A (hopefully) comprehensive listing

Locations beginning M

Last update 28 December 2024

Additional information is always gratefully received, whether entirely new records (particularly historical records) or information to fill in gaps or correct errors, via the contact link under the Miscellaneous entry in the navigation bar above. Thank you.

To see other locations, please click the link below:

Macclesfield MAC 287100 MACLSFD MACCLSFLD 32571
Macclesfield Permanent Way Gang 714073 Organising For Quality 287165
Macclesfield Rail-Link Sportis 178800
Macclesfield Self Service Ticket Machine 175700
Macclesfield South Turnback 287101 MACL833 MACLSF833 32572
Macclesfield Tribute 894500
Macclesfield [unknown feature] 133905
Machen Quarry 366811 MACHENQ MACHEN 76511
Machen Quarry Freightliner Heavy Haul 366801 MACHFHH MACQRYFHH 76510
Machen Run Round 366800 MACHENR MACHEN QL 76512
Machine Operators 140609 983802
Machine Operators Sittingbourne 518759
Machine Operators Walsall 1 121614
Machine Quality 681219 698598 702268
Machinery Inner 568046
Machinery Outer 568047
Machynlleth MCN 442200 MCHYNLT MACHYNLLH 64317
Machynlleth Booking Office 442246 442247
Machynlleth Carriage Sidings XMC 442210 MCHYNCS MACHYNLMD 64318
Machynlleth Cleaners/Shunters Direct 885943
Machynlleth Cleaners/Shunters Indirect 885944
Machynlleth Conductors 442284
Machynlleth Depot Officeman 442275
Machynlleth Drivers 442267
Machynlleth Drivers Restricted 442268
Machynlleth Fitters Direct 885912
Machynlleth Fitters Indirect 885913
Machynlleth Glandyfi 442201 MCHYGLA GLANDYFI 64601
Machynlleth Permanent Way 011575 111930
Machynlleth Senior Production Support 143171
Machynlleth Signal Box 143193
Machynlleth Signal Maintenance 124 442269 442280
Machynlleth Sportis Regional Railways 964300
Machynlleth Structures Examination Supervisory 442255
Machynlleth Structures Examination Wages 442256
Machynlleth SWS 011034 011539 111927
Machynlleth Traction Engineering 442260
Machynlleth Ynyslas 442202 MCHYYNY YNYS LAS 64602
Macon-Ville 080665 MACONVL MACON VIL 00774
Madeley Chord Line (Staffs) 126809 MADELYC MADELEY C 42301
Madeley Civil Engineer Permanent Way Maintenance Gang 703012 124347
Madeley Junction (Salop) XMD 461902 MADEJN MADELEYJN 64828
Madeley Junction Signal Box 143187
Madeley Junction Signal MJ490 461905 MADE490 MADLYS490 64830
Madeley Junction Signal MJ491 461907 MADE491 MADELY491 64832
Madeley (Staffs) 126808 MADELEY MADELEY 42302
Madeley Whitmore 126813 MADEWH WHITMORE 42309
Maentwrog Road 245600 MAENWG RD 40067
Maerdy (by bus) MDY QBM 029600 MAERDY -
Maersk Air Travel Agency EC1V E970 227700
Maersk [unknown feature] VARIOUS 92900
Maesglas Tip 367700 367786 MASGLAS MAESGLAS 76462
Maesmawr MAEMAWR
Maesmawr Signal Box 388767
Maesteg MST 396300 MAESTGW MAESTEG 79828
Maesteg Central Washery MAESTCW 79826
Maesteg (Ewenny Road) MEW 396200 MAESTER MAESTGERD 79825
Maesteg Ground Frame 396302 MAESTGF 79825*
Maesteg Station Group 396311
Maghull MAG 215500 MAGHULL MAGHULL 36013
Maghull North MNS 657600 MAGHNTH MAGHULNST 36014
Maghull Platform Staff 215561
Maghull Self Service Ticket Machine 973200
Magnet World Travel BV03 101300
Magnet World Travel Trafford Park BL34 201700
Magnet World Travel WC2E 9AH E300 593700
Magnum Travel Co Ltd S619 833400
Magor 366900 MAGOR MAGOR 76093
Magus Research S294 772100
Maida Vale LT ZMV 063700 MDVLLT -
Maidenhead MAI 314700 MDNHEAD MAIDENHED 74005
Maidenhead Booking Office 314768
Maidenhead Carriage Sidings 314702 MDNHDCS MDNHD CS 74003 74008
Maidenhead Civil Engineer's Sidings 314712 MDNHCE MAIDENHD 74007
Maidenhead East 314760 MDNHDE MAIDNHEDE 74006
Maidenhead For Eton Dorney MXZ 657600 CATZ030
Maidenhead Gateline 377800
Maidenhead Passenger 314762
Maidenhead Platforms 315688
Maidenhead Reversing Sidings 314703 MDNHDRS MDNHDMIDS 74004
Maidenhead Self-Service 625300
Maidenhead Signal S171 Marlow Branch 314713 MAIS171
Maidenhead Signal S291 314701 MDNH291 MAIDEN291 74002
Maidenhead West 314767 MDNHDW 74007?
Maiden Lane Junction 144003 MAIDNLJ
Maiden Newton MDN 585300 MDNNWTN MAIDENNTN 82316
Maiden Newton Station Group 585311
Maidstone Barracks MDB 523700 MSTONEB MAIDSTNBK 89313
Maidstone Business G 706400
Maidstone Depot 983830
Maidstone East MDE 511500 MSTONEE MDSTESTOriginal code MAIDSTN E 89403
Maidstone East Self Service Ticket Machine 586100
Maidstone East Signal Box 128502 MDSTESB
Maidstone East Signal ME9 511502 MSTO9 MAIDSTNE9 89318
Maidstone East Signal ME14 511501 MSTO14 89379
Maidstone East Ticket Office 511512
Maidstone East [unknown feature] 133951
Maidstone LUL 983832 983835
Maidstone Projects 983843
Maidstone Stations MSEOlder designation? MADNewer designation? 043700
Maidstone Welders 983839
Maidstone Welding 983838
Maidstone West MDW 522200 MSTONEW MDSTNWEOriginal code MAIDSTN W 89315
Maidstone West Carriage Siding 522202 MSTOWCS MAIDSTWCS 89311
Maidstone West Freight Depot 521300
Maidstone West Self Service Ticket Machine 586200
Maidstone West Signal Box 128541 MDSTNSB
Maidstone West Signal MS57 522204 MSTOW57 MAIDSTN57 89316
Maidstone West Signal MS108 522205 MSTO108 89495
Maidstone West Ticket Office 522271
Maidstone West Up Sidings 522203 MSTOWUS MAIDSTWUS 89317
Mailbag Squad Senior Police 098221
Mailing Hill 176900
Mail Room MPG23 113992
Mail Room Stephenson House 532053 532055
Mailroom Van Drivers Birmingham 124811
Maindee Civil Engineer's Depot 367477 MAINCE MAINDEEBK 76125
Maindee East Junction 367440 MAINDEJ MAINDEEEJ 76399
Maindee North Junction 367438 MAINDNJ MAINDEENJ 76400
Maindee West Junction 367439 MAINDWJ MAINDEEWJ 76398
Mainline 618317
Mainline Acres Pseudo AP 333302
Mainline Banking Suspense Account 333304
Mainline Construction 109200 109300
Mainline Freight 115300 115500 116000 125100 125200 125800
Mainline National Accounts Payable System Pseudo AP 333301 333303
Mainline Spare Location 333319 333340
Mainline Station Cleaning 096217 096218
Mainline Swindon 216500
Mainline Swindon 5WED1 091092
Mainline Swindon 5WED2 091095
Mainline Swindon 5WED3 091097
Mainline Swindon 5WED4 091101
Mainline Swindon Accounting Adjustments 096772
Mainline Swindon Building Services A 091096
Mainline Swindon Building Services B 091098
Mainline Swindon Building Services C 091102
Mainline Swindon Building Services E 091104
Mainline Swindon Business Manager 091108
Mainline Swindon Construction Site Staff 091103
Mainline Swindon Ex-Employees 019411
Mainline Swindon Heathrow Link 091106
Mainline Swindon Permanent Way Design & Development 091091
Mainline Swindon Quantity Surveyor 091105
Mainline Swindon Quantity Surveyor Technical Administration 106350
Mainline Swindon Survey 091094
Mainline Swindon Technical Administration 091028 091093
Mainline Swindon Technical Management 091107 091109
Main Loop 443602
Main Spares 629370 667985 693664 716658 730955
Mainstreet USA S461 807800
Maintainers Edinburgh 923651 983817
Maintainers Kilmarnock 829270 951286 951287
Maintainers Perth 880520 880521
Maintainers Polmadie 923655 990398
Maintainers Rutherglen 978529 978586
Maintenance 473241 661308
Maintenance 33 136322
Maintenance Ashford (Cables) 2B 661102
Maintenance Beckenham (Cables) 2B 661104
Maintenance Bristol 2A 581354
Maintenance Bristol Testing & Commissioning 2B 581363
Maintenance Business Information Systems 2A 581395
Maintenance Business Information Systems 2B 581394
Maintenance Cables 2A 581935 581940 581957
Maintenance Cables FBC 2B 661103
Maintenance Cardiff 2A 581383
Maintenance Cardiff 2B 581375
Maintenance Carriage Cleaners 475241
Maintenance Chargehands 149198
Maintenance Commercial 2A 581932 581959
Maintenance Commercial Quality 219720
Maintenance Commercial Quality 2A 219723 581652
Maintenance Control Staff 451863
Maintenance CrossCountry Craigentinny 907203
Maintenance Director 2A 219719 219740
Maintenance Engineer 698555
Maintenance Engineer & Assistant Bromley South 506412
Maintenance Engineer & Assistant Gillingham 516969
Maintenance Engineer B 698578
Maintenance Engineer British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 534412
Maintenance Engineer (CM) 150826 475325
Maintenance Engineer Crewe 270493
Maintenance Engineer (DR) 150857 475356
Maintenance Engineer (GW) 150879 475378
Maintenance Engineer (JR) 150838 475337
Maintenance Engineer Kent 492230
Maintenance Engineer (NH) 150810 475309
Maintenance Engineer Nottingham 270494
Maintenance Engineer Reading 2A 581326
Maintenance Engineers 151123
Maintenance Finance 581655
Maintenance Finance 2A 581396 581397 581484 581491 581657 581775 581897 661130 661368
Maintenance Finance Control 2A 581768
Maintenance Manager 150719 151119 473237 475238 829670
Maintenance Manager Brighton Clerical Support 128422
Maintenance Manager Brighton Staff Costs 128421
Maintenance Manager Broxbourne Out Of Location Working 132876
Maintenance Manager Cambridge Out Of Location Working 132875
Maintenance Manager Great Eastern Inner 127617
Maintenance Manager Great Eastern Inner Out Of Location Working 132802 132873
Maintenance Manager Great Eastern Outer 127629
Maintenance Manager Great Eastern Outer Out Of Location Working 132803 132874
Maintenance Manager London Tilbury & Southend Out Of Location Working 132877
Maintenance Manager London Tilbury & Southend Upminster 127663
Maintenance Manager London Tilbury & Upminster Out Of Location Working 132806
Maintenance Manager Margate Staff Costs 128464
Maintenance Manager Norwich Out Of Location Working 132879
Maintenance Manager Regional Railways Norwich 127685
Maintenance Manager Regional Railways Norwich Out Of Location Working 132808
Maintenance Manager West Anglia B & H Out Of Location Working 132805
Maintenance Manager West Anglia Cambridge & Ely Out Of Location Working 132804
Maintenance Manager Willesden Out Of Location Working 132807 132878
Maintenance Marketing 2A 581896 581958
Maintenance Marketing Territory Manager 2A 581883
Maintenance Marketing Territory Manager 2B 581483 581653 581654 581884 661366 661367
Maintenance National Express East Coast Craigentinny 932469
Maintenance Networks 661365
Maintenance Operations Communications 2A 581899
Maintenance Operations Communications 2B 581669
Maintenance Overheads Cardiff 2B 581384
Maintenance Performance 2B 661341
Maintenance Plymouth 581370
Maintenance Project 323124
Maintenance Project Group Swindon 323226
Maintenance Projects Colchester 686180 686181
Maintenance Pseudo 2A 219717
Maintenance Radio 2A 581934 581939 581960
Maintenance Services 605725
Maintenance Services Continental 524504
Maintenance Services Kent Coast 516792
Maintenance Services Orpington 512247
Maintenance Special Project 2A 661357
Maintenance Special Systems 2B 581863
Maintenance Supervisor Bristol 2B 581360
Maintenance Support Bristol 2B 581336
Maintenance Support Newport 2A 581377
Maintenance Support Overheads Cardiff 2A 581317
Maintenance Traction & Rolling Stock Bought In Services 173391
Mainz Hbf MNZ 014700 MINZHBF MAINZ HBF 00044
Majic Of The Orient S620 833500
Major Contracts 568048
Major Projects 127164 127451 135300
Major Projects Costs Railtrack North West 129822
Major Projects Division Control 717803 717804
Major Projects Division Control Finance 135302
Major Projects Division Control General 135301
Major Projects Division Control Safety 135303
Major Projects Division Cross Zonal Project 3 116402
Major Projects Division Cross Zonal Project 4 116403
Major Projects Division Cross Zonal Project 5 116404
Major Projects Division Cross Zonal Project 6 116405
Major Projects Division Cross Zonal Project 7 116406
Major Projects Division Cross Zonal Project 8 116407 116408
Major Projects Division East Anglia Finance 135505
Major Projects Division East Anglia London Tilbury & Southend 135501
Major Projects Division East Anglia TR 135504
Major Projects Division Great Western Civils Project 134903
Major Projects Division Great Western Commercial & Procurement 134907
Major Projects Division Great Western Heathrow Express 134902
Major Projects Division Great Western Non Civils Project 134904
Major Projects Division Great Western Route Strategy 134905
Major Projects Division Great Western Technical Services 134906
Major Projects Division Gwestern Finance 134901
Major Projects Division Headquarters 134000
Major Projects Division Insyst 134003
Major Projects Division Jubilee Line Extension 717805 717806
Major Projects Division Jubilee Line Extension Finance 135305 135306
Major Projects Division Jubilee Line Extension General 135304
Major Projects Division North East/East Coast Main Line 5 135404
Major Projects Division North East/East Coast Main Line 6 135405
Major Projects Division North East/East Coast Main Line 7 135406
Major Projects Division Pride 134004
Major Projects Division Project Management Control System 134002
Major Projects Division Project Management Control System Training 134005
Major Projects Division Scotland 7 135906
Major Projects Division Scotland 8 135907
Major Projects Division Scotland 9 135908
Major Projects Division Scotland 10 135909
Major Projects Division South 3 134402
Major Projects Division South 4 134403
Major Projects Division South 5 134404
Major Projects Division South 6 134405
Major Projects Division Southern Finance 134401
Major Projects Division South West Income 134601
Major Projects Division Suspense Account 087500
Major Projects Division Waterloo Administration 134019
Major Projects Division Waterloo Business Manager 134016
Major Projects Division Waterloo Commercial 134010
Major Projects Division Waterloo Communications 134012
Major Projects Division Waterloo Directorate 134015
Major Projects Division Waterloo Engineering 134014
Major Projects Division Waterloo G Howarth 134006
Major Projects Division Waterloo Information Technology 134018
Major Projects Division Waterloo Project Management Control System Project Team 134001
Major Projects Division Waterloo Quality Assurance 134017
Major Projects Group 605837
Major Projects Headquarters 437657
Major Projects Management & Support 978099
Major Projects Manager 270873
Major Projects Planning & Marketing 508777
Major Projects Procurement 090551
Major Schemes Development Manager 128577
Major Stations 317233
Major Stations North 128141
Major Stations South 128071
Major Travel S127 734500
Major Travel S462 808000
Major Works Artisan Staff Cambridge 702256
Major Works Artisan Staff Stratford 696931
Major Works Construction Accounting Adjustments 338305 537542
Major Works Depot Conciliatory 507518
Major Works Engineer 338310 507517 507527
Major Works Supervisor Cambridge 702265
Major Works Supervisor Stratford 696947
Major Works Support Engineer 437823
Major Works Tottenham Hale 696930
Malahide MAH 161900
Malaysian Far East Travel S463 808100
Malden Manor MAL 559900 MALDENM MALDENMAN 87400
Malden Manor Clerical 559911
Malden Manor Self Service Ticket Machine 319700
Mallaig MLG 883100 MLAIG MALLAIG 06001
Mallaig Civil Engineer's Sidings 883161 MLAIGCE MLAIG SDG 05999
Mallaig Conductors 883165
Mallaig Conductors NPS 2B 991883
Mallaig Drivers 883162
Mallaig Drivers NPS 2B 991893
Mallaig Ground Frame 883167 MLAIGGF MALLAIGGF 05998
Mallaig On Train Sales 359900
Mallerstang 205720 MALRSTG MALLERSTG 09439
Mallow MAW 049000 MALLOW -
Maltby 656600
Maltby Colliery Carriage & Wagon English Welsh & Scottish Railway/Cripple Road 644701 MALTBY CR 26403
Maltby Colliery Fastline Freight 644702 MLTBFLF MALTBYCFL 26406
Maltby Colliery Freightliner Heavy Haul 644705 MLTBFHH MALTBYFLT 26404
Maltby Colliery GB Railfreight 644703 MLTBCGB MALTBY GB 26408
Maltby Colliery GB Railfreight 644703 MLTBCGB MALTBYCGB 26407
Maltby Colliery National Coal Board/RJB Mining 644700 MLTBNCB MALTBYCOL 26402
Maltby Colliery Signal Box 656616 MLTBCLS MALTBY 26401
Maltby Down Loop 656605 MLTBLFL MALTBYDLP 26405
Malton MLT 816400 MALTON MALTON 16232
Malton Barton Hill 816415 MALTBTH BARTONHIL 16234
