696969
Stratford Stores 499915 499916 500257 680264 696971
Stratford Technical 698129
Stratford Telecommunications 693629
Stratford Track Examination 499522 698193
Stratford Track Welders Supervision 698109 698107
Stratford Traction Inspectors 694504
Stratford Traction Maintenance Depot XSR 693660 STFDMPD STRATFTMD 52230
Stratford Traction Maintenance Depot Apprentices 099924
Stratford Traction Maintenance Depot Maintenance 270181
Stratford Traction Maintenance Depot Primary Store 097941 605901
Stratford Traction Maintenance Depot (Stored Loco Siding) STRFD SLS 52231
Stratford Traction Maintenance Depot [unknown feature] 126261
Stratford Traincrew Guards 696954
Stratford Traincrew Supervisor 694503
Stratford Trainee Conductor 140018
Stratford Trainee Trainmen 698170
Stratford Trainee Trainmen 'D' 698125
Stratford Trainmen 125840 270616 698149
Stratford Trainmen Depot 694502
Stratford Trainmen Drivers 693644 696960
Stratford Trainmen Station 693690
Stratford Train Running 696959
Stratford-upon-Avon SAV 455800 SOAV STRATFD A 66451
Stratford-upon-Avon Booking Office 455815
Stratford-upon-Avon East 455802 SOAVEST STRATFDAE 66450
Stratford-upon-Avon East Signal Box 143165
Stratford-upon-Avon Leisure Centre XZE 455803 SOAVBUS
Stratford-upon-Avon Parkway STY 679400 SOAVPWY STRATFDPW 66449
Stratford-upon-Avon Self Service Ticket Machine 433900
Stratford Wabtec STRACTLCS STRATFRD 52221 52233
Stratford Welcome Hosts 698156
Stratford Yard Costs 097916
Strathcarron STC 867300 STCN STRCARRON 01077
Strathcarron Civil Engineer's Sidings 867361 STCNCE STHCRNSDG 01085
Strathcarron Ground Frame 867301 STCNGF STCNRNGF 01066
Strathcarron Level Crossing 867310 STCNLC 01077*
Strathclyde Accounting Manager 978065
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Glasgow 098379
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Headquarters Input 117100
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Motherwell 098053
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 1 One 007700
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 1 One Juvenile 008600
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 2 Juvenile 008700
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 2 Two 007800
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 3 Juvenile 008800
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 3 Three 007900
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 4 Four 008000
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 4 Juvenile 008900
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 5 Five 008100
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 5 Juvenile 009000
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 6 Six 008200
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 6 Six Juvenile 009100
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 7 Seven 008300
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 8 Eight 008400
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 8 Eight Juvenile 009300
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 9 009500
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 9 Juvenile 009900
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 10 009600
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 10 Juvenile 010100
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 11 009700
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 11 Juvenile 010200
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 12 009800
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone 12 Juvenile 010300
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone All 008500
Strathclyde Passenger Transport Executive Zone All Juvenile 009400
Strawberry Hill STW 560700 STRWBYH STRWBRYOriginal code STRAWBRYH 87134
Strawberry Hill Carriage Servicing 560766
Strawberry Hill Carriage Servicing Depot XSX 560712 STRWBHD STWHILLMD 87151
Strawberry Hill Cleaners 560704
Strawberry Hill Clerical 560770
Strawberry Hill Depot 560775
Strawberry Hill Drivers 560709 560761
Strawberry Hill Duty Station Manager/CSM 555974
Strawberry Hill Guards 560762
Strawberry Hill Non Paybill 560778
Strawberry Hill Resource Supervisors 560763
Strawberry Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 469600
Strawberry Hill Shunting CHNG 560765
