A (hopefully) comprehensive listing

Locations beginning F

Last update 3 December 2024

Additional information is always gratefully received, whether entirely new records (particularly historical records) or information to fill in gaps or correct errors, via the contact link under the Miscellaneous entry in the navigation bar above. Thank you.

To see other locations, please click the link below:

Facets ICL 705380
Facets UK 090021
Facilities & Project Management Project Team 562090
Facilities Craigentinny 884330 932410
Facilities Divisional Clerical Support 983332
Facilities Headquarters 565527
Facilities Management 499914
Facilities Management Basingstoke 131767 132715
Facilities Management Bournemouth 131774 132717
Facilities Management Business Review 829623
Facilities Management Clapham Junction 131761 132709 132710 559883
Facilities Management Consultancy 437602
Facilities Management Dartford 128530
Facilities Management Eastleigh 131770 132718
Facilities Management Exeter 334901
Facilities Management Feltham 132712 559859
Facilities Management General 386468
Facilities Management Group Derby 1 491820
Facilities Management Group Derby 2 491840
Facilities Management Guildford 131768 131917
Facilities Management Headquarters Darlington 705059
Facilities Management Internal Control 829094
Facilities Management London Bridge 128513
Facilities Management Network Services 090223 090230 096738
Facilities Management Network Support Crewe 093242
Facilities Management New Works O/W 983072
Facilities Management New Works Red Differential 983061
Facilities Management North Finance 125304
Facilities Management North Quality & Saftey 125305
Facilities Management Operations & Retail 113976
Facilities Management Orpington 128669
Facilities Management Portsmouth 131771 131772 132719 132720
Facilities Management Power & Electrical 386466
Facilities Management Railtrack House 128056
Facilities Management Ramsgate 130922
Facilities Management Reading 314959
Facilities Management Retail Artisan 437710
Facilities Management Retail Salaried 437709
Facilities Management Salisbury 131780 131781 132716 132722
Facilities Management South Laundry 126014
Facilities Management Tonbridge 128670
Facilities Management Unix Nottingham 091947
Facilities Management Woking 132714 568505
Facilities Management Yeovil 131778 131779 132723
Facilities Manager 270030
Facilities Manager Feltham 555901
Facilities Manager Fitzroy House 128053
Facilities Manager Help Desk 565528
Facilities Manager Kings Cross 110203 612126 612171 612191
Facilities Manager Liverpool Street 127601 127602 127603 127604 127605 127791 141110 141111 141817
Facilities Manager Maintenance Records 565530
Facilities Manager Melton House 144627
Facilities Manager Messengers 2B 128950
Facilities Nottingham 491716
Facilities Restructuring Drivers 455053
Facilities Support General Manager Woking 573506
Facilities Systems 090597
Factory Junction 537180 FACTRYJ FACTORYJN 87233
FA General 700501
Failsworth FLS 295100 FALSWTH FAILSWRTH 31067
Fairbourne FRB 441600 FRBN FAIRBOURN 64413
Fairfield FRF 278000 FRFD FAIRFIELD 32056
Fairlie FRL 945200 FAIRLIE FAIRLIE 08216
Fairlie MOD 949511 FAIRMOD FAIRLIEMD 08213
Fairlie Pier 949500
Fairlie Scottish Nuclear 945211 FAIRLSN FAIRLIE H 08212
Fairlop LT ZFA 057600
Fairwater FRW 387300 FRWATER FAIRWATER 78507
Fairwater Yard 347161 FRWAYD FRWAYD 83006
Fairways And Swinford Travel 387500
Fairwood Junction 570767 FRWDJN FAIRWD JN 82118
Falconwood FCN 513700 FALCNWD FALCNWOOD 88420
Falconwood Self Service Ticket Machine 580500
Falconwood Ticket Office 513720
Falkirk East/Fife Supervisors 932825
Falkirk East Signal 2B 127572
Falkirk East Signal Relief 2B 127573
Falkirk/Fife Signalling Supervisors 2B 127580
Falkirk Grahamston FKG 993000 FALKRKG FALKRKGRM 05041
Falkirk Grahamston Self Service Ticket Machine 375600
Falkirk Grahamston Station Staff 932134
Falkirk Grahamston [unknown feature] 991887 993073
Falkirk High FKK 993100 FALKRKH FALKIRK H 05109
Falkirk High On Train Sales 976100
Falkirk High Self Service Ticket Machine 904400
Falkirk High Station Staff 932133
Falkirk High [unknown feature] 991845
Falkirk Relief 991888
Falkirk Relief Staff 932160
Falkirk Scottish Railway Preservation Society Depot 05043
Falkirk Stations FLK 043100
Falkirk West 995171
Falkirk West Signalling Supervisors 2B 127581
Falkland 946563
Falkland Down Goods Loop 946530 FLKLDGL FALKLDDGL 08601
Falkland Freight Terminal 946510 FLKLDFT FALKLNDFT 08603
Falkland Junction 946520 FLKLJN FALKLNDJN 08602
Falkland Junction Down Yard 08613
Falkland Shunting 946564
Falkland Storage Sidings XFA 946500 FLKLNDS FALKLNDUY 08600
Falkland Storage Sidings Catchment Area Focal Point 946561 FLKLGP
Falkland Yard 270253
Falkland Yard Repair Point FALKLDYRP 08599
Falls of Cruachan FOC 872600 FLSCRHN FALLCRCHN 06050
Falmer FMR 533700 FAMR FALMEROriginal code FALMER 88181
Falmer Sales 2B 533710
Falmer Sales Point Network SouthCentral 533759
Falmer Self Service Ticket Machine 406400
Falmer Signal Box FLMERSB
Falmouth Docks 350811 FALMTH DK 85522
Falmouth Docks [station] FAL 350800 FALMTHD FALMTHDKS 85521
Falmouth Station Group 350812
Falmouth Town FMT 359100 FALMTHT FALMTH TN 85515
Fambridge see also North Fambridge FAM 687500 FAMBDGE NFAMBRDGE 50307
Family Lounge 826873
Far East Travel Centre S270 769300
Fareham FRM 590000 FAREHAM FAREHAM 86241
Fareham ARC Sidings 590014 FAREARC FAREHAMAG 86242
Fareham Booking Office 590013
Fareham Hanson Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 590006 FAREFHH FARHANFHH 86244
Fareham North Junction 590005 FARENJN FAREHAMNJ 86243*
Fareham Revenue Protection On Train Sales 963700
Fareham Self Service Ticket Machine 318400
Fareham Signal E283 590004 FARE283 FAREHM283 86239
Fareham Signal E283 590004 FARE283 FARE E283 86243
Fareham Signal E821 590003 FARE821 FAREHM821 86237
Fareham Signal E822 590002 FARE822 FAREHM822 86240Later code
Fareham Signal E822 590002 FARE822 FAREHM822 86236Earlier code
Fareham Signal E825 590001 FARE825 FAREHM825 86238
Fare Refunds Other Than Seasons 445136
Fare Refunds Seasons 445134
Fares Business Object 705061
Fares Headquarters London 501000
Fares Implementation 705065
Fares Implementation Birmingham 090080
Fares Implementation Kings House 091049
Fares Implementation York 090068
Fares Production 091048
Fares Production Ad Hoc RSP 705004
Fares Production Local RSP 705006
Fares Production Non RSP 705002 705003
Fares Production RSP 705001
Fares Project 093689
Fares Pub Ad Hoc RSP 705009
Fares Pub Cons Non RSP 705008
Fares Pub Nat RSP 705005
Fares Pub Non RSP 705007
Faringdon Oxfordshire FAX 169300 CATZFAX
Farington Curve Junction 275303 FRNGTNC FRNGTNCJN 30150
Farington Junction 271004 FRNGTNJ FRNGTN JN 30151
Farlington Junction 589662 FRLNGTJ FLINGTONJ 86334
Farnborough Clerical 552112
Farnborough Country End 552105 FRNBRCE FARNBCEND 86043
Farnborough Emergency Trailing Crossover 552101 FRBRETC 86043*
Farnborough London End 552104 FRNBRLE FARNBWJN 86048
Farnborough (Main) FNB 552100 FRBRMN FRNBROOriginal code FARNBORO 86042
Farnborough (Main) Self Service Ticket Machine 968700
Farnborough North FNN 568800 FRBRNTH FRNBRONOriginal code FARNBRO N 87010
Farnborough Signal BE100 552102 FRBR100 86042*
Farnborough Signal BE5100 552106 FRNB100 FARNB5100 86020
Farnborough Signal YW4 552103 FRBRYW4 86042*
Farnborough Stations FBO 026000
Farncombe FNC 564300 FRNCMB FARNCMBOriginal code FARNCOMBE 87055
Farncombe Self Service Ticket Machine 313400
Farncombe Signal Box 564360 FARNCSB
Farncombe Signal Box Restructuring 131969
Farnham FNH 554500 FARNHAM FARNHAM 87026
Farnham B1 557847
Farnham B2 557848
Farnham Carriage Servicing Depot XFM 554562 FARNHMD FARNHM US 87028
Farnham Cleaners 554573
Farnham Clerical 554571
Farnham Conductors 554563
Farnham Depot Reception Road 554512 FARNDRP FARNDPRRD 87032
Farnham Drivers 554509
Farnham DSM/CSM 554561
Farnham Electric Multiple Unit Sidings XFN 554565 FARNEMU FNHM EMUS 87029
Farnham G On Train Sales 373000
Farnham Resource Supervisors 554504
Farnham Road (Slough) Loop 317257 FNROAD FARNRD LP 73834
Farnham Self Service Ticket Machine 312600
Farnham Shunters 554513
Farnham Signal Box 554564 FARNHSB
Farnham Signal Box Restructuring 131975
Farnham Signal FN3 554507 FARNF3 FARNSG3 FARNHAM3 87027
Farnham Signal FN30 554502 FARNF30 FNHAMFN30 87017
Farnham Signal WK438 554510 FARN438 FARNHM438 87035
Farnham Signal WK445 554508 FARN445 FARNHM445 87036
Farnham Signal WK1383 554511 FARN383 FARNM1383 87020
Farnham Single Line Junction 554507 FARNSLJ 86912
Farnham Tip 554567 FARNHMT
Farnham Train Crew Depot Non Paybill 554506
Farnham Train Crew Supervision 554503
Farnham Train Crew Surplus Staff 554501
Farnham Trainmen 554568
Farnham Turnaround Cleaning 554570
Farningham Road FNR 510500 FRNNGRD FARNGHMRD 88480
Farningham Road 'GKN' 88490
Farnley Ltd 828700
Farnley/Prestige S591 828300
Farnley Travel S593 828800
Farnworth FNW 281100 FRNW FARNWORTH 31569
Farranfore FAR 031300 CATZFAR
Farringdon 950900 FNTLSR 63633*
Farringdon Crossrail FACEarlier code FDXLater code 950904 659500 FRNDXR FARGDONXR FARGDONEL 63636
Farringdon Fisher Street East 950903 FRNDFST FISHERSTE 73115
Farringdon For The Games ZFZ 674000 CATZ067
Farringdon LT FAREarlier code ZFDLater code 057700 FRNDNLT FARGDNTLK 63633
Farringdon (SR) 950901
Farringdon [unknown feature] 445102
Fascia Capital Accounting Railtrack North West 129845
Fast And Easy Travel S271 769400
Fastline 829933
Fastline Directors 829944
Fastline Employee Relations 829063
Fastline Finance 829938