Malton Falsgrave Crossing 818563
Malton Kirkham Abbey Signal Box 816480 MALTKKA KIRKHMABY 16233
Malton Knapton 816405 MALTKNA KNAPTON 16228
Malton Passenger Terminal 816461
Malton Production 437412
Malton Signals 826356
Malton Up Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 816401 MALTUSD MALUPSDGS 16231
Malvern Link MVL 488400 MLVRNLK MALVNLINK 67209
Malvern Link Self Service Ticket Machine 649000
Malvern Link Station 488461
Malvern Wells XMN 488500 MLVRNWL MALVERN W 67215
Malvern Wells Loop 488501 MLVRWLP MALVNW LP MALVNWLP 67216 67213
Malvern Wells [unknown feature] 143129
Managed Buildings Technical Manager 110083
Managed Payroll Derby 705057
Managed Service Development 705069
Management 094941 106704 106705 338217 338408
Management Accountant 125372 127141 127411 132454 978026
Management Accountant ICCS 092932
Management Account Construction 386465
Management Account Construction Support 983384
Management Accounting 090590 128990
Management Accounting Executive Grade 113965
Management Account Maintenance 386464
Management Account Maintenance Support 983705
Management/Administration Staff 177804
Management Finance Accounting MP1011 090197
Management Group 335622
Management Headquarters London 090253
Management Headquarters Nottingham 090255
Management Staff 564754
Management Team Derby 518092
Management Team London 518112
Management Trainees 090545
Manager 2 2A 507581
Manager 2 2B 338315 507582
Manager 3 2A 507583
Manager 3 2B 338316 507584
Manager 4 2A 507585
Manager 4 2B 338317 507586
Manager 5 2A 507587
Manager 5 2B 338318 507588
Manager 6 2A 507589
Manager 6 2B 338319 507590
Manager & Wagon Store Area Maintenance Engineer Doncaster 657483
Manager South Manchester 299708
Manager Wagon Repair Depot 854675
Manager Wagon Repairs Materials 854678
Manager Wales Regional Railways South Wales & West 333246
Managing Director 090464 090636 091257 125131 125916 133801 150711 151111 220374 475201 491100 566501 655405 683089 744565 750001
Managing Director & Secretariat 147444
Managing Director BBRRP 173237
Managing Director BICC 522597
Managing Director BR Business & Engineering Services 093138
Managing Director Central Services 093139
Managing Director Freight Accounting Adjustments 095643
Managing Director Freight Ex-Employees 019424
Managing Director Freight Ibis Suspense 096946
Managing Director Freight Trainload Freight 095642
Managing Director North 532089
Managing Director North Accounting Adjustments 095636
Managing Director North & West Ibis Suspense 096941
Managing Director North Ex-Employees 019423
Managing Director North Spare 095634
Managing Director Redundancy 565520
Managing Director Secretariat 098711 446228
Managing Director's Ex-Employees Ashford 018805
Managing Director Signalling Control UK 091373 338605
Managing Director South & East Accounting Adjustment 095629
Managing Director South & East Ex-Employees 019422
Managing Director South & East Ibis Suspense 096938
Managing Director South & East Passenger Executive Grade 090851
Managing Director South & East Project Director 096950
Managing Directors Support 270001 983768 983777 983778
Managing Director Swindon 335179
Managing Director Trading In 335518 335753
Managing Director Travel/Applied Communications S628 834300
Managing Director York 829096
Managing QS 386443
Manchester 434502 439732
Manchester Abraham Moss Metrolink AMM 677500 MNCRAMM -
Manchester Act 98 Location 238307
Manchester Administration 098726
Manchester Airport MIA 296100 MNCRIAP MANINTAPT 32530
Manchester Airport Booking Office 296855
Manchester Airport Conductors 296101
Manchester Airport Drivers 275502
Manchester Airport Link 098696
Manchester Airport Metrolink MNA MNCMTLK -
Manchester Airport Self Service Ticket Machine 234800
Manchester Airport Sportis Regional Railways 146900
Manchester Airport SP Transpennine Express 953400
Manchester Airport Tarmac Sidings 296110 MNCRATS MAN INTAP 32523
Manchester Airport [unknown feature] 286061
Manchester AMIs 130308 141472
Manchester Anchorage Metrolink ANH 997600 MNCRANC -
Manchester Ardwick West 278400
Manchester Area 126275
Manchester Area Operations Ill Health Lump Sum 259551
Manchester Area Permanent Way Works B & S Direct 259389
Manchester Area Personnel Contingency Weekly Payment 297210
Manchester Area Retail Ill Health Lump Sum 259553
Manchester Ashton Moss Metrolink AMO 732300 MNCRAML -
Manchester Ashton Under Lyne Metrolink AUL 733100 MNCRALM -
Manchester Ashton West Metrolink AWL 732500 MNCRAWM -
Manchester Audenshaw Metrolink ASM 732200 MNCRASM -
Manchester Beswick 287900
Manchester Broadway Metrolink BRD 994800 MNCRBWY -
Manchester Bromley Street Junction 297034 MNCRBST -
Manchester BRPB 495600 495800
Manchester Burton Road Metrolink BRZ 733300 MNCRBRM -
Manchester Cemetery Road Metrolink CRQ 730400 MNCRCRM -
Manchester Central Park Metrolink CEM 677700 MNCRCEM -
Manchester Central Zone MCZ 045100 CATZMCZ
Manchester Chorlton Metrolink CNK 677800 MNCRCHM -
Manchester Clayton Hall Metrolink CHB 730200 MNCRCHB -
Manchester Conductors 238305
Manchester Cornbrook Metrolink COZ 998600 MNCRCBK -
Manchester CrossCountry Onboard Catering 484000
Manchester CSM Transfer Out Station Operational Expenditure 299752
Manchester Deal Street Junction 297003 MNCRDST DEAL ST J 31515
Manchester Deal Street No 3 Sidings 297011 MNCRDS3 31515*
Manchester Dean Lane DNN 287700 MNCRDLN DEAN LANE 31069
Manchester Dean Lane Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority 30306
Manchester Dean Lane Quick Mix 287711 MNCRQMX DEANLQMX 31305
Manchester Dean Lane RT Sidings 287712 MNCRRTS DEANLRTS 31306
Manchester Dean Lane RT Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 287713 MNCRDLF DEAN LNE 31307
Manchester Deansgate DGT 296300 MNCRDGT DEANSGATE 33088
Manchester Depot Administration ICCS 092670
Manchester Depot Control ICCS 092671
Manchester Didsbury Village Metrolink DVM 733500 MNCRDVM -
Manchester Drivers 238304 238309
Manchester Driver Team Manager 826866
Manchester Droylsden Metrolink DML 638900 MNCRDML -
Manchester East Didsbury Metrolink EDM 733600 MNCREDM -
Manchester Eccles Metrolink ECM 975800 MNCRECC -
Manchester Edge Lane Metrolink ELM 730300 MNCRELM -
Manchester Etihad Campus Metrolink EHC 729800 MNCRECM -
Manchester Exchange Quay Metrolink EXQ 998000 MNCREQY -
Manchester Executive Manager 439731
Manchester Firswood Metrolink FWN 677900 MNCRFWM MNCRRFW -
Manchester FLC Management 093317
Manchester Freehold Metrolink FHM 727900 MNCRFHM -
Manchester FST 102100
Manchester Guide Bridge Depot 437289
Manchester Hallade 815336
Manchester Handling Management 093316
Manchester Harbour City Metrolink HBC 994900 MNCRHBC -
Manchester Headquarters Accounting Axis Suspense Account 259465
Manchester Headquarters Architect Executive 259536
Manchester Headquarters Architect Infrastructure 299968
Manchester Headquarters Audit Safety Systems 299958
Manchester Headquarters Axis Suspense Account 259463
Manchester Headquarters B & P Contingency Weekly Payments 259663
Manchester Headquarters B & P Ill Health Lump Sum 259665
Manchester Headquarters B & P Payments To Ex-Employees 259664
Manchester Headquarters Canteen/Catering Personnel 259581
Manchester Headquarters Development Manager Plus COS 259566
Manchester Headquarters Finance Account Executive 259530
Manchester Headquarters Finance Contingency Weekly Payments 259672
Manchester Headquarters Finance Ill Health Lump Sum 259674
Manchester Headquarters Finance Payment To Ex-Employees 259673
Manchester Headquarters Financial Accounting 299952
Manchester Headquarters Fire Safety Manager Crewe 299992
Manchester Headquarters Fire Safety Manager Headquarters 299963
Manchester Headquarters Fire Safety Manager Liverpool 299962
Manchester Headquarters Fire Safety Manager Manchester 299961
Manchester Headquarters Fire Safety Manager Preston 299960
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Engineer Executive 259540
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager 299930
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager Fleet Birkenhead 299935
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager Infrastructure New Works 299937
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager Infrastructure Projects & Enhancements 299938
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager Operations/Retail Headquarters 299946
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager Operations/Retail Liverpool 299945
Manchester Headquarters Fleet Manager Operations/Retail Preston 299943
Manchester Headquarters Greater Manchester Continuing Weekly Payment 259660
Manchester Headquarters Greater Manchester Ill Health Lump Sum 259662
Manchester Headquarters Greater Manchester Payments To Ex Emplyees 259661
Manchester Headquarters Human Resources Manager Fleet 259587
Manchester Headquarters Investment Planning Executive 259498
Manchester Headquarters Investment Planning Manager 259494
Manchester Headquarters ITG Contingency Weekly Payments 011044 259651
Manchester Headquarters ITG Ill Health Lump Sums 259653
Manchester Headquarters ITG Payment To Ex-Employees 018110 259652
Manchester Headquarters Land Manager 259484
Manchester Headquarters New Works Contingency Weekly Payments 011042 259645
Manchester Headquarters New Works Ill Health Lump Sum 259647
Manchester Headquarters New Works Manager 299967
Manchester Headquarters New Works Manager Executive 259535
Manchester Headquarters New Works Payment To Ex-Employees 018108 259646
Manchester Headquarters P & M Managers Office 259483
Manchester Headquarters Personnel Contingency Weekly Payments 259676
Manchester Headquarters Personnel Ill Health Lump Sum 259677
Manchester Headquarters Personnel Manager Manchester Executive 259582
Manchester Headquarters Personnel Managers Office 259561
Manchester Headquarters Personnel Services Managers Office 259590
Manchester Headquarters Personnel Services Officer Operations 259591
Manchester Headquarters Public Affairs 259482
Manchester Headquarters Public Affairs Manager Manchester Executive 259528
Manchester Headquarters Quality Continuous Weekly Payments 259643
Manchester Headquarters Quality Ill Health Lump Sums 259642
Manchester Headquarters Quality Manager 299956
Manchester Headquarters Quality Payment To Ex-Employees 259644
Manchester Headquarters Quality Performance & Development 299954
Manchester Headquarters Railway Trainees 296878
Manchester Headquarters R & I Contingency Weekly Payments 259681
Manchester Headquarters R & I Ill Health Lump Sum 259683
Manchester Headquarters R & I Payments To Ex-Employees 259682
Manchester Headquarters Regional Directorate 259481
Manchester Headquarters Resource Planning Manager Executive 259525
Manchester Headquarters Retail Manager Executive 259523
Manchester Headquarters Retail On Train Leaders 297259
Manchester Headquarters RPM Office 259491
Manchester Headquarters Safety Systems Manager 299959
Manchester Headquarters Staff 259577
Manchester Headquarters Total Quality Manager 299964
Manchester Headquarters Total Quality Manager Manchester Executive 259584
Manchester Headquarters Train Crew Ancilliary 259559
Manchester Headquarters Training & Facilitation 299955
Manchester Headquarters Training Manager Planning & Development 259567
Manchester Headquarters Youth Development Officer 2 Planning & Development 259569
Manchester Headquarters Youth Development Officer 3 Planning & Development 259570
Manchester Headquarters Youth Development Officer 4 Planning & Development 259571
Manchester Headquarters Youth Development Officer 5 Planning & Development 259572
Manchester Headquarters Youth Development Officer 5 Planning & Development 259573
Manchester Holt Town Metrolink HTM 729600 MNCRHTM -
Manchester Irwell Bridge Junction 297033 MNCRIWB -
Manchester Kingsway Business Park Metrolink KBM 728300 MNCRKBM -
Manchester Ladywell Metrolink LDW 984800 MNCRLDW -
Manchester Langworthy Metrolink LWY 993700 MNCRLWY -
Manchester Liverpool Road 291200 MNCRLIR LPOOL RD 31711
Manchester London Road 286500Older designation when station open 296801Newer designation once station closed MNCRLRD 32002*
Manchester Maintenance Cables 2B 581782
Manchester Maintenance Clerical 2A 581774
Manchester Mayfield Trainees 2B 581772
Manchester Media City Metrolink MCT 678000 MNCRMCM MNCRMCT -
Manchester Monsall Metrolink MSM 678300 MNCRMSM -
Manchester NAC 095312
Manchester Newbold Metrolink NBM 728400 MNCRNBM -
Manchester New Islington Metrolink NIM 729400 MNCRNIM -
Manchester Newton Heath And Moston Metrolink NMM 678400 MNCRNMM -
Manchester North Area Accounts Office 297019
Manchester North Area Maintenance Engineer Ex-Employees 018148
Manchester North Area Mechanical & Electrical Engineer Ill Health Lump Sum 011868
Manchester Northern Rail Revenue Team 290900
Manchester North Revenue Protection Inspectors 296877
Manchester North Wagon Exam/Engineer 288363
Manchester NTR 295558
Manchester Oldham Central Metrolink OCM 728200 MNCROCM -
Manchester Oldham King Street Metrolink OKS 728100 MNCROSM -
Manchester Olympic Games MYM 047600 MNCROLM -
Manchester On Track Plant NTR 297044
Manchester Overheads 238306
Manchester Oxford Road MCO 296600 MNCROXR MANCROXRD 33087
Manchester Oxford Road Booking Office 296662
Manchester Oxford Road Passenger Relief 296661
Manchester Oxford Road Self Service Ticket Machine 298900
Manchester Piccadilly MAN 296800 MNCRPIC MANCR PIC 32000
Manchester Piccadilly Account Manager Administration Wages 296847
Manchester Piccadilly Administration Part 1 Management Staff 296838
Manchester Piccadilly Administration Relief 296859
Manchester Piccadilly Administration Senior Management 296880
Manchester Piccadilly AFCs 296804
Manchester Piccadilly Area Manager Administration 296866
Manchester Piccadilly Area Stationery 296835
Manchester Piccadilly Ballast Sidings 296808 MNCRPIB MANCRPICC 32001
Manchester Piccadilly Business Travel 102800
Manchester Piccadilly Carriage Cleaning 297212
Manchester Piccadilly Civil Engineers AWS 296879
Manchester Piccadilly Conductors 296874
Manchester Piccadilly Customer Liaison 296826
Manchester Piccadilly Depot Shift Managers 296884
Manchester Piccadilly Driver Manager South 297289
Manchester Piccadilly Drivers 296887
Manchester Piccadilly Electronic Point Of Sale 297600
Manchester Piccadilly Engine Sidings 296807 MNCRPES -
Manchester Piccadilly Engine Sidings Virgin Trains 296806 MNCR999 -
Manchester Piccadilly Finance Manager 129817
Manchester Piccadilly First North Western Quickfare 314300
Manchester Piccadilly Fitters 286376
Manchester Piccadilly For Old Trafford MZX 657800 CATZ032
Manchester Piccadilly Heavy Cleaning Gang (PTE) 296840
Manchester Piccadilly Human Resource Office 297256
Manchester Piccadilly Investment Manager 129823
Manchester Piccadilly NR OB 486500
Manchester Piccadilly On Train Sales Transpennine Express 953500
Manchester Piccadilly Operating General Expenses 296881
Manchester Piccadilly P & M Store 296870
Manchester Piccadilly Parcels Stationery 296833
Manchester Piccadilly Part 1 TR 893900
Manchester Piccadilly Part 2 297200
Manchester Piccadilly Passenger Claims 296890
Manchester Piccadilly Personnel Services Administration Relief 297257
Manchester Piccadilly Platforms 1-12 259680
Manchester Piccadilly Platforms 1-12 Staff 296834
Manchester Piccadilly Police Costs (Greater Manchester Passenger Transport Executive) 296824
Manchester Piccadilly Publicity Part 1 296864
Manchester Piccadilly Revenue Protection 912500
Manchester Piccadilly Road Motor Drivers 296829
Manchester Piccadilly Road Vehicle Hire 296854
Manchester Piccadilly Safety & Standards Manager 129821
Manchester Piccadilly Salaried Staff 297273
Manchester Piccadilly Self Service Ticket Machine 175500
Manchester Piccadilly Senior Drivers 296818
Manchester Piccadilly Shunters 296827