Strawberry Hill Signal BEF2457 560708 STRW257 STRWSG457 86944
Strawberry Hill Signal F91 560705 STRW91 STRAWBH91 87188
Strawberry Hill Signal F419 560702 STRW419 STRAWH419 87165Earlier code 87173Later code
Strawberry Hill Surplus Staff 560701
Strawberry Hill Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot Management 560774 560776
Strawberry Hill Train Crew Supervision 560703
Strawberry Hill Trainee Guards 560767
Strawberry Hill Trainmen D 560771
Strawberry Hill Tunnel 523067 STWHTNL STRAWHLTN 89376
Strawberry Sidings Civil Engineer Depot 389989
STRCO Plant East 566500
Streatham BR 026100
Streatham Common SRC 538400 STRHCOM STRTHMCOriginal code STRETHMCM 87631
Streatham Common Platforms 538462
Streatham Common Platforms 2B 538410
Streatham Common Sales Point 2B 538415
Streatham Common Self Service Ticket Machine 404500
Streatham (Greater London) STE 538300 STRETHM STREATHAM 87613
Streatham Hill SRH 543500 STRHILL STRTHMHOriginal code STREATHIL 87621
Streatham Hill Carriage Servicing 543565
Streatham Hill Carriage Servicing Depot XSS 543511 STRHCSD STREATHCS 87620
Streatham Hill Depot 543516
Streatham Hill Down Siding 543517 STRHDS 87620*
Streatham Hill Exit 543518 STRHEX 87620*
Streatham Hill Platforms 543569
Streatham Hill Platforms 2B 543521
Streatham Hill Sales Point Relief 543512
Streatham Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 704900
Streatham Hill Shed 543519 STRHSH 87620*
Streatham Hill Signal VC157 543523 STRH157 STRHSG157 87557
Streatham Hill Signal VC161 543524 STRH161 STRHSG161 87573
Streatham Hill Signal VC658 543505 STRH658 STRHSG658 87569
Streatham Hill Station Cleaning Team 539934
Streatham Hill Station Manager 543503
Streatham Hill Up Siding 543520 STRHUS 87620*
Streatham Hill Up Siding East 543504 STRHUSE STRHUSDGE 87571
Streatham Hill Up Siding West 543522 STRHUSW STRHUSDGW 87567
Streatham Junction 538359 STRETJN STREATMJN 87618
Streatham Junction Signal TVC174 538301 STRE174 STREJN174 87561
Streatham North Junction 538362 STRENJN STREATMNJ 87616
Streatham Platforms 538364
Streatham Platforms 2B 538315
Streatham Reversible Fast Spur 538303 STRERFS STREREVFS 87556
Streatham Sales Point 2B 538310
Streatham Self Service Ticket Machine 712900
Streatham Signal BC37 538361
Streatham Signal Maintenance (Restructured) 538471
Streatham South Junction 538360 STRESJN STREATMSJ 87617
Streatham South Junction Signal TVC176 538302 STRE176 STREJN176 87560
Streatham South Junction Signal VC171 538363 STRE171 87617*
Streethouse SHC 854300 STHS STREETHSE 18032
Street Leigh Road/Crispin Hall XCU 323165 STETLEI -
Street Library 323170 STETLIB -
Stretford SRF 281000 SFRD -
Strines SRN 283400 STRINES STRINES 32554
Stromeferry STF 867400 STRMFRY STROMEFRY 01075
Stromness SOS 903400 SNSS -
Stromore 993900
Strood Coal Concentration Depot STRODCD
Strood FRT STRDS1630 88802
Strood (Kent) SOO 519100 STROOD STROOD 88801
Strood Self Service Ticket Machine 611300
Strood Shunters/IR 519101
Strood Shunt Signal NK1625 519103 STRO625 STRDS1625 88803
Strood Shunt Signal NK1628 519104 STRO628 STRDS1628 88804
Strood Shunt Signal NK1630 519102 STRO630 STRDS1630 88802
Strood Ticket Office 519161
Stroud Booking 477159
Stroud (Gloucs) STD 477100 STRUD STROUD 68161
Stroud Permanent Way Supervisors Store 477160
Stroud Platforms 477162
Stroud St Mary's Level Crossing 477101 STRUMLC ST MARYS 68162
Stroud Self Service Ticket Machine 254300
STRU 019010
Struan 880110 SRUAN STRUAN 01160
Structural Assessment Swindon 334038 335034 335054
Structural Examinations Artisan 437938
Structural Examinations Salaried 437939
Structural Examiner Broxbourne 681229
Structural Examiners 124335
Structural Shopmen Stratford 693616
Structure Gauging Train 106822
Structures Assessment 132429
Structures Assessment Engineer 143392
Structures Assessment Glasgow 982917
Structures Assessment Meridian Birmingham 093761
Structures Assessment York 829065
Structures Assistant North 680243
Structures Cardiff (W) 382086
Structures Cardiff (W) 387451
Structures Derby Accounting Adjustments 173710
Structures Development Engineer 296876
Structures Engineer 128412 110682 127466 128806 128962 132178 275336 708023 127127
Structures Engineer Ex-Norwich 141114
Structures Engineering 127728
Structures Engineer Petts Wood 512314
Structures Examiners Cardiff (S) 389912
Structures Examiners Ipswich 722058