Fastline Freight FASTLINE 23400
Fastline Internal Control 829936
Fastline Manchester 815300
Fastline Marketing 829434
Fastline Payments To Ex-Staff 018888
Fastline Photographics 829264
Fastline Procurement 826443
Fastline Production Administration 829181
Fastline Quality & Safety 829941
Fastline Road Transport 829930
Fastline Soil Mechanics Conc 683105
Fastline Stores York 829020
Fastline Surveyors 826630
Fastline Training Management 829023
Fastline Training TUPE 1 437922
Fastline Training TUPE 2 437923
Fastline Training TUPE 3 437924
Fastline Training Welding 829022
Fastline Welded Rail Train 829937
Fast Track 500206
Fast Track 500207
Fauldhouse FLD 924500 FAULDHS FAULDHSE 04086
Fault Control British Rail Infrastructure Services South Eastern 504485
Fault Control Engineer 2B 437887
Fault Control Management British Rail Infrastructure Services South Eastern 504486
Fault Control Manager 166802
Fault Control MS Grade Staff 113950
Fault Control Reading 2A 581325
Fault Control Reading 2B 581327
Fault Control Signalling & Telecommunications Grade Staff 113945
Faulting Assistant Hull 437354
Faulting Assistant Knottingley 437351
Faulting Assistant Leeds 437372
Faulting Assistant Wakefield 437370
Faversham FAV 516700 FAVRSHM FAVERSHAM 89501
Faversham Back Road 516710 FAVRBRD FAVERSBRD 89506
Faversham Building Maintenance 516765
Faversham Carriage Holding Sidings 516769 FAVRCHS 89501*
Faversham Conductors 516777 545433
Faversham Down Loop 516714 FAVRDL 89503*
Faversham Down Reception 516711 FAVRDNR FAVERSMDR 89503Earlier code 89504Later code
Faversham Down Siding No 1 516715 FAVRDS1 FAVERSMDS 89503
Faversham Drivers - Drivers Riding Inspector 516705
Faversham Maintenance Services 516798
Faversham Maintenance Sidings 516712
Faversham MT Sidings FAVRMTS
Faversham Operations Managers 516780
Faversham Plant Maintenance 516772
Faversham Relief Drivers - Drivers Riding Inspector 516706
Faversham Revenue Protection Inspectors Team 516702
Faversham Self Service Ticket Machine 888500
Faversham Shunters/IR 516751
Faversham Shunt Signal EY21 516716 FAVR21 FAVERSS21 89499
Faversham Shunt Signal EY34 516717 FAVR34 FAVERSS34 89507
Faversham Shunt Signal EY35 516718 FAVR35 FAVERSS35 89508
Faversham Signal Box 128468 FVERSHM
Faversham Signal EK4327 516707 FAV4327 FAVRS4327 89509
Faversham Signal EK4352 516701 FAV4352 FAVRS4352 89518
Faversham Signal EK5060 516709 FAV5060 FAVRS5060 89522
Faversham Signal EK5062 516719 FAV5062 FAVRS5062 89523
Faversham Sportis Network SouthEast 373100
Faversham Ticket Office 516788
Faversham Traincare 516704
Faversham Trainee Drivers 516703
Faversham Trainee Drivers - Drivers Riding Inspector 516708
Faversham Trainmen 516787
Faversham Train Recorders 130906
Faversham Trains Maintenance Mechanical & Electrical Engineer 516760
Faversham Up Sidings 516713 FAVRUPS FAVERSMUS 89502
Fawkham Junction XWK 511410 FAWKHMJ FAWKHAMJN 88499
Fawkham Junction Network Rail/CTRL Boundary ('Waterloo Connection Boundary') XJN 511418 FAWKNRC WATERLOCB 89538
Fawley 590100 FWLY FAWLEYOriginal code 86812*
Fawley ABB Transportation 590116 FAWLEY 86815
Fawley AGWI 590114 FAWLYAGWI 86813
Fawley Esso 590113 FWLYESO FAWLEYCAD 86812
Fawley Esso Freightliner Heavy Haul 590117 FWLYFHH FAWLEYCFL 86816
Fawley Ground Frame 590105 FWLYGF FAWLEY GF 86807
Fawley Inspec 590112 FAWLEYHDY 86811
Fawley ISR Sidings FWLYISR
Fawley Liquified Petroleum Gas Sidings 590115 FAWLEYLPG 86814
Fawley Loops see Totton Fawley Loops
Fawley [unknown feature] 270566
Faygate FGT 549300 FAYGATE FAYGATE 87935
Faygate (Police House) 549350 FAYGBUS -
Faygate Sales Point 549310
Faygate Self Service Ticket Machine 634800
Faygate Signal Box FAYGTSB
Fazakerley FAZ 212600 FAZKRLY FAZAKERLY 36052
FBC Accounts Section CP5 4D 504432
FBC Administration Section 500111
FBC Area Resourcing/Quality Manager 500121
FBC Area Signal Engineer (Wks) 500104
FBC Business/Planning CP4 5B 500120 504431
FBC Business Reporting CP5 4B 500050
FBC Chief Accountant CP5 2B 511312
FBC Commercial Director CP4 2C 500168
FBC Commercial Facilities Manager CP3 5A 514844
FBC Commercial Secretary CP42B 548224
FBC Commercial Services Manager CP3 511360
FBC Company Administration CP3 5B 500043
FBC Connex Audit SE CP3 6D 500046
FBC Corporate Affairs CP4 3B 500035 500070
FBC CP3 6B Internal Audit Contracts 545425
FBC CSE Operations Director 548218 562127
FBC Customer Relations Manager CP3 5A 500132
FBC Director & Support CP4 1A 091340 500069
FBC Employee Relations CP3 4C 500012
FBC Energy Manager CP4 5B 544502
FBC Engineering Director CP41D 500032
FBC Engineering Director Support CP41D 511357
FBC FA Fixed Assets 504430
FBC Finance Buildings CP3 5C 500053
FBC Finance Director CP4 2B 500034
FBC Finance Manager E & I CP3 5A 500055
FBC Finance Signalling & Telecommunications CP3 5B 500054
FBC Finance Students CP5 2C 504443
FBC Finance Support CP4 2B 500040
FBC Finance Trainees CP5 2C 504442
FBC Financial Accounting CP5 2C 500041
FBC Fire Safety Section CP3 1D 548212
FBC Fleet Delivery CP4 6B 548222
FBC Fleet Services Manager 564806
FBC Fleet Technology Support 557892
FBC Franchise Executive CP3 5B 548214
FBC Franchise Team CP3 5B 548221
FBC Human Resource Plan CP3 4C 500017
FBC Income/Planning CP4 5B 500001
FBC Information Technology Manager & Support CP5 3A 545416
FBC Management Accounting CP55A 500049
FBC Managing Director CP4 1A 500099
FBC Marketing CP4 5A 511306
FBC Marketing/Planning CP4 5A 500078
FBC Networker Projects CP5 1A 500018
FBC Operations Standards 548209
FBC Organisation Development CP3 4C 500014
FBC Other Income Retail 500153
FBC Passenger Income Retail 500152
FBC Passenger Liaison CP4 3C 504424
FBC Performance 548205
FBC Permanent Planning 545447
FBC Personnel Section 500110
FBC Personnel Services CP3 4C 500022
FBC Personnel Support CP4 1C 500011
FBC Pricing Manager 545424
FBC Production Director CP4 1B 548220
FBC Production/Operations Displaced CP4 1B 548204
FBC Project & Resources Manager CP3 6C 500164
FBC Project Engineering CL375 CP41D 559843
FBC Resources & Train Crew CP4 1B 548211
FBC Revenue Accountancy Standards Manager CP5 2B 548225
FBC Rolling Stock CP3 3A 548223
FBC RTL Operations SMs CP3 6B 521410
FBC Safety & Environment 500072
FBC Safety Assurance CP3 1D 548213
FBC Safety Section CP3 1D 562142
FBC Service Centre CP4 6B 562126
FBC Short Term Planning 545448
FBC Signalling & Telecommunications Training & Development 500122
FBC Signalling Current 500138
FBC Systems Accountant CP5 2C 500051
FBC Technical Services Engineering Restructuring 500114
FBC Technology Standards & Process Engineering CP4 545443
FBC Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer 2A 661329
FBC Telecommunications Services Engineer 2B 661332
FBC Testing & Commissioning Engineering 500109
FBC Testing & Commissioning Engineering Restructuring 500105
FBC Timetable & Stock CP3 3A 562125
FBC Timetable Manager 545423
FBC TLE Maintenance Trainee Technician 2B 661330
FBC TLE Services Engineer 2A 661331
FBC Traction Current 500139
FBC Trading & Contracts CP5 4A 504458 504465
FBC Traincrew/Resources CP3 1B 562123
FBC Train Planning 545446
FBC Treasury CP5 5C 504433
FBC Voluntary Severance 500031
FBC Welfare & Social CP3 6A 500030
FBC Workshop Services Manager CP3 6C 515407
FC Accounting Adjustments 829187
FC Bennett/BRH 311415
FC Buildings/Plant & Support 114779
FCC Telesales Plymouth 200900
FC Education & Training 829225
FCM Flightcentre 571300
FCM Travel Solutions JS 158600
FCM Travel Solutions JW 109500
FC North West 139458
FC Office Expenses 829391
FC Reduncancy SRS 829393
FC Redundancy SLS 829392
FC South East 139457
Fearn FRN 863700 FEARN FEARN 01047
Fearn Siding 863702 FEARNSD FEARN SDG 01048
Fearn Sidings Civil Engineer 863701
Featherstone FEA 854400 FTHRSTN FEATHSTNE 18031
Felin Fran 420900 FELNFRN FELINFRAN 79106
Felixstowe FLX 721400 FLXSTOW FELXSTW 49137
Felixstowe Beach 721300 FLXSBCH FELIXBECH 49131
Felixstowe Beach Junction 721301 FLXSBJN FELXBECHJ FLXBCHJN 48128
Felixstowe Central DB Schenker Felixstowe Central DB Cargo 721607 FLXSCDB FELIXCDBS FELIXCDBC 49150
Felixstowe Central Freightliner 721606 FLXSCFL FELIXC FL 49152
Felixstowe Central GB Railfreight 721608 FLXSCGB FELIXC GB 49149
Felixstowe Central Repair Point Freightliner FLXCRPLFL 49156
Felixstowe Creek RS 721314 FLXSCRS FLXCREEKS 49133*
Felixstowe Creek Sidings English Welsh & Scottish Railway 721316 FLXSSTO FELIXDKS 49134
Felixstowe Cripple Siding 49156
Felixstowe Dock 721311 FLXSDCK FELIX DKS 49133
Felixstowe Freightliner Terminal FELIXSFLT 49130
Felixstowe Freight Operating 721466
Felixstowe GB Railfreight Repair Point FELIXGBRP 49141
Felixstowe North Docks Freightliner Heavy Haul FELIXNFHH 49135
Felixstowe North Docks Rail Port GB Railfreight 721302 FLXSNRP FLXSNRPGB 49147
Felixstowe North English Welsh & Scottish Railway Felixstowe North DB Schenker Felixstowe North DB Cargo 721603 FLXSNEW FELIXNDBS FELIXNDBC 49140
Felixstowe North Freightliner Terminal 721315 FLXSNFL FELIXNFLT 49136
Felixstowe North Freightliner Terminal Wabtec FELIXNFLT 49135
Felixstowe North GB Railfreight 721317 FLXSNGB FELIXN GB 49139
Felixstowe North Quay Signal FW9074 721401 FLXS074 NQUAY9074 49158
Felixstowe Oysterbed Roads 721605 FLXSOYS FLXOYSTER 49148
Felixstowe Signal CO634 721611 FLXS634 FELIXS634 49126
Felixstowe Signal NQ2 721610 FLXSNQ2 FELIXSNQ2 49122
Felixstowe Signal NQ4 721609 FLXSNQ4 FELIXSNQ4 49123
Felixstowe South Docks Rail Port GB Railfreight 721604 FLXSSRP FLXSSRPGB 49127