Manchester Piccadilly Sleeping Car Attendant 092953
Manchester Piccadilly SOP Wages 296841
Manchester Piccadilly Sportis InterCity 298100
Manchester Piccadilly Sportis Network SouthEastE 346800
Manchester Piccadilly Sportis Point 297276
Manchester Piccadilly Sportis Regional Railways 965300
Manchester Piccadilly SP Transpennine Express 953200
Manchester Piccadilly Train Crew Drivers 296885
Manchester Piccadilly Trainee Conductors 296813 296814 296899
Manchester Piccadilly Trainmen 296846
Manchester Piccadilly Trains Leaders 296836
Manchester Piccadilly [unknown feature] 096281 133906
Manchester Plant Depot 434646
Manchester Pomona Metrolink PMO 998400 MNCRPOM -
Manchester Rail House Part 1 259300
Manchester Rail House Part 2 259400
Manchester Rail House Part 3 283900 299900
Manchester Rail House Part 4 259500
Manchester Rail House Part 5 259600
Manchester Red Bank Carriage Sidings RED BANK 31505
Manchester Redundancy Lump Sums SLS 259675
Manchester Relayers 815335 815393
Manchester Retail Development Clerks 297293
Manchester Retail Development Management 297292
Manchester Retail Manager 297290
Manchester Revenue Protection 169700
Manchester Revenue Protection Inspectors CrossCountry 450900
Manchester Road Management 093315
Manchester Rochdale Station Metrolink XRM 292404 MNCRRSM -
Manchester Rochdale Town Centre Metrolink RTC 729300 MNCRRCM -
Manchester Safety 098097
Manchester St Werburghs Road Metrolink SWJ 678500 MNCRSWM -
Manchester Salford Quays Metrolink SAQ 997700 MNCRSQY -
Manchester Ship Canal Glazebrook Junction 230200
Manchester Ship Canal Via Bridgewater Junction 299400
Manchester Ship Canal Via Ellesmere Port East Junction 241700
Manchester Ship Canal Via Ellesmere Port West Junction 241800
Manchester Sidings Staff ICCS 092672
Manchester Signalling & Telecommunications Grades 439733 441565
Manchester Signalling & Telecommunications Management 441563
Manchester Signalling & Telecommunications Non-Signalling & Telecommunications Support 441564
Manchester South Chadderton Metrolink SCM 727800 MNCRSCM -
Manchester South Maintenance 259310
Manchester South Revenue Protection Inspectors 296868
Manchester South Signalling Centre Signal MS385 277112 MSSC385 -
Manchester South Signalling Centre Signal MS423 277113 MSSC423 -
Manchester South Signalling Centre Signal MS604/606 277114 MSSC604 -
Manchester South Signalling Centre Signal MS1739 277115 MSSC739 -
Manchester South Signalling Centre Signal MS1750/52 277111 MSSC750 -
Manchester South Traction Inspector 296883
Manchester South Train Inspector 296815
Manchester Sportis 349700
Manchester Stations MCR 043800
Manchester Stores Control ICCS 092673
Manchester Store ST Stores 437280
Manchester Technical Assistant 2B 581770
Manchester Technical Support Clerks 2A 581640
Manchester Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581778
Manchester Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer 2A 581776
Manchester Telecommunications Maintenance Engineer 2B 581769 581771
Manchester Telecommunications Works 2A 581711
Manchester Telecommunications Works 2B 581707 581708 581709
Manchester TME Supervisors 2B 581777
Manchester Trafford Park Cerestar 296916 MCRTPCS BDGWATRJN 33049
Manchester Trains Manager 826801
Manchester Transfer In Conductors 299855
Manchester Transfer In Depot Operating Expenses 299851 299878
Manchester Transfer In Drivers 299849
Manchester Transfer In Functional Management 299854
Manchester Transfer In Stabling & Cleaning 299857
Manchester Transfer In Telephone Enquiry Bureau 299859
Manchester Transfer In Terminals Passenger 299853
Manchester Transfer In Trainmen 299850
Manchester Transfer Out CONT R Vehicle 299751
Manchester Transfer Out Depot Operating Expenses 299744
Manchester Transfer Out Drivers 299742
Manchester Transfer Out Functional Management 299747
Manchester Transfer Out General Expenses 299748
Manchester Transfer Out Terminals Passenger 299746
Manchester Transfer Out Trainmen 299743
Manchester Uniform Senior Police 098118
Manchester United Football Ground MUF 299600 MNCRUFG MANUTDFGD 33092
Manchester [unknown feature] MANCHESTR 32950 32990
Manchester Velopark Metrolink VPM 730100 MNCRVPM -
Manchester Victoria MCV 297000 MNCRVIC MANCR VIC 31510
Manchester Victoria AFCs 292464
Manchester Victoria Area Manager Administration 297073
Manchester Victoria Area Manager Administration Part 2 297052
Manchester Victoria Bolton Section 900 437132
Manchester Victoria Booking Office 297098
Manchester Victoria Cleaning 297060
Manchester Victoria Concourse/Platform 297051
Manchester Victoria Conductors 297087
Manchester Victoria Customer Liaison Assistant 297020
Manchester Victoria Customer Service Assistants 297018
Manchester Victoria Depot Shift Managers 297028
Manchester Victoria Drivers 297560
Manchester Victoria Duty Managers 297016
Manchester Victoria East Junction 297030 MNCRVEJ MANVIC EJ 31508
Manchester Victoria Fitters 297053
Manchester Victoria For Old Trafford MCX 657900 CATZ033
Manchester Victoria Heavy Cleaning Gang PTE 297090
Manchester Victoria Holding Sidings XVS 297005 MNCRVHS 31510*
Manchester Victoria Manchester Victoria A Section 901 437133
Manchester Victoria Manchester Victoria B Section 902 437134
Manchester Victoria Manchester Victoria Section 903 437135
Manchester Victoria No 1 Siding MNCRV4S
Manchester Victoria Operating General Expenses 297079
Manchester Victoria Passenger Claims 297080
Manchester Victoria Passenger Shunting 297054
Manchester Victoria Personnel Services Administration 297012
Manchester Victoria Reversing Siding 297042 MNCRVRS MANVIC RS 31513
Manchester Victoria Road Motor Drivers 297029
Manchester Victoria Road Vehicle Hire 297031
Manchester Victoria Rochdale Section 904 437136
Manchester Victoria Self Service Ticket Machine 299000
Manchester Victoria Senior Drivers 296816
Manchester Victoria Senior Management 297072
Manchester Victoria Sportis Network SouthEastE 346400
Manchester Victoria Sportis Regional Railways 965400
Manchester Victoria Station Announcer 297043
Manchester Victoria Train Crew Drivers Part 2 297571
Manchester Victoria Train Crew Drivers Part 3 297559
Manchester Victoria Trainee Conductors 297071 297088
Manchester Victoria Trainee Trainmen 297041
Manchester Victoria Trainmen 297085
Manchester Victoria Trains Leaders 296851
Manchester Victoria West Junction 297040 MNCRVWJ MANVIC WJ 31512
Manchester Victoria Works Relief 437137
Manchester Weaste Metrolink WMT 993500 MNCRWST -
Manchester Welders Guide Bridge 283969
Manchester West Didsbury Metrolink WDI 733400 MNCRWDM MNCRWDI -
Manchester Westwood Metrolink WWM 728000 MNCRWWM -
Manchester Withington Metrolink WMM 733200 MNCRWML -
M & S Carnforth Engineering 141619
M & S Carnforth Production 141615
M & S Crewe Engineering 141697
M & S Crewe Operations 141689
M & S Crewe Production 141696
M & S Kings Norton Engineering 141645
M & S Kings Norton Production 141644
M & S March Engineering 141677
M & S March Operations 141673
M & S March Production 141675
M & S Rugby Engineering 141663
M & S Rugby Operations 141653
M & S Rugby Production 141655
Manea MNE 716500 MANEA MANEA 46215
Manea Signal CA924 716505 MANE924 MANSIG924 46196
Manea Signal M43 716504 MANE43 MANASIG43 46219
Manisty Wharf 212112
Manis Use Transfers Off Manis 042100
Mannheim Handelshafen 081607 MANHHAN MANNHEIMH 00054
Mannheim Rangierbahnhof 081608 MANHRAN MANNHEIMR 00055
Manningtree MNG 685600 MANNGTR MANINGTRE 49302
Manningtree Booking Office 685801 685802
Manningtree Down Siding 685601 MANNGDS MANTRE DS 49303
Manningtree East Junction 685610 MANNTEJ MANTRE EJ 49304
Manningtree North Junction 685614 MANNTNJ MANTREENJ 49301
Manningtree Permanent Way Maintenance Gangs 685662
Manningtree Platform Relief 685615
Manningtree Platform Staff 685602 685664
Manningtree Self Service Ticket Machine 271300
Mann Island Junction 221905 MANIJN MANNISLDJ 38186
Manorbier MRB 409400 MNORBER MANORBIER 80207
Manorbier Station 409412
Manor House LT ZMR 063800
Manor Park MNP 688300 MANRPK MANORPARK 50431
Manor Park/Forest Gate/Seven Kings Booking Offices 688362
Manor Park Junction 688301 MANRPKJ 50431*
Manor Park Self Service Ticket Machine 271500
Manor Park Signal L350/L5083 688303 MANR350 50431*
Manor Powis 910960 MNRPWIS MANOR POW 03381
Manor Road MNR 225300 MNRD MANOR RD 38005
Manors MAS 760300 MANORS MANORS 12719
Manors (Nexus) MRM 914800 MANOMET MANOMET 12721
Manors Permanent Way Mobile 760363
Manpower Planning & Systems Manager 568017
Mansfield MFT 172700 MFLDTWN MANSFIELD 56225
Mansfield Bus Station 172701 MFLDBS -
Mansfield Colliery 28303
Mansfield (CS) Marshalling Yard 674700
Mansfield East Midlands Designer Outlet Centre MFLDDOU -
Mansfield Reception Sidings 28331
Mansfield Self Service Ticket Machine 440300
Mansfield SS MNSFLCS
Mansfield Woodhouse MSW 172800 MFLDWSE MANSFDWDH 56221
Mansion House LT ZMH 063900 MANSNHS MANSIONHS 87186
Mantle Lane Signal Box 183363 MNTLSB MNTLELNSB 58041
Mantle Lane Signal Box & Crossing 143234
Mantle Lane Terminal Complex 183361 MNTLLAS MANTLE LN 58040
Mantle Lane Terminal Complex GB Railfreight 183364 MNTLGBR MNTLELNGB 58042
Manton Colliery MANTONCOL 26213
Manton Colliery Junction 658201 MNTWCJN MANTONSDG 26214
Manton Junction XMJ 190404 MANTONJ MANTON JN 59139
Manton Junction Area Civil Engineer's Sidings 190409 MANTSDG MANTNJACE 59142
Manton Junction Signal Box 143222
Manton Junction Signal MJ6 190410 MANTMJ6 MANTONMJ6 59143
Manton Junction Signal MJ7 190408 MANTMJ7 MANTONJN7 59140
Manton Luffenham 190407 MANTLFF LUFFENHAM 59141
Manton Wood RJB Mining MNTWRJB
Manual Weedspraying 096209
Manulla Junction MAJ 162000 CATZMAJ
Manvers Main Colliery MNVRSMN 24103
Mapmart Limited S464 808200
Marble Arch LT ZMA 064000
March MCH 716600 MRCH MARCH 46206
March & Lincoln C Plant 141648
March & Lincoln Workshop 141651
March Anglia NPS 717000
March Area Signalling 127648 127649
March Booking Office 100611
March Depot Administration 099957
March Depot Operating 717033
March Depot Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 661195
March Down Refuge Siding 716622 MARCHDS MARCH DYD 46212
March Down Refuge Siding GB Railfreight 716623 MRCHDRG MARCHDNYD 46204
March Drivers 270384 717031
March Driver Technical Competency Managers 270425
March East Junction 716635 MRCHEJN MARCH EJN 46211
March Engineering 141664
March Fuelling Point 099971 126258
March GrantRail/Volker Rail 716663 MARCH VR 46207
March Permanent Way Maintenance Engineer 716664
March PM Depot 716602
March Primary Store 097944 605904
March Production 141666
March Resources Permanent Way Production Manager Support 717060
March Salary Staff 099911
March Self Service Ticket Machine 638500
March Signal Maintenance Fault 717026
March South 716601 MRCHSTH MARCHSTH 46216
March South Signal MS933 716605 MRCH933 MARCH933 46199
March South Signal MS934 716606 MRCH934 MARCH934 46197
March Station Care Team 100612
March Traction Maintenance Depot 716662 126260 716621 MARCHTD WHTEMR RP 46203
March Traction Maintenance Other 099950
March Traincrew Overheads 270426
March Training School 716614
March Trainmen 270398 717040
March [unknown feature] 717034
March Up Refuge Siding 716633 MARCHUS MARCH UYD 46209
March Up Yard Civil Engineer's Sidings 716660 MARCUCE MARCH CE 46208
March Up Yard GB Railfreight 716604 MARCHUG MARCH GBF 46213
March Up Yard Repair Point MARCHUYRP 46210
March Wages 731384
March Wagon 126262
March Wagon Maintenance 099938
March Wagon Maintenance Chargehand 125866
March Wagon Maintenance Clerical 125867
March West Junction 716618 MRCHWJN MARCH WJN 46205
Marchwood 590713 270565 590700 MCHWOOD MARCHWDOriginal code MARCHWOOD 86722
Marchwood Freightliner Terminal 590711 MCHWFLT MARCHWDFL 86723
Marchwood MOD 590712 MCHWMOD MARCHWD 86721
Marchwood MOD GB Railfreight 590701 MCHWGBF MARCMODGB 86725
Marchwood Signal Box MRCHWSB
Marchwood Signal Box & Hythe Level Crossing 131981 590460 590760
Marchwood Signal Box & School Road Crossing 132701
Marchwood SMC RP 590714 MCHWSMC SMCMRCHWR 86724
March Yard Marcroft 716630 MARCHYARD 46210
March Yards 717039
Marcon Siding see Angerstein Wharf Marcon
Marcroft Engineering 521008 972965 987616
Marcroft [unknown feature] VARIOUS 92100
Marden (Kent) MRN 522300 MARDEN MARDEN 89328
Margam 418300
Margam Abbey South Sidings 418011 MRGMASS -
Margam Abbey West Junction 418002 MRGMAWJ MARGAMAWJ 79776
Margam Abbey Works East 418057 MRGMAWE MARGMAWEJ 79781
Margam Aberaiden South 419925 MLPTABS ABERBADEN 79760
Margam Civil Engineer's Sidings 418062 MRGMCE MRGMACE MARGAMENG 79782
Margam Depot Operations 270539
Margam Driver Manager 418194
Margam Drivers 270540 418160
Margam East 418359 MRGME MARGMEAST 79767
Margam East Junction 418003 MRGMEJ MARGAM EJ 79768
Margam Freight 098913
Margam Fuelling Point 111596
Margam High Output Train Depot 418020 MRGMHOD MRGMMID 79773
Margam Hot Road Repair Point 418021 MRGMHOR MARGESRP 79774
Margam Hump Yard 418373
Margam 'K19' MRGM K19 79777
Margam Knuckle Yard Colas 418004 MRGKYRG MARGMKYCR 79764
Margam Loco Inspection Point 418362 MRGMTMD MARGAMLIP 79771
Margam Loco Workshop 270153
Margam Marshalling Yard 418163
Margam Middle Junction 418001 MRGMMID MRGMMID 79773
Margam Moors 418059 MRGMM MARGMMRYD 79770
Margam Moors Junction 418056 MRGMMJN MARGAMMJN 79783
Margam Parc Slip Celtic Energy 419900 MLPT PARCSLIP 79761
Margam Parc Slip Washery 419901 MLPTW PARCSLPAV 79762
Margam 'PPM' MRGM PPM 79778
Margam Signal PT127 418356 MGMS127 MARGAM EJ 79768
Margam Signal PT333 418055 418064 MRGMT33 MRGMPT333 79779
Margam Signal PT3336 MRMPT3336 79779
Margam Steel & Scrap 418182
Margam Team Leaders 270152
Margam Terminal Complex 418000 MRGMTC MARGAM TC 79780
Margam Terminal Complex GB Railfreight 418006 MRGMTCG MRGMTCGBR 79766
Margam Traction 418361
Margam Trainmen 270541 418179
Margam Wagon Exams 098914
Margam Wagon Repair Depot 418380 MRGMWRD MARGAM 79772
Margam Wagon Shop 418372
Margam Wagon Workshop 270154
Margam Yard 270544
Margam Yard Junction 418063 MRGMYJN MARGMYD J 79769
Margate MAR 501800 MARGATE MARGATE 89475
Margate Area Relief Signalmen 128487
Margate Area Trainee Signalmen 128488
Margate Carriage Holding Sidings 501869 MARGCHS 89475*
Margate Out Of Location Handsignaller 128685
Margate Self Service Ticket Machine 586300
Margate Signal Box 128477 MRGATSB
Margate Signal EK5105 501802 MAR5105 MARGT5105 89485
Margate Signal EK5124 501803 MAR5124 MARGT5124 89487
Margate Signal GE20 501801 MARG20 MARGATE20 89484
Margate Ticket Office 501892
Margate [unknown feature] 133952
Marholm Junction 613356 MRHLMJN MARHOLMJN 45126
Marholm/Woodcroft Crossing Keepers 110221 613391
Maria Mitson Ltd S621 833600
Marine Colliery MARINCL
Maritime East Junction 591205 MRTMEJN MARITMEJN 86706
Maritime West Junction 591206 MRTMWJN MARITMWJN 86707
Market Harborough MHR 190900 MRKTHRB MARKETHBR 59401
Market Harborough Braybrook 190903 MRKTBRY BRAYBROOK 59411
Market Harborough Chief Civil Engineer's Sidings 190904 MRKSDG MKTHRBCCE 59402
Market Harborough East Langton 194805 MRKTELN E LANGTON 59344
Market Harborough Great Glen 194804 MRKTGG GT GLEN 59336
Market Harborough Junction 190905 MRKTHRJ MKTHRB JN 59403
Market Harborough Permanent Way Office 190961
Market Harborough Permanent Way Section Supervisor Chief Civil Engineer 190968
Market Harborough Self Service Ticket Machine 330300
Market Information York 829923
Marketing 216313 445064 719013
Marketing 2A 451203 451405
Marketing 2B 451204 451404
Marketing & Business Analysis 748015
Marketing & Corporate Affairs Manager 220326
Marketing & Planning 568040
Marketing & Planning Accounting Adjustments 333249
Marketing Developement 141603
Marketing Development Manager 122513
Marketing Director 270052
Marketing Manager 314830 545372
Marketing Manager Commercial 128066
Marketing Manager Derby 090215
Marketing Manager London 090214
Marketing Manager MP923 113645