Structures Examiners Mates North 721707
Structures Examiners Neath (S) 421662
Structures Examiners North 721706
Structures Examiners Reading 315664
Structures Examiners South 693632
Structures Examiners Stratford 694587
Structures Exam Mates Ipswich 722059
Structures Exam Mates Leigh On Sea 745956
Structures Exam Mates South 693636
Structures Exam Mates Sussex 694588
Structures Exams Leigh On Sea 745955
Structures Maintenance Manager Exeter 132153
Structures Maintenance Manager Reading 132152
Structures Neath (W) 422256
Structures Newcastle Accounting Adjustments 772863
Structures Peterborough Accounting Adjustments 613377
Structures South Exam Ashford 500459
Structures Technical Support 748022
STRU Finance 510715 512215 512217 566503 745507
STRU Plant East 500448
St Trading Retail Catering 491963
Student Travel Centre S305 780300
Student Union Travel S306 780400
Stud Farm Area RSTs 183362
Sturry STU 502900 STURRY STRRYOriginal code STURRY 89449
Sturry Crossing 128485
Sturry Self Service Ticket Machine 611400
Sturry Signal Box STRRYSB
Stuttgart Hafen 081612 STUTHAF STUTTGRTH 00061
Styal SYA 286800 STYAL STYAL 32528
Sub-Contractors Charges 112665
Substation Equipment Engineer 217231
Subway Junction 309562 SUBWAYJ
Subway Junction Signal OO428 SUBW428
Succoth Viaduct 882620 SUCOTHV SUCCOTHVD 06061
Sudbrook Ashton Paper Mill SDBKAPM 76058
Sudbrook Pumping Station 321500 SDBKPST SUDBROKPS 76084
Sudbrook Pumping Station Order Point 321560
Sudbrook Pumping Station [unknown feature] 132187
Sudbrook St Regis Paper Mills SUDBROOK 76085
Sudbury & Harrow Road SUD 148300 SDBRYHR SUDBURYHR 63005
Sudbury Branch Level Crossings 686313
Sudbury Hill Harrow SDH 148400 SDBRYHH SUDBURYHH 63004
Sudbury Hill LT ZSH 072000
Sudbury Signal Box & Crossing 143241
Sudbury (Suffolk) SUY 709800 SUDBURY SUDBURY 50111
Sudbury (Suffolk) Self Service Ticket Machine 454900
Sudbury Town LT ZSY 072100
Sudforth Lane Down GB Railfreight 854607 SDFRDGB SUDFTLNGB 17994
Sudforth Lane Freightliner Heavy Haul 854610 SDFRFHH SUDFOTHLN 18012
Sudforth Lane Loadhaul/English Welsh & Scottish Railway 854612 SDFRTLA SUDFTHLNE 18011
Sudforth Lane Signal Box 854613 SDFRTSB SUDFTHLSB 18010
Sudforth Lane Up Reception Sidings 813002 SDFRTUR SUDFLNURS 18002
Sudforth Lane Up Reception Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 854609 SDFRUFH SUDFURSFL 17996
Sugar Loaf SUG 415700 SGRLOAF SUGARLOAF 79079
Summerston SUM 995900 SUMRSTN SUMMERSTN 06236
Summit 192361 SUMMITS -
Sunbury SUU 560800 SUNBURY SUNBURY 87157
Sunbury Clerical 560861
Sunbury Self Service Ticket Machine 470700
Sunderland SUN 764000 SNDRLND SUNDERLND 14031
Sunderland Area Freight 655496
Sunderland Area Freight Terminal 270466
Sunderland Burdon Dock Siding 764002 SNDRBDS SUNDLDBDS 14032
Sunderland Central Assistant Fares Collector 764066
Sunderland Coast Line Signal Operator 764063
Sunderland Depot 14121
Sunderland Down Sidings 764003
Sunderland Fuelling Point 117097
Sunderland General Purpose Relief Signal Operator 764070
Sunderland Inspection 437422
Sunderland Londonderry Siding 764005 SNDRLS SNDLONDNY 14035
Sunderland Middle Sidings 764001 SNDRMS 14032*
Sunderland Monkwearmouth Signal Box 763201 SNDRMSB MONKWRMTH 14022
Sunderland On Train Grand Central 992400
Sunderland Permanent Way Support 764087
Sunderland Port South Dock 763511 SDOCPSA SOUTHDOCK 14125
Sunderland Port South Dock Petrofina 763536 SDOCKPF SOUTHDCK 14131
Sunderland Production 437453
Sunderland Self Service Ticket Machine 629600
Sunderland Signal Box 133406
Sunderland Signals 127064 127065 133405 133407
Sunderland Signals Relief 133409 127066
Sunderland Signal T6211 764007 SNDR211 14041
Sunderland South Dock 763500 14120
Sunderland South Dock Depot 14124
Sunderland South Dock European Metal Recycling Disposal Point STHDKDISP 14127
Sunderland South Dock Loco Holding Sidings SDOCKHS
Sunderland South Dock Londonderry 763516 SDOCLON STHDKLNDY 14142
Sunderland South Dock Londonderry English Welsh & Scottish Railway LONDONDRY 14144
Sunderland South Dock Terminal Complex SDOCK
Sunderland South Junction 764004 SNDRSTH SNDRLNDSJ 14033
Sunderland Sportis Regional Railways 348900
Sunderland Staff 437443
Sunderland Station Conciliation 792951
Sunderland Station Supervisors 764067
Sunderland Travel Office 764077