Felixstowe South English Welsh & Scottish Railway Felixstowe South DB Schenker Felixstowe South DB Cargo 721602 FLXSSEW FELXDKEWS FELXDKDBS FELXDKDBC 49132
Felixstowe South Freightliner Terminal 721600 FLXSSFL 49136*
Felixstowe South GB Railfreight 721601 FLXSSGB FELIXSGBR 49129
Felixstowe South 'RT' Freightliner 721613 FLXSSRT FELXSTSFL 49128
Felixstowe Wagon Maintenance 099917
Fellgate FEG 868300 FELL FELLGATE 13150
Feltham FEL 555900 FELTHAM FELTHAM 87121
Feltham Area Conciliatory Relief Staff 555975
Feltham Area Engineering Works 131766
Feltham Area Manager & Staff 555970
Feltham Area Police 555918
Feltham Area Retail Manager 555913
Feltham Area Retail Manager Support 555912
Feltham Area Station Management 555973
Feltham Arrival Road Country End 555907 FELTACE FELTACEND 87044
Feltham Arrival Road London End 555908 FELTALE FELTALEND 87042
Feltham Clerical 555984
Feltham Depot 555909 FELTDEP FELTDEPOT 87033
Feltham Direct Services 555917
Feltham DSM & DC 131765 132713
Feltham Engineering Works Restructuring 131713
Feltham Ex-Employees 018930
Feltham Grid Siding 555961 FELTGS FELTMGRDS 87120
Feltham Junction 555960 FELTHMJ FELTHAMJN 87122
Feltham LICC 555983
Feltham Mobile Task Force 555987
Feltham On Board Ticket Machines 147600
Feltham Operations Station Staff 536013
Feltham Payments To Ex-Employees 018983
Feltham Relief Signal 131943
Feltham Revenue Protection Inspectors 555963
Feltham Revenue Protection On Train Sales 174600
Feltham Self Service Ticket Machine 469800
Feltham Signal BEF2157 555910 FELT157 87308
Feltham Signal Box FELTHSB
Feltham Signal F453 555906 FELT453 FELTHM453 FELSIG453 87182
Feltham Signalmen 555971
Feltham Signalmen Restructuring 131964
Feltham Support Managers 555911
Feltham [unknown feature] 133966
Feltham Workmans Compensation 012131
Fenchurch Street FST 749000 FENCHRS FENCHURST 52711
Fenchurch Street For The Games FSX 658700 CATZ039
Fenchurch Street TOC Gates 099800
Fen Drayton 717400 FNDRYTN FENDRAYTN 47008
Feniton FNT 580800 FENITON FENITON 83458
Feniton Level Crossing 131798
Feniton Self Service Ticket Machine 416000
Fenny Compton XFC 455200 FENNYCM FENNYCOMP 69414
Fenny Compton Cropredy 455202 FENNCRO CROPREDY 69418
Fenny Compton Down Goods Loop FENYDGL 69402
Fenny Compton Exchange Sidings 455211 FENNEX FENYCMPEX 69413
Fenny Compton MOD 455213 FENYMOD KINETONMD 69411
Fenny Compton Regional Civil Engineer's Sidings 455212 FENYCE FENYCMPCE 69412
Fenny Compton Signal Box 143120
Fenny Compton Signalling 455214
Fenny Compton Signal OL715 455201 FENN715 FNYCP7150 69415
Fenny Compton South Junction 455203 FENYSJN FENNYSJN 69404
Fenny Stratford FEN 137700 FSTR FENNY SFD 62057
Fenny Stratford Booking Office 113678
Fenny Stratford Platform 136074
Fenny Stratford Signal Box 143203
Fenton Manor FMA 000700 FENTON 43423
Ferme Park FRMPK
Ferme Park Aggregates Industries Freightliner Heavy Haul 601104 FRMPKFH FRMPRKFHH 54220
Ferme Park Bounds Green 884306
Ferme Park Diesel Sidings 601114 FRMPKDS FMPKDSSDG 54211
Ferme Park Down Reception Sidings 601112
Ferme Park Fuelling 683502
Ferme Park GB Railfreight FERMEPKGB 54214
Ferme Park London Concrete 601101 FRMPKLC FRMPK LC 54215
Ferme Park London Concrete GB Railfreight 601102 FRMPGBR FRMPKLCGB 54216
Ferme Park Marshalling Yard 601100
Ferme Park Reception Line GB Railfreight 601115 FRMPRSG FERME PK 54213
Ferme Park Reception Sidings XFD 601113 FRMPKRS FERMEPARK 54209
Ferme Park Shunt Spur 601103 FRMPSPR FRMPRKSPR 54219
Ferme Park Sidings Static Gang 499377 601165
Ferme Park Static 601576
Ferndale (by bus) FED 032400 FERDALE -
Fernhill FER 386200 FERNHIL FERNHILL 78129
Ferniegair 970700 FRNIGAR
Ferriby FRY 806100 FERRIBY FERRIBY 19199
Ferriby Signal GH1747 806101 FERR747 FERBYS747 19200
Ferriby Signal GH1752 806102 FERR752 FERBYS752 19201
Ferries Trains & Planes Internet Booking Engine 304300
Ferrybridge C Power Station Freightliner Heavy Haul 853705 FERYFHH FERRYBGEC 16709
Ferrybridge Depot 270898
Ferrybridge Drivers 270274 270444
Ferrybridge Driver Training & Competence Managers 270445
Ferrybridge Holding Sidings 853700 FERYHS FERRYB HS 16711
Ferrybridge National Power Loco Depot 853713 FERYLD FERRYBDGE 16714
Ferrybridge National Power Repair Depot 853712 FERYRD FERRY BGE 16713
Ferrybridge North Junction 853701 FERYBDG FERRYBNJN 16710
Ferrybridge Power Station 853711 FERYBPS FERRYBB&C 16712
Ferrybridge Power Station GB Railfreight 853704 FERYGBF FERRYBGGB 16708
Ferrybridge Power Station Gypsum GB Railfreight 853702 FERYGGB FERYGYPGB 16707
Ferrybridge Signal Box 131529
Ferrybridge Signal F624 853715 FERY624 FERY S624 16715
Ferrybridge TM NPS 270109
Ferryhill 499152
Ferryhill Aycliffe 787709 FYHLAYC AYCLIFFE 15125
Ferryhill Mobile 499164
Ferryhill Preston Manor 773202 FYHLPRM PRESTN MR 15123
Ferryhill South Junction 773211 FYHLSJN FHILSTHJN 15120
Ferryhill Stillington 773205 FYHLSTI STILLNGTN 15135
Ferryhill Terminal Complex Old Yard 773212 FYHLTC FERRYHLYD 15114
Ferryhill Terminal Complex Old Yard GB Railfreight 773201 FYHLGBF FRYHLTCGB 15110
Ferryhill Thompson 773200 FYHLTHO FERRYHILL 15113
Ferryhill Yard Marcroft 773210 FYHLMAR FERYHILYD 15115
Ferryholme 499158
Ferry Meadows (Nene Park) 612915
Ferryside FYS 407400 FYSD FERRYSIDE 80407
Ferry Siding 501245
Ffairfach FFA 406600 FFAIRFC FFAIRFACH 79073
Ffestiniog Railway Company 191700
FIAP 705064
FIB Police Inspector 098184
FIB Police Staff Tavistock Place 098014
Fiddlers Ferry English Welsh & Scottish Railway Carriage & Wagon Fiddlers Ferry DB Schenker Carriage & Wagon 239461 FIDLERSFY FIDLRS FY 35601
Fiddlers Ferry Power Station Edison 239432 FDLRSFY FIDLERSFY 35602
Fiddlers Ferry Power Station Freightliner Heavy Haul 239433 FDLRFHH FIDLRSFRY 35600
Fiddlers Ferry Power Station GB Railfreight 239434 FDLRGBF FIDLRFFGD 35604
Fiddlers Ferry Signal Box 239431 FDLRSSB FIDLRFYSB 35603
Field Engineering 106819
Field Intelligence Criminal Investigation Department 098371
Field Manager Barnham 128665
Field Manager Herne Hill 128676
Field Manager Ramsgate 128666
Field Manager Ramsgate NPS 2A 130908
Field Manager Sutton 128664
Field Manager Three Bridges 128663
Field Operations Loads Inspectors 110166
Field Service Engineer Norwich 731390
Field Services Engineer 363011 605842
Field Support Maintenance 2A 219721 581933
Field Support Manager 983336
Fieldway Tram 947200 CROY14
Fife Booking Offices 914563
Fife Relief Staff 932150
Fife Services Team Leader 932117
Fifoots Point Power Station English Welsh & Scottish Railway 367319 FIFOTPS FIFOOTSPS USKMTHPWR 76118
Fifoots Point Power Station Freightliner 367320 FIFOTFL USKMTH PS 76121
Filey FIL 806200 FILEY FILEY 19002
Filey/Cottingham 806265
Filey Gristhorpe 806205 FILEGRS GRISTHRPE 19001
Filey Station Signal Box 131589
Fillan 882602 FILLAN 06122
Filton FITEarlier code XFILater code after station closed 323500Earlier code 323501Later code after station closed FILTON FILTON 81299
Filton Abbey Wood FAW FIT 323500 FILTNEW FILTON AW 81305
Filton Abbey Wood Manual Gates 477200
Filton Abbey Wood Self Service Ticket Machine 288700
Filton Abbey Wood Station 323514
Filton Junction 323513 FILTONJ FILTON JN 81300
Filton Junction Coal Concentration Depot FILTCCD
Filton Signal B343 323566 FILT343 -
Filton Signal DF06 323502 FILTN06 FILTNDF06 81301
Filton West Junction 323562 FILTNWJ FILTON WJ 81302
Filton West Signal B645 323503 FILT645 FILTNW645 81303
Finance 090056 092022 094505 094511 094514 094515 096210 098602 098959 106291 106706 106710 128137 128559 128570 128571 131706 131708 131743 131904 131908 133608 133805 143360 150112 338218 338411 339313 437633 445087 499903 500272 500273 500274 500275 510716 510717 510718 510719 512216 512218 512219 522952 522953 543506 543507 543508 543509 543510 547850 547851 547852 547853 547854 549140 549141 549142 549143 549144 566524 566540 566552 566593 566598 568535 568536 568537 568538 568539 591045 591046 591047 591048 605727 655411 680268 685285 685286 685287 685288 685289 688620 688621 688622 688623 688624 689150 689151 689152 689153 689154 694340 694341 694342 694343 694344 695140 695141 695142 695143 695144 698141 698142 698143 698144 698145 702465 702466 702467 702468 702469 717706 718402 721751 721752 721753 721754 721755 731425 731426 731427 731428 731429 745506 745508 745509 745510 889002 889022 978589
Finance 2A 095388 451401 581921 581922
Finance 2B 095030 095389 507574
Finance Accounting Adjustments 129037 335691 335742 335793 566504
Finance Acres Thames 314880
Finance Analyst 493700 494700 495700 496700 498700
Finance Analyst London 497700
Finance Artillery Lane Paybill 719033
Finance Axis Clearing Account 147461
Finance Balance Sheet 512305
Finance BICC 518792
Finance Birmingham 094504
Finance Birmingham 2A 451201
Finance Casual Staff 978086
Finance Central Services Executive Grade Derby 091337
Finance Claims General 095246
Finance Clearing Axis Account 333333
Finance Commercial Account 363046 605851
Finance Compensation Watford 012707
Finance Contingency Weekly Payments 011071 011674
Finance Controller 127408 338504 534280
Finance Controller Major Stations 128070
Finance Controller's Office 299953
Finance Craigentinny 605714
Finance Department 141674 173608 270515 333848 719432
Finance Department & Staff 566502
Finance Derby 518010 705054
Finance Development 091816
Finance Director 095622 125132 150890 151112 363045 451102 475301 568037 605745
Finance Director CP5 532060
Finance Director Crewe 270005
Finance Director Doncaster 270004
Finance Director Islington 270003
Finance Director MP1011 111853
Finance Director Support 983311
Finance Director York 826448
Finance East Anglia Zone 127736