Marketing Manager North 2A 581856
Marketing Manager South West 568067
Marketing Personal Assistant 330113
Marketing/Promotions Costs 698538
Marketing Scotrail 978064
Marketing Strategy 445030
Marketing Support 090133 090939
Marketing Support Derby 095628
Marketing Support Infrastructure Servicing Unit 705078
Marketing Support Manager 259489
Marketing Surveys 722084
Marketing Team 698595
Marketing Trading In 829090
Marketing Trading Out 829007
Market Place 621617 626811
Market Planning Crewe 270054
Market Planning Doncaster 270055
Market Planning Islington 270053
Market Rasen MKR 631800 MKTR MKT RASEN 44043
Market Rasen Claxby & Usselby 631805 MKTRCLU CLAXBY&US 44042
Market Rasen Relief Signaller Operating 143320
Mark For Deletion GLM  EMUD 89016
Markham Exchange Sidings MKHMEXS
Markham Main Coal Inv MKHMMBC
Markham Main Colliery MARKHAMMN 23301
Markham Sidings 642811
Markham Sidings Junction (Yorkshire) 642800
Markham Staveley Colliery 27118
Markinch MNC 916000 MKIN MARKINCH 03226
Markinch Branch Line Sidings 916065 MKINBLS MRKINCHMH 03223
Markinch Down Line Sidings 916067 MKINDLS MARKNH DS 03227
Markinch Fife Paper Mill 916014 MARKINCHM 03225
Markinch Signal ER878 916001 MKIN878 MARKNH878 03228
Markinch Station Manager 913612
Markinch Station Staff 932127
Markinch Tullis Russell 916011 MRKINCHMT 03224
Mark One Travel Ltd S622 833700
Marks Tey MKT 686300 MRKSTEY MARKS TEY 50105
Marks Tey Down Loop 686312 MRKSTDL -
Marks Tey Freightliner Heavy Haul 686302 MRKSFHH MARKSTYFL 50100
Marks Tey GB Railfreight 686309 MRKSTGB MARKSTYGB 50099
Marks Tey GEC Alsthom 686310
Marks Tey Marcroft MARKSTEYM 50101
Marks Tey Self Service Ticket Machine 271600
Marks Tey Signal L872 686301 MRKS872 MKSTEY872 50104
Marks Tey Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Siding 686315 MRKSSAT MKSTEYS&T 50106
Marks Tey Tarmac 686311 MRKSTAR MARKSTEY 50102
Marks Tey Up Loop 686314 MRKSTUL M TEY ULP 50103
Marlborough High Street (by bus) XBH 333361 333376 MRLBHST MARBORO -
Marlow MLW 302100 MARLOW MARLOW 74016
Marlow Napuss Only 302160
Marne-La-Vallee MCK 156400 MARNELV MARNE VAL 00799
Marple MPL 283000 MARPLE MARPLE 32553
Marple Wharf Junction 283001 MARPLWJ MARPLWHFJ 32551
Marsden Signal SL4726 844501 MRSN726 18483
Marsden Slaithwaite Town Centre see also Slaithwaite Marsden Town Centre 854900 MRSNTC -
Marsden (Yorks) MSN 844500 MRSN MARSDEN 18479
Marseille St Charles MSC 696000 MRSLSTC MARSEILLE 00710
Marshall Meadows Zone Boundary 779120 MSLMWZB MARSHLMZB 04846
Marshalls Cross MRC MSHX
Marsh Barton MARSHBN
Marsh Barton [station] MBT 777900 MSBTN MARSHBRTN 83518
Marsh Brook Level Crossing 436512 MSHBRKX MARSHBKLC 76382
Marshfield 367711 MSHFILD MARSHFLD 77086
Marshgate Plant Staff 641899
Marshgate Shops Shift Manager 641962
Marshgate Workshop Staff 641963
Marsh Junction Carriage Maintenance Depot 098741
Marsh Junction Level 5 322130
Marsh Junction On Track Plant Maintenance Depot 322162 MARSOTD MARSH JN 81526
Marsh Junction Sidings 322111 MARSHJS MARSH JN 81526
Marsh Junction Signal Box 131570
Marsh Lane Junction 223902 MRSHLAJ 36072*
Marsh Lane Junction [Leeds] 847600 MRLNJN MARSHLANE 17129
Marsh Lane Lafarge 847612 MRLN LAF 17127
Marsh Lane Level Crossing 306601 MSHLLC 73522
Marsh Lane Tilcon 847613 MRLNTIL MRLNTIL 17128
Marsh Mills 357500
Marsh Mills ECC 357515 MSHMLEC MARSHMILL 84084
Marske MSK 792800 MRSK MARSKE 15668
Marston Green MGN 103400 MRSTNGR MARSTONGN 69217
Marston Green Self Service Ticket Machine 433600
Marston Magna MSTNMGN
Martin Mill MTM 504000 MMIL MARTNMLOriginal code MARTNMILL 89469
Martin Mill Signal Box 128482 MTNMLSB
Martin Mill [unknown feature] 545444
Martinscroft Metrolink MCF MCFMTLK -
Martins Heron MAO 569200 MHERON MARTHRNOriginal code MARTINHRN 87100
Martins Heron Clerical 569212
Martins Heron Self Service Ticket Machine 472300
Martin Singer Travel S465 808300
Marton MTO 794700 MARTON MARTON 15502
Marut Travel S623 833800
Maryhill MYH 995700 MRYHILL MARYHILL 06233
Maryhill Park Junction 997400 MRYHPKJ MARYHLPKJ 06234
Maryland MYL 697000 MRYLAND MARYLAND 50438
Maryland East Junction 697001 MRYLEJN MARYLNDEJ 50436
Maryland To Seven Kings Platforms 697061
Maryland West Junction 697002 MRYLWJN MARYLNDWJ 50437
Marylebone MYB 147500 MARYLBN MARYLBONE 63021
Marylebone Area Sales 147443
Marylebone Carriage Cleaning 403001
Marylebone Carriage Cleaning Supervisors 2B 128833
Marylebone Carriage Cleaning Traction & Rolling Stock 147449
Marylebone CSIs 147424
Marylebone Diesel Multiple Unit Depot XME 147429 MARYDMU MARYLBONE 63021
Marylebone Down Main 147501 MARYDM
Marylebone Down Siding MARYDNS
Marylebone Drivers 147417
Marylebone Drivers Ex-Employees 019376
Marylebone Driver Standards Manager/Traincrew Supervisors 147490
Marylebone For The Games MYX 659100 CATZ043
Marylebone Integrated Electronic Control Centre Signallers 167718
Marylebone LT ZMY 064100
Marylebone Part 2 147400
Marylebone Performance Clerks 128811
Marylebone Retail 147439
Marylebone Revenue Protection Inspectors 147455
Marylebone Self Service Ticket Machine 188200
Marylebone Senior Production Supervisor 143121
Marylebone Sidings 1-5 147503 MARYSDS MARYLBNSG 63023
Marylebone Signal Maintenance Assistant 147445
Marylebone Signal ME10 147508 MARY10 MARYLBS10 63027
Marylebone Sportis Network SouthEast 966100
Marylebone TOC Gates 099900
Marylebone Traction Inspectors 147423
Marylebone Train Despatch 147496
Marylebone Trainmen 147413
Marylebone Up Main 147504 MARYUM
Marylebone Up Passenger Loop 147509 MARYUPL MARYLBUPL 63022
Marylebone Up Platform Siding 147505 MARYUPS MARYLBUPS 63025
Marylebone Up Tunnel Siding 147507 MARYUTS MARYLBUTS 63026
Marylebone Wall Siding 147502
Marylebone Washer Road 147506 MARYWRD MARYLBNWR 63024
Maryport MRY 198800 MPRT MARYPORT 10023
Maryport Coal Authority MARYPORT 10024
Maryport Up Siding 198811 MPRTNCB -
Masborough BSC MBROSS
Masborough CF Booth RHAM MAS 25013
Masborough English Welsh & Scottish Railway 667302 MBROEWS MASBRODB 25009
Masborough Freight Depot 667324 MBROSTY RHAM S T 25012
Masborough Freightliner Heavy Haul 667301 MBROFHH RHAM MASB 25010
Masborough Junction 667330 MBRONJN RHAMMASJN 24705
Masborough Junction Shunt Signal 667315 MBROJNS MASBJNSHS 24704
Masborough Millmoor MASBRO MM 25013
Masborough N&W GB Railfright 667310 MBROGBR MASBRNWGB 25019
Masborough PS Booths 667312 MBROBPS RHAM MAS 25014
Masborough Sorting Sidings Junction 667319 MBROSSJ MASBROSSJ 25011
Mash International Ltd S624 833900
Master Meter 931168 931174 955576 998161
Master Meter No 2 930660 953362 964860 972460 990961
Master Meter No 3 950361
Material Clerical Support 702436
Material Energy Administration 140610
Material Manager 681276 702435
Material Planning & Control 641031
Materials 2A 338106 507567
Materials 2B 338304 507568
Materials Assistant Edinburgh & Support 932846
Materials Assistant Glasgow 864943 879969 879970 879975 879981 880539 923684 923685 923692 932488 932489 932812 932842 967966 970485 978789 980671 981358 982188 990360
Materials Assistant Perth & Support 880657
Materials Bletchley 136183
Materials Bristol 323115 323260
Materials Civil Engineer 688635
Materials Clerical 564805
Materials Controller Headquarters 605704
Materials Controllers/Warrantry Manager 564804
Materials Country 553534
Materials Engineering 177700
Materials Management 983429
Materials Management Crewe Signalling & Telecommunicaions Grade 091593
Materials Management South 2A 124973 661144
Materials Management Staff Overheads 885959
Materials Manager 125386 177105 270877 333329 386450 504377 571822 982744 983337
Materials Manager Cardiff 270221
Materials Manager Crewe 270220
Materials Manager Eastleigh 270222
Materials Manager Peterborough 270226
Materials Manager Stewarts Lane 270223
Materials Manager Toton 270224
Materials Manager Waterloo 564803
Materials Manager Worksop 270225
Materials Quality Audit 683050
Materials Science 091297
Materials Section 612168
Materials Service Department 297520
Materials Signalling & Telecommunications Ashford 500229
Materials Signalling & Telecommunications/Overhead Line Electrification 688632
Materials Signalling & Telecommunications Stores 983771
Materials Technical Support 688633
Matlock MAT 158100 MATLOCK MATLOCK 57004
Matlock Bath MTB 158200 MATLCKB MATLKBATH 57007
Matlock Peak Rail 158113 MATLPR MATLOCKPR 57005
Matlock Self Service Ticket Machine 454600
Matlock Unallocated Staff 167865
Matrix Travel 486700
Matthews Holidays Ltd Y599 808500
MAT Trans [unknown feature] VARIOUS 91500
Mauchline 952600 MAUCHLN MCHLNE JN 08813
Mauchline Signal MM31 952602 MAUCM31 MAUSIGM31 08811
Mauchline Up Sidings 952601 MAUCLUS MCHLNE US 08812
Mauldeth Road MAU 286700 MLDTHRD MAULDTHRD 32527
Maxwell Park MAX 980200 MAXWLPK MAXWELLPK 07587
Maxwell Park Self Service Ticket Machine 376400
Maxwelltown 952800
Maybole MAY 952900 MAYBOLE MAYBOLE 08639
Mayfield Loop 296803 MAIFDLP MAYFDLOOP 32002
Mayfield Parcels Concentration Depot Wages Staff 296861
Maynooth MAE 162100 CATZMAE
Maze Hill MZH 514900 MAZEH MAZE HILL 88435
Maze Hill For The Games MZZ 673700 CATZ063
Maze Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 586400
McCurdy Hamilton Travel S625 834000
McDonald Douglas Travel WC1 EM46 194300
McDonnel Douglas Travel S626 834100
McGregor Travel/Gartner Group S128 734600
McGregor Travel Management UK ET54 457100
McGregor Travel Management UK S466 808600
McGregor Travel/Marakon UK S129 735000
McGregor Travel S295 773100
McLean Travel Haddington 894000
McLean Travel S467 808700
McLean Travel S627 834200
MD Travel Management Ltd R105 456900
Meadowbank Stadium 937700 MEDWBNK -
Meadowhall MHS 666300 MEADWHL MEDOWHALL 25316
Meadowhall Booking Office 669106
Meadowhall Help Desk 669104
Meadowhall Limit Of Shunt 666302 MEADLOS MEADW LOS 25315
Meadowhall Passenger 669105
Meadowhall Self Service Ticket Machine 299100
Meadowhall Signal S1069 666301 MEADW69 MEADW1069 25314
Meadow Lane Junction 172003 MEADLAJ MEADOWLNJ 56599
Meadow Lane Level Crossing 172004 MEDLALC MEADOWLNC 56593
Meaford Crossing 135701 MEAFCNG
Mechanical 605719
Mechanical & Electrical Bristol 334073
Mechanical & Electrical Cardiff 422220
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer 386462
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer And Support 980650
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer Carriage Shop Stores Wimbledon 559561
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer Freightliner Wagon Stores 597964
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer Grading Point 521062
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering 437861
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Bristol Redundancy 011387
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Carriage & Wagon 367262
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Carriage & Wagon Maintenance 381668 406875
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Carriage & Wagon New Siding 367365
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Carriage & Wagon Sidings 358264
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering/Civil Engineer Sidings 272811
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Dee Marsh Sidings 214617
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Fuel & Inspection Store 696501
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Fuelling Points 097896
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Regional Electrician Accounting Adjustments 113679
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering RSM Area Maintenance Engineer Wimbledon South Western 561412
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Sidings 238316 264013 553513
Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Traction Maintenance Depot Part 2 (Closed) 381673
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer RSM Traction Ryde 554363
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer RSM Wagons 593260
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer RSM Wagons Woking 568564
Mechanical & Electrical Engineer Traction & Rolling Stock Stores Eastleigh 589969
Mechanical & Electrical Inspectors Bristol 323173
Mechanical & Electrical Overheads Bristol 323132
Mechanical & Electrical Paddington/Aylesbury 308716
Mechanical & Electrical Projects Bristol 323109
Mechanical & Electrical Reading 314232
Mechanical & Electrical Services Bristol 323193 323197
Mechanical Engineer Crewe Outbase 166858
Mechanical Engineering 363023 605736
Mechanical Engineering Derby 518020
Mechanical Locking 500484
Mechanical Locking Assistant Production Manager Ashford 499757
Mechanical Locking Assistant Production Manager Wimbledon 499758 510794
Mechanical Locking Colchester 499543 681227
Mechanical Locking Engineer Management 680234
Mechanical Locking Engineer Signalling & Telecommunications 680235
Mechanical Locking Stratford 499542 681205
Mechanical Locking Teams 681247 688841
Mechanical Signal Store 826375
Medge Hall/Godnow Bridge 110231 110241 640674 652868
Mediaworks Cheques 384600
Medical Accounting Adjustments 097001 097095
Medical Centre Bristol 090850
Medical Centre Crewe 090842 090847
Medical Centre Derby 090816 090821
Medical Centre Euston 090818
Medical Centre Glasgow 090846
Medical Centre Newcastle 095222
Medical Centre Southampton 090849
Medical Centre York 090829
Medi-Call Travel S629 834400
Medstead MDT 592465 MEDSTED -
Medway CU Manager 545421
Medway Stores Gillingham 512263
Medway Travel Management Ltd 332000
MEL Artisan West 437722
Melbourne Junction 168101 MELBRNJ MELBORNEJ 57453
Meldon Quarry MDQ 578663 087700 MLDONQ MLDONQ 83301
Meldon Quarry Freightliner Heavy Haul 578666 MLDOFHH MELDONQRY 83300
Meldreth MEL 703600 MELDRTH MELDRETH 47248
Meldreth Self Service Ticket Machine 870000
Meldreth [unknown feature] 703601
Melkridge/Hexham 750680
Melkridge Opencast 756312 MLKRDGE MELKRIDGE 13307
Melkridge Signal HW102 750681 MLKR102 MLK102 51 13308
Melksham MKM 334600 MELKSHM MELKSHAM 75361
Melksham Market Place Bus Stop XBO 334601 MELKMAR -
Melksham Station 334611
Mellis 734878 MELLIS MELLIS 49007
Mells Road Somerset & Avon Railway 329600 MELLSROAD 82209
Melrose MLS 933300 MELROSE -
MEL Salaried West 437719
Melton MES 722100 MELTON MELTON 49121
Melton Asfordby Level Crossing 185107 MLTNASH ASFRDBYLC 59118
Melton Brooksby Level Crossing 185103 MLTNBBY BROKSBYLC 59115
Melton Ferriby Blue Circle 806112 MELMBC FERRIBYOM 19202
Melton Ferriby Marcroft FERRIBYME 19203
Melton Frisby 185110 MLTNFBY FRISBY 59127
Melton Halt MET 811100 MELTONH -
Melton House Area Civil Engineer Finance 148577
Melton House Train Announcers 140115
Melton Junction 185120 MLTNJN MELTON JN 59121
Melton Junction Ground Frame 185121
Melton Lane Level Crossing 806113 MELMLC MELTNLNLC 19212
Melton Mowbray MMO 185100 MLTNSDG MELTONMOW 59125
Melton Mowbray Booking Office 113740
Melton Mowbray Down Loop 185102 MLTNMDL M MWBRYYD MELTONDLP 59122
Melton Mowbray On Track Machine Sidings 185111 MLTNOTM MELTONOTM 59129
Melton Mowbray Pedigree Petfoods No 2 Siding 185117 MELTONM P 59126
Melton Mowbray Petfoods 185116 MLTNMPS MELTON P 59124
Melton Mowbray Rearsby Level Crossing 185105 MLTNRBY REARSBYLC 59113
Melton Mowbray Saxby 185108 MLTNSAX SAXBY 59128
Melton Mowbray Self Service Ticket Machine 487200
Melton Mowbray Signal MN3 185122 MLTNS3 MELTONSS3 59123
Melton Mowbray Signal MN54 185112 MLTNS54 MELTONS54 59132
Melton Mowbray Station Signal Box 143220
Melton Mowbray Up Loop 185104 MLTNMUL MELTONULP 59134
Melton Mowbray Whissendine Level Crossing 185109 MLTNWHI WHISENDNE 59130
Members 150012
Menai Bridge 246701 MENAIBG MENAI BDG 40031
Menai Bridge Travel Y836 903800
Menheniot MEN 357600 MENHENT MENHENIOT 84401
Menheniot Signal UM259 357601 MENH259 MENHEN259 84402
Menheniot Station 357611
Menston MNN 857400 MENSTON MENSTON 17041
Menston Otley Bus Station OTL 917200 MENSTOB -
Menston [unknown feature] 857401