Sunderland Ward Brothers 764006 SNDRWRD SUNDRWARD 14036
Sundridge Park SUP 515500 SNDP SNDRDPKOriginal code SUNDRDGPK 88470
Sundridge Park Self Service Ticket Machine 611500
Sunningdale SNG 567100 SUNNGDL SUNNINGDL 87104
Sunningdale Clerical 567160
Sunningdale Self Service Ticket Machine 472100
Sunnyhill 168701 SUNH SUNNYHILL 57451
Sunnymeads SNY 567500 SUNYMDS SUNNYMDS 87109
Sunnymeads Self Service Ticket Machine 419600
Sunnyside Junction 975268 SUNSJN COATBGSNJ 07317
Sunpex Travel Ltd EM47 463700
Sunquest Holidays UK Ltd S156 739500
Sunrise Travel & Tours DH75 464200
Sunsail Travel S682 842200
Sunvil Travel S503 815100
Sunways Travel 487700
Superloos (Unrestructured) 565056
Supernumerary 338224 338225 829156 829346 495117
Supersonic Travel Ltd 096000
Supersonic Travel S683 842400
Supersonic Travel S684 842500
Supervisor Craigentinny 605874
Supervisor Durham 774564
Supervisor Newcastle 772897
Supervisors 442701
Supervisors 2A 507579
Supervisors 2B 338314
Supervisors 2B 507580
Supervisor Shettleston 978567
Supervisors Ipswich 141141
Supervisors Plant Maintenance 686169 694327
Supervisor Stratford 694508 696927
Supervisors Witham 141142
Supervisor/Trackmen Carstairs 983801 983818
Supervisor/Trackmen Millerhill 923654
Supervisor/Trackmen Shettleston 978588 978532
Supervisory & Technical Support 114254 114258 114294 114298
Supervisory Managers North 566544
Supervisory Managers Scotland 535541
Supervisory Managers South East 518755
Supervisory Manager Trains East STRCL 566537
Supervisory Manager Wickford 689144
Supervisory Staff Charing Cross ISO 130914
Supervisory Staff London Bridge ISO 130913
Supplies 88 136323
Supplies & Services Procurement 090553
Supplies Ilford Level 5 571922 177406 688181
Supplies Manager Birmingham 110376 111902
Supplies Manager Crewe 124194
Supplies Manager ICCS 092924
Supplies Manager Norwich 730952
Supplies Storemen Norwich 731473
Supply Chain Management 132432
Support 107638
Support Group 978012
Support Group Manager 091045 216706
Support Location Traction Maintenance Depot 168868
Support Manager 315632 496100
Support Manager Liverpool 130324
Support Manager Manchester 130320
Support Managers 559521
Support Service Department 297516
Support Services 098290 128174 493620 994671 999098
Support Services Administration 115385
Support Services Building Maintenance 445112
Support Services Civilian Leeds 098551
Support Services Criminal Investigation Department Leeds 098550
Support Services Disbursements 090014
Support Services Group Reading 2A 553407 553408 581110
Support Services Maintenance 115386
Support Services Manager 982711
Support Services Plant Maintenance 445113
Support Services Senior Office 098059
Support Services Tabs 40900 Default 335226
Support Services Uniform 098508
Support Services Uniform Kings Cross 098635
Support Services Uniform Leeds 098549
Support Services Wages 969189
Support Services Woking 568526
Support Servicing Police Officer Inspector 098112
Support Servicing Police Officers 098608
Support Servicing Recruit Training 098380
Support Signal Grade Continental 512248
Support Staff Chester 216061
Support Staff Craigentinny 912673
Support Track Engineer London Bridge 499764
Support Track Manager 499637 744001
Surbiton SUR 557100 SURBITN SURBITON 87171
Surbiton Clerical 557113
Surbiton Customer Information Systems 557171
Surbiton Emergency Trailing Crossover 557103 SURBETC SURBTN US 87172
Surbiton Self Service Ticket Machine 412500
Surbiton Signal 111 557102 SURB111 -
Surbiton Signal Box 557165 SURBNSB
Surbiton Signal Box (Restructured) 131966
Surbiton Signal WK534 557104 SURB534 SURBWK534 87175
Surbiton Signal WK1104 557105 SURB104 SURBS1104 87174
Surbiton Signal WK1106 557106 SURB106 SURBW1106 87176
Surbiton Sportis Network SouthEast 349000
Surbiton Supervisors 557101
Surbiton Travel Centre 573400
Surplus & Obsolete Materials 314834
Surplus Signalling Staff 131962 561961
Surplus Staff 139460 139461 139462 673263
Surplus Staff Fleet Engineer North 126008
Surplus Staff Fleet Engineer South 126007
Surplus Staff InterCity 593257
Surplus Staff Network SouthEast South West 559823 562041 593258
Surplus Staff Royal Mail Cardiff 126004
Surplus Staff Royal Mail Motherwell 126005
Surplus Staff Royal Mail Warrington 126006
Surplus Staff Trainload Freight West Headquarters 126009