Finance Executive Grades MP1011 111828
Finance Ex-Staff 019089
Finance Financial Accounting 131710
Finance Financial Accounts 333210
Finance General 091254
Finance General Expenses 719293
Finance Group Personnel Services Euston 090455
Finance Headquarters 091551 111907 111908 111910 166830
Finance Ill Health Contingency Weekly Payments 011494
Finance Ill Health Lump Sums 129962
Finance Information Technology 091245 220396
Finance Infrastructure 698549
Finance Infrastructure Maintenance Unit North 620500
Finance Internal Control 698546
Finance IS Charges 128574
Finance Kings Cross 098638
Finance Liabilities 698278
Finance London 491700 508859
Finance London North 128068
Finance London Overground Rail Operations 994700
Finance London South 128069
Finance Manager 139420 150712 177104 206160 206182 217217 270481 333341 473230 475234 504376 571012 571821
Finance Manager Cash 568056
Finance Manager East 437521
Finance Manager General Departments 568082
Finance Manager General/Support 983707
Finance Manager Infrastructure 504401
Finance Manager London East 826646
Finance Manager MS Kings Cross 826637
Finance Manager Newport (S) 334711
Finance Manager Operations 774910
Finance Manager P & E 983313
Finance Manager Rail 206106
Finance Manager Rail Support 206107
Finance Manager Services 022305
Finance Manager South West Wimbledon 564755
Finance Manager Support 206161
Finance Manager Support 206183
Finance Manager Thameslink 091826
Finance Manager Traction & Rolling Stock 568061
Finance Manager West 437003
Finance Manager Works Birmingham 2A 107610
Finance MS Paddington 131805
Finance Non-Staff Costs 128576
Finance North 128067
Finance Norwich 731016
Finance Office Hamilton House 491720
Finance Operations 826610
Finance Outside Responsibilities 132685
Finance Overheads 600341
Finance Payments To Ex-Employees 018133 019107
Finance Payroll Clerks 698517
Finance Privatisation Ex-Employees 019495
Finance/Procurement 688171
Finance Projects & Works 583144
Finance Project Staff 128978
Finance Reading 2A 092580
Finance Redundancy 011403
Finance Redundancy Gainfully Employed Thames 314844
Finance Resources/Analyst 698548
Finance Retail 826603
Finance Retail 92/93 Use 641808
Finance Section Bristol 098610
Finance Spare 719294
Finance Staff 969382
Finance Staff Crewe International Electric Maintenance Depot 122279
Finance Staff REDY PDTA 129003
Finance Support 090119
Finance Support South 514858
Finance System Support 111913
Finance Team 116302
Finance Trading 978030
Finance Trading Charges 335225
Finance Trading In 124691 314846 335601 335740 829058
Finance Trading Out 124692 314858 335552 335741 829006
Finance Training 128575
Finance Tyseley 451840
Finance Watford 705056
Financial Accountant 125155 125370 127139 127409 132452 826450 978024
Financial Accountant Accounting Adjustment 129993
Financial Accountant & Assistant 439705
Financial Accountant & Support 983708
Financial Accountant Executive 299995
Financial Accounting 090067 090562 090576 091443 091444 092276 107513 107521 107529 107537 107545 107554 107565 107569 107574 107650 107657 110073 113429 113953 113974 113999 125569 125608 125732 126029 126491 127448 127450 127799 128624 128989 150706 150801 150802 151106 151199 152001 152002 152306 152399 152601 152602 173795 256722 313903 313922 363029 363047 363048 363049 473001 473002 473290 473295 475290 475296 475305 475308 475490 475495 475501 475502 554330 566514 568042 568043 568044 568068 568086 605747 698545 700503
Financial Accounting Accounting Adjustments 129049
Financial Accounting Acres 698042
Financial Accounting Adjustments 335779 335790 698594
Financial Accounting Assistant ICCS 092933
Financial Accounting Bank/Current 700502
Financial Accounting Banking 181998
Financial Accounting Charters 092967
Financial Accounting Commercial 129020
Financial Accounting Control Account 128648
Financial Accounting CP 5 532069
Financial Accounting Default Account 128649
Financial Accounting Default Locations 139437
Financial Accounting Defaults 335045
Financial Accounting Depreciation 127169 127447 129021
Financial Accounting Executive Grade 113419
Financial Accounting Executive Grades 1-3 568089
Financial Accounting Finance 129022
Financial Accounting Financial Accounting 129032
Financial Accounting General 969658 983807
Financial Accounting Headquarters 826435
Financial Accounting Heaton 829729
Financial Accounting Holding Account 128650
Financial Accounting Human Resources 129024
Financial Accounting ICCS 092941
Financial Accounting Income Balance Sheet 129029
Financial Accounting Infastructure 129025
Financial Accounting Information Technology 123711 129031
Financial Accounting InterCity Great Western Main Line 098742
Financial Accounting Location 107370
Financial Accounting Only 128999
Financial Accounting Other Balances 139436
Financial Accounting Outside Responsibilities 132695
Financial Accounting Overlays 129033
Financial Accounting Police 129027
Financial Accounting Procurement 129030
Financial Accounting Production 129028
Financial Accounting Projects 129026
Financial Accounting Public Affairs 129019
Financial Accounting Purchases Ibis Office 983001
Financial Accounting Sales Ibis Office 983002
Financial Accounting Signalling & Telecommunications 113722
Financial Accounting Spare 1 745568
Financial Accounting Spare 2 745569
Financial Accounting Stewarts Lane 097884
Financial Accounting Stores 139435
Financial Accounting TRMC 106739
Financial Accounting Zone Director 129023
Financial Account Laundry 126028
Financial Accounts Manager 386470
Financial Accounts Support 206101
Financial Account Suspense Account 220304
Financial Analyst 127739
Financial Analyst Manager 090203 127412 826454
Financial Contingency Weekly Payments 011077 011825
Financial Control/Analysis CP53B 532067
Financial Controller 110643 125335 125723 127138 128975 128988 129810 132451 150026 386469 437295 499905 680269 698544 826447
Financial Controller Accounting Adjustments 125544 173790
Financial Controller Executive Grade 600386
Financial Controller Fleet 113463
Financial Controller ICCS 092928
Financial Controller Redundancy SRS 826476
Financial Director 314840
Financial Executive 698530
Financial Expenses 173688
Financial Ex-Staff 019097
Financial General Expenses 600354
Financial/Management Accounts Swindon 333849
Financial Manager Coal & Metals 125373
Financial Manager Commercial & Strategic 259529
Financial Manager Commercial & Strategic Office 299949
Financial Manager Fleet 826452
Financial Manager GM Projects/Works Midlands/North West 2A 581641
Financial Manager Minerals & General Merchandise 125376
Financial Manager Operations/Retail 848758
Financial Manager Passenger Transport Executive 829821
Financial Manager Petrol & Chemicals 125374
Financial Manager Rail Services 125375
Financial Payments to Ex-Employees 018103
Financial Standards Manager 826449
Finchley Central LT ZFC 057800
Finchley Road & Frognal FNY 144500 FNCHLYR FINCHLYRD 72417
Finchley Road & Frognal Self Service Ticket Machine 974200
Finchley Road & Frognal [unknown feature] 144560
Finchley Road LT ZFR 057900 FNCHMET -
Finchley Road Platform 140206
Findlays Siding 969125
Fine Lane Level Crossing 143232
Fine Quote Ltd S394 786400
Finlandia Travel Agency 754700
Finnieston East Junction 991460 FNSTNEJ FINN E JN 06362
Finnieston West Junction 991461 FNSTNWJ FINN W JN 06361
Finningley FGY 642300 FINNGLY FININGLEY 23501
Finsbury Park FPK 611900 FNPK FINSBRYPK 54238
Finsbury Park For The Games FPX 678900 CATZ069
Finsbury Park Heavy Cleaning Gangs 612141
Finsbury Park London Self Service Ticket Machine 812500
Finsbury Park LT ZFP 058000
Finsbury Park Mobile Gang 499379
Finsbury Park MSP 611936
Finsbury Park Relayers 611992
Finsbury Park Relaying Supervisor 611940
Finsbury Park Rolling Stock Maintenance Technicians 499378 611935
Finsbury Park Signal K53 611906 FNPK53 FINSPK53 54243
Finsbury Park Signal K60 611905 FNPK60 FINSPK60 54242
Finsbury Park Signal K68 611921 FNPK68 FINSPK68 54241
Finsbury Park Signal K378/9 611924 FNPK378 -
Finsbury Park Signal K380 611919 FNPK380 FINSPK380 54237
Finsbury Park Signal K381 611920 FNPK381 FINSPK381 54236
Finsbury Park Signal K392 611923 FNPK392 FINSPK392 54240
Finsbury Park Signal K407 611904 FNPK407 FINSBY407 54239
Finsbury Park Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Sidings FNPKCYD 54236
Finsbury Park Signal Maintenance 611996
Finsbury Park Timekeeper 499380
Finsbury Park Traction Maintenance Depot 54235
Finsbury Park [unknown feature] 611941
Finstock FIN 301200 FINSTCK FINSTOCK 74453
Fiorenzla FIORENZLA 00340
Firbeck Junction 656614 FRBCKJ FIRBECKJN 26415
Fire 133613
Fire Alarms & Extinguishers 130918
Fire And Security 83 136321
Fire & Security Manager 125397
Fire Appliance Store 826836
Fire Officer 216987
Fire Precaution Euston M House 507031
Fire Precautions Supervisor 241293
Fire Safety 128115 698262 698583
Fire Safety Buildings 500169
Fire Safety Manager 127706 982758
Fire Safety Officer 133198
Fire Safety West Anglia & Great Northern R/S 702450
Fire Services 335008 829863
Fire Services (North) 829018
Firsby [unknown feature] 625900
First Aid/Car Park 131804
First Aid Centre 259564
First Aid Officer 568004
First Business Travel 769600
First Call Travel S395 786500
First Choice Holiday Flights Ltd 754800
First Choice Travel DC31 874800
First Class Travel S523 818800
First Club Ltd S396 786600
First Engineering Ltd 386400
First Greater Western Bristol Area ATE 354300
First Greater Western Business Direct Business Travel Service 618500