Menstrie 916200
Menstrie DCL Yeast 916211 MSRYDCL MENSTRIE 03383
Mentor 106825
Meols MEO 225400 MELS MEOLS 38006
Meols Cop MEC 235700 MEOLSCP MEOLS COP 35016
Meols Cop St Lukes Junction 235705 MEOLSLJ ST LUKESJ 35005
Meon Travel Ltd E184 876000
Meopham MEP 511600 MEOPHAM MEOPHAM 88488
Meopham Self Service Ticket Machine 586500
Mere Clock MERECLK
Merehead 270582
Merehead Freightliner Heavy Haul MEREHDFHH 82251
Merehead Marcroft 329412 MEREHDMAR 82244
Merehead Powell & Duffryn 329411 MEREHDPB 82245
Merehead Quarry 329461 MERHDQ MEREHEAD 82243
Merehead Quarry Foster Yeoman MEREHQYJ 82246
Merehead Quarry Freightliner Heavy Haul 329402 MERHFHH MEREQFHH 82249
Merehead Quarry Junction 329413 MERHDQJ MEREHQYJ 82246
Merehead Traction Maintenance Depot 329401 MERHTMD MEREHDTMD 82248
Merehead Traction Maintenance Depot Freightliner Heavy Haul MERTMDFHH 82250
Merehead Whites Crossing 329459
Merelbeke 081405 MERLBKE MERELBEKE 00848
Meridian Water MRW 659900 MWRWSTN MERWATSTN 51925
Merit Travel & Tours Ltd 576900
Merlin Rail 89300
Merllyn Level Crossing 143194
Merry Go Round 2 Chargehand 125856
Merry Go Round 2 Labourers 125857
Merry Go Round 2 Worksop 125846
Merry Go Round No 2 657473
Merry-Go-Round Working 932270
Merryton MEY 970500 MRRYTON MERRYTON 07494
Merryton Loop 972713 MRRYTNL ALLANTNLP 07492
Merseyrail 150776 151176 152347 152376 473206 473265 475211 475265 475406
Merseyrail Area Movements Inspector 130310
Merseyrail Cheque Refunds 942800
Merseyrail Cheques 379100
Merseyrail Electrics Headquarters Input 080000
Merseyrail Electrics Train Operating Unit Production Contingency Payments 011533
Merseyrail Electrics Train Operating Unit Production Ill Health Payments 011831
Merseyrail Electrics Train Operating Unit Production Payment Ex-Employees 018043
Merseyrail Electrics Train Operating Unit Technical Contingency Weekly Paymant 011534
Merseyrail Electrics Train Operating Unit Technical Lump Sum Payments 011833
Merseyrail Electrics Train Operating Unit Technical Payment Ex-Employees 018045
Merseyrail Group British Rail Infrastructure Services Headquarters 220360
Merseyrail Loop Link Station Cleaners 224670
Merseyrail Train Operating Company 220200
Merseyrail Travelling Ticket Inspectors 220242
Merseyside Officer In Charge 098121
Merstham MHM 547500 MERSTHM MERSTHAM 87712
Merstham Car Park Maintenance Team 547501
Merstham Sales 2B 547510
Merstham Self Service Ticket Machine 703100
Merthyr Brecon (Square) BEO 028100 MERTBCN -
Merthyr Stations 385563
Merthyr Tydfil MER 385500 MERTHYR MERTHYR 78201
Merthyr Tydfil Sportis Regional Railways 966300
Merthyr Vale MEV 385700 MERTHRV MERTHVALE 78144
Merthyr Vale Colliery MRTRVCL
Merton Park MOP 567700 MRTP MERTNPKOriginal code MERTNPARK 87351
Merton Park Tram 947900 CROY20
Mess Cleaner Kings Cross 612151
Messengers 698502 744022
Messenger Service Reading 314923
Messroom Queen Street 991863
Metallurgy 096214
Metals & Petroleum Manager 125327
Metals Marketing Cardiff 270060
Metals Marketing Doncaster 270059
Metals Marketing Middlesbrough 270061
Meter 151276 155573
Meter Dolphinton Junction 970466
Meter Store (Broomielaw Arch) 981381
Meter Strawfrank Junction 970467
Metheringham MGM 629700 MTHRNGH METHRNGHM 44093
Metheringham Scopwick 629705 MTHRSCP SCOPWICK 44094
Methil 916300
Methil Docks 03232
Methil Power Station 916317 MTHLPS METHIL PS 03234
Methil West 916320 MTHLWST METHILWST 03233
Methley 858000
Methley Junction 858012 METHLYJ METHLEYJN 17192
Metro Camell 151131 152331 473249 475249 475449
Metrocentre see Gateshead Metrocentre
Metro North Commercial Unit Manager 545418
Metro Plant & Maintenance Engineer 515405
Metropolitan & City Police Headquarters Input 017500
Metropolitan Junction XMK 514267 MTRPLTJ METROP JN 88400
Metro Production Managers 2A 542627
Metro SC Operating Inspectors RE 532006
Metro South Commercial Unit Manager 545441
Metro Travel & Tours Ltd S468 808800
Metz Ville MZM 873100 METZ METZ SBLN 00764
Mevagissey Trevorth XEF 353402 MEVATRE -
Mexborough MEX 670700 MEXBRGH MEXBORO 24314
Mexborough Booking Office 670719
Mexborough Junction 670716 MEXBRJN MEXBJN MEXBOROJN 24315
Mexborough Passenger Terminal 670764
Mexborough Self Service Ticket Machine 421000
Mexborough Signal S706 670701 MEXB706 24316
MICC Civilians 098481
MICC Constables 098180
MICC Inspectors 098243
MICC Police Sergeants 098151
MICC Project 098383
Michael Langford Travel S469 808900
Micheldever MIC 590800 MCHLDVR MICHELDEV 86081
Micheldever Elf Oil Sidings 590811 MCHLELF MICHELDOS 86082
Micheldever Self Service Ticket Machine 275800
Micheldever Signal E125 590802 MCHL125 MCHDVR125 86138
Micheldever Signal E229 590801 MCHL229 MICHEL229 86056
Micklefield MIK 847700 MCKLFLD MICKLEFLD 16602
Micklefield/East Garforth 848704
Mickle Trafford 241203 MIKLTRF MICKLETRF 40322
Midas Travel Management Ltd 651400
Midcalder Goods Loop 923064 MDCLDRL MIDCLDRGL 04110
Midcalder Junction 923061 MDCLDRJ MIDCLDRJN 04111
Midcalder Junction Signal EJ720 923003 MDCL720 MIDCLJ720 04117
Midcalder Junction Signal EJ982 923004 MDCL982 MIDCLJ982 04123
Midcalder Junction Signal EJ991 923067 MDCL991 MIDCLJ991 04115
Midcalder Up Refuge Siding 923066 MDCLURS MIDCLDURS 04109
Middle Drove 716603 MIDDRVE MIDDLEDVE 46142
Middle East Travel S630 834900
Middle Road 305403
Middlesbrough MBR 792900 MDLSBRO MIDDLSBRO 15449
Middlesbrough AOC 655585 797692
Middlesbrough Area Signals No 1 792978
Middlesbrough Area Signals No 2 818461
Middlesbrough Area Signals No 3 792981
Middlesbrough Area Signals No 4 795165
Middlesbrough Area Signals No 5 795372
Middlesbrough Assistant Fares Collector 792961
Middlesbrough Ayrton 792901 MIDDLDW -
Middlesbrough Ayrton Direct Rail Services 792904 MDLSDRS MDLSDWDRS 15424
Middlesbrough Ayrton Freightliner Heavy Haul 792903 MDLSAFH MIDDBRO D 15426
Middlesbrough Blue Circle MDLSBC MDLSDWDRS 15424
Middlesbrough Blue Circle Direct Rail Services 792906 MDLSBDR MIDBRODRS 15428
Middlesbrough British Rail Infrastructure Services Ex-Employees 019409
Middlesbrough Cargo Fleet Stockton Haulage 797113 MDLSCAR CARGOFLET 15607
Middlesbrough Carriage Cleaning 792958
Middlesbrough Carriage Sidings 792905 MDLSSDG MIDDBROSD 15451
Middlesbrough Castle Cement 792923 MDLSFD MIDDBROCC 15418
Middlesbrough Cobra Container 792915 MDLSCOB MIDLSBRO 15422
Middlesbrough Dawson 792902 MDLSDS MIDDLSSDS 15427
Middlesbrough Dawson Ayrton 792909 MDLSAYR MIDDBRODW 15425
Middlesbrough Dawson GB Railfreight 792908 MDLSDSG MDLSDAWGB 15429
Middlesbrough East Signallers 127072 127073 133418
Middlesbrough East Signallers Relief 127074 133421
Middlesbrough Freightliner Heavy Haul 792916 MDLSFHH MDLSFHH 15423
Middlesbrough Goods Marcroft 792925 MDLSMAR MIDDBROMR 15419
Middlesbrough Hallade 437465
Middlesbrough Inspection 437426
Middlesbrough Marsh Branch 792918 MDLSMRB MIDDLSGDS 15421
Middlesbrough Mobile Cleaners 792989
Middlesbrough Mobile Sheet Motor 792966
Middlesbrough/Nunthorpe Signals 792936
Middlesbrough Passenger Guards 792960
Middlesbrough Production 437457
Middlesbrough Production Assistant 437454
Middlesbrough Relayers 815348
Middlesbrough Revenue Protection 423000
Middlesbrough Self Service Ticket Machine 237400
Middlesbrough Signal Box 133417
Middlesbrough Signal M221 792911 MDLS221 MIDBRO221 15453
Middlesbrough (S/Link) 792914
Middlesbrough Sportis Regional Railways 966600
Middlesbrough Staff 437445
Middlesbrough Station Conciliation 772895
Middlesbrough Station Sidings MDLSSS
Middlesbrough Station Supervisors 792965
Middlesbrough Timekeeper 437455
Middlesbrough Train Operations 270457
Middlesbrough Train Planning 655584 792987
Middlesbrough Travel Centre 792964
Middlesbrough [unknown feature] MIDDLSBRO 15990
Middlesbrough Vehicle Cleaning 436058
Middlesbrough West Dock 792907 MDLSWDK MIDDBROWD 15452
Middlesbrough West Signallers 127079 127080 127081 133430
Middlesbrough West Signallers Relief 127082 133431
Middle Stoke Halt MIDSTOK
Middleton Junction Terminal Complex MIDLTNJ
Middleton Towers 711900 MDTT MIDDLTWRS 46239
Middleton Towers Freightliner Heavy Haul 711902 MDTTFHH 46296
Middleton Towers GB Railfreight 711901 MDTTGBR MDDLTWRGB 46240
Middlewich 234500 MDLW MIDDLEWCH 37231
Middlewich British Salt 234511 MDLWCBS MIDLEWICH 37233
Middlewich Marcroft MIDDLWICH 37235
Middlewood MDL 297100 MDWD MIDLEWOOD 32542
Midge Hall 223400
Midgham MDG 315900 MIDGHAM MIDGHAM 74722
Midgham Crossing NAPUSS Only 315961
Midhurst [unknown feature] 777400
Midland Account Adjustments 098365
Midland Area Commander 098111
Midland Area Commercial 112612
Midland Area Finance 112229
Midland Area Humam Resources 112624
Midland Area Operations Police Sergeants 098309
Midland Area Procurment 112621
Midland Bank Railcards 468100
Midland Control Account 098682
Midland Mainline 150780 151180 152351 152380 473210 473269 475215 475269 475410
Midland Mainline Accommodated On Train Staff 125744
Midland Mainline BSP Derby Headquarters Marketing Team 173739
Midland Mainline BSPL Derby Headquarters BSPLN Ex-Employees 018256
Midland Mainline Buildings Management 125741
Midland Mainline Cheques 379900
Midland Mainline/CrossCountry Headquarters Input 123000
Midland Mainline CSRM Chesterfield Booking Office 661564
Midland Mainline CSRM Chesterfield Station 661563
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby 4 Shed Canteen 182393
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby ATE 182380
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Driver Manager 182392
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Drivers 182387
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Customer Liaison 125703
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Customer Relations 182371
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Customer Service 173746
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters On Train Sales 125713
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Performance Investment 173239
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Performance Manager 173226
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Planning & Performance 173225
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Production Support 125712
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Resource Planning Manager 125704
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Resourcing & Training 125710
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Retail Ex-Employees 018257
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Retail Manager 173252
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Retail Systems Manager 173254
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Station & Contracts 125706
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Technical Services & UT 125708
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Telcommunications Sales 182313
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Headquarters Training & Administration 125711
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Route Control 182394
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Senior Conductors Lead 182495
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Station Manager 182323
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Train Crew Clerks 125705
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Train Crew Lead 182398
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Train Crew Supervisor 182399
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Trainmen 182339
Midland Mainline CSRM Derby Travel Centre 182373
Midland Mainline CSRM Kettering Booking Office 194758
Midland Mainline CSRM Kettering Station 185768
Midland Mainline CSRM Leicester ATE 194771
Midland Mainline CSRM Leicester Station Manager 194718
Midland Mainline CSRM Leicster Travel Centre 194782
Midland Mainline CSRM Market Harborough Booking Office 194759
Midland Mainline CSRM Nottingham Platform 5 182765
Midland Mainline CSRM Nottingham Travel Centre 182695
Midland Mainline CSRM St Pancras ATE 151284
Midland Mainline CSRM St Pancras Senior Conductors L 155545
Midland Mainline CSRM Sheffield On Board Services Catering Manager 669114
Midland Mainline CSRM Sheffield Senior Conductors Leeds 669136
Midland Mainline CSRM Sheffield Station 669161
Midland Mainline CSRM Sheffield Station Manager 669113
Midland Mainline CSRM Sheffield Travel Centre 669162
Midland Mainline CSRM Wellingborough & Kettering Red Star 194756
Midland Mainline CSRM Wellingborough Booking Office 194749
Midland Mainline Derby On Board Services Staff 125736
Midland Mainline Derby Senior Conductors 182338
Midland Mainline Derby Senior Conductors Support 182464
Midland Mainline Design/Feasibilty 129323
Midland Mainline Facilities Management 125740
Midland Mainline Finance Derby Headquarters Finance & Information Technology 173687
Midland Mainline Finance Derby Headquarters Finance & Information Technology Ex-Employees 018446
Midland Mainline Finance Director 173699
Midland Mainline Finance Incorporation 173698
Midland Mainline Fleet Director 173501
Midland Mainline Gauging/Clearance 129324
Midland Mainline Income Adjustment 173697
Midland Mainline Infrastucture Maintenance 129318
Midland Mainline Internal Communications 125737
Midland Mainline Leicester Centralised Account 194788
Midland Mainline Marketing Director 173502
Midland Mainline Neville Hill 151151 475472
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Apprentices 847663
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Cleaning Supervisor Team 847636
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Cleaning Team (W) 847664
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Depot Manager 847628
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Depot Manager Other 847603
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Finance Manager 847627
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Finance Other Non 847602
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Production Management 847637
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team 4 847654
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team A 847649
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team B 847650
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team C 847651
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team D 847652
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team E 847653
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team G 847655
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team H 847656
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team I 847657
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 4 Team J 847658
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Manager 847640
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Team 1 847642
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Team 2 847643
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Team 3 847644
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Team 4 847645
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Team 5 847646
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Level 5 Team (W) 847639
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Logistics Manager 847634
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Logistics Other 847623
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Logistics Other Non 847638
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Maintenance Supervision 847681
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Maintenance Team 1 (W) 847667
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Maintenance Team 2 (W) 847675
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Office Services Team 847635
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Plant 847632
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Plant & Machinery Team (S) 847631