Surrey Canal Junction 775601 SURRCNJ SURREYCNJ 87577
Surrey Canal Road SCE 775600 515020 SURCNRD SURREYCNR 87576
Surrey Quays SQE 515040Earlier code 108300Later code after East London Line operated as part of national network SURREYQ SURREYQYS 87572
Surrey Quays LT ZSU 072200
Surrey Quays Self Service Ticket Machine 490900
Surrey Quays Silwood Junction 108301 SURRQSJ SILWOODJN 87574
Surrey Quays Silwood Stabling Sidings 108302 SURRQSS SILWOODSD 87575
Surveyor 127420
Surveyor/Draughtsman 496621
Surveyor East Kent 492231
Surveyor Kings Cross 492241
Surveyor London 492211
Surveyor Planning 498630
Surveyor Rating 497633
Surveyor Support 493100 498100
Surveyor West Kent 492221
Survey Section Kings Cross 216813
Survey Swindon 216511
Suspense Account 173647 173693
Suspense Account Railtrack North West 129846
Suspense Motive Power Depot 087501
Sussex Area Contracts Staff 131758
Sussex Area Contracts Staff (Restructured) 131942
Sutton Area Booking Office Relief 538570
Sutton Barriers Restructuring 538505
Sutton Bingham 583806 SUTNBIN STNBNGMOriginal code SUTTON BG 82348
Sutton Bridge Junction Signal Box 143176
Sutton Coldfield SUT 104400 SUTCO SUTTON CF 65603
Sutton Coldfield Permanent Way Timekeeper 104460
Sutton Coldfield SCT 104470
Sutton Coldfield Self Service Ticket Machine 148100
Sutton Colliery SUTNC
Sutton Colliery Junction Storage Sidings SUTNCSS
Sutton Common SUC 543600 SUTTONC SUTTONCMN 87339
Sutton Common Self Service Ticket Machine 329100
Sutton Common [unknown feature] 445035
Sutton Group Sales Relief 2B 538525
Sutton (London) SUO 538500 SUTTON SUTTON 87671
Sutton Oak Hayes Chemicals 234012 SOAK SUTTONOAK 35441
Sutton Oak Junction SOAKJN
Sutton Park 112000 STNPK SUTTON PK 65531
Sutton Park Aldridge 112001 STNPALD ALDRIDGE 65532
Sutton Park Streetly Signal WR5433 121608 STNPSTR STRTY5433 65534
Sutton Parkway SPK 186100 STTNPWY SUTTON PW 56237
Sutton Platforms 538572
Sutton Platforms Relief 2B 538520
Sutton Platforms RESTR 538504
Sutton Sales Point RESTR 538503
Sutton Self Service Ticket Machine 574400
Sutton Signal VC193 538510 SUTT193 SUTTON EJ 87672
Sutton Signal VC195 538511 SUTT195 87672*
Sutton SY Area Sales Relief 2B 538515
Sutton Weaver 229103 SUTW 36515*
Suvara Travel S685 842600
SVR P/Party Norwich 730917
SVR P/Party Sleaford 717066
Swadlincote 778800
Swadlincote Ground Frame 165203 SWADGF SWADLINCT 57804
Swainsthorpe Level Crossing 731121 SWAINTP SWAINTHRP 48993
Swale SWL 524900 SWALE SWALE 89111
Swale Signal Box SWALESB
Swale Signal EV107 524902 SWAL107 89111*
Swale [unknown feature] 524920
SWA Liverpool 437220
Swalwell Junction 774421 SWLWJN SWALWELLJ 13514
Swanage SGE 595800 SWNAGE SWANAGE 86969
Swanage Corfe Castle CFC 776500 SWNACFC CORFECSTL 86955
Swanage Harman's Cross XDZ HAR 595805 659200 SWNAHMC HARMANS X 86956
Swanage Herston Halt HEH 659300 595806 SWNAHNH HERSTNHLT 86952
Swanage Light Maintenance Depot GB Railfreight 595802 SWNLMD SWANAGLMD 86957
Swanage Motala Ground Frame 595801 SWNAMGF MOTALA GF 86958
Swanage Norden XNO NOD 595803 659100 SWNANDN NORDEN 86954
Swanborne Sidings 136052 SWBNSDG BLETCHDRJ 70312
Swanley SAY 507500 SWLY SWANLEYOriginal code SWANLEY 88486
Swanley Carriage Holding Sidings XSQ 507512 SWNLYCS 88486*
Swanley Depot Conciliatory (Restructured) 507528
Swanley Depot Salary (Restructured) 557849
Swanley Electrical Control Mechanical & Electrical Engineer 507561
Swanley Engineering 2A 095113
Swanley Engineering 2B 095114
Swanley Engineer Open 1 2A 095115
Swanley Engineer Open 1 2B 095116
Swanley Engineer Open 2 2A 095117
Swanley Engineer Open 2 2B 095118
Swanley Engineer Open 5 2A 095123
Swanley Engineer Open 5 2B 095124
Swanley Major Works Salaried 338311 557839
Swanley Mechanical & Electrical Engineer SSCR Maintenance 507566
Swanley Mechanical & Electrical Engineer TRANS Maintenance 507570
Swanley Self Service Ticket Machine 611600
Swanley Shunters/IR 507501
Swanley Signal VS631 507502 SWLY631 SWANLY631 88496
Swanley Signal VS636 507503 SWLY636 SWANLY656 88520
Swanley Signal VS637 507505 SWLY637 SWLYSG637 88544
Swanley Signal VS638 507504 SWLY638 SWANLY658 88511
Swanley South Eastern Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detector Operator SMS KLK UTILS 500077
Swanley Ticket Office 507572
Swanley [unknown feature] 557850
Swanscombe SWM 515600 SWNSCMB SWANSCOMB 88705