First Greater Western Business Direct CC 312300
First Greater Western Central Revenue Standards 423300
First Greater Western East Revenue Standards 345000
First Greater Western Gloucester Area ATE 423200
First Greater Western Mobile Ticketing Star 926500
First Greater Western West Revenue PRO Ticket Examiners 397700
First Greater Western West Revenue Standards 397800
First Great Western Cheques 380000
First Great Western PAC 927200
First North Western ADI 244200
First North Western ADI Victoria 920900
First Scotrail Cheques 378700
First Transpennine Limited Call Centre 484900
First Transpennine Limited Internet Engineering Back Office 377500
First Western Air Travel S177 749800
Fishbourne Crossing Signal Box FSHBXSB
Fishbourne (Isle Of Wight) 088100 FBRNIOW -
Fishbourne Self Service Ticket Machine 635000
Fishbourne (Sussex) FSB 526100 FSHBORN FISHBORNE 86383
Fishbourne (Sussex) A259 526150 FSHBBUS -
Fishersgate FSG 528400 FSHRSGT FISHRSGTE 87987
Fishersgate Self Service Ticket Machine 438400
Fishguard And Goodwick FGW 668000 FGDHGWK FGDGOODWK 80013
Fishguard Exam 407671
Fishguard Harbour FGH 407600 FGDHBR FGDHBR 80011
Fishguard Harbour Advenza Freight 407601 FGDHADV FGDHAFL FISHGDHAV 80012
Fishguard Harbour Carriage Holding Sidings XFH FGDHCS
Fishguard Harbour Exit Point 407700
Fishguard Harbour Siding XFH 407612 FGDHSDG FISHGDHBR 80010
Fishguard Harbour Station 407611
Fishguard (Port) FSH
Fiskerton FSK 635100 FISKRTN FISKERTON 55507
Fiskerton Junction Signal Box & Crossing 143259
Fiskerton Station Crossing 143262
Fitters Hitchin 829890
Fitters Nottingham 182639
Fitzwilliam FZW 858300 FITZWLM FITZWILAM 18071
Five Ways FWY 450300 FIVEWYS FIVE WAYS 66500
Five Ways Gateline 332600
Five Ways Self Service Ticket Machine 433000
Five Ways Station 450360
Five Whistle Siding 367703 FVWHSDG FIVEWHSDG 76453
Fixed Assets 132595 826465
Fixed Assets Contributions 826626
Fixed Assets InterCity East Coast Main Line 826409
Fixed Assets Track Renewal Unit 829939
Fixed Equipment Part 2 967965
Flashbut Welder 439793 439794 439795
Flax Bourton 338711 338700 338925 FLAXB FLAXBOURT 81901
Flax Mill Level Crossing 2A 143291
Fleet FLE 552200 FLEET FLEET 86045
Fleet Apprentices 688127 688131
Fleet Bought In 125718
Fleet BST Outgoing Contract Credit 324359
Fleet Clacton Depot 685099
Fleet Clacton On Board 688103
Fleet Cleaning Blue Shift A Team 698522
Fleet Cleaning Blue Shift B Team 698531
Fleet Cleaning Part Time 698535
Fleet Cleaning Red Shift A Team 698532
Fleet Cleaning Red Shift B Team 698533
Fleet Cleaning Trouble Fitters 698534
Fleet Clerical 552212
Fleet Contingency Weekly Payments 011078
Fleet Contracts 504440
Fleet Control Engineer 270895
Fleet Depot Managers Ilford 688206
Fleet Director 605985
Fleet Director Restructuring 605986
Fleet East Counties Training School 688202
Fleet East Training School 688148
Fleet Engineer 622916 967984
Fleet Engineer Clearing Account 333247
Fleet Engineer Major Works Manchester 437849
Fleet Engineer MP1022 113642
Fleet Engineer North 125317
Fleet Engineer South 125318
Fleet Environmental Staff 688122
Fleet Exam & Repair 688702
Fleet Exam & Repair Blue A Team 688174
Fleet Exam & Repair Blue B Team 688142
Fleet Exam & Repair Red A Team 688183
Fleet Exam & Repair Red B Team 688167
Fleet Exam Staff 019098
Fleet Executive 688199
Fleet Finance 314859 688180
Fleet Finance Manager Headquarters 299936
Fleet Headquarters 436039
Fleet Headquarters Contracts Incoming 333901
Fleet Headquarters Contracts Outgoing 333902
Fleet Ilford Stores 688139
Fleet Leasing Charges 125717
Fleet Liverpool Street ODA 688205
Fleet Liverpool Street Supervisors 698599
Fleet Maintenance Engineer 270663
Fleet Maintenance Engineer Doncaster 270492
Fleet Management 097931 106022 125555 149196 403006
Fleet Manager 445141 688140
Fleet Manager & Staff 564812
Fleet Manager Aylesbury Administration 149129
Fleet Manager Country 589966
Fleet Manager Diesel Multiple Unit 941988 991321
Fleet Manager Electric Multiple Unit 967963
Fleet Manager London 593666
Fleet Manager London End 605712
Fleet Manager North Administration 125303
Fleet Manager Waterloo South Western 559861
Fleet Performance 688197
Fleet Plant & Buildings Maintenance 688196 688703
Fleet RSIs 688203
Fleet Secretary 688138
Fleet Self Service Ticket Machine 309000
Fleet Services Manager 688168
Fleet Shed Supervisor Ilford 688204
Fleet Shift Maintenance Supervisors 688701
Fleet Shunters ICS 688201
Fleet Southend Fitters 742099
Fleet Southend On Board 742089
Fleet Standards 86/2 Team 097899
Fleet Standards Diesel Multiple Unit Team 097901
Fleet Stores Supervisorervisors 688130
Fleet Street Travel EP75 233100
Fleet Technical Engineer 564823
Fleet Technical Office 688150
Fleet Technical Services 688108 688175
Fleet Technical Support 557889
Fleet Technology Engineering 2A 543409
Fleet Technology Engineering 2B 543413
Fleet Traction P/T 688179
Fleet Training INST MP1022 451823
Fleet Trouble Shooting Fitters Traction 688188
Fleet [unknown feature] 885900
Fleetway Travel S273 769700
Fleet Yard Staff 688126
Fletton Fly Ash Disposal Point FLETTONFA 45149
Fletton Junction 612900 FLETTON FLETTONJN 45144
Flexible PST Colchester North Ipswich 141155
Flexible Signal Assistants Pitsea 132944
Flexible Signal Assistants Waterbeach 141194
Flexible Signalman Attleborough/Brandon 141803
Flexible Signalman Bishops Stortford 132918
Flexible Signalman Broxbourne 132913
Flexible Signalman Colchester Area 2B 141163
Flexible Signalman Downham Market 141188
Flexible Signalman Hackney Downs 132912
Flexible Signalman Kennett 141189
Flexible Signalman Lowestoft/Sheringham/Great Yarmouth 141805
Flexible Signalman March East 141187
Flexible Signalman Norwich 141804
Flexible Signalman Stratford 141135
Flexible Signalman Upminster Integrated Electronic Control Centre 132943
Flexible Signalmen Camden 132975
Flexible Signalmen Cheshunt 132925
Flexible Signalmen Willesden 132976
Flexible Staff Colchester Central 141860
Flexible Supervisors Southend 132926
Flexible Supervisors Stratford Area 141122
Flexible Supervisors Upminster Area 132924
Flexibreaks Travel Service 576700
Flightbookers Ltd S401 787000
Flightbookers Ltd S402 787100
Flightbookers Ltd S403 787200
Flightbookers S594 830400
Flight Central Scotland S397 S398 786700
Flight Directors S399 786800
Flight Express S400 786900
Flight File Travel S274 769800
Flightline S275 770000
Flightline Travel Management Plc 429200
Flightline Travel Management Z009 770100
Flightsearchers Faraway S276 770200
Flightwise Travel S404 787400
Flimby FLM 202600 FLIMBY FLIMBY 10026
Flint FLN 251300 FLINT FLINT 40125
Flint Junction 251301 FLINTJN FLINT JN 40126
Flint Production Operations 437025
Flint Self Service Ticket Machine 479900
Flitwick FLT 153200 FLITWCK FLITWICK 62201
Flitwick Junction 153201 FLITWCJ FLITWICKJ 62202
Flitwick Self Service Ticket Machine 382300
Flixton FLI 293500 FLIXTON FLIXTON 33096
Floriston 211102 FLORSTN FLORISTON 09099
Flowery Field FLF 278600 FLWRYFD FLOWERY F 32222
Flowery Field Passenger 278661
Flyair S406 787600
Flyaway S407 787900
Flying Scotsman Enterprises 318777
Flyrite Travel S408 798400
Fly Sky Travel S405 787500
FME Sleepers 864928
FMU 098717
FMU (C) Finance Contract Management 111961
Fobbing Crossing 745203 FOBBING FOBBING X 51022
Focus On The Future 333959
Fodderty Intermediate Block Post 863212 FDRTYIB FODDERTY 01069
Foleshill (Closed) 104700
Foley Crossing Signal Box 143245
Foley Park 192267 FOLEYPK -
Foley Park British Sugar 65936
Folkestone Central FKC 503500 FLKSTNC FOLKSTN C 89727
Folkestone Central Self Service Ticket Machine 580600
Folkestone Central Ticket Office 503569
Folkestone East FKE 501500 FLKSTNE FOLKSTN E 89723
Folkestone East Carriage Holding Sidings XFE 501519 FLKSECS 89723*
Folkestone East Shunt Signal YE62 501503 FLKS62 -
Folkestone East Signal Box 128497 FOLKSTN
Folkestone East Signal YE18 501502 FLKS18 FOLKSYE18 89724
Folkestone East Train Road 501501 FLKSETR FOLKSYETR 89725
Folkestone Fault Team 503520
Folkestone Harbour FKH 501400 FLKSTNH FOLKSTN H 89711
Folkestone Harbour Signal Box 128498 FLKSHSB
Folkestone Painting Team 503530
Folkestone (Port) FKP
Folkestone Stations FOL 043200
Folkestone Warren Staff Halt 501563 FLKSWSH -
Folkestone West FKW 502700 FLKSTNW FOLKSTN W 89731
Folkestone West Station Presentation Team 544505
Folly Lane Freight Terminal 229162
Folly Lane (Runcorn) FOLLYLA
Folly Lane (Runcorn) Cripple Siding F 229165 FLYLFHC FLYLNESDG 36513
Folly Lane (Runcorn) Direct Rail Services 229113 FLYLDRS FOLLY LA 36512
Folly Lane (Runcorn) Freightliner Heavy Haul 229115 FLYLAFH FOLLYLAFL 36510
Folly Lane (Runcorn) ICI Sidings 229114 FLYLAIC FOLLYLANE 36511
Food Standards Manager ICCS 092923
Footbridge FOOTBMV
Foot Of Flyover 136004
Footplate Traction Trainees 981386
Forbach FOB 873000 FORBACH OIGNIES 00762
Ford FOD 525800 FORD FORD 86461
Forders 270602
Forders Loop FDRSLP
Forders Sidings 153711 FDRSSDG FORDERS FORDERSDG 62042
Forders Sidings English Welsh & Scottish Railway FORDERSST 62045
Forders Sidings English Welsh & Scottish Railway Carriage & Wagon FORDERSRS 62039
Forders Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 153713 FDRSFHH FORDERSFL 62038
Forders Sidings GB Railfreight 153701 FDRSGBR FORDERSGB 62034
Forders Sidings Marcroft FORDERSSD 62037
Forders Sidings 'P13' FORDDRP13 62046
Forders Sidings Signal Box 143209
Forders Sidings Signal Box/Loop 153712 FDRSSBL FORDERSSB 62041
Forders Sidings Signal MV28 153715 FDRS28 62041*
Forders Sidings Signal MV233 153714 FDRS233 62041*