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Production Clerks 847648
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Production Support Manager 847626
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Production Support Other Non 847601
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Technical Team 847625
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Training Manager 847630
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Training Other Non 847624
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Train Movements Driver 847641
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Train Movements Manager 847629
Midland Mainline Neville Hill Train Movements Other 847622
Midland Mainline Neville Hill West End Operations Support Team 847633
Midland Mainline/North East/South West Route Management 173313
Midland Mainline Nottingham On Board Services Staff 182674
Midland Mainline On Train Team Derby 182331
Midland Mainline On Train Team St Pancras 155514
Midland Mainline On Train Team Sheffield 669137
Midland Mainline OTC Nottingham 182767
Midland Mainline Overhead Line Electrification Equipment 173328
Midland Mainline PCD Derby Headquarters Director & SC 173679
Midland Mainline Permanent Way Renewals 129319
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters ACCM & Contracts 125733
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Employee Relations 173648
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Human Resources 173649
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Human Resources Planning 125734
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Payroll Team 173651
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Personnel Ex-Employees 018259
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Personnel Manager 173641
Midland Mainline Personnel Derby Headquarters Personnel Service 173650
Midland Mainline Personnel Information Technology Manager 125743
Midland Mainline Personnel Payroll Team 125714
Midland Mainline Quality Team 125742
Midland Mainline Safety Standards 125738
Midland Mainline Safety Strategy 125739
Midland Mainline St Pancras Customer Service 155575
Midland Mainline St Pancras Customer Service Manager 155512
Midland Mainline St Pancras On Board Services Staff 155515
Midland Mainline St Pancras Senior Conductors 155582
Midland Mainline St Pancras Station Manager 155596
Midland Mainline St Pancras Station Staff 155577
Midland Mainline St Pancras Station Supervisors 155595
Midland Mainline St Pancras Train Crew Managers 155517
Midland Mainline St Pancras Train Crew Supervisor 155516
Midland Mainline St Pancras Train Crew Support 155513
Midland Mainline St Pancras Travel Centre 155569
Midland Mainline Sheffield Business Travel 667862
Midland Mainline Sheffield On Board Services Staff 669195
Midland Mainline Sheffield Senior Conductors 669190
Midland Mainline Sheffield TSU 669123
Midland Mainline Station Operating Staff 173315
Midland Mainline Structure Exams 129320
Midland Mainline Structure Maintenance/MNW 129322
Midland Mainline Technical Audit 129325
Midland Mainline Telesales 6102
Midland Mainline Tip/Disposal 129326
Midland Mainline Total Quality Management Derby Headquarters PCD/Total Quality Management Ex-Employees 018251
Midland Mainline Total Quality Management Derby Headquarters Quality & Safety 173685
Midland Mainline Track Access 173314
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Derby Etches Park Administration 182360
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Derby Etches Park Depot Maintenance 168861
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Derby Etches Park Shunters 168875
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Derby Etches Park Stores 168866
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Derby Headquarters Fleet Ex-Employees 018261
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Derby Headquarters Fleet Manager 173383
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Neville Hill Management & Administration 847683
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Neville Hill Off Servics 097908
Midland Mainline Traction & Rolling Stock Neville Hill P & M 097905
Midland Mainline Train Operating Company Executive Grade 091331
Midland Mainline Travel Nottingham 331042
Midland Mainline Virgin CrossCountry Route Team 168869
Midland Metro LRS 098597
Midland Procurement 126858
Midlands CrossCountry Acres Psuedo Derby 173382
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer In General 173660
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer In Midland Mainline 173629
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer In North East/South West 173769
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173787
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer Out General 173620
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173638
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer Out North East/South West 173778
Midlands CrossCountry Axis Suspense Account Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173758
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer In General 173659
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer In Midland Mainline 173628
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer In North East/South West 173768
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173786
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer Out General 173619
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173637
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer Out North East/South West 173777
Midlands CrossCountry Building Engineer Services/Platforms Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173757
Midlands CrossCountry Business Planning Manager 173351
Midlands CrossCountry Business Resource & Investment Manager 173360
Midlands CrossCountry Cash Handling General 173259
Midlands CrossCountry Civil Engineer Gloucester Permanent Way DRN Gang 115 476087
Midlands CrossCountry Civil Engineer Gloucester Permanent Way Ultrasonic Rail Flaw Detector Operator 476097
Midlands CrossCountry Civil Engineer Gloucester Production Assistant 476051
Midlands CrossCountry Civil Engineer Spetchley Permanent Way Gang 37 474060
Midlands CrossCountry Civil Engineer Wellingborough Permanent Way Section Supervisor Time Keeper 194065
Midlands CrossCountry Civil Engineer Yate Permanent Way Gang 42 338061
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer In General 173615 173655
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer In Midland Mainline 173624
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer In North East/South West 173764
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173782
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173633
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer Out North East/South West 173773
Midlands CrossCountry Civils Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173753
Midlands CrossCountry Cross Country Performance Manager 173231
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Business Planning 011027
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Finance/Information Technology 011029
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Fleet Etches Park 011031
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Infrastructure 011028
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Operations 011522
Midlands CrossCountry CWP PC Director 011025
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Personnel 011030
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Plant 011032
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Retail 011218
Midlands CrossCountry CWP Total Quality Manager 011026
Midlands CrossCountry Default Accounting Point 173347
Midlands CrossCountry Diesel Fuel 173729
Midlands CrossCountry Electrical Power 173728
Midlands CrossCountry Finance Team 173745
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Axis Suspense Account 173389
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Education/Training 173384
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet General Exp. 173388
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Ill Health Lump Sums 173387
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Management 173748
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Support Services 173385 173386
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer In General 173657
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer In Midland Mainline 173626 173635
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer In North East/South West 173766
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173784
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer Out General 173617
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer Out North East/South West 173775
Midlands CrossCountry Fleet Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173755
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer In General 173652
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer In Midland Mainline 173621
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer In North East/South West 173761
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173779
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer Out General 173612
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173630
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer Out North East/South West 173770
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters & General Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173750
Midlands CrossCountry Headquarters Quality Expenses 173686
Midlands CrossCountry Income (Balance Sheet) 173393
Midlands CrossCountry Income (Profit & Loss) 173381
Midlands CrossCountry Infrastructure Ill Health Lump Sums 173717
Midlands CrossCountry Infrastructure RTO Suspense Account 173718
Midlands CrossCountry Infrastructure Servicing Unit S & E Stocks 173797
Midlands CrossCountry Infrastructure Support Services 173716
Midlands CrossCountry Infrastructure Training & Education 173714
Midlands CrossCountry It Manager 173694
Midlands CrossCountry Midland Mainline Marketing 090125
Midlands CrossCountry Midland Mainline Operations Operating Section 182359
Midlands CrossCountry National Accounts Payable System Psuedo Derby 173394
Midlands CrossCountry New Works & Buildings Management 173747
Midlands CrossCountry New Works & Buildings Suspense Account 173721
Midlands CrossCountry North West/South Scotland Route Management 173661
Midlands CrossCountry NPS Psuedo Derby 173395
Midlands CrossCountry On Board Services Manager Sheffield 669194
Midlands CrossCountry Operating Standards Officer 173247
Midlands CrossCountry Operation Manager & Secretary 182397
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Accident Section 173245
Midlands CrossCountry Operations & Safety Manager 173741
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Cross Country Control 173233
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Duty Managers 173232
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Engineering Possessions & Planning 173242
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Manager Staff 173743
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Planning Manager Crewe 124135
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Resourcing Assistants 173238
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Safety Advisors Section 173246
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Signals & Safety Manager 173243
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Signals & Standards Manager 173244
Midlands CrossCountry Operations South & West Section 476095
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Train Running Control 173234
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer In General 173653
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer In Midland Mainline 173622
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer In North East/South West 173762
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173780
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer Out General 173613
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173631
Midlands CrossCountry Operations Transfer Out North East/South West 173771
Midlands CrossCountry PC Headquarters Control Account 173396
Midlands CrossCountry Permanent Way Assistant 173749
Midlands CrossCountry Public Affairs Manager 173358
Midlands CrossCountry Quality Manager 173740
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Commission 173312
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Training Manager 173255
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Train Leader 173272
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer In General 173654
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer In Midland Mainline 173623
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer In North East/South West 173763
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173781
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer Out General 173614
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173632
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer Out North East/South West 173772
Midlands CrossCountry Retail Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173752
Midlands CrossCountry Road Transport Transfer In General 173658
Midlands CrossCountry Road Transport Transfer In Midland Mainline 173627 173636
Midlands CrossCountry Road Transport Transfer In North East/South West 173767
Midlands CrossCountry Road Transport Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173785
Midlands CrossCountry Road Transport Transfer Out General 173618
Midlands CrossCountry Road Transport Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173756
Midlands CrossCountry Services Planning Manager 173359
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Accounting Adjustments 181962
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Crewe Telcommunications Maintenance Engineer 126392
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Derby Telcommunications Maintenance Engineer 182365
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Derby Telcommunications Works Engineer 182344
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Finance 181949
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Management Executive Grade 173744
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Materials Group 181942 181983
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Oxford Signal Maintenance 539 311580
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Quality & Standards 181974 181975
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Resources Manager 181944 181990
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Saltley Signal Maintenance 529 110343
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Signalling Technical Support 181948
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Testing & Commissioning 181986
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Testing & Commissioning Engineer 181943
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Training Manager 181957
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer In General 173656
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer In Midland Mainline 173625
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer In North East/South West 173765
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer In North West/South Scotland 173783
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer Out General 173616
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer Out Midland Mainline 173634
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer Out North East/South West 173774