Swanscombe George & Dragon 515610 SWNSGD -
Swanscombe Sidings SWNSCMS
Swansea SWA 422200 SWANSEA SWANSEA 79304
Swansea Announcers 422202
Swansea Booking Office 422266
Swansea Burrows 270545 417860
Swansea Burrows Exam 422167
Swansea Burrows Sidings Depot 79232
Swansea Burrows Sidings Ford Motor Company 429711 SWANFMC SWANSBSD 79251Code should be 79251 but one source has 79521 79521Code should be 79251 but one source has 79521
Swansea Burrows Sidings Gower Chemicals (Chemicals) 423116 SWANSBSDG 79236
Swansea Burrows Sidings Gower Chemicals (Distribution) 429716 SWANS BSD 79237
Swansea Burrows Sidings Grading Point 429714 SWANSBSGP SWNSEATXP 79233
Swansea Burrows Sidings Marcroft 429712 SWANSBSDS 79231
Swansea Burrows Sidings Signal PT3594 429703 SWAN594 79239
Swansea Burrows Sidings Signal PT3597 429702 SWAN597 79238
Swansea Burrows Sorting Sidings 429700 SWANSBS SWANSEABS 79230
Swansea Burrows Sorting Sidings GB Railfreight 429701 SWANBGB SWANSEBGB 79229
Swansea Cables 2B 581373
Swansea Cashiers 422222
Swansea Cleaners 422262
Swansea Conductors 422277
Swansea Depot Administration ICCS 092639
Swansea Displaced Staff 422206
Swansea Docks SWF 422100 SWANSED SWANSEADK 79222
Swansea Docks ABP Non Shipment 422119 SWANNON SWANSDKS 79223
Swansea Docks ABP Shipment 422122 SWANABP SWANDKFSD 79224
Swansea Docks ABP Shipment Coal Hoist 422121 SWNSDRG -
Swansea Driver Manager Administration 420201
Swansea Eastern Depot 423100 SWANEDP
Swansea Ex-Employees 019208
Swansea Great Western Train Operating Company 420200
Swansea Hallade (C) 422259
Swansea High Street Car Park 422203
Swansea High Street Sportis InterCity 349100
Swansea High Street Sportis Regional Railways 349200
Swansea IEP Maintenance Road 422211 SWANMRD SWNIEPMNR 79311
Swansea IEP Wash Road 422212 SWANWRD SWNIEPWSR 79312
Swansea Kings Dock Advenza Freight 422123 SWANKDA SWANDKCAV 79225
Swansea Loop East 422252 SWANSLE SSEA LPEJ 79303
Swansea Loop West 422250 SWANSLW SSEA LPWJ 79306
Swansea Maliphant Carriage Servicing Depot XMA 422213 SWANMCS SWANSEACS 79305
Swansea Maliphant IEP Depot 422214 SWANIEP SWANSMALD 79302
Swansea No 1 Set 429715 SWANN1S
Swansea Office Facilities 422272
Swansea On Board Services 1st Class 422280
Swansea On Board Staff 422281
Swansea Operations Redundancy GE 422242
Swansea Operations Redundancy NGE 422243
Swansea Platforms 422263
Swansea Relaying Supervisor (C) 422296
Swansea Self Service Ticket Machine 262900
Swansea Senior Conductors Paybill 422276
Swansea Signal PT537 422215 SWAN537 SWNPT537 79301
Swansea Signal PT3163 422210 SWAN163 SWNPT3163 79310
Swansea Signal PT7571 422208 SWAN571 SWNPT7571 79308
Swansea Signal PT7573 422207 SWAN573 SWNPT7573 79307
Swansea Signal PT7592 422209 SWAN592 SWNPT7592 79309
Swansea Station Management 422286
Swansea Student Travel S504 815200
Swansea TOPS 418197
Swansea [unknown feature] 133851
Swansea Welcome Team 422204
Swansea Welding Supervisor (C) 422257
Swan Side Viaduct 257435 SWAVIA SWANSVADT 29134
Swan Village Lunt Comley and Pitt 65129
Swanwick SNW 592000 SWNWICK SWANWCKOriginal code SWANWICK 86225
Swanwick Junction SWANWICKJ 56516
Swanwick Self Service Ticket Machine 485500
Sway SWY 588400 SWAY SWAY 86909
Sway Self Service Ticket Machine 419700
Swaythling SWG 593300 SWYTHLN SWAYTHLNG 86497
Swaythling Self Service Ticket Machine 419800
SWE Birmingham Salaried 111918
SWE Birmingham Salaried 111948
SWE Contracts Project Engineer 651031
SWE Doncaster 641691
SWEl Installation Pool Leeds 2 848593
SWE Motherwell 969190
SWE Motherwell Support 991760
SWE Partick Support 988877
SWE Perth 880565
SWEP Safety Staff 612642
SWEP SWSFP Unallocated 640847
SWER SWSG Install Pool 640831
SWER SWSG Locking 640832
SWER SWSG Painter 640833
SWER SWS Retford 640825 640830
SWER Unallocated Grantham 640834
SWE Saltley 165850
SWE West Site Estimator 437221
SWE York 826482
Swift Travel S307 780500
Swinderby SWD 635500 SWNDRBY SWINDERBY 44073
Swinderby Signal Box & Crossing 143275
Swinderby Thorpe-On-The-Hill 635505 SWNDTHO THORPEHIL 44071
Swindon Acting Supervisor 333821
Swindon Announcers 333391
Swindon ATEs 333382
Swindon Austin Rover Group 333336 SDONARG SWINDONRG SWINDONPR 75005
Swindon Austin Rover Sidings 333316 SWINDONAR SWINDONAS 75009
Swindon Booking Office 333368
Swindon Bourton 333309 SDONBOU BOURTON 74335
Swindon B Panel Box 334072