Forders Sidings Signal MV250 153716 FDRS250 FORDER250 62048
Forders Sidings Signal Operating 136083
Ford Factory 087609 FRDFACT FORD FACT 00228
Fordham 706816 FRDHAM FORDHAM 46278
Ford Junction 525861 FORDJN FORD JN 86465
Fordoun 908020 FODOUN FORDOUN 02121
Ford Sales Point 525811
Ford Sales Point 2B 525815
Ford Self Service Ticket Machine 635200
Foreign Site 2A 451108
Foreign Site 2B 451109
Forest Gate FOG 687600 FRSTGT FORESTGTE 50435
Forest Gate Junction 687611 FRSTGTJ FORESTGTJ 50434
Forest Gate Platform Staff 697003
Forest Gate Self Service Ticket Machine 268700
Forest Gate/Seven Kings/Manor Park Booking Offices 688302
Forest Hill FOH 536200 FORESTH FORESTHLL 87627
Forest Hill Platforms 536260
Forest Hill Platforms 2B 536215
Forest Hill Restructuring 536201
Forest Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 403600
Forest Hill Signal Box FRSTHSB
Forfar 03111
Forfar [unknown feature] 876800
Forks Junction FORKSJ
Formby FBY 235400 FORMBY FORMBY 36064
Formby Platform Staff 235461
Formby Self Service Ticket Machine 973100
Formby Signal ML97 235401 FORMS97 FORMBY 97 36073
Former Employees 011844
Former Employees Watford 018230
For Network Use 939300
Fornham Street 669160
Fornham Street Traction Fuel Store 669176
Forres FOR 863800 FORRES FORRES 01127
Forres Loop 863861 FORRESL FORRES LP 01128
Forres Self Service Ticket Machine 391500
Forres Station Staff 978263
Forsinard FRS 863900 FORSNRD FORSINARD 01012
Forsinard Civil Engineer's Siding 863961 FORSNCE FRSNRDSDG 01014
Forsinard Level Crossing 863910 FORSNLC 01012*
Forte Airport Services Water 719514
Forte Hotels 729100
Forte Retail Electric At Gatwick 719509
Forte Travel Services Crawley 902400
Forte UK Ltd S595 830500
Forteviot Level Crossing 880538 FRTEVOT FORTEVIOT 03150
Forth & Tay Structures Management & Supervision 880528
Forth Banks 772732
Forth Banks Inventory Management And Accounting Control System ETR 829883
Forth Banks Line 772327 FRTHBKL FORTHBKSL 12927
Forth Bridge Artisan 941563
Forth Bridge Supervisor 941562
Forth Valley Travel Ltd S596 830600
Fort Matilda FTM 967500 FRTMTLD FTMATILDA 07012
Fort William FTW 882700 FRTWLM FTWILIAM 06025
Fort William Administration 882767 991810
Fort William Bridge Exam 980549
Fort William British Alcan 882711 FRTWBAC FTWILLIAM 06023
Fort William British Alcan Freightliner Terminal 882712 FRTWBAF FTWILLFLT 06017
Fort William British Alcan GB Railfreight 882717 FRTWAGB FTWILALGB 06044
Fort William British Alcan Ground Frame 882714 FRTWGF FTWILBAGF 06043
Fort William Civil Engineer's Siding 882776 FRTWLCE FTWIL FLT 06016
Fort William Conductors 882762
Fort William Conductors NPS 2B 991896
Fort William/Crianlarich 864988
Fort William Customer Services Supervisor 882782
Fort William DCC Energy FTWMDCC
Fort William Drivers 126040 882768
Fort William Drivers NPS 2B 991894
Fort William Fuelling Point FRTWFP 06021
Fort William Inverlocky Yard 882704 FRTWINY FTWILLINY 06071
Fort William Junction 882783 FRTWJN FTWILLMJN 06019
Fort William Junction Freightliner Terminal 882761 FRTWJFL FTWILLMFP 06021
Fort William Junction Yard 882715 FRTWJYD FTWILM FD FTWIL JYD 06020
Fort William Junction Yard GB Railfreight 882702 FRTWJTG FTWILLMGB 06064
Fort William Night Stewards 887024 887314
Fort William On Track Machine Drivers 386432 882781
Fort William On Train Sales 373200
Fort William Scotrail Services Manager 999071
Fort William Shunting & Marshalling 115613
Fort William Sidings Freightliner Terminal 882710 FRTWFLT FTWIL SS 06018
Fort William Signal FW28 882705 FRTW28 06074
Fort William Signal FW33 882701 FRTW33 FTWILLM33 06045
Fort William Signalling Manager 127582
Fort William Signal Operations 2B 127548
Fort William Sleeping Car Attendants 092962 887009 887313
Fort William Station Sidings 882709 FRTWLMS FTWILM SS 06024
Fort William Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581845
Fort William Timber Load 882716 FRTWTLP FTWIL TLF 06015
Fort William Tom Na Faire Depot 882703 FRTWTNF FTWILLTNF 06070
Fort William Train Crew Supervisors 882788
Fort William Trainmen 126041 882795
Fort William [unknown feature] 116073 882764 882766 882796
Fort William West Highland Oil/DCC Energy 882713 FRTWDCC FTWILLM 06022
Forward House 123757
Forward Planning 011158 011161 562005 568021
Forward Travel Management 431800
Forward Travel Management Northampton 425200
Foster Yeoman Maintenance Depot Footpath Crossing 329416
Foster Yeoman Merehead Maintenance Depot Footpath Crossing FYMDFPX
Fota FOT 031400 CATZFOT
Fouldubs Junction 987374 FOLDBSJ FOULDUBSJ 05048
Four Ashes Croda Synthetic Chemicals 65003
Four Ashes Loop 116900 FRASL FOURASHUL 65002
Four Marks (Windmill) 592467 FRMKBUS -
Four Oaks FOK 104200 FOUROKS FOUR OAKS 65601
Four Oaks Self Service Ticket Machine 137400
Fowey 270551
Fowey Dock 351000
Fowey Dock Carne Point 351011 FOWEYDK FOWEY DKS 85105
Fowey Dock English Welsh & Scottish Railway Carriage & Wagon FOWEYDKRP 85106
Fowey Safe Harbour Hotel XAS 351001 FOWESHT -
Fowey Signal CL3781 351003 FOWE781 85102
Fowey Signal CL3782 351002 FOWE782 85104
Foxfield FOX 204600 FOXFILD FOXFIELD 11221
Foxford FXF 161500 CATZFXF
Foxhall Junction XJF 303056 FOXHALJ FOXHALLJN 74315
Foxhall Signal SB924 303024 FOXH924 FOXHLL924 74302
Foxlow Junction 661216 FOXLOWJ FOXLOW JN 27209
Foxton FXN 702900 FOXTON FOXTON 47242
Foxton Barrington Devon & Cornwall Railway 702914 FOXTDCR FOXTONDCR 47243
Foxton Barrington Freightliner Heavy Haul 702906 FOXTBAR BARRFLHH 47253
Foxton Barrington Pad GB Railfreight 702908 FOXTBUG FOXTBUGRF 47255
Foxton Barrington Run Round 702904 FOXTBRR BRNGTN RR 47251 57251Code probably listed in error
Foxton Barrington Run Round GB Railfreight 702907 FOXTRRG FOXTRRGRF 47254
Foxton Barrington Unloading Pad 702903 FOXTBUP BRNGTN UP 47252
Foxton Exchange Sidings 702912 FOXTRC FOXTONEXS 47241
Foxton Exchange Sidings GB Railfreight 702905 FOXTGBF FOXTON GB 47245
Foxton Freightliner Heavy Haul 702913 FOXTFHH FOXTONFHH 47240
Foxton Gate/Elsenham Crossing 141193
Foxton Rugby Cement 702912 FOXTRC FOXTONRPC 47241
Foxton Self Service Ticket Machine 843000
Foxton Signal CA553 702915 FOXT553 47246
Foxton Track Examination 499525 702902
FP Materials 721762
FPS Project 098688
Fragonset Railways Ltd 406803
Franchise Development Costs 445101
Franchise Director 829948 829979
Franchise Director Isle Of Wight 508880
Franchise Director London Tilbury & Southend 508780
Franchise Directors Off-Trading 978016
Franchise Director South West 587456
Franchise Extension 826491
Franchise Extension Team 829502
Franchise Plan Manager 545205
Franchise Project Team 829909
Frankfurt Greisheim FRKGRESHM 00039
Frankfurt (Main) Hbf FRA 014600 FRNKFRT FRANKFURT 00041
Frant FRT 521800 FRANT FRANT 89389
Fraser Carriage Maintenance Depot Training Location 89789
Fraser Eagle Management 332700
Frasers Travel Shop SO61 724000
Fratton FTN 550900 FRATTON FRATTON 86321
Fratton 'A' Cleaners Band 1 Days 553541
Fratton 'A' Cleaners Band 1 Nights 553542
Fratton Apprentices 553509
Fratton Area Redundancy 011153
Fratton Area Train Crew Listing 550903
Fratton Booking Office 550916
Fratton Carriage Cleaning 550914
Fratton Carriage Holding Sidings 550912 FRATNCS 86323*
Fratton Carriage Servicing Depot XFR 550961 FRATCSD FRATTONCS 86323
Fratton CB 1 553501
Fratton Clerical Support Traction & Rolling Stock 553512
Fratton Conductors 550962 553525
Fratton Depot Cleaners 550908
Fratton Depot Fuelling Point 550963 FRATDFP FRATTONMD 86327
Fratton Depot Management 553510 553572
Fratton Drivers 550909 553524 553528 553568
Fratton DSM/CSM 553574
Fratton East 550910 FRATTNE FRATTONEJ 86328
Fratton Electric Multiple Unit Depot 098752
Fratton Ex-Employees 018918 018925
Fratton Fuel Point 554569
Fratton Goldsmith Avenue 550901 FRATGSA -
Fratton Guards On Train Sales 630100
Fratton Ill Health/Retirement 011123 011130
Fratton Manager 553531
Fratton Materials Manager 564802
Fratton MB 2 CPM 553507
Fratton MB 2 Fuel Point 553506
Fratton MB 2 Gemini 553505
Fratton MB 2 General 553508
Fratton MB 3 553503
Fratton MB 3 Plant 553504
Fratton Modifications 150831 475330
Fratton Modifications Leasing Company 550919
Fratton Modifications South West Trains 550917
Fratton Modifications Trading 550918
Fratton Not Currently Used 553526
Fratton Old Yard 553527 FRATTOY 86323*
Fratton P & T 550977
Fratton Personnel/Administration 550915
Fratton PSM Sportis Regional Railways 630200
Fratton Quality & Safety 550978
Fratton Quality Assurance Support 550913
Fratton Resource Supervisors 550904
Fratton Roving 'A' Cleaner Band 1 553540
Fratton Self Service Ticket Machine 317300
Fratton Shunt/Ground Frame MB 2 553514
Fratton Shunt/Ground Frame Relief B 2 553516
Fratton Shunting 550972
Fratton Signal HT450 FRAT450
Fratton Signal HT460 550925 FRAT460 FRATTN460 86318
Fratton Signal HT553 550922 FRAT553 FRATTN553 86317
Fratton Signal HT554 550921 FRAT554 86319*
Fratton Signal PW131 550950 FRAT131
Fratton Signal PW139 550920 FRAT139 FRATTN139 86319
Fratton Signal PW450 550924
Fratton Signal PW555 550923 FRAT555 -
Fratton Stabling & Cleaning 550973
Fratton Staff Halt 550911 FRATTSH FRATTONSH 86322
Fratton Stock Control & Ordering Centre (Country End) 587618
Fratton Storage Sidings 553521 FRATTNY FRATTONYD 86320
Fratton Stores 553511 553569
Fratton SUB CB1 Depot 553518
Fratton SUN CB1 Specialist 553517
Fratton Traction & Rolling Stock Maintenance Depot XFR 553570 FRATTMD 86323*
Fratton Train Crew Administration 550905
Fratton Train Crew Depot Non Paybill 550907
Fratton Train Crew Supervision 550906
Fratton Train Crew Surplus Staff 550902