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Transfer Out North West/South Scotland 173754
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications West Hampstead Signal FLT 610 142161
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Worcester Signal Maintenance 549 489152
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Worcester Signal Works 825 489146
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling & Telecommunications Workmens Compensation All 012014
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Derby North SMA Maintenance 2240 661277
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Gloucester SMA Maintenance 3370 475682
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Gloucester SMA Maintenance 3380 475684
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Materials Store Beeston 182693
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Materials Store Gloucester 476090
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Oxford SMA Maintenance 3310 311519
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Oxford SMA Maintenance 3320 450732
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Oxford SMA Maintenance 3330 311597
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Saltley Signalling Maintenance 3240 110341
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Saltley SMA Maintenance 3220 110393
Midlands CrossCountry Signalling Sheffield SMA Maintenance 2730 669250
Midlands CrossCountry Support Services 173644 173645 173682 173683 173690 173691
Midlands CrossCountry Telecoms Cable Jointers 181967
Midland Yard 151203
Midland Zone British Rail Telecommunications Income 129602
Midland Zone Capital Assets 129051
Midleton [Ireland] XME 048420 CATZ004 -
Mid-Norfolk Railway Sidings 736902 MNRSDGS MDNRFSDGS 48431
Midsomer Norton Town Hall XBR 327102 MIDSTHL -
Mid-Wales AM Railway Trainees 241240
Mid-Wales & Salop 493310
Miesau (US Army) 014501 MIESAU 00012
Miki Travel Agency EC4M 206700
Miki Travel E115 155000
Milano Melzo 087203 MILANML MILAN MEL 00315
Milano Pioltello 087209 MILANPI MILAN PIO 00319
Milano Rocoredo 087204 MILANRO MILAN ROG 00316
Milano Rogerado ACI MILAN ROG 00314
Milano Rogerado Bell MILAN ROG 00313
Milano Segrate 087205 MILANSE MILAN SEG 00317
Milano 'SMT' MILAN SMT 00318
Mile End 692800 MEND MILE END 52722
Mile End LT ZME 064200
Miles Platting MLP 288000 MILESPL 31339*
Miles Platting Area Administration 288072
Miles Platting Junction 288003 MILESPJ MILESPLTJ 31339
Milford And Brocton 126801 MFDB MILFORD&B 43326
Milford Carriage & Wagon Sidings 814265 MILFCW MILFRD DS 16504
Milford Down & Up Loop MILFDD&UL 16505
Milford Down Sidings 814215 MILFCDS MILFORDDS MILFRDDS 16501
Milford Haven MFH 409500 MLFDHVN MILFRDHVN 80102
Milford Haven Docks MHDC 409513 MLFDOCK MLFDOCK 80101
Milford Haven Exam 409564
Milford Haven Gulf Oil Junction MLFDGOJ
Milford Haven MOD ROBSTNSDG 80106
Milford Haven NAPUSS Only 409566
Milford Haven Station Group 409524
Milford Haven Travel F808 310300
Milford Junction 814213 MILFDY MILFORDSB 16503
Milford Loop 814214 MILFLOP MILFORDLP 16506
Milford Red Lion Pub 564401 MLFORLP -
Milford Signal Box 131526
Milford Signal M233 814217 MILF233 -
Milford Signal M235 814216 MILF235 MILFRD235 16500
Milfords Sidings 655554
Milford (Surrey) MLF 564400 MLFORD MILFORDOriginal code MILFORD 87059
Milford Surrey Self Service Ticket Machine 314000
Milford Terminal 270469
Milford West Sidings 813914 MILFDWS MILFORDWS 16502
Millbrook (Bedfordshire) MLB 153700 MLBRKB MILLBROOK 62044
Millbrook Dock Entrance 590962 MBRKDE MILLBDKEN 86526
Millbrook Dock Exit 590965 MBRKDX MILLBDKEX 86528
Millbrook (Hants) MBK 590900 MBRK MILBRKHOriginal code MBRK 86527
Millbrook Hants Church Lane Junction 590903 MBRKCLJ MBRKCHLJN 86525
Millbrook Hants Freightliner Terminal 593500 MBRKFLT MBRKFLT 86529
Millbrook Hants Freightliner Terminal GB Railfreight 590902 MBRKGBR MBRKFLTGB 86538
Millbrook Level Crossing & Signal Box 143205
Millbrook No 14 Points 590963 MBRK14P -
Millbrook No 17 Points 590964 MBRK17P -
Millbrook Self Service Ticket Machine 417300
Millbrook Signal E758 590966 MBRK758 MILLBS758 86535
Millbrook Signal E850 590967 MBRK850 MBRK 86527*
Millbrook Signal E939 590968 MBRK939 -
Millbrook Signal E940 590969 MBRK940 -
Millbrook Signal E941 590904 MBRK941 MLLBRK941 86512
Millbrook Signal E942 590970 MBRK942 MILLBS942 86536
Millbrook Signal E955 590901 MBRK955 MILLBK955 86537
Millbrook Signal E958 590971 MBRK958 MILLBS958 86534
Millburn Junction (Inverness) 865162 MILBRNJ INVERNSMJ 01109
Millerhill Additional Working 116837
Millerhill Civil Engineer's Sidings 932263 MLRHCE MHILL REC 04722
Millerhill Depot Operating Expenses 932269
Millerhill DOE 270266
Millerhill Drivers 270262 932268
Millerhill East Junction 932287 MLRHEJN MILHIL EJ 04725
Millerhill EMU Yard 932203 MLRHEY MHILLEMUY 04237
Millerhill Fuelling Point 111597
Millerhill Loco Inspection Point 932261 MLRHD MILLRHLFP 04724
Millerhill Loco Workshop 270135
Millerhill Manager 098918
Millerhill Mechanical & Electrical Engineer's Sidings 932285 MLRHMEE MHIL ELEC 04727
Millerhill Newcraighall Turnback Siding 880805 MLRHM21 NEWCRGHTB 04716
Millerhill Reclamation Depot 932278 932281
Millerhill Rolling Stock Technician 098919
Millerhill Royal Scotsman 935563 MLRHRSM MILERHLRS 04729
Millerhill Shunting And Marshalling Yard 932200 MLRHY 04720*
Millerhill Signal Box 935500 MLRHSB 04720*
Millerhill Signal EH23 932201 MLRHS23 MILLHLS23 04732
Millerhill Signal EH24 932280 MLRHSTH MILLHLS24 04728
Millerhill Signal EM14 932202 MLRHS14 MILLRHL14 04731
Millerhill Signalling & Telecommunications Engineer's Sidings 932284 MLRHSTE -
Millerhill Signal M21 880805 MLRHM21 NEWCRGHTB 04716
Millerhill Signalmen 127503
Millerhill Signalmen 2B 127565
Millerhill Signal Operation 932286
Millerhill Team Leaders 270134
Millerhill Tip 437292
Millerhill Traction & Rolling Stock 098917
Millerhill Trainmen 270265
Millerhill Trainmen Additional Work 116841
Millerhill Trainmen D 932277
Millerhill Trainmen G 932274
Millerhill Wagon 098929
Millerhill Wagon Repair Depot 932260 MLRHWRD MHILL WRD 04723
Millerhill Wagon Workshop 270136
Millerhill Yard 932200 MLRHY MILHIL YD 04720
Millerhill Yard Repair Point MILHLYDRP 04719
Millers Dale 283100
Millfield (Nexus) MIF 868700 MLLF MILLFIELD 14038
Millgate MILGATE
Millgate Carriage Sidings 297007 MILGTCS
Mill Green Level Crossing & Signal Box 143305
Millhall Level Crossing Meter 993066
Mill Hill Broadway MIL 152700 MLHB MILLHILLB 63214
Mill Hill East LT ZML 064300
Mill Hill (Lancs) MLH 275000 MLHL MILL HILL 29161
Mill Hill Self Service Ticket Machine 327200
Milliken Park MIN 965800 MILKNPK MILLIKENP 07103
Milliken Travel S470 809000
Millington Travel S736 876100
Mill Lane Junction 834572 MLLNJN MILL LN J 18635
Millom MLM 199700 MLLM MILLOM 11211
Millom Siding DRS 199711 MLLMDRS MLM MP44 11213
Millom Siding English Welsh & Scottish Railway 199710 MLLMSDG MILLOM SD 11212
Millom Signal MM22 199701 MLLM22 MLLMSIG22 11214
Millport (Isle of Cumbrae) 905400 MLLPTOP -
Mill Race Junction 660114 MILLRJ MILLRACEJ 25629
Mills Hill (Manchester) MIH 292000 MLSHILL MILLSHILL 31049
Millstreet MIE 163500 CATZMIE
Milner Royd Junction 841700 MLNRYDJ MILNROYDJ 18445
Milner Royd Signal MR8 841701 MLNR8 MILNROYD8 18452
Milngavie MLN 998500 MLGV MILNGAVIE 06301
Milngavie Self Service Ticket Machine 376500
Milngavie Station 997524
Milnrow MLR 292200 MILNROW MILNROW 31051
Milnthorpe 209014 MLNT MILNTHORP 11015
Milton 303050 MILTON
Milton Crossing 110698 133403
Milton Junction 303051 MILTJN MILTON JN 74325
Milton Keynes Booking Office 136461 137869
Milton Keynes Carriage Cleaner 140032
Milton Keynes Carriage Cleaning 137867
Milton Keynes Central MKC 137800 MKNSCEN MILTON KC 70261
Milton Keynes Central On Train Sales 919100
Milton Keynes Central Quickfare 859400
Milton Keynes Central Self Service Ticket Machine 911800
Milton Keynes Central Tribute 891400
Milton Keynes City Centre/The Point 137802 MKNSBUS -
Milton Keynes Civilian 098647
Milton Keynes Electronic Point Of Sale 137600
Milton Keynes Passenger Management 137866
Milton Keynes Platform 137860
Milton Keynes Signal KR1492 137803 MKNS492 MKSIG1492 70219
Milton Keynes Special Events 143011
Milton Keynes Station Manager 137868
Milton Keynes [unknown feature] 133927
Milton Range Halt MILTNRH
Milton [Staffordshire] MIP 001400 MLTON 43428
Milverton Junction 459702 MLVTJN MILVERTON 69307
Mina Travel & Freight Ltd S130 735100
Mina World Travel Services S631 835000
Minehead 303500 MINEHD -
Minehead Bancks Street 346301 MINEBAN -
Minehead Butlins 346304 MINEBUT -
Minehead (Parade) 346302 MINEPAR -
Minehead Somerwest World XBV 346303 MINESWW -
Minehead [station] MHD 346300 MINEHED MINEHEAD MINEHEADW 83019
Minerals Marketing Cardiff 270057
Minerals Marketing Doncaster 270058
Minerals Marketing Scotland 270056
Minerals Petroleum & General Merchandise Manager 125307
Minerals Petroleum & General Merchandise Manager Staff 125352
Minety Crossing see also Swindon Minety Crossing 332505 333350 MINTYX MINETY 75022
Minety Signal Box 132036 476094
Minffordd MFF 446900 MINFORD MINFFORDD 64428
Minffordd Ffestiniog Railway MFD 446901 MINFFR 64428*
Mining Engineer 128812 128961 143393
Ministry Of Defence Abbey Wood 174800
Ministry Of Defence Abbey Wood TR 301600
Ministry Of Defence Army 121913 315214 562232
Ministry Of Defence Headquarters 446227
Ministry Of Defence Proof & Experimental Establishment 199511
Minor Building Works Colchester 686116
Minor New Works 270865 568074
Minor Projects 127165
Minor Stocking Point 716650
Minor Subs Accounts 095951
Minster MSR 501900 MINSTER MNSTEROriginal code MINSTER 89451
Minster East Junction XMF 501963 MINSTEJ MINSTREJN 89452
Minster Self Service Ticket Machine 586600
Minster Signal Box 128479 MNSTRSB
Minster South Junction 501965 MINSTSJ MINSTRSJN 89444
Minster West Junction 501964 MINSTWJ 89452*
Miramar Travel Limited S131 735300
Miranda De Ebro 087602 MIRADEB MIRAN D E 00235
Miranda Travel S471 809300
MIRA Technology Park see Nuneaton MIRA Technology Park
Mirehouse Junction 204920 MIREJN MIREHSEJN 10130
Mirfield MIR 851800 MIRFILD MIRFIELD 18441
Mirfield East Junction 851813 MIRFEJN MIRFLDEJN 18442
Mirfield Inspector/Production 437336
Miscellaneous 126413 256716 270650 983433
Miscellaneous British Rail Savings Company Ltd 095858 095859
Miscellaneous Central Insurance Fund 095861
Miscellaneous Commercial 127599
Miscellaneous Divisional Expenses 147448 314820
Miscellaneous Financial Accounting 127592
Miscellaneous General Departments 127591
Miscellaneous Impart/Quest 093118
Miscellaneous Income Commercial 127593
Miscellaneous Income General 127594
Miscellaneous Income Tax Clearing 095862
Miscellaneous Infrastructure 127598
Miscellaneous ISOs 127596
Miscellaneous Major Projects 127597
Miscellaneous Other Midland Mainline 173329
Miscellaneous Other North East/South West 173345
Miscellaneous Other North West/South Scotland 173677
Miscellaneous Pension Fund Deficiencies 095863
Miscellaneous Pre-1948 Pension Fund Administration 095866
Miscellaneous Production 127595
Miscellaneous Provisions 095867
Miscellaneous Public Services Obligation Grant 095873
Miscellaneous Recoveries 095868
Miscellaneous Secondary Lease Rental 095869
Miscellaneous Spare 095878
Miscellaneous VAT 095872
Miskin 384970 MISKIN MISKINLPS 78603
Misterton 642600
Mistley MIS 690600 MISTLEY MISTLEY 49313
Mistley/Dovercourt/Harwich Town 690662
Mistley Down Loop 690602 MISTDL MISTLYDLP 49311
Mitcham MIT 537400 MITCHAM MITCHAM 87359
Mitcham Eastfields see Eastfields (Mitcham)
Mitcham Eastfields Self Service Ticket Machine 422500
Mitcham Junction MIJ 542700 MITCHMJ MITCHAMJN 87661
Mitcham Junction Platforms 542760
Mitcham Junction Platforms 2B 542715
Mitcham Junction Sales Point 2B 542710
Mitcham Junction Self Service Ticket Machine 217600
Mitcham Junction Tram 948100
Mitcham Platforms 537460
Mitcham Tram 948000 CROY21
Mitre Bridge Ballast English Welsh & Scottish Railway MBDGEBLST 72231
Mitre Bridge Junction XMB 145733 MTRBDGJ MITREBDGJ 72237
MI Victoria 130926
MO Air International (UK) DJ67 807700
Mobberley MOB 284900 MOBERLY MOBBERLEY 37222
Mobile Cleaning Gang 668760
Mobile Gang Dollands Moor 116090 587677
Mobile Gang Newport 571225
Mobile Gang Swindon 571223
Mobile Operations Supervisory Inner Suburban Great Eastern 698222
Mobile Operations Supervisory Inner Suburban Relief 698224
Mobile Repair Team 773875
Mobile Response 132116
Modane 080668 MODANE MODANE 00781
Moira Gresley 178503 MOIRGRE GRESLEY 57806
Moira Hicks Lodge 178501 MOIRHIC HICKS LDG 58016
Moira Hicks Lodge English Welsh & Scottish Railway HICKLDGCS 58017
Moira Hicks Lodge Freightliner Heavy Haul 178504 MOIRFHH HICKSLDGE 58018
Moira Hicks Lodge Ground Frame 178505 MOIRHGF HICKLDGGF 58019
Moira Swains Park Opencast DP 183301 MOIRSPK SWAINS PK 58031
Moira West Junction 178500 MOIRAWJ MOIRA 58029
Moira West Junction Signal Box 143235
Mold Bus Station MOL 010700 MOLBS
Mold Junction 251700 MOLDJ MOLD JN 40214
Mold Synthite 41011
Molewood Junction 609507 MOLEJN MOLEWOODJ 53250
Monasterevin XMV 033210 CATZ005 -
Monchengladbach 081615 MONCHEN MONCHGBCH 00018
Mond's Siding Inco Europe MONDSS
Monifieth MON 906000 MONIFTH MONIFIETH 03039
Monk Bretton Loop 839414 MNKBLP MONKBRTLP 18085
Monk Bretton Redfearns 839411 MNKBRRF MONKBRETN 18086
Monk Bretton Redfearns GB Railfreight 839412 MNKBRRG MNKBRTNGB 18087
Monks Lane Halt MONKSLH
Monks Risborough MRS 306700 MNKRISB MONKS RIS 73520
Monks Risborough Self Service Ticket Machine 260000
Monkton & Came Halt MNKTNCH
Monkton Bowes National Smokeless Fuels 13043
Monkton Coke & Chemicals Company 839612 MNCKCCC ROYSTONMC 18081
Monktonhall Colliery 930600 MNKTNCL MNKTNHALL 04731
Monktonhall Junction 932282 MNKTNHJ MNKTNHALJ 04730
Monmore Green British Oxygen 462615 MNMRGRN MONMOREGN 65061
Monmouth Centre 367475 MONMCTR -
Montbeliard 080671 MNTBLRD MONTBELRD 00773
Monteith Travel Services Ltd 172300
Montpelier MTP 320300 MONPELR MONTPLIER 81261
Montrose MTS 908000 MONTRSE MONTROSE 03014
Montrose DB Cargo 908003 MONTDBC MONTRSDBC 03015
Montrose Down Through Siding 908065 MONTDTS 03014*
Montrose English Welsh & Scottish Railway 908001 MONTEWS MONTRSE 03015
Montrose Freight Depot 906300
Montrose Self Service Ticket Machine 369300
Montrose Signal MD11 908004 MONTS11 MONSIGS11 03019
Montrose South 908061 MONTRSS MONTRSTH 03017
Montrose Station Staff 978240
Montrose Through Siding No 1 908002 MONT1SD MONTRSNO1 03016
Montzen Yard MONTZEN 00871
Monument Lane 112701 MNMNTLA MONUMNTLN 65830
Monument LT ZMM 064400
Moores Faraway Travel S632 835100
Moores Faraway Travel S633 835600
Moores Faraway Travel S634 835700
Moorfields (loop station) MRF 222600 MORFLDS MORFLDSWL 38181
Moorfields (Northern line station) XMR 222601 MORFNL MORFLDSNL 36078
Moorfields (Northern line station platform 1) 222602 MORFPL1 36078*
Moorfields (Northern line station platform 2) 222603 MORFPL2 36078*
Moorfields Self Service Ticket Machine 973600
Moorfields [unknown feature] 222663
Moorgate (Great Northern) MOG 600500 MRGT MORGATEGN 54299
Moorgate LT ZMG 064500 MORGTLT -
Moorgate (Midland) XMM 142701 950902 MGTE MGTLSR MORGTETLK 63636 63636*
Moorgate Self Service Ticket Machine 879100
Moorgate Signal K42 600502 MRGT42 MRGTSIG42 54298
Moorgate [unknown feature] 153680
Moorland Road Junction 367701 MRLDJN MOORLNDRJ 77076
Moor Lane Junction 567017 MRLAJN -
Moor Park MPA 064600 MOORPK MOOR PARK 70378
Moor Park LT ZMP 064600 MOORPK MOOR PARK 70378
Moor Park Pinner 064601 MOORPIN PINNER 70380
Moor Road Metrolink MDM MRDMTLK -
Moorside MSD 279900 MRSD MOORSIDE 35144
Moor Street Car Park 451562
Moor Street Cleaners 451563
Moor Street Self Service Ticket Machine 260100
Moorthorpe MRP 853900 MORTHRP MOORTHORP 18305
Moorthorpe Goods Loop 853912 MORTHGL MOORTHPLP 18303