Swindon Bus Station XDK 333307 743200 SDONBUS -
Swindon Cables 2B 581391
Swindon Car Park 333324
Swindon CCT Forwardings 333310 SWINDNCTT 75016
Swindon Cocklebury East Loop 333321 SDONCBE SWDNCESTL 74997
Swindon Cocklebury Electric Multiple Unit Sidings 333328 SDONCBS 74995
Swindon Cocklebury Yard 333311 SDONCBY SWDNCBURY 75002
Swindon Commercial Manager 090210
Swindon Control SWINDNCTL 75900 75990
Swindon Director 333214
Swindon Displaced Staff 333305
Swindon Driver Leader 333355
Swindon Drivers 270574 333360
Swindon East Loop 333363 SDONEL 75015*
Swindon European Metals Recycling Disposals 333357 SDONEMR SWINDNEMR 75007
Swindon European Metals Recycling Forwarding 333314 SWINDNFWD 75004
Swindon European Metals Recycling GB Railfreight 333317 SDONEGB SWINEMRGB 75024
Swindon Freight Depot 3 & 4 Roads 333322 SDN FD3&4 75003
Swindon Freight Depot Automotive 333398 SWINDONFD 75006
Swindon Freight Depot Marcroft 333326 SWINDN FD 75000
Swindon Great Western Train Operating Company 330100
Swindon Great Western Trains Control GWTC CTL 75960
Swindon Great Western Trains Control 1 GWTC1 CTL 75970
Swindon Great Western Trains Control 2 GWTC2 CTL 75980
Swindon Great Western Trains Control 3 GWTC3 CTL 75930
Swindon Hawksworth Sidings 333365 SDONHWK SWINDONHS 75017
Swindon Headquarters Personnel Staff 335606
Swindon InterCity Great Western 335400 335100
Swindon InterCity Great Western Fleet Manager 333345
Swindon Loco Inspection Point/Fuelling Point 333380 SDONLIP SWINDNLHS 75013
Swindon Loco Yard 333351 SDONLY LOCOYARDJ 75019
Swindon London End 333383 SDONLE SWINDONLE 75021
Swindon Maintenance Supervisors 333359
Swindon Marketing Manager 334030
Swindon Marshalling Yard 333362
Swindon Minety Crossing see also Minety Crossing 332505 SDONMIN MINETY 75022
Swindon New Works Depot 333313 SWDNNEWWK 75001
Swindon North Sidings 333335 SDONNS
Swindon Operations 698313
Swindon Overheads 098716
Swindon Performance EG/MS 335237
Swindon Personnel Manager 333232
Swindon Plant Maintenance 333377
Swindon Platforms 333381
Swindon Preymesser Advenza Freight 333383 SDONAFL SWINDONAV 74997
Swindon Regional Civil Engineer Headquarters 308200
Swindon Regional Headquarters 333800
Swindon Regional Headquarters Part 2 333900
Swindon Regional Headquarters Part 3 334000
Swindon Regional Headquarters Regional Railways 333200
Swindon Resources Planning 333204
Swindon Retail Accounts First Great Western 851200
Swindon Retail Other 333323
Swindon Revenue Protection 989300
Swindon Self Service Ticket Machine 189500
Swindon Signalling 333392
Swindon Signal SN26 333386
Swindon Signal SN30 333396 SDONS30 -
Swindon Signal SN227 333395 SDON227
Swindon Signal SW1212 333384 SDON212 SWNDN1212 75023
Swindon South Marston Euro Terminal 333306 SDONTML S MARSTON 74337
Swindon South Marston Junction 333369 SDONSMJ S MARSTNJ 74336
Swindon South Wales & West Headquarters Director 090483
Swindon Sportis InterCity 349300
Swindon Sportis Regional Railways 349400
Swindon Stores 333374
Swindon Stores Civil Engineer's Sidings 333373 SDONSTO SWINDNSTR 75011
Swindon Stores GB Railfreight 333378 SDONSGB SWINDONGB 74998
Swindon Stratton Green 333367 SDONSTG SWINDNSGN 74999
Swindon TR 307800
Swindon Traffic Assistants 333318
Swindon Traincrew Inspector 270573
Swindon Trainmen 270575 333366
Swindon Transfer Yard XSJ 333312 SDONTFR SWINDNTFR 75010
Swindon [unknown feature] 133852 SWINDON 75940
Swindon Up Yard SWX 333334 SDONUY
Swindon West Loop 333338 SDONWL SWINDNUDG 75015
Swindon (Wilts) SWI 333300 SDON SWINDON 75012
Swindon Works 333000 323191 SDONWKS SWINDNWKS 75014
Swindon Works Supervisor 333358
Swindon Yard 270578
Swineshead SWE 622800 SWSHEAD SWINESHED 44205
Swing Bridge East 993067 SWGBGE SWGBGE RS 05039
Swinton/Conisborough Line 669151
Swinton Junction 668613 SWINTNJ SWINTONJN 24109
Swinton (Manchester) SNN 280000 SWNT SWINTON 35146
Swinton (South Yorks) SWN 668600 SWINTN SWINTN SY 24108
Swinton (South Yorks) Self Service Ticket Machine 423800
Swiss Cottage LT ZSC 072300
Switch & Crossing 335623
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Ashford 499828 500465
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Colchester 499688 696589
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Dartford 499819 510730
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Faversham 499838 499837 516904