Fratton Trainmen 553522
Fratton Trainmen D 550971
Fratton Train Preparation Maintenance Band 2 553519
Fratton Trains Managers 553523
Fratton Turn Round CB 1 553502
Fratton Turn Round CB 2 553515
Fratton [unknown feature] 550960
Fratton Workmans Compensation 012119 012126
Fraud Squad 151214 153682
Fraud Squad (Civils) 098303
FRD Container Management 091967
Freedom Flights S410 798600
Freedom USA S597 830700
Freemans Level Crossing 768361 FREMNSX FREEMNSLC 12235
Freight 095637
Freight Accounting Adjustments Scotland 545314
Freight Accounting Glasgow 115614
Freight Acres 694550
Freight & Engineering Supervisor 141134
Freight Billing 090544
Freight Billing Cardiff 130803
Freight Control Scotrail House 972964
Freight Department Metals 130512
Freight Depot Personnel 469002
Freight Executive Grades 091334 095660
Freight Group Special Purposes 095088
Freight Haulage 718103
Freightliner Barking Dock Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093588
Freightliner Barking Handling Cranemen/WF 093478
Freightliner Barking Handling Operations 093479
Freightliner Barking Handling Supervisor 093481
Freightliner Barking Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093480
Freightliner Barking Maintenance Handling 093487
Freightliner Barking Overheads Management/Clerical 093491
Freightliner Basford Hall Shunting & Marshalling 095577
Freightliner Birmingham FLC Maintenance 093656
Freightliner Birmingham FLC Management 093663
Freightliner Birmingham FLC Other Wages 093669
Freightliner Birmingham FLC Supervisor/Clerical 093657
Freightliner Birmingham Handling Cranemen/WF 093610
Freightliner Birmingham Handling Management 093658
Freightliner Birmingham Handling Operations 093653
Freightliner Birmingham Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093654
Freightliner Birmingham Maintenance Handling 093660
Freightliner Birmingham Maintenance Overheads 093661
Freightliner Birmingham Maintenance Road 093659
Freightliner Birmingham Management 093301
Freightliner Birmingham Motor Drivers/WF 093670
Freightliner Birmingham Overheads Management/Clerical 093664
Freightliner Birmingham Overheads Supervisor 093662
Freightliner Birmingham Road Management 093671
Freightliner Birmingham Road Supervisor/Clerical 093672
Freightliner Business & Marketing 093628
Freightliner Business Resources 126287
Freightliner Business Services Group 091963
Freightliner Cardiff FLC Maintenance 093448
Freightliner Cardiff FLC Management 093451
Freightliner Cardiff FLC Other Wages 093450
Freightliner Cardiff FLC Supervisor/Clerical 093449
Freightliner Cardiff Handling Cranemen/WF 093444
Freightliner Cardiff Handling Management 093447
Freightliner Cardiff Handling Operations 093445
Freightliner Cardiff Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093446
Freightliner Cardiff Maintenance Handling 093453
Freightliner Cardiff Maintenance Overheads 093454
Freightliner Cardiff Maintenance Road 093452
Freightliner Cardiff Management 093302
Freightliner Cardiff Operations British Alcan 093455
Freightliner Cardiff Overheads Management/Clerical 093457
Freightliner Cardiff Overheads Supervisor 093456
Freightliner Cardiff Road Management 093442
Freightliner Cardiff Road Motor Drivers 093441
Freightliner Cardiff Road/Supervisor/Clerical 093443
Freightliner Chief Engineer Headquarters 093326
Freightliner Cleveland FLC Maintenance 093380
Freightliner Cleveland FLC Management 093381
Freightliner Cleveland FLC Other Wages 093382
Freightliner Cleveland FLC Supervisor/Clerical 093383
Freightliner Cleveland Handling British Alcan 093387
Freightliner Cleveland Handling Craneman 093376
Freightliner Cleveland Handling Management 093379
Freightliner Cleveland Handling Operations 093377
Freightliner Cleveland Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093378
Freightliner Cleveland Maintenance Handling 093385
Freightliner Cleveland Maintenance Overheads 093386
Freightliner Cleveland Maintenance Road 093384
Freightliner Cleveland Management 093303
Freightliner Cleveland Motor Drivers 093373
Freightliner Cleveland Overheads Management/Clerical 093389
Freightliner Cleveland Overheads Supervisor. 093388
Freightliner Cleveland Road Management 093374
Freightliner Cleveland Road Supervisor/Clerical 093375
Freightliner Coatbridge FLC Clerical/Supervisor 093346
Freightliner Coatbridge FLC Maintenance 093345
Freightliner Coatbridge FLC Management 093348
Freightliner Coatbridge FLC Other Wages 093347
Freightliner Coatbridge Handling Clerical/Supervisor 093343
Freightliner Coatbridge Handling HCO 093341
Freightliner Coatbridge Handling Maintenance 093350
Freightliner Coatbridge Handling Management 093344
Freightliner Coatbridge Handling Other Wages 093342
Freightliner Coatbridge Management 093304
Freightliner Coatbridge Overheads Maintenance 093351
Freightliner Coatbridge Overheads Management/Clerical 093354
Freightliner Coatbridge Overheads Supervisors 093352
Freightliner Coatbridge Road/Clerical/Superviisor 093340
Freightliner Coatbridge Road Maintenance 093349
Freightliner Coatbridge Road Management 093339
Freightliner Coatbridge Road Motor Drivers 093338
Freightliner Contracts & Procurement 093320
Freightliner Control 093323
Freightliner Crewe Freight Services Manager 095574
Freightliner Crewe Operations TOPS 095575
Freightliner Crewe TOPS Office 093614
Freightliner Crewe Train Crew 093413
Freightliner Eastleigh Drivers 095566
Freightliner Eastleigh Freight Services Manager 095568
Freightliner Eastleigh Train Men 095567
Freightliner Ex-Employees Barking 018375
Freightliner Ex-Employees Birmingham 018360
Freightliner Ex-Employees Cardiff 018361
Freightliner Ex-Employees Cleveland 018362
Freightliner Ex-Employees Coatbridge 018363
Freightliner Ex-Employees Crewe 018370 018379
Freightliner Ex-Employees Eastleigh 018373
Freightliner Ex-Employees Felixstowe 018364
Freightliner Ex-Employees Headquarters 018372
Freightliner Ex-Employees Ipswich 018371
Freightliner Ex-Employees Isle Of Grain 018376
Freightliner Ex-Employees Leeds 018365
Freightliner Ex-Employees Liverpool 018366
Freightliner Ex-Employees Manchester 018367
Freightliner Ex-Employees Mossend 018374
Freightliner Ex-Employees Operations Headquarters Operations Standard 018382
Freightliner Ex-Employees Operations Headquarters Service Planners 018381
Freightliner Ex-Employees Operations Headquarters Train Planners 018380
Freightliner Ex-Employees Southampton 018368
Freightliner Ex-Employees Terminals Headquarters 018377
Freightliner Ex-Employees Tilbury 018369
Freightliner Ex-Employees Tilbury Drivers 018378
Freightliner Felixstowe Handling Management 093539
Freightliner Felixstowe Handling Operations 093541
Freightliner Felixstowe Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093542
Freightliner Felixstowe Management 093305
Freightliner Felixstowe Motor Drivers 093537
Freightliner Felixstowe Overheads Management/Clerical 093553
Freightliner Felixstowe Second Men 093538
Freightliner Felixstowe Shunting & Marshalling 095565
Freightliner Financial Accounts 093328
Freightliner Garston Shunting & Marshalling 095578
Freightliner General Management 093319 095590
Freightliner Information Technology 093330
Freightliner Internal Audit 093329
Freightliner IOG Handling Supervisor/Clerical 091927
Freightliner IOG Overheads Management 091928
Freightliner Ipswich Drivers 093334
Freightliner Ipswich Freight Services Manager 093336
Freightliner Ipswich Shunting & Marshalling 095564
Freightliner Ipswich Trainmen 093335
Freightliner Leeds FLC Maintenance 093363
Freightliner Leeds FLC Management 093364
Freightliner Leeds FLC Other Wages 093365
Freightliner Leeds FLC Supervisor/Clerical 093366
Freightliner Leeds Handling Cranemen 093359
Freightliner Leeds Handling Management 093362
Freightliner Leeds Handling Operations 093360
Freightliner Leeds Handling Super/Clerical 093361
Freightliner Leeds Maintenance Handling 093368
Freightliner Leeds Maintenance Overheads 093369
Freightliner Leeds Maintenance Road 093367 093370
Freightliner Leeds Management 093306
Freightliner Leeds Motor Drivers 093356
Freightliner Leeds Overheads Management/Clerical 093372
Freightliner Leeds Overheads Supervisor 093371
Freightliner Leeds Road Management 093357
Freightliner Leeds Road Supervisor/Clerical 093358
Freightliner Liverpool FLC Maintenance 093598
Freightliner Liverpool FLC Management 093601
Freightliner Liverpool Handling Cranemen/WF 093594
Freightliner Liverpool Handling Management 093597
Freightliner Liverpool Handling Operations 093595
Freightliner Liverpool Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093596
Freightliner Liverpool Maintenance Handling 093603
Freightliner Liverpool Maintenance Overheads 093604
Freightliner Liverpool Maintenance Road 093602
Freightliner Liverpool Management 093307
Freightliner Liverpool Motor Drivers/WF 093591
Freightliner Liverpool Overheads Management/Clerical 093607
Freightliner Liverpool Overheads Supervisor 093606
Freightliner Liverpool Road Management 093592
Freightliner Liverpool Road Supervisor/Clerical 093593
Freightliner Liverpool Terminal FLC Other Wage 093652
Freightliner Liverpool Terminal FLC Supervisor/Clerical 090486
Freightliner Management Accounts 093327
Freightliner Manchester Management 093308
Freightliner Manchester TP1 FLC Other 095587
Freightliner Manchester TP1 FLC Repairers 095586
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Handling Maintenance 095585
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Handling Operations 095584