Moorthorpe Production 437401
Moorthorpe Signal Box 131543
Moorthorpe Signal L6586 853901 MORT586 MOORT6586 18304
Moorthorpe South Junction 853911 MORTHSJ 18305*
Morar MRR 883300 MORAR MORAR 06002
Morchard Road MRD 582500 MOCHARD MORCHRDRD 83236
Morden Level Crossing Signal NF7194 530301 MRDN194 MRDLC7194 15124
Morden Level Crossing Signal NF7195 530302 MRDN195 MRDLC7195 15126
Morden LT ZMO 064700
Morden Road MDR 530300 MRDNRD MORDNRDOriginal code MORDEN RD 87355
Morden Road Tram 948200 CROY22
Morden South MDS 529100 MORDENS MORDENSTH 87331
Morden South Self Service Ticket Machine 328900
Morecambe MCM 269500 MORCAME MORECAMBE 11701
Morecambe Civil Engineer Permanent Way Maintenance Gang 147 264076
Morecambe Conductors 269561
Morecambe Junction Ground Frame 269510 MORCJGF MORECJ GF 11703
Morecambe South Junction 268502 MORCMSJ MORCM SJN 11718
Moreton Cutting 303059 MRTNCUT MORETON C 74305
Moreton (Dorset) MTN 595700 MORETON MORETON 86975
Moretonhampstead Court Street XEK 341069 MRTECTR -
Moreton-in-Marsh MIM 481400 MINMARS MORTONINM 67359
Moreton-in-Marsh Cotswold Rail MORTNINM 67358
Moreton-in-Marsh Direct Rail Services 481401 MINMDRS MRTNINDRS 67358
Moreton-In-Marsh Permanent Way Supervisor Manager 481464
Moreton-In-Marsh Self Service Ticket Machine 449300
Moreton-in-Marsh Signal MM21 481402 MINM221 MINMSH221 67367
Moreton (Merseyside) MRT 215100 MOTO MORETN 38008
Moreton-On-Lugg 361700 MRTNONL MORTONOLG 76371
Moreton-On-Lugg Freightliner Heavy Haul 361702 MRTNFHH MORTONLUG 76365
Moreton-On-Lugg GB Railfreight 361703 MRTNGBF MRTNONLGB 76363
Moreton-On-Lugg Tarmac 361701 MRTNTAR MORTONLGT 76367
Moreton-On-Lugg [unknown feature] 132143
Moreton Platform Staff 215161
Moreton Self Service Ticket Machine 417400
Moreton [unknown feature] 143143
Moreton Warmwell Roundabout 595701 MOREWWR -
Morfa Mawddach MFA 447000 MFAM MORFA MAW 64404
Morgan Travel Ltd 483900
Morlais Colliery 415600 MORLSCL MORLAISJN MORLCOLLY 79055 79059
Morlais Junction 413859 MORLASJ 79055*
Morley MLY 850400 MRLY MORLEY 17145
Morningside 968800
Morningside Road 739000 MORNGSDRD 04685
Mornington Crescent LT ZMC 064800
Morpeth MPT 768000 MRPTHRP MORPETH 12132
Morpeth Barmoor Through Siding 768002 MRPTBTS BARMOORTS 12138
Morpeth Down Slow Line 768020 MRPTDSL
Morpeth Electrical Distribution Staff 499125
Morpeth Electrical Distribution Supervisor 499126
Morpeth Electrical Planning & Resourcing 499106 768022
Morpeth Electrical Technical Support 499107 768026
Morpeth Hallade & Rail Lubrication 499144
Morpeth Hepscott Junction 768021 MRPTHEP HEPSCOTT 12133
Morpeth Loop 768011 MRPTLP MORPTHUPL 12129
Morpeth Mobile 499122
Morpeth North Junction 768012 MRPTNJN MORPETHNJ 12127
Morpeth North Signal Maintenance 499132
Morpeth Overhead Line Staff 499123
Morpeth Overhead Line Supervisors 499124
Morpeth Passenger Terminal 768065
Morpeth Permanent Way Maintenance Engineer Miscellaneous (Newcastle) 772898
Morpeth Plessey Crossovers 768025 MRPTPX PLESSEY 12135
Morpeth Reception 768013 MRPTREC MORPETHFD 12131
Morpeth Reversing Siding 768001 MRPTHRS MORPTHREV 12137
Morpeth Signals 110250 110251
Morpeth South East Curve MRPTHSE
Morpeth South Signal Maintenance 499133
Morpeth Stores 768016
Morpeth Timekeeper 499141
Morpeth Track 499143
Morris Cowley 311400 MORRISC MORRISCGF BMWOXFDGF 74431
Morris Cowley Austin Rover Group Parts 311416 MORRARP OXFORD121 74432
Morris Cowley Carriage & Wagon BMWOXF CW 74426
Morris Cowley English Welsh & Scottish Railway MORISCOWL 74430
Morris Cowley MAT 311417 MORRMAT BOXFORDRTCode may start with 'R' ROXFORDRTCode may start with 'B' 74433
Morris Cowley Trains 311462
Mortimer MOR 550100 MTIMER MORTIMROriginal code MORTIMER 86059
Mortimer Self Service Ticket Machine 288900
Mortlake MTL 560000 MRTLKE MRTLAKEOriginal code MORTLAKE 87139
Mortlake Clerical 560060
Mortlake Self Service Ticket Machine 468400
Morton 161204 MRTO MORTON 56105
Moseley Village MOV 851600 MOSLEY 66335
Moses Gate MSS 260600 MSGT MOSESGATE 31613
Moses Loops/Gate Junction 260620 MSGTLPS MOSESGTEJ 31612
Mosney MOY 163600
Mossband 211804 MSBD MOSSBAND 09097
Mossend Advenza 972975 MOSEADV MOSSNDTMD 07364
Mossend Anglo Coal/Delta Coal 972913 MOSEDCE MOSSENDAN 07363
Mossend Civil Engineer's Sidings 972912 MOSECE MOSSENDMR 07366*
Mossend Clydesdale Tubeworks 07443
Mossend Depot Operating 126290
Mossend Down Goods Loop 972929 MOSEDGL MOSSENDGL 07367
Mossend Down Yard 972921 972930 MOSEDNY MOSSND DY 07360
Mossend Down Yard Freightliner Heavy Haul 972916 MOSEDFH MOSSDNSDG 07356
Mossend Down Yard GB RailfreightEarlier code set 972918 MSSNDET MOSSENDDN 07362
Mossend Down Yard GB RailfreightLater code set 972906 MOSEDGB MSSDYGBRF 07376
Mossend Drivers 126288
Mossend East Junction 972970 MOSENDE MOSENDEJN 07377
Mossend Euroterminal 093609
Mossend Euroterminal GB Railfreight 972926 MOSEGBR MOSEURTGB 07392
Mossend Euroterminal RfD Auto 972923 MSSNDAU MOSSENDET 07391
Mossend Euroterminal RfD Europe 972922 MOSEURT MOSSEND MOSSENDEU 07390
Mossend Euroterminal Steele 07389
Mossend Loco Holding Sidings 972910 MOSELHS MOSSNDLHS 07358
Mossend Marcroft MOSSENDMR 07366
Mossend MG Gas Products 972919 MOSEGAS MOSSENDGL 07367
Mossend North Exit 972901 MOSENXT MOSENDNEX 07372
Mossend North Junction 972971 MOSENDN MOSENDNJN 07371
Mossend Parcels Terminal 972927 MOSEPCT MOSSENDPT 07365
Mossend PD Stirling MOSSENDDN 07362
Mossend PD Stirling Freightliner Heavy Haul 972905 MOSEPDF MOSEPDSFL 07374
Mossend PD Stirling GB Railfreight 972903 MOSEPDS MOSEPDSGB 07370 03832
Mossend RET 969181
Mossend Rolling Stock Technicians 270120
Mossend Shunt & Marshalling 972915 MOSESTR MOSSENDPD 07361
Mossend Signal M311 972974 MOSE311 07371*
Mossend South Junction 972972 MOSENDS MOSENDSJN 07375
Mossend TDG Harris 07392
Mossend Team Leaders 270118
Mossend Traction Maintenance Depot 972917 MOSETMD MOSSNDTMD 07364
Mossend Trainmen 126289
Mossend Up Reception 972902 MOSEUFH MOSSDUREC 07354
Mossend Up Side HS 972924 MOSEUHS MOSSDW1RP 07368
Mossend Up Yard 972920 MOSEUPY MOSSUPREC 07357
Mossend West Junction 972973 MOSENDW MOSENDWJN 07373
Mossend Workshop 270119
Mossend Yard XMS 972900 MOSENY MOSSND ML 07359
Mossend Yard DRS 972976 MOSEDRS MOSDNYDRS 07369
Mossend Yard Locomotive Holding Sidings DB Schenker 972904 MOSELDB MOSSHS DB 07353 03819
Mossley Hill MSH 217100 MSLH MOSSLYHIL 36185
Mossley (Manchester) MSL 290300 MOSSLEY MOSSLEY 32109
Mosspark MPK 963200 MSSPARK MOSSPARK 07119
Mosspark Self Service Ticket Machine 376600
Mosspark West 967800 MOSSPK -
Moss Side MOS 267500 MSSD MOSS SIDE 30039
Moston MSO 297300 MSTN MOSTON 31303
Mostrim (Edgworthstown) MOM 163700 CATZMOM
Mostyn Docks 251813 MOSTNDKS 40112
Mostyn Docks English Welsh & Scottish Railway 251800 MOSTYN MSTNEXSDG 40110
Mostyn Docks Freightliner 251801 MOSTFLR MOSTYNDKS 40113
Mostyn Docks Warwick International 251815 MOSTN DKS 40111
Mostyn East Junction 251802 MOSTEJN MOSTYNEJN 40114
Mostyn Signal Box 251805 MOSTSB MOSTYN SB 40109
Mostyn Signal MN15 251806 MOSTN15 MOSTNMN15 40116
Mostyn Signal MN21 251807 MOSTN21 MOSTNMN21 40117
Mostyn Up Goods Loop 251804 MOSTUGL MOSTYNUGL 40118
Mostyn West Junction 251803 MOSTWJN MOSTYNWJN 40115
Moswin Tours Ltd 195100
Motherwell MTH 969100 MOTHRWL MOTHERWEL 07466
Motherwell Announcers 997568
Motherwell Area 019112
Motherwell Area Booking Offices 969171
Motherwell BOS 969146 MOTHBOS MWELL BOS 07475
Motherwell Bridge Sidings 969105 MOTHBRS MWELL BS 07463
Motherwell Craigentinny Drivers 116072
Motherwell Derby Carriage Sidings XMW 969147 MOTHDCS MWELL DCS 07459
Motherwell DOE 270248
Motherwell Driver NPS 2B 997595
Motherwell Drivers 270242 999067
Motherwell Drivers Additional Working 116834
Motherwell Findlays Siding 969127 MOTHFDL MWELLFINL 07456
Motherwell Fuelling Point 111598 126281 969158
Motherwell Hamilton Goods Loop 969128 MOTHHGL HAMLTN GL 07468
Motherwell Loading Lines MOTHRWEL 07450
Motherwell Lower Civil Engineer's Sidings 969163 MOTHCE MWELL LWR 07455
Motherwell Lower Depot 969182
Motherwell Lower Store 969156
Motherwell On Train Sales 340400
Motherwell Operations Control 969145
Motherwell Part 2 969300
Motherwell Repair Point 969109 MOTHRPT MWELDRSRP 07458
Motherwell Self Service Ticket Machine 369400
Motherwell Signalling Staff 2B 127526
Motherwell Signal M185 969108 MOTH185 MWELL 185 07470
Motherwell Signal M267 969107 MOTH267 MWELL 267 07461
Motherwell Signal M368 969111 MOTH368 MWELL 368 07460
Motherwell Signal M372 969106 MOTH372 MWELL 372 07462
Motherwell Signal M374 969112 MOTH374 MWELL 374 07471
Motherwell Signal M402 969103 MOTH402 MWELL 402 07474
Motherwell Signal M408 969102 MOTH408 MWELL 408 07464
Motherwell Signal M444 969123 MOTH444 07503*
Motherwell Station 997582
Motherwell Station Goods Loop 969110 MOTHSGL MWELLGDLP 07469
Motherwell SW 969367
Motherwell TE/ATE Revenue Supervisors 969137
Motherwell Telecommunications Maintenance 2B 581853
Motherwell Telecommunications Works 2B 581804
Motherwell Traction Maintenance Depot 969160 098920 MOTHTMD MWELL TMD 07452
Motherwell Traction Maintenance Depot Direct Rail Services 969104 MOTHDRS MWELL DRS 07457
Motherwell Traction Maintenance Depot Stores 270087
Motherwell Traction Maintenance Depot Team 270086
Motherwell Traction Maintenance Depot Team Leaders 270088
Motherwell Train Announcers 969380
Motherwell Trainees 969193
Motherwell Trainmen 270246
Motherwell Trainmen Additional Work 116838
Motherwell Trainmen (D) 969187
Motherwell [unknown feature] 012458 126032 133871 969132 969135 969138 969157 969166 969172 969173 969178 969188
Motherwell Up Civil Engineer's Sidings 969124 MOTHUCE MWELLUSDS 07465
Motherwell Up Goods Loop 969122 MOTHUGL 07503*
Motherwell Wagon 098921
Motherwell Wagon Repair Depot 969162 969183 MOTHWRD MWELL WRD 07451
Motherwell Weighs Carriage Holding Sidings XMH 969170 MOTHWCS MWELL WCS 07467
Motive Power Depot 717600
Motorail Staff 887013 887317
Motor Drivers 112714
Motor Drivers/Messenger 220276
Motor Drivers Queen Street 991807
Motor Sport Travel S636 836100
Motspur Park MOT 564500 MOTSPRP MOTSPRKOriginal code MOTSPURPK 87301
Motspur Park Clerical 564511
Motspur Park Junction 564515 MOTSPJN MOTSPPJCode not certain MOTSPURPJ 87399
Motspur Park Self Service Ticket Machine 411900
Mottingham MTG 511800 MOTNGHM MOTTINGHM 88457
Mottingham Self Service Ticket Machine 586700
Mottingham Ticket Office 511861
Mottisfont & Dunbridge now Dunbridge MTD 594400 MOTFONT DUNBRIDGE 86107
Mott McDonald 150512 475012
Mottram South Box MTRMSB
Mottram Yard Staff Halt 289368 MTRMYSH MOTTMYDSH 32235
Mouldsworth MLD 215800 MLDSWTH MLDSWORTH 37065
Mouldsworth Junction 215801 MLDSWTJ 37065*
Moulsecoomb MCB 531200 MLSECMB MOULSCOOM 88161
Moulsecoomb Sales 2B 531210
Moulsecoomb Sales Point 531211
Moulsecoomb Self Service Ticket Machine 217800
Moulton 734876 MOULTON MOULTON 48997
Mountain Ash MTA 385900 MASH MOUNTNASH 78130
Mountfield Halt MNTFLDH
Mountfield Sidings XMO 521511 MNTFLDS MOUNTFDSD 89397
Mountfield Sidings Freightliner Heavy Haul 521513 MNTFFHH 89338
Mountfield Sidings GB Railfreight XMX 521512 MNTFGBR MOUNTFLD 89391
Mountfield Sidings Repair Point MOUNTFRPT 89390
Mountfield Tunnel 521563 MNTFLDT MOUNTFDTN 89386
Mount Florida MFL 981900 MTFL MTFLORIDA 07236
Mount Florida Self Service Ticket Machine 262700
Mount Florida Station Staff 981146
Mount Gould Carriage Washer 357781 MNTGLCW MTGOULDCW 84096
Mount Gould Junction XMG 357772 MNTGLDJ MTGOULDJN 84095
Mountnessing Junction 688874 MNTNJN MTNESNGJN 50251
Mountsorrel 189800
Mountsorrel GB Railfreight 189810 MOUNGBR MNTSORREL 59013
Mountsorrel Loco Servicing Road 189813 MOUNTSL MNTSORLSR 59010
Mountsorrel Marcroft MOUNTSORL 59012
Mountsorrel RFS Engineering 189812 MOUNRFS
Mountsorrel Sidings 189811 MOUNTSS MNTSOREL 59011
Mountsorrel Tarmac Colas 189814 MOUNTTC MNTSRLTMC 59014
Mount Vernon MTV 977900 MNTVRNN MT VERNON 07295
Mouscron 081402 MOUSCRN MOUSCRON 00846
Mousehole 797900
Moutiers-Salins 270100
Move Manager Ashford Staff Costs 128489
Movements 983054
Movements Inspector Ashford (Dover) 128504
Movements Inspector Barnham Training 128696
Movements Inspector Dartford GPR 128529
Movements Inspector Lewes Training 128694
Movements Inspector Ramsgate 128476
Movements Manager 130305
Movements Manager Ashford Clerical Support 128490
Movements Manager Dartford Staff Costs 128528
Movements Manager Dartford Training 128693
Movements Manager London Bridge Clerical Supptort 128514
Movements Manager London Bridge Staff Costs 128512
Movements Manager Oxford 311552
Movements Manager Sussex Coast OTT Rosters 526929
Movements Manager Sussex Coast Train Crew Rosters 526928
Movements Manager Victoria Staff Costs 128519
Movements Manager Victoria Support 128521
Movements Manager West 221779
Movements Officer East 932558
Movements Officer North 880658
Movements Officers 127679 127680 127686
Movements Officers Barking 127674 132897
Movements Officers Broxbourne 127655 132893
Movements Officers Cambridge 127642 132891
Movements Officers Colchester 132889
Movements Officers Ely 127643 132892
Movements Officers Fenchurch Street 127675 132898
Movements Officers Grays 127673 132896
Movements Officers Hackney Downs 127656 132894
Movements Officers Ilford 127626 132885
Movements Officers Ipswich 127640 132890
Movements Officers Norwich 141104
Movements Officers Pitsea 127677 141101
Movements Officers Rainham 127672 132895
Movements Officers Shenfield 127625 132884
Movements Officers Southend 127676 132899
Movements Officers Stratford 127627 132886 141103
Movements Officers Wickford 127628 132887
Movements Officers Willesden 141102
Movements Officers Witham 127638 127639 132888
Movements Officer West Yoker 999050
Movements Supervisor Clacton 685059
Movements Supervisor Crewe 129973
Movements Supervisor Gidea Park 698267
Movements Supervisors Manchester North 141408
Moy 866400 MOYY MOY 01133
MSE Reading 314935 314991 795519
MS London East Continuous Weekly Payments 110297
MS London East Ex-Employees 110295
MS London East Ill Health 110296
MS London South Continuous Weekly Payments 130963
MS London South Ex-Employees 130961
MS London South Ill Health 130962
MS London South West Continuous Weekly Payments 132007
MS London South West Ex-Employees 132005
MS London South West Ill Health Payments 132006
MS Midland Continuous Weekly Payments 127342
MS Midland Ex-Employees 127340
MS Midland Ill Health Lump Set 127341
MSM Management 095229
MS Staff Cambridge 702570
Muck MUK MUCCode not certain; conflicting raw data 906100 MUCK -
Mudchute DLR ZMC 085700
Muine Bheag MBH 163800 CATZMBH
Muirend MUI 960800 MUIREND MUIREND 07567
Muirend Self Service Ticket Machine 376700
Muirend Station Staff 981142
Muirhouse Bridge Exam 980544
Muirhouse Central Junction 982191 MRHSCJ MUIRHCENJ 07241
Muirhouse North Junction 982190 MRHSNJ MUIRHNTHJ 07242
Muirhouse South Junction 982193 MRHSSJ MUIRHSTHJ 07240
Muirhouse Workshops 982161 MRHSWS MUIRHOUSE 07239
Muir Of Ord MOO 866500 MUROORD MUIROFORD 01094
Muir Of Ord Down Siding MUIRFD DS 01096
Muir Of Ord Down Siding DCL Cereals 866501 MURODS MUIRFD US 01095
Muir Of Ord Up Siding 866502 MUROUS MUIRFD DS 01096
Muizen 081406 MUIZEN MUIZEN 00857
Mulben 892510 MULBEN MULBEN 02010
Mulhouse Ile Napolean Gar 873502 MULHING MULHOUS G 00778
Mulhouse Nord 873501 MULHNRD MULHOUS N 00777
Mulhouse Ville MLV 873500
Mullingar MUL 029700 CATZMUL
Mullion XPV 354003
Mumbles 798000
Muncaster Mill 192161 MNCSTRM -
Munchen 081609 MUNCHEN MUNICH 00065
Munro's Travel Group 609900
Murphy Brothers 182913
Murray Rogers Travel Ltd DF79 809400
Murray Travel S637 836200
Murthly 879300 MURTHLY MURTHLY 03108
Murton Colliery 14149
Music Travel Ltd ET69 458200
Music Travel Ltd R109 458000
Musselburgh MUB 930400 MSELBGH MUSSELBGH 04803
Musselburgh Self Service Ticket Machine 967000
MWS Inverness & Assistant 864956
Mystery MYS 047300
Mytholmroyd MYT 852600 MYTHLMR MYTHROYD 18451