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Herne Hill 499816
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Hither Green 499818
Switch & Crossing Production Manager New Cross 499817 500225
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Stratford 499672 680499
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Strood 499836 511375
Switch & Crossing Production Manager Tonbridge 499829 522965 499827 500438
Switch & Crossing Support Wages 512325
Switch & Crossing Tamping Team 566566
Switch & Crossing Tamping Team Hither Green 510759
Switch & Crossing Team Colchester 499686 685250
Switch & Crossing Team Leigh 499674 745940
Switch & Crossing Team Shenfield 499687 688833
Switch & Crossing Team Stratford 499673 694545
Switzerland TOPS/STANOX 087300
SWM Neath (G) 421681
SWS Aberdeen 980557
SWS Carstairs 980552
SWS Carstairs & Assistant 982198
SWS Carstairs Artisan 982195
SWS Central 980547 982163
SWS Central & Assistant 982196
SWS Central Artisan 982197
SWS Crewe North 1A 124370
SWS Crewe North Super 124157
SWS Dumfries Workshops 949075
SWS East & Assistant 990388
SWS East Artisan 990389
SWS Forth Bridge 980542
SWS Fort William 441571 882777 882778 980548
SWS Fort William Helensburgh 998166
SWS Fort William Support 441572
SWS Grantham 1A 646944
SWS Inverness 864958 980556
SWS Inverness Artisan 864955
SWS Inverness Management 441557
SWS Inverness Support 441558
SWS Ipswich 1A 721726
SWS Irvine 950871 980546
SWS Irvine & Assistant 950869
SWS Irvine Artisan 950870
SWS Irvine Management 441569
SWS Irvine Stranraer 955565
SWS Irvine Support 441570
SWS Irvine Workshops 950889
SWS Lincoln 1A 631486
SWS March 1A 717064
SWS North 980545
SWS North & Assistant 990390
SWS North Artisan 990391
SWS Norwich 1A 731480
SWS Nottingham Depot Staff 181926
SWS Nottingham District Staff 182666
SWS Perth 880559 980553
SWS Perth & Assistant 880554
SWS Perth Artisan 880547
SWS Perth Management 441555
SWS Perth Support 441556
SWS Polmont 980551
SWS Preston 1A 275370
SWS Preston Supervisor 275351
SWS Shrewsbury Depot Officeman 438780
SWS Shrewsbury Depot Staff 438722
SWS Slateford 932901 980558
SWS Slateford & Assistant 923676
SWS Slateford Artisan 923677
SWS Slateford Management 441559
SWS Slateford Support 441560
SWS Stoke 1A 131470
SWS Stoke Supervisors 131454
SWS Tipton South 1A 121835
SWS Tipton Supervisors 121827
SWS Walsall Depot Officeman 121641
SWS Walsall Depot Staff 121643
SWS Walsall District Staff 121648
SWS West 949082 980543
SWS West & Assistant 982162
SWS West Artisan 982159
SWS Wolverhampton Depot Officeman 121851
SWS Wolverhampton Supervisory Staff 121854
SWS Worcester Depot Officeman 489121
SWS Worcester Depot Staff 489122
SWS Worcester Supervisory Staff 489120
Sydenham Hill SYH 508500 SYDNHMH SYDENHMHL 88278
Sydenham Hill Fountain Drive 508510 SYDNFD -
Sydenham Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 611700
Sydenham (London) SYD 543700 SYDENHM SYDENHAM 87626
Sydenham Platforms 2B 543710
Sydenham Restructured 543701
Sydenham Self Service Ticket Machine 713000
Sydenham Station Platforms 543761
Sykes Lane Lc (2A) 143285
Symington Ground Frame 971100 SYMNGTN SYMINGTON 07969
Symphony Travel S157 739600
Synod Inn 554900 SYNDINN -
Syon Lane SYL 560900 SYONLA SYON LANE 87143
Syon Lane Self Service Ticket Machine 278100
System & Technical Architecture 130816
System Development Engineer 217229
System Engineer 210260
Systems 150713 151113 473231 475235
Systems 2A 095417
Systems 2B 095382 095383 338510
Systems Accountant 299948 978025
Systems & Documentation 127121
Systems & Safety Engineer 717906
Systems Department 745633
Systems Design 090624 338203 338204 338412 338413 093943 093944 094940
Systems Design 2A 095036
Systems Design 2B 095037
Systems Development Manager 548216
Systems Development Section 334023
Systems Development Team 507006
Systems Engineer 090630 091313 094949 142416 339315 565063 094969 339317
Systems Group York 829124
Systems/IND Engineer London End 564820
Systems Management 130813
Systems Manager 150024
Systems Market Link 301000
Systems Rostered Managers 130828
Syston SYS 190000 SYSTON SYSTON 59024
Syston East Junction 190001 SYSTNEJ SYSTONEJN 59021
Syston North Junction 190002 SYSTNNJ SYSTONNJN 59020
Syston South Junction 190003 SYSTNSJ SYSTONSJN 59022