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Handling Salaries 095583
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Motor Driver 095581
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Overheads Other 095589
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Overheads Salaried 095588
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Road Operations Maintenance 095582
Freightliner Manchester TP1 Road Operations Salaried 095580
Freightliner Mossend Drivers 095570
Freightliner Mossend Freight Services Manager 095572
Freightliner Mossend Shunting & Marshalling 095573
Freightliner Mossend Trainmen 095571
Freightliner Operations Manager 095569
Freightliner Operations Personnel 093324
Freightliner Operations Standards 093322
Freightliner Personnel 093332
Freightliner Personnel Ex-Employees 018154
Freightliner Ports Lead 093318
Freightliner Restructuring 095591
Freightliner Rest Spare 093151 093152 093153
Freightliner Revenue Accounts 093333
Freightliner Safety & Quality/Operations 093465
Freightliner Southampton Management 093309
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Container Terminal Maintenance Handling 093419
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Container Terminal Maintenance Overheads 093420
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Container Terminal O/Head Management/Cler 093423
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Container Terminal O/Head Supervisor 093422
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Terminal Handling Cranemen 093410
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Terminal Handling Management 093415
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Terminal Handling Operations 093411
Freightliner Southampton Maritime Terminal Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093412
Freightliner Southampton MB Handling Cranemen 093461
Freightliner Southampton MB Handling Management 093466
Freightliner Southampton MB Handling Operations 093462
Freightliner Southampton MB Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093463
Freightliner Southampton MB Maintenance Handling 093472
Freightliner Southampton MB Maintenance Overhead 093471
Freightliner Southampton MB Maintenance Road 093470
Freightliner Southampton MB Motor Drivers 093458
Freightliner Southampton MB Overheads Management/Clerical 093474
Freightliner Southampton MB Overheads Supervisor 093473
Freightliner Southampton MB Road Management 093459
Freightliner Southampton MB Road Supervisor/Clerical 093460
Freightliners Seaforth 093589
Freightliner Store 243461 612261 685281 694460 721660
Freightliner Swindon All Staff Handling 093590
Freightliner Terminal Headquarters All Staff 093321
Freightliner Tilbury Drivers 093414
Freightliner Tilbury Handling Management 093557
Freightliner Tilbury Handling Operations 093558
Freightliner Tilbury Handling Supervisor/Clerical 093559
Freightliner Tilbury Management 093310
Freightliner Tilbury Overheads Management/Clerical 093570
Freightliner Traction & Rolling Stock Wagon Repairers 093418
Freightliner Trafford Park Shunting & Marshalling 095576
Freightliner Train Management 093325
Freightliner Train Management Unit 093489
Freightliner Train Operating Unit Executive Grades 090458
Freightliner Willesden Stores 095579
Freight Maintenance Control 667976
Freight Manager North Administration 099983
Freight Manager North Administration UBA 126227
Freight Manager North Freight Manager 095530
Freight Manager North Personnel 095529
Freight Manager North Safety 095534
Freight Manager South Administration Functional Manager 095536
Freight Manager South Administration Training 126250
Freight Manager South Administration UBA 095535
Freight Manager South Channel Tunnel 095533
Freight Manager South Freight Manager Office 099981
Freight Manager South Freight Services Manager Dollands Moor 099982
Freight Manager South Freight Services Manager Ipswich 095532
Freight Manager South Freight Services Manager Wembley 095531
Freight Marshalling Yard Tops Part 1 987260
Freight Network Manager 115617
Freight Operating 212166 225760 268571
Freight Operating Company West Revenue Ibis 126035
Freight Parcels Group 095641
Freight Railfreight Distribution Financial Accounting 605823
Freight Railfreight Distribution Level 5 605824
Freight Services Manager 166025
Freight Services Manager Crewe Operations Control 126218
Freight Services Manager Crewe Shunting & Marshalling 126217
Freight Services Manager Crewe Terminals 126219
Freight Services Manager Crewe UBA 126220
Freight Services Manager Dollands Moor Depot Operations Engineer 126234
Freight Services Manager Dollands Moor Drivers 126233
Freight Services Manager Dollands Moor Ground Staff 126235
Freight Services Manager Dollands Moor Shunting & Marshalling 126232
Freight Services Manager Dollands Moor UBA 126236
Freight Services Manager Ipswich Depot Operations Engineer 126246
Freight Services Manager Ipswich Drivers 126244
Freight Services Manager Ipswich Ground Staff 126248
Freight Services Manager Ipswich Shunting & Marshalling 126247
Freight Services Manager Ipswich Trainmen 126245
Freight Services Manager Ipswich UBA 126249
Freight Services Manager Margam 270538
Freight Services Manager Mossend 093331
Freight Services Manager Newport 270516
Freight Services Manager Washwood Shunting & Marshalling 126221
Freight Services Manager Washwood Terminals 126222
Freight Services Manager Washwood UBA 126223
Freight Services Manager Wembley Depot Operations Engineer 126239
Freight Services Manager Wembley Drivers 126237
Freight Services Manager Wembley Ground Staff 126242
Freight Services Manager Wembley Operations Control 126241
Freight Services Manager Wembley Shunting & Marshalling 126240
Freight Services Manager Wembley Trainmen 126238
Freight Services Manager Wembley UBA 126243
Freight Services Manager Westbury 571011
Freight Services Manager Westbury Redundancy GE 571013
Freight Shunting Operations 469066
Freight Staff 469065
Freight Terminal 693261
Freight Terminal Residual 865064 934961 945564 949068 951361 951362 955575
Freight Terminal Residual Part 1 931162 946369
Freight Terminal Shunting 945563
Freight Terminal Shunting TOPS 931173 969175
French/Belgian Border TGV Line 081411 BORDERTGV 00845
French Life Holidays 754900
Frequent Flyers International S598 830800
Freshfield FRE 235500 FRSHFLD FRESHFLD 36063
Freshfield Halt 549068 FFLD -
Freshford FFD 334400 FRESHFD FRESHFORD 82071
Freshford Station Group 334412
Freshford Village 334411 FRESVIL -
Frethun FRETHUN 89652
Frethun Europorte 2 080620 FRETHN EP 00720
Friarsbridge 445000
Friars Bridge Court 3 548200
Friars Bridge Court Network SouthEast Southeastern 500100
Friars Bridge Court Part 1 500000
Friars Bridge Court Part 2 504400
Friars Bridge Court Part 3 511300
Friars Court Headquarters 565200
Friars Junction 300059 FRIARSJ FRIARS JN 73230
Frickley Colliery FRCKLCL FRICKLEY 18301
Frimley FML 568300 FRIMLEY FRIMLEY 87097
Frimley Clerical 568312
Frimley Junction 568360 FRIMLYJ FRIMLEYJN 87093
Frimley Self Service Ticket Machine 473300
Frinton-on-Sea FRI 685400 FRINTON FRINTONOS 50014
Frinton Self Service Ticket Machine 268800
Frisby Signal Box & Crossing 143219
Frizinghall FZH 855600 FRZNGHL FRIZINHAL 17021
Frodingham Carriage & Wagon 645670 655433
Frodingham Footplate Scunthorpe 645673
Frodingham Loco Inspection Point FRGMLIP
Frodingham Traction Maintenance Depot 098901
Frodingham Wagon 098902
Frodsham FRD 228400 FRDSHM FRODSHAM 35703
Frodsham Junction 228401 FRDSHMJ FRODSHAMJ 35702
Frodsham Junction Up Goods Loop 228402 FRDSUGL 35702*
Frome FRO 570700 FROME FROME 82204
Frome Booking Office 570721
Frome Down Siding 570716 FROMNRS FROME 82205
Frome Mobil Oil FROMOIL FROME 82205
Frome North 570768 FROMNSB FROME NJN 82206
Frome 'NRS' FROMNRS 82205
Frome Platform 570722
Frome Post Office XAU 570701 FROMPOM -
Frome Self Service Ticket Machine 210100
Frome Signal W297 570705 FROM97 82199
Frosterley FRR 615000 FROSTLY -
Frost Lane Level Crossing 590160 FROSTLA
FSS Didcot 125127
FSS Stratford 744025
FST London Group 503200
FT Railfreight Distribution British Rail Engineering Ltd 605826
FT Railfreight Distribution British Rail Maintenance Ltd 605825
FT Railfreight Distribution Controllers 605827
FTRC Production Workforce Reading 333397
Fuel & Power Trading In 124831
Fuel & Power Trading Out 124832
Fuel For Traction 745773
Fuelling Blackpool 297506
Fuelling Chester 297505
Fuelling Newton Heath 297507
Fuelling Point 140204 763524
Fuelling Point Dover 097893
Fuelling Point Fuel 106964
Fuelling Regional Railways North West (Net) 297509
Fuel/Other 125923 125932 125941 125950 125959 125968 125977 125986 125995 139405
Fuel Power 315751
Fulbourne 703000 FULBRNE FULBOURN 47009
Fulbourne [unknown feature] 702801
Fulham Broadway LT ZFB 058100
Full Loads Inspectors 629379 655530
Fulwell FLW 558700 FULWELL FULWELL 87160
Fulwell Junction 558760 FULWELJ FULWELLJN 87165
Fulwell Self Service Ticket Machine 469900
Fulwell Signal BEF2513 558701 FULW513 FULWEL513 86939
Fulwell Signal F411 558763 FULW411 FULWEL411 87268
Fulwell Signal F415 558761 FULW415 -
Fulwell Signal F417 558762 FULW417 FULWEL417 87183
Functional Concepts 090129
Functional Concepts London 090284
Functional Management 333119 792998
Functional Management Traded In 829570
Funway Holidays S411 798700
Furness Vale FNV 295200 FURNESV FURNESS V 32545
Furzebrook Clay Sidings FRZBRKS
Furzebrook Oil Sidings 595913 FRZBGCE FURZBROOK 86967
Furze Platt FZP 314400 FURZEP FURZE PLT 74012
Fushiebridge Junction 639101 FUSHBJN FUSHIEBGJ 